イベント費用効果の研究 Cost-Benefit Analysis of Events
July 12, 2013: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi長野県旅館組合青年部は先日に松本で研究会を開催した。岳都推進委員会の上條さん(上高地・徳澤園)のプロデュースでイベントの費用効果を分析するとの研究。
支部xモンハン Shibu x Monster Hunter
松本の浮世絵博物館 知れば知るほど Matsumoto's Ukiyo-e Museum: The more you know...
July 11, 2013: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi松本は…
Matsumoto City...
the national treasure Matsumoto Castle,
gateway to the northern Japanese Alps,
home to world renown conductor Seiji Ozawa's Saito Kinen Festival...
and add one more item to the list of reasons Matsumoto is such an internationally acclaimed city:
The Japan Ukiyo-e Museum.
On the way to a recent meeting in Matsumoto, I stopped in to the museum to speak with Kunio Sakai, the head curator. Kunio-san is the 11th generation of the Sakai family, historically one of Matsumoto City's wealthiest wholesalers. The 6th generation Heisuke Yoshiaki-san had an interest in the arts and started the ukiyo-e collection which has since grown to the largest in the world comprising of over 10,0000 prints. The museum holds showings both throughout Japan and overseas and is a 'living collection' that is constantly expanding and providing research into both classic and modern ukiyo-e.
The current exhibit is entitled "The Heritage of Mt. Fuji" and "Japanese Music II". Fuji-san was recently selected as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, hence the exhibit about Japan's most famous mountain. And the Music series highlights the influence from the West, including an ukiyo-e portait of Commodore Perry of Black Ships fame. Ukiyo-e has a habbit of bringing me closer to the ties that connect Japan and my home country of America.
松本の日本浮世絵博物館 Matsumoto's Japan Ukiyo-E Museum
温泉夏祭り 獅子、お神輿、太鼓、花火と…交通規制 Onsen Summer Festival: Lion Dance, Mikoshi, Taiko, Fireworks and -- Street Closures
July 10, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous2013年の戸倉上山田温泉夏祭りは7月13日(土)と14日(日)です。40人が入る勇獅子、ご神体と花神輿2基合わせて5基、冠着太鼓、城山の花火、300人の民謡踊り、数十台の露天商、芸者衆の踊り、とにかく迫力のある夏祭り。
Here at our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada, our biggest event throughout the year is the Onsen Summer Festival. For 2013, the dates are July 13th and 14th of the Marine Day 3-day weekend. For the festival, there will be a 40-person lion, 5 huge o-mikoshi (portable shrines shouldered and paraded around town, Kamuriki Taiko, Geisha Dancing and more. And also lots of street closures. If you drivee to Kamesei Ryokan during the festival weekend, give us a call for instructions on how to deal with the closures.
温泉夏祭り交通情報Street Closure Info for the Summer Festival
アンナベルと亀清旅館の渡り廊下 Annabelle and Kamesei's Watari-roka Passageway
July 9, 2013: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan亀清旅館の客室「千歳」と「末広」の前の坪庭に庭師の岡田さんがアンナベルというアジサイを植えてくれました。毎年、この時期に真っ白のふわふわした花が咲きます。
For the tsubo-niwa gardens in front of Kamesei Ryokan's semi-detached guestrooms "Chitose" and "Suehiro", our gardener Okada-san planted some "Annabelle" hydrangeas. Every year at this time, their brilliant creamy white flowers blossom.
Our guests using the semi-detached rooms get to enjoy these beautiful flowers as they come and go from their rooms.
田舎の博物館の生まれ変わり The Little Museum That Could
July 8, 2013: 季節 Seasons戸倉上山田温泉から県道498号と494号のくねくねした山みちを通れば聖湖に辿り着く。湖沿いに聖博物館がある。人口3017人(平成25年7月1日現在)の小さい麻績村の小さい博物館。数年前に家族で行きましたが、蝶々の展示や剥製カモシカ、謎な戦闘機。つまり、博物館実態が博物館って感じ。
注: 2013年の聖湖花火は8月4日7時から
The Hijiri Museum in little population 3,017 Omi Village had been quite outdated -- almost a museum in and of itself with stuffed mountain goats on display, a butterfly collection, and some WWII remnant aircraft and missile launchers. But the local folks decided to not let their quaint museum rust in to oblivion. They closed it down for a year to remodel it. Now the museum is celebrating its reopen with displays featuring the local silk making history as well as the Zenkoji Kaiko road between Matsumoto and Nagano City, on which Omi-juku was one of the post towns.
親子でバスケ Father-Daughter Hoops
July 7, 2013: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashiこの夏は温泉と乗馬又は川遊び This Summer: Onsen and Horse Riding or River Fun
July 6, 2013: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada2013年の夏は戸倉上山田温泉とアウトドアーを楽しもう!
→カヌーやカヤック 45分の体験から2時間ツーリングまで
→ラフティング 犀川で日帰りにて
→馬とふれあいセラピー (ホースセラピー)
This summer, come enjoy the wild outdoors while staying at Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. My buddy Murakoshi-san through his Nature Outdoor Center is offering the following activities for Summer 2013:
*Canoe or Kayak (45 min. short course or 2 hour touring)
*White Water Rafting (day trip to Sai River)
*Raft-Making and Riding (2-day course)
*Camp Cooking Class (Dutch oven, stone oven-baked pizza, etc.)
*Nordic Walking
*Trail Trekking
*Walking a Pony
*Half-Day with a Horse Family Course
*Horseback Riding
*Horse Therapy
For places, times, and prices as well as to make reservations, feel free to contact us here at Kamesei Ryokan.
This summer, treat your family to an unforgettable summer vacation!
客室で杏狩り♪ Picking Apricots from your Guestroom!
July 5, 2013: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano亀清旅館の客室「千歳」は杏のテーマに少しづつ変えています。近くの森「日本一あんずの里」の記念です。お部屋についている坪庭に庭師の岡田さんが数年前に杏の木を植えてくれた。今年は実が沢山出来ました。この頃、この部屋にお泊りになるお客様は杏狩りが出います!
それにしても、旅館のお部屋から杏狩り… 亀清旅館のオンリーワン♪
Kamesei Ryokan's guestroom "Chitose" is slowly being remade with an apricot theme in honor of the nearby Mori District's "Apricot Village" -- Japan's #1 apricot growing area. A few years ago we had our gardener Okada-san plant an apricot tree in the room's tsubo-niwa pocket garden. The fruit is now becoming ripe, so guests staying in this room for the next few days will be able to pick apricots in their garden.
The heritage varieties of apricots tend to be very tart. I personally like that taste, but lately sweeter varieties have become more popular here, such as the harcot variety from Canada. Our gardener, though, picked the classic Showa variety to plant. It bears nice and tart fruit. The old varieties aren't as hardy with respect to insects and diseases, and we don't use pesticides like professional orchardists do, so the fruit isn't exactly pretty. But the taste is great.
Picking apricots in your Kamesei's guestroom garden -- quite possibly the only ryokan in Japan to do so!
危険:入るな…って書いてない!駒ヶ根太田切川 Komagane's River with no "Danger - Do Not Enter" sign
July 4, 2013: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi駒ヶ根に行った時についでに観光案内所・駒ヶ根ファームズの道の駅に寄りました。その裏にでかい吊り橋「こまくさ橋」があって、渡ってみると「森と緑のアウトドア体験広場」がありました。太田切川沿いの公園で、山野草の庭やクライミングウォールがあって、「これはまた時間がある時にもっと深く探検しよう」と思いました。
つまり、川で遊んでおいで♪ …との事。
During my recent trip to Komagane in southern Nagano Prefecture, I stopped at the Komagane Farms visitors center. Behind the center crossing the Odakiri River is a grand suspension walking bridge, Komakusa-bashi. On the other side is the Mori to Midori Outdoor Experience Park. With a alpine flower garden and a climbing wall, I thought the park definitely deserves another trip for further exploration.
Then I spotted a sign by the river. Instead of "Dangerous -- Do Not Enter", it said "Enter at Your Own Risk". In other words, "Come play in the river!" Here in conservative Japan! What a refreshing concept.
I can't wait to come back this summer with our kids to play in the river!
駒ヶ根市・早太朗温泉 Komagane City Hayataro Onsen
森と緑アウトドア体験広場 Mori to Midori Outdoor Experience Park