Happy Tanabata (ハッピー七夕)

August 7, 2007: Uncategorized

Tanabata Bling

What's Tanabata, you may be asking? It's a legend about two star-crossed lovers, Altair and Vega, and their once-a-year pairing across the Milky Way. (For Wikipedia's version, click the title.) The festival is celebrated with lots of bling, like the one our kids and I made here at Kamesei Ryokan (pictured).


August 5, 2007: Uncategorized

Our town's huge fireworks display is 07-August. Leading up to that, we have had mini-displays on the 1st, 3rd and today, the 5th. With the pretty reflections off Chikuma River and the sound reverbrating from the surrounding mountains, fireworks here in Togura Kamiyamada are spectacular.

露天風呂 ビッグ進行 

August 1, 2007: Uncategorized

My Yagura

This summer's big project is making an outdoor bath behind Kamesei Ryokan. The hot spring mineral bath itself is ready for bathing, so now I'm working on the surrounding garden. The first step is putting together a sort of oil rig that was used to drill the onsen wells in the area. I got the timbers from the Onsen Company (they were going to be thrown away) and put them in place, as shown in the picture. The derrick will provide some privacy from the apartment behind us, as well as giving a sense of onsen history. There's still lots of work left to be done on it, but we're off to a good start!

亀清旅館のHPはこちら Link to Kamesei Ryokan


August 1, 2007: Uncategorized


Nagano is fortunate to have such beautiful nature, but one thing it is missing is: the ocean! Today our family took our once-a-year trip to the beach. We had a blast playing in the surf. Thanks to the freeway, it's just a one hour trip. Here is a pic of the sun setting into the ocean.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

かぶとの時期 Beetle time

July 29, 2007: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

close examination

When we moved from my hometown Seattle to the countryside here in Nagano, I knew we would experience a change in lifestyle. But I had no idea we'd have a pet beetle in our house. Pictured is our son's kabuto beetle and our neighbor Rintaro.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらKamesei Ryokan website link

ツバメの巣 Swallows nest

July 29, 2007: Uncategorized


They say it's good luck if swallows build a nest at your abode. This year, some swallows made one just above Kamesei Ryokan's front door. The birds make a mess, but we are leaving the nest alone. Besides, the baby birds sure are cute!

亀清旅館のHPはこちらKamesei Ryokan website link

露天風呂 初テスト Testing the outdoor bath

July 28, 2007: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

My big project this summer is to make an outdoor bath behind Kamesei Ryokan. Today we tested it out by filling it with the hot spring mineral water. The temperature was warmer than I was expecting, but we did have some leaks. I'll be fixing the leaks as I work on the garden around the pool, in the hopes of completing it by the end of August.
亀清旅館のHPはこちらKamesei Ryokan website

Beetle Hunting かぶとハンティング

July 25, 2007: Uncategorized

Kabuto Beetle カブトムシ

Today we took several guests, including a couple from Australia, on a beetle hunting trip. To those of us from overseas, it was quite a culture shock. Especially when we kicked the trees and the beetles came raining down!

Weekend Special

July 21, 2007: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada


Tonight our local taiko group, Kamuriki Taiko, performed at the stage in our town's main park. This taiko group will amaze you with their energy and talent. Next performances are as below:7/28(土),8/19(日),8/26(日)

亀清旅館のHPはこちらKamesei Ryokan website link

energetic taiko

cool setting