坂井ほたる祭り Sakai Firefly Festival

July 6, 2009: Uncategorized

The moon coming up over Sakai Village


Last night, on the way back from Tazawa Onsen, we drove through the old Sakai Village (now part of Chikuhoku Village) and happened upon their Firefly Festival. It was a quaint little setting with fireflies glowing along a little stream surrounded by rice fields. When the moon came up, it reflected off the fields, creating a magical scene.
Sakai's fireflies come out in the beginning of July, and the festival is held at the Mandara produce stand.

客室の庭のアジサイ Hydrangeas in the gardens of our guestrooms

July 6, 2009: Uncategorized


Several of the guestrooms here at Kamesei have hydrangeas blooming in the gardens. I joke with the guests when I show them their rooms that we especially arranged for the pretty blossoms for them.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちら Click here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

田沢温泉へ日帰り温泉 Going for a bath to Tazawa Onsen

July 5, 2009: Uncategorized

田沢温泉の江戸の雰囲気 Tazawa Onsen's Edo feel



Our family runs an onsen ryokan. So what do we like to do on our days off? Go see other ryokans and take an onsen bath, of course! Today we went for a drive to Tazawa Onsen.

Tazawa is a small onsen with only 3 inns in operation. But the narrow cobblestone street is lined with 2~3 story wood buildings, many built in the Edo era, with manicured pine trees giving the town a classic feel.

We went to Masuya Ryokan for our bath. The innkeeper, Ken Miyahara is actually the leader of the prefecture's Junior Ryokan Association. His inn has the type of construction that I just love -- warm wood with long corridors running along the outside of the building, all in a confusing web of passageways.

As for the onsen water, well, I had heard that Tazawa Onsen is only lukewarm. And sure enough, with the onsen source being only 38C, the baths were quite a bit cooler than ours. But that meant we could enjoy a nice, long soak. The outdoor bath was especially enjoyable, with views of the blue sky above and pine trees and bamboo on the hillside next to the bath.

Tazawa Onsen -- blessed by Nagano's wonderful nature and featuring classic Edo-era architecture. It makes my list of Cool Japan.

(Tazawa Onsen is about a 45 minute drive from Togura Kamiyamada Onsen.)

田沢温泉のますや旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Masuya Ryokan in Tazawa Onsen.

Tazawa's Edo Streetscape

Public Bathhouse

Masuya Ryokan's entrance


杏狩り体験 Getting to pick apricots

July 4, 2009: Uncategorized


Chikuma City is supposedly the number one producer of apricots in Japan. One of our relatives invited us to go over to their garden and pick apricots in their trees. So today I took the kids and we had fun picking the bright orangish-yellow fruit. A lot of them had damage from the hail storm two weeks ago, but the appearance didn't affect the taste. There were two different varieties of apricots, and the smaller ones had a delicious tart kick to them.
We picked a whole bunch of apricots. We brought them back to Kamesei and put some out on the front desk for the weekend guests to enjoy.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

two bushel baskets of fresh-picked apricots

祭りの準備: 獅子練習 Getting Ready for the Big Festival: Shi-shi Practice

July 3, 2009: Uncategorized


Preparations for this year's Kamiyamada Onsen Summer Festival (scheduled for July 18th and 19th) are starting to build into a fevered peak. Last night was the main practice for the Shi-shi lion. The "Dokoi! Dokoi! Dokoi!" chant is stuck in my head now. I can't wait for the actual day. It's an energy-filled event -- if you get the chance, definitely come and see it!

(By the way, the guy in the picture is my "senpai", Takano-san from Kameya Honten. He is this year's Waka-Ren top. Keep up the good work!)

県庁でインバウンドの打ち合わせ Taking Inbound Issues to the Capital

July 2, 2009: Uncategorized

Ken and Tyler at the Capital


The Nagano Inbound Summit chairperson (me) and Office Director (Ken-san) went to the Prefecture Capital in Nagano City today to meet with the Prefecture's Tourism Department. We discussed possibilities for coordinating this year's Summit -- a partnership between the government and private sectors. Plans for the summit are starting to take shape.
For now, the next "Local Meeting" will be held this month on the 15th in Suwa. We are planning on including a tour of Masumi's sake warehouses as well as a mini-participation event for Onbashira (Suwa's once-every-seven years huge bash, to be officially held next spring.) If interested in participating, feel free to contact me.

県庁の周辺に色々な面白い建物がある。これは「キャンサー・ハウス」 Lots of interesting places around the capital. This is a "cancer house".

もう1つな面白い建物:西洋のレンガに日本の瓦、尚且つバスケットの1ポイント Another interesting building: classic Western bricks with traditional Japanese roof tiles, plus a basketball hoop!

戸倉駅に野菜キオスク Farmers Market Opened in Togura Station

July 1, 2009: Uncategorized


Good News! A mini Farmers Market has opened up in Togura Station. Good prices on locally grown produce. The other day, I stopped by a "Michi-no-Eki" at another town, and they had a pitifully small cup of cherries for 500 yen. The kiosk at Togura Station had a decent sized pack of cherries for about 350 yen. There were several varieties of tomatoes, purple as well as green asparagus, and a whole lot more yummy-looking fresh veggies. So on your train ride back home after your stay at Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, you can munch on local cherries!

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

新しい客室「紬」の工事 Working on Kamesei's Newest Guestroom: Tsumugi

June 30, 2009: Uncategorized



As previously mentioned, my goal this year here at Kamesei is to do a minor remodel on 3 guest rooms. First up is changing "Matsukaze" to "Tsumugi". To be honest, the name matsukaze (literally, "pine tree, wind") has no meaning to me. Tsumugi, on the other hand, refers to weaving. Our local specialty of silk weaving is "Ueda Tsumugi". Many of the old farmhouses around here have second floors for raising silk worms. In fact, a buddy of mine bought such a house, and gave me several of the bamboo lattice-like sheets used for raising the "okaiko" silk worms.

For part of the room remodel, I am using those sheets to cover up the concrete wall seen from the guestroom. I have several other silk-related ideas for the room, so that guests will be able to get a sense for Nagano's silk producing culture, here in our new "Tsumugi" room.

梅雨の通学 A "Tsuyu" walk to school

June 29, 2009: Uncategorized

ランドセル+傘+アジサイ = 梅雨の通学


A "lansel" backpack, an umbrella, and hydrangeas -- it must be a Walk to School in the Tsuyu rain.

Actually, the rain was so light, Andy-kun here almost didn't need his umbrella. Don't the hydrangea flowers somehow match the "tsuyu" rainy season?

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

稲荷山ウォーキング Inariyama Walking

June 28, 2009: Uncategorized

蔵し館でスタートStarting at Kurashikan

Chikuma City's Inariyama district has an image problem. The city's Tourism Department is trying to sell Inariyama as a "kura" (historical warehouse) neighborhood on par with Mori's apricots, Obasute's rice fields, and Togura-Kamiyamada's onsen. However, tourists who go see Inariyama are inevitably disappointed because there are so few kura left in good shape. A lot of the earthen walls are disentegrating, or getting covered up by aluminum siding, or getting torn down entirely and replaced by Western-style housing.
Today, the Inariyama Town Preservation Group held an event called "Inariyama Watching". Izumi-san from Inariyama Juku Kai led about 30 of us on a walking tour, pointing out the neighborhood's history and the remaining classical kura spots. Amongst the dilapedation are some very impressive examples of kura architecture. Especially on some of the narrow side streets.
One of the older residents remarked he wished this type of effort had started 20 years ago.

浦の小道から見る蔵 Kura as seen from one of the back streets

回向柱に負けない長いハリ A post as long as Zenkoji's "Ekobashira"

元豆腐屋さんの煙突 An old tofu shop's chimney

木と石:明治フュージョン Wood and Stone: Meji-era fusion


Wavy eaves -- disentegrating, but cool.

浦の小道 One of the narrow backstreets

特徴な2階の部屋の窓 Unique windowed-2nd Floor kura

Post-walk okonomiyamaki lunch at Silky