亀清旅館の二つ目の客室改造工事 Remodelling Kamesei Ryokan's 2nd Guestroom

November 28, 2011: Uncategorized

Yayoi's bathroom getting torn apart -- prep for the remodel




Here at Kamesei Ryokan, there are so many things we need to fix. For now, we are remodelling one guestroom's bathroom a year. Last year, it was 'Matsukaze'. This year it is 'Yayoi' 's turn.

At this pace, it will take us 12 years to remodel all of the guestrooms -- and that's just their bathrooms. When the architect came to discuss about Yayoi, he said "Sooner or later, you should think about redecorating the guestrooms." But then he looked at Yayoi and how sad its bathroom was, and said, "You're right -- gotta start with the bathrooms." Ouch!

Anyways, my only instructions to the architect regarding the remodel design was to get creative. And he certainly did. As the remodel takes shape, I will post pictures of the new bathroom here -- stay tuned!

暖炉、ストッキング、ツリー … クリスマスin亀清旅館 Fireplace, Stockings, Tree -- Christmas in Kamesei

November 27, 2011: Uncategorized

Christmas spirit in Kamesei's Lobby




Kamesei Ryokan's lobby has undergone a transformation. Now there's a 4-meter tall tree decorated with our families collection of ornaments, the fireplace is adorned with stockings, and we have Hawaiian slack guitar holiday tunes playing in the background (thanks to a CD from my brother living on the Big Island).

Underneath the tree is a wooden train set that our kids have been playing with all day, toasty warm by the fire.

Christmas isn't just a day. It's an entire season, an entire mood.

町興し熱心@上田市 Crazy about civic improvement @ Ueda City

November 26, 2011: Uncategorized

Unusual Kaizen-ji Temple

UPDATE: 当日の写真Pictures from the Event








それより、面白かったのは講師の二人は二人とも外国人でした: Tonoloop社のTom Vincentと、亀清旅館の青い目の若旦那(私)。上田市の有志の町興し集まりLoop38でした。



講演後、参加者からまた真剣な質問も出て来たし(普段は「身長いくつ?」ぐらい…) 参加者60人もいたという本当に熱心な集まりでした。



Meet Kaizen-ji, a temple in Ueda City. The temple is built near Ueda Castle, situated in such a way as to protect the castle from evil spirits.

Today the temple hosted a talk on civic improvement. An unusual location for such a talk, but the speakers themselves were a bit unusual: two foreigners -- Tom Vincent of Tonoloop Company, and myself. Loop 38, a group of volunteers looking for new ways to vitalize the town, organized the talk. Turnout was impressive -- 60 energetic people.

As an American, I encouraged the locals to appreciate what makes the area uniquely Japanese. Tom, from the UK, encouraged everyone to respect Japan's antiquity more. I think everyone inspired everyone else!

I've given a lot of talks in Japan, but normally on the topic of what Westerners expect in Japan (something I'm ideally suited for). But this time, the theme was civic improvement. I was concerned about my lack of authority on the issue, but was reassured that my perspective would be valuable. I have seen our onsen town Togura Kamiyamada work hard to attain much more vitality in the 6 years I've been here, so I basically talked about that.

At the ending Q&A, I normally only get asked lame questions like "How tall are you?" But this time, the participants had some very serious inquiries. For example, how to involve the various shops in town in civic improvement endeavors. In response, I gave the example of the Walking Map / Gourmet Guide I put together for Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. The various shops and restaurants aren't just volunteers -- they are trying to make a living. So it's important to approach them with proposals that monetarily benefit them. In my case, over the years I had introduced and/or physically escorted a number of customers to each and every shop and restaurant, hence enough cooperated to produce the map. Even with bringing them customers, some still refused to cooperate with the map. (On the other hand, one shop offered to buy an ad despite their being virtually no possibility of getting customers. He acknowledged my efforts for the town and just wanted to contribute!)

I hope my talk proved useful for the attendees. And I wish Loop 38 good luck!



戸倉上山田温泉グルメガイド・散歩地図 Onsen Town Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's Walking Map / Gourmet Guide

補助金、補助金、どこでも補助金 Subsidies Here, Subsidies There, Everywhere Subsidies

November 25, 2011: Uncategorized

Cost- and Guilt (?)-free hinoki bookcase




喫煙ルーム整備の補助 (JTの匂いするけど…)
東電から春のインバウンドキャンセルの負担金 (それを請求すれば、8月の観光客が東北へ行かずに長野に来て、儲かった分を返すようになる?)
地元の銀行から特別低い金利を使って改善 (改善はするけど借金はまだあるのにまた借りるのはどうか)



Chikuma City doesn't have enough money in its coffers for its 'Flowers Everywhere' project, so it's been canceled.

The government of Japan doesn't have enough money for Tohoku reconstruction, so it's talking about raising the consumption tax.

Despite the drastic budget situation, lately there's been a flurry of frivolous subsidies flung our way.
First a 100% financed kid-raising fund for diaper-changing tables from the Prefecture.
Then a similar subsidy for making a smoking room. (Do I smell Japan Tabacco?).
And TEPCO's getting in on the act, offering a refund for cancelations from foreign tourists last spring. (If we apply, do we have to give back the extra money we made in the summer from Japanese travellers skipping Tohoku to come here?)
Even our bank, offering low interest loans for improvements. (We'll make improvements, alright, but out of our running costs instead of borrowing more money on top of what we already owe!)

Of all of these, it turns out the first one has been given a favorable twist. A buddy that works for the Prefecture's Environmental Department got products made of Nagano hinoki wood included. So we can support kid raising as well as our local wood industry! I applied right away. We'll see if the ap is approved.

千曲市インバウンド研究会立ち上がり Chikuma City's Inaugural Inbound Committee

November 24, 2011: Uncategorized

Chikuma City's First Inbound Rsearch Committee Meeting




Chikuma City Hall called and invited me to participate in a new comittee -- 'Inbound Research Committee'.

In the past, I had been invited to a regional Inbound committee. That one ended up being for nought. However, it did inspire the NInJA Project, so at least something good did come out of it.

Hopefully this new committee for our Chikuma City will produce good results!

上山田温泉のミステリー歩道アート Kamiyamada Onsen Mystery Sidewalk Art

November 23, 2011: Uncategorized

Mystery art by Chuo Park

上山田温泉に6年間も生活しているけど、つい最近に足元のアートを気付きました: 中央公園の周りの歩道に絵が所々にある。

何で今まで気付かなかったかは不思議ですが、何だかの「観光客へのおもてなし」の運動だったのかな? どこの景色の絵か、椿の木かな? 背景の山はどこの山? 「'91Fumio」って書いてあるけど、どのFumioさんでしょう?もう少し説明が欲しいな。


Even though I've been living here in Kamiyamada Onsen for 6 years, I just recently 'discovered' the sidewalk art in spots around Chuo Koen park.

They must have been some attempt at civic improvement from years ago. But what is the scene depicted? Is the tree a camelia tree? And what is the mountain depicted in the background? The scenes are labeled "Fumio '91" -- who is Fumio-san?

If anyone knows, please tell me!

丸山さんのヒントの通り: 銅版画家の若林文夫さんの作品だと分かりました。本人からお聞きしました。文夫さんは絵もかくって知らんかった!

Thanks to a tip from Maruyama-san, I checked with local copperplate print artist Fumio Wakabayashi. He said the paintings are his. I never knew he painted, too!

亀清旅館の秋の秘湯 Kamesei's 100-Year Bath's 'Akibae'

November 22, 2011: Uncategorized

Kamesei's secret onsen?





In Japanese, there is a concept called 'akibae', which loosely translated means 'fall glow'. In autumn, sometimes there is a soft glow at dusk just as the sun is settling behind the clouds as it slips below the horizon, giving everything a golden tint of color. Just at that moment, I happened to check on our outdoor bath here at Kamesei Ryokan, the 100-Year Bath, and was treated to this glorious scene of the mist raising up off the onsen bath with the yellows and deep reds of the maple leaves, the soft light from the 'andon', and the bright yellow ginkgo leaves in the foreground. The elusive 'akibae'!

It makes our outdoor bath feel like a secret bath hidden away in a quiet woods.

I admit -- I'm a bit biased as I made this bath with my own hands. But doesn't it look magical?

戸上青年部イルミネーション隊 Togura Kamiyamada Illumination Gang

November 21, 2011: Uncategorized

(Photo courtesy of Kodaira-san)



In recent years, the members of Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's junior ryokan association (me included) have been putting up lights along Kamiyamada Onsen's main street for the winter. These days we've been busy putting up the lights for this winter.

In fact, we are adding more wire to double the length of the winter lights down the main street. It's a simple gesture of welcome to our town's guests this winter, as well as brightens the night up for everyone living here, too!

Hideo-san's high wire act

OB Toshiki-san Installing the Wire


亀清の中庭に紅葉が来ました。 Fall Colors Have Come to Kamesei's Garden

November 20, 2011: Uncategorized

momiji ablaze



Kamesei's 'naka-niwa' central garden has a momiji (Japanese maple) tree in the middle, and right now its leaves are a brilliant shade of yellow. Fall colors have come to Kamesei's garden!

I wonder if the koi swimming in the pond enjoy the colors. I know our guests here at our inn sure have been. The temperatures outside have dropped considerably, but thanks to that, the fall colors in our garden are outstanding.

散歩からEブックへ Peterさんの千曲市ガイド From Taking Walks to Publishing an E-Book: Peter's Guide to Chikuma City

November 19, 2011: Uncategorized

Peter in front of his favorite palanquin garage in Togura






Over on the Togura side of the Chikuma River lives a guy from Australia named Peter.

When he isn't globetrotting around the world on UNESCO-related consulting jobs, he likes to go for walks and hikes here in Chikuma City. That's piqued his interest in the historical townscapes as well as the wide variety of flora and fauna in the surrounding hills.

Peter diligently translated many of the Japanese historical markers he came across, and researched about the plants and animals he encountered, and compiled all of the info into 20 different courses that he published in an E-book.

Currently Peter is putting the final touches on the book, and I am helping out a bit in that process.

What amazes me is that most people would say, "I wish there were an explanation in English for all the sites around here" and leave it at that. Not Peter. He forged ahead and made the English explanation! Bravo!

The book will be officially published shortly. Will let you know!

Advance picture of Peter's Book Cover