新設の個室、ビフォー・アフター Before / After Pics of our New Private Dining Rooms

January 15, 2025: Uncategorized

2024年8月月から12月末まで、亀清旅館で大きな工事しました。From August to December 2024, we here at Kamesei Ryokan did a huge construction project. 使ってなかった物置スペースを改装して、個室の食事会場を作りました。中庭が眺めて、中は吹き抜けにしたので快適な和モダン空間が出来ました。私たちにとっては大きな工事でしたので、大工さん達に感謝、ここまで支えてくださったお客様に感謝、記念にその流れの写真をシェアします。We remodeled some under-used storage rooms and built two private dining spaces. They look out over the koi pond, and on the inside we removed the interim floor for cathedral ceilings, creating an airy and spacious room. We want to thank all the carpenters for their hard work, and for all the guests who have supported us over the years. Here is a photo montage of the project.

アフター(新設の個室)After: one of the private dining rooms
ビフォー 8月のお盆過ぎ、足場設置 Before: Putting up the scaffolding, late August
中の壁の取り壊しから(私の手作業)Starting with demolishing the interior wall (my handiwork)
古い瓦の取り外し(古い土も)Removing the old kawara roof tiles (and the underlying dirt)
屋根の下地直しRepairing the roof substructure
瓦の新しい下地 石井瓦屋さんと現場監督(?)、うちの倅アンディ New slats for the roof tiles. Ishii Roofers and job site foreman (?), our oldest son Andy
2階を支えている柱と梁の中身 The makeup of the post and beams that supported the 2nd floor
内装解体後、1F after inside demolition
内装解体後、2F after inside demolition
古い電線 Old knob-and-tube wiring
宮下大工が天井裏の断熱材と下地を Our carpenter, Miyashita, working on the ceiling’s insulation and substructure
1Fの土間 Pouring the concrete for the foundation
東側の壁の下地 Prepping the wall on the east side
窓の周り縁、北側2F Window structure on the north side, 2nd floor
南側2Fの窓の周り縁 Window framing for 2nd floor south side
トタン塗り直し Repainting the metal roof
新しく取り付けるトタンの下地(上は私が塗り直した部分) Sheathing for the new section of metal roofing. (Above is the part I repainted.)
天井が仕上がって来た Ceiling nearing completion
新しいトタン New metal roofing
塗装の上野さん Ueno-san, the stain guru
新しい柱 New posts
天井の仕上がり finishing the ceiling
壁は伝統の漆喰 Walls are done with traditional “shikkui” plaster
床の下地 Floor substructure
シーリングファン(電気屋の青木さん、有難う!) Ceiling fan a la Aoki-san the electrician
外壁の漆喰 Plastering the outer wall
西側の壁…どうしょう? The wall on the west side … what are we going to do?
宮下大工と中庭側の壁 Miyashita the carpenter prepping the wall facing the garden
2Fの外壁の漆喰は完成。綺麗になったよ! 2nd floor outer wall plastering finished. Such a fine job!
宮下大工、夜鍋 Miyashita the carpenter burning the midnight oil
吹き抜け! Opened up with cathedral ceiling
1F北側の窓の周り縁 Window framing for north side of the 1st floor
北側の1Fの壁下地 prepping the outer wall on the north side of the 1st floor.
耐震 Earthquake-proofing
漆喰の下地 Prepping for more plastering
裏側の「ビフォー」 The “Before” shot of the backside
ペンキ塗り(私の出番)Starting to paint (my handiwork)
北側の入り口 Entrance door for north side
西側はこんなに綺麗に The west side turned out this beautifully
腰壁が出来、上野さんは塗装続き Wainscoting is finished; Ueno-san continues with the staining
駐車場のブロックの準備 prepping for the paving stones
アンディが花壇作り(古い瓦の再利用)Andy working in the flower bed, re-using old roof tiles
カフェカウンター作成 Making the cafe counter
青木忍者がシーリングファンを Ninja Aoki installing the ceiling fan
東側のアプローチMaking the approach for the east side
北側完了 North side is finished
庭師の大野親子が東側の石畳を敷く Father and son gardeners the Ohnos laying out the stones for the east entrance
東側の壁の漆喰下地 上の部分は私がペンキを塗った Prepping the eastern wall for plastering. (The upper part was painted by yours truly. )
裏側の漆喰が続く Plasterwork continuing on the back side
設備屋の酒井さん達がカウンターシンクの配管を Plumbers Sakai-san and partner installing the counter sink
宮下大工が駐車場のブロックを Miyashita carpenter laying the paving stones
駐車場が完了(雪で綺麗)Pavers finished, then dusted by snow
13年前 (そのコンクリート地獄 13 years ago (concrete hell). Google Street View
今日 Today
裏は今まで見苦しくて近所に迷惑かけてました。恥ずかしかった。やっと綺麗に。The back side, so pristine — finally!
中の様子。床は竹材。The inside. Flooring is bamboo.
目標を足しました We succeeded!

食事の新設の個室♪ New Private Dining Rooms

January 15, 2025: Uncategorized

2025年1月に新しい食事の個室が出来ました。中庭を眺めながらゆったりとプライバシー満々で召し上がって頂けます。我が亀清旅館の新たらしい静かなダイニングイクスピリエンス。Our new private dining rooms opened January, 2025. Looking out over the central garden and koi pond, the new rooms offer comfortable privacy for dinner and breakfast. Kamesei Ryokan’s new quiet, secluded dining experience.


この新しい個室で亀清旅館の武井シェフの創作懐石料理を試してみませんか? 期間限定で追加料金無しの個室料理宿泊プランを提供しております。是非にお越しになってください。ご予約はこちらから。

Togakushi Cedar Trees Day Trip from Kamesei Ryokan: Train/Bus Schedule for Winter 2024/25

December 31, 2024: Uncategorized

Another popular wintertime day trip from Kamesei Ryokan is to the Togakushi area above central Nagano City.  The famous cedar trees lining the path to Okusha, the Inner Shrine, are even more majestic with snow.  The path to the trees is traveled well enough to walk without special equipment, but take one step off the path and snow shoes are a must.  Togakushi's soba restaurants serve noodles made from locally grown buckwheat, and Chusha (the Middle Shrine) and Hokosha are popular pilgrimage destinations.  (Okusha itself is buries under snow so save a trip there for the green season.)

We can drop guests off at Togura Station for the 25 minute train to Nagano Station to catch the bus for hour ride to Togakushi, as per this schedule:

Snow Monkey Day Trip from Kamesei Ryokan: Train / Bus Schedule for Winter 2024/25

December 30, 2024: Uncategorized

Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park is a popular day trip for our guests from overseas. The world famous snow monkeys look so cute as they blissfully soak in their onsen bath, and winter is the best time to see the snow monkeys with snow.
We are happy to drop guests off at Togura Station for the 25 minute train ride to Nagano Station to catch the 45-minute express bus to the monkey park trailhead. The 30-minute forest walk to the park entrance can be slippery but the gift shop at the trailhead rents rubber boots.

For this winter, some guests have mentioned lines to buy tickets at the park entrance so we suggest getting an early start. Also, buying the 2-day Snow Monkey Pass at the subway ticket counter under Nagano Station's Zenkoji Exit would not only let you skip the park's purchase line and save a few yen, but it also saves you the hassle of trying to figure how/ when/ where to pay for the transportation between Nagano Station and the trailhead.
When you go, please say 'hi' to the monkeys for us. 🙂

Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine Route: Most Adventurous Gateway to Nagano

August 4, 2024: Uncategorized

There are many easy ways to access Nagano Prefecture, such as hopping on the Hokuriku Shinkansen bullet train from Tokyo or driving in along one of the many expressways.  And there are some more scenic routes, such as the highway or train following the old Nakasendo Trail up the Kiso Valley or a bus or car over the Japanese Alps from Hida-Takayama to Matsumoto.  But by far the most adventuresome gateway to Nagano is the Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine Route which takes in the majestic Mt. Tateyama and the massive Kurobe Dam all while riding an exciting variety of transport modes.


2024春よ来い 戸倉上山田温泉イベント 2024 Spring Events are Hopping in Onsen Town Togura Kamiyamada

April 8, 2024: Uncategorized

温泉へ行く言い訳が欲しい?2024年の春は戸倉上山田で沢山の「訳」がある♪お勧めのイベントを紹介します。Need a reason to head to an onsen this spring? Here are our recommended events for our onsen town Togura Kamiyamada.

~4/12 あんず祭り・森「杏の里」Apricot Blossom Festival

花が遅れて咲いたので祭りは4月12日まで延長。花はおそらく13〜14日の週末まで見頃。The world famous Mori “Apricot Village” blossom festival has been extended to April 12th as the blossoms came late this year.

詳しくhttps://chikuma-kanko.com/2024-04-01/post-42227/ (写真は2023年)

4/10-20 (予報)戸倉宿キティーパーク桜 Togura-juku Kitty Park Cherry Blossoms

戸倉駅の裏山の斜面が一面桜🌸になります。でかい天狗で有名な戸倉宿キティーパークが戸倉上山田温泉の人気花見スポット。Tengu Park on the hillside behind Togura Station becomes awash in pinkish white cherry blossoms. Enjoy sakura-viewing with the huge Togura Tengu statue.

4/20-21 春の酒蔵市(ラウム戸倉宿)Sake Brewery Marche (raum Togura-juku)

戸倉駅前のでかい茅葺き屋根で有名な酒蔵で市場が行われます。食べ物やクラフトなどの販売や音楽の演奏、利き酒コーナー、人力車などなど。The massive thatched roof sake brewery in front of Togura Station will be bustling with dozens of food stalls and arts & crafts shops. There will be music, sake sampling, even rickshaw rides.

シアトルクッキー🍪販売のお知らせ 20日は亀清旅館の名物「シアトルクッキー」の出店予定。


4/27 イースターエッグフェスティバルin戸倉上山田温泉 Easter Egg Festival in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen

戸倉上山田温泉の春の人気イベント、子供の為のイースターエッグフェスティバルは5年ぶりに再開♪ 今回は開催場所に初めて中央公園になります。春の「生まれ変わる」気持ちを兼ねて楽しむイベント。キッチンカーの出店も。Celebrate spring and re-birth at the Easter Egg Festival. It has been popular with local children for decades and is back post-Covid for the first time in 5 years. It will take place for the first time at Central Park. Food vendors will be there, too!

4/29 亀清旅館のロビーリニューアル演奏by麻友 Kamesei Renewal Concert

当館のロビー改装工事の記念コンサートで千曲市シンガーソングライター「麻友」の演奏を提供します。一新されたロビーで麻友さんの美しい音楽を是非に♪ We remodeled our inn’s lobby and will celebrate with a concert by Chikuma City’s most famous singer-songwriter Mayu. Come and be dazzled by our inn’s new look and by Mayu’s charming music.

4/30 884のロビーコンサート Lobby Concert by 884

戸倉上山田温泉のシンガーソングライターの884君は月一回に「884の日」って事でライブを行ってまして、4月はなんと我が亀清旅館のロビーです。貴重な演奏🎵 Togura Kamiyamada Onsen’s beloved singer-songwriter 884 will perform his monthly special concert here at Kamesei Ryokan’s lobby.

5/03 長野獅子フェス Nagano Shishi Lion Festival

長野市の中心街に周辺のお神楽は68団体が獅子舞を披露します。我が上山田神楽保存会が初参加♪(亀清旅館のタイラーが横笛を吹きます。是非に応援しに来てください!) 68 lion dance troupes will perform in central Nagano City. Kamiyamada’s will participate for the first time. Tyler from Kamesei will be playing the flute!


5/18-19 Kamiyamada Hill GP

戸倉上山田温泉でクラシックなラリーカーがまた集まります。観光会館の前の駐車場が展示会場で、荒戸城の山道にてヒルクライム。わくわくな車は沢山が来ます! Classic rally cars will once again gather here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen for the hill climb competition up the Arato-Jo Castle mountain road.

詳しく http://nasc.jp/kamiyamada-histrica-gp-2024/

5/25-6-09 坂城町薔薇祭りSakaki Rose Festival

隣の坂城町は千曲川沿いに薔薇園があります。330種類、2300株の美しい薔薇を目と花で楽しめます。Nearby Sakaki has a gorgeous rose garden along the Chikuma River with 330 varieties.


5/26 戸倉上山田温泉ガラクタ市 Togura Kamiyamada Onsen Flea Market

とんでもない宝物… どんな貴重なオンリーワンを見つけるかな? Find that one-of-a-kind treasure at Togura Kamiyamada Onsen’s biggest flea market!

シアトルクッキー🍪販売のお知らせ 亀清旅館の名物「シアトルクッキー」のがガラクタ市の出店予定。

6/01-02 湯けむりRock Fes

音楽のフェスが戸倉上山田温泉に来ます!複数な会場で様々なステージで様々なロック🎵 A rock festival is coming to Onsen Town Togura Kamiyamada: Yukemuri Rock Fes!

2023年の秋は戸倉上山田温泉でイベント盛り沢山 Autumn 2023 Event Calendar for Togura Kamiyamada Onsen

September 14, 2023: Uncategorized

秋の戸倉上山田はワイン、葡萄、鉄道マニア、マルシェ、サイクリング、味噌、ロビーコンサート、ライブ、観月祭、ハロウィン… ほぼ毎週にイベントを楽しめる。特におすすめのを紹介します:

Fall here in our onsen town Togura Kamiyamada means a bumper crop of fun events such as grape, miso, sake brewery and other marches, music concerts, moon viewing, cycling, not one but two Halloween parties, and more! Here are some of our recommendations:

raum戸倉宿の酒蔵市 Sake Brewery Marche (9/16 10:00-16:00, 9/17 10:00-15:00, 15軒のクラフトや食べ物、9/17 13:00-13:45はシンガーソングライターの麻友さんのライブ)

姨捨・日本遺産センターで野外フリーライブ Free Outdoor Concert at the Obasute Tourism Hall (9/29 18:30-19:30, 戸倉上山田温泉からシャトルバス予定)

姨捨夜市 Obasute Night Market (9/30 17:00-21:00 戸倉上山田温泉からシャトルバス有り)

月の都フェスタ Moonlight Capital Festival (10/1 10:00-14:00 戸倉上山田温泉からシャトルバス有り)

千曲市2ハロウィン Chikuma City Halloween (10/8 16:00-21:00 上山田文化会館 Kamiyamada Culture Hall)

チクマサイクリングクエスト 自転車でロゲイニング Chikuma Cycling Quest Rogaining (10/9)

上山田観光会館うまいもん市🍇 Kamiyamada Tourism Hall Marche

ぶどうなどの秋の幸のマルシェ Local grapes and other fresh produce and other local specialties (10/14 tba)

高村味噌の秋まつり Takamura Miso Fall Festival (10/21 9:00-17:00 亀清旅館から車で7分)

ジャズのロビーコンサート 歌手のteaさんが我が亀清旅館のロビーで。前座はシンガーソングライターの麻友さん Lobby Concert by jazz singer “tea” here at Kamesei Ryokan. Opening Act: Singer-songwriter Mayu. (10/23 18:30~)

観光列車「ろくもん」ワインフェスタ Event Train “Rokumon” Wine Festa (10/28 15:53-16:45 戸倉駅 Togura Station)

ハロウィンin戸倉上山田温泉 Halloween in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen (10/29 13:00-16:00)

地獄谷野猿公苑へのアクセス Access to Jigokudani Wild Snow Monkey Park from Kamesei / Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen

July 31, 2023: Uncategorized

The Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park and the world-famous Snow Monkeys are an easy 25-minute train and 45-minute bus ride (plus a 30-minute walk through a beautiful cedar forest) from Kamesei Ryokan and our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada.

Here is a convenient train and bus schedule for Summer / Fall 2023.  There was a baby rush this past spring, so a plethora of adorable baby snow monkeys are waiting your visit.

While there are group tours available from Nagano Station, many of our guests use Nagaden's express bus as per the above schedule, and enjoy the freedom to travel at the times they like.  And by buying the Snow Monkey Pass at the Nagano Dentetsu subway ticket counter below Nagano Station's Zenkoji Exit, besides saving money you can avoid the hassle of figuring out what/ how/ when to pay for transportation to and from the trailhead.

One last word of advice -- make sure to recharge your camera's battery before going as you will be taking lots of pictures!

地域割り引きでこの夏はお得に♪ ちくま割りと信州割 Regional Discounts for Special Summer Pricing

June 14, 2023: Uncategorized




For Summer 2023, take advantage of some regional discounts for special pricing on staying here at Kamesei Ryokan.  Shinshu-Wari for June, and Chikuma-Wari for July and August.

千曲市の独自の割引制度「ちくま割り」で平日はお1人3000円引き、週末は1500円引きでお泊りできます。どなたでも対象となります。期間は2023年7月1日から8月31日までです。我が亀清旅館は枠が限られていますので、最近できた露天風呂付きの客室に皆様に是非にともって頂きたいので、露天風呂付き部屋のご予約限定させて頂きます。ご予約は亀清旅館のHPから 離れ風和室「子宝」 又は 風呂前和室「陶」。備考欄に「ちくま割でお願い」と書いて頂けたらこちらで手続きいたします。

Chikuma City's "Chikuma-Wari" discount is good for 3000 yen off per person per weeknight, 1500 yen off for weekend/holiday.  The discount takes effect from 01-July to 31-August, 2023.  The offer is limited in number and we really want guests to try our new Deluxe Rooms with private shower and private outdoor onsen bath, so we will offer the Chikuma-Wari discount for guests reserving those Deluxe rooms via our website only (just write "Chikuma-Wari" in the comment section).



Nagano Prefecture's version of Zenkoku-wari runs through 30-June, 2023.  You get up to 3000 yen off as well as coupons to use anywhere in Nagano.  You must be a resident of Japan to qualify.  As with the above-mentioned Chikuma-Wari, we have a limited number available so will accept Zenkoku-wari for reservations for our Deluxe Rooms only.  Reservations can be made through our website -- mention "Zenkoku-wari" in the comment section.


この夏はご褒美で亀清旅館の露天風呂付き客室で是非にごゆっくりと過ごしてください。この得の割引でお財布にも優しいです。Give yourself a break this summer and indulge yourself with a stay at one of Kamesei Ryokan's Deluxe Rooms.  And give your wallet a break at the same time!

TV出演のお知らせ: 3年ぶりのテレビ朝日スーパーJチャンネル Mini-Documentary on TV Asahi's Super J Channel

May 30, 2023: Uncategorized

最新情報: 番組はネットでアップされました♪ Update:  The show has been uploaded to the internet.  YouTube      ヤフーニュースYahoo News:  ここHere


TV Asahi's Super J Channel occasionally broadcasts a mini-documentary about Kamesei Ryokan.  The latest will be shown on 30-May, 2023, the first in 3 years.  During that time the Corona pandemic hit, and we have had a major development within our family -- tune in to find out the latest developments in the Kamesei story!

今回のディレクターは梶原さんでした。約2週間の密着撮影でした。どんな映像になるか、こちらも楽しみにしています! 撮影に協力して頂いたお客様及び周りの皆様、ありがとうございました。戸倉上山田温泉の魅力がきっと伝わると思います。