仲良くで中庭を見るGazing at the Naka-Niwa garden together

August 8, 2008: Uncategorized


Our daughter and the Saiwaki's son stopped to gaze at our Naka-Niwa garden together. They were so cute, watching the pond's koi and turtles swim around.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan's website

鶴亀がなじんできた。Our Turtle-Crane has come into shape

August 7, 2008: Uncategorized


亀清旅館の露天風呂の庭に「亀」はいくつかあります。その1つはこの写真の中です。見えますでしょうか?大きい石が頭、そして手、足と尻尾の石も。体は青い植物で出来ている。縦に刺している石ともみじとススキが「鶴」のイメージです。その植物は去年の10月に植えつけられたばかりなのに、もうなじんできたようです。鶴のススキは特にすごいおい!正確の名前はハチジョウシマススキです。もみじはベニシダレモミジ “タムケヤマ”です。
Kamesei Ryokan's open air bath has several 'turtles', one of which is in this picture. Can you find it? The large rock to the upper left is the head, then there are rocks for the front and back legs and the tail, and the body is made up of lots of green plants. The vertical rocks and Japanese maple and pampas grass symbolize a crane spreading its wings. The crane-turtle combination are a symbol of good fortune in Japan. Ours was planted last October, and the plants have really taken a liking to their new home.
(Scientific names for the maple and grass are:
Acer palmatum var. matsumurae cv. Ornatum
Miscanthus sinensis. condensatus Hack.)

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

ガーデナーの岡田さんのHPはこちらClick here for our Gardener, Okada-san, website

迷惑のお返し:スイカ This is what I get for inconviencing a farmer: a watermelon

August 6, 2008: Uncategorized

Gift watermelon

The Japanese people tend to be some of the most welcoming people in the world. Today was a great example. I took our van for a drive through the Obasute terraced rice paddies, and part-way through a farmer's truck was blocking the road. I didn't want to inconvenience the farmer, who was working, to move his truck for us, who were just playing. But he came down out of the field to move it for us. When he saw me, he said, "Oh, you were on TV!" And he went around to the back of his pickup and pulled out a ... watermelon, and gave it to us. How considerate! If this were the States instead, I'd be afraid to guess what he'd pull out of the back of his pick-up!

戸倉上山田温泉を見守っている天狗Giant Tengu Looking Over Togura Kamiayamda Onsen

August 5, 2008: Uncategorized

Our Guardian (?) Tengu

Above Togura Station is Tengu Park. This huge statue is the Tengu behind the name. He overlooks Chikuma River and Togura Kamiyamada Onsen as if he's protecting the area.
I took a group of guests there today on the way from picking them up at the station.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

信州の夏の果実:ぶどうSummer Fruits are Here: Grapes

August 4, 2008: Uncategorized


Nagano is famous for its apples in the fall, but its summer fruits are delicious, too. The Kawanakajima peach season is just starting, as is the grape season. For anyone who wants to try doing grape U-Pick, a good friend of ours has lots of grape vines. We'd be happy to introduce him.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

紗幸さんと戸倉上山田温泉の芸者のコラボレーションSayuki Colloboration w/ Togura Kamiyamada Onsen Geisha

August 4, 2008: Uncategorized

Sayuki Symposium

As part of our on-going projects to revitalize Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, Sayuki-san, a geisha from Asakusa (and Japan's first foreigner geisha) came to do a colloboration with our town's geisha guild. In order to address the problems of too few new geisha and the misconceptions between the innkeepers and the guild, yesterday had 3 young ladies try out being geisha for a day, and this morning we had a symposium with Sayuki-san, innkeepers, and the geisha guild. To me, it's important to work hard to protect the culture of Japan's onsen ryokans (which is one of the main reasons I came to Kamesei), but equally as important to maintain Japan's geisha culture, too. That's one of the reasons I introduced Sayuki-san to this onsen.

Sayuki being a role-model for the 3 trial geishas

Geisha parlor games

お風呂温度チェックChecking the Temperatures of the Baths

August 3, 2008: Uncategorized


With it being summer, the outside temperature is climbing. Maybe that's to blame for our onsen baths feeling a little hot. We try to cool the baths down a bit by keeping the windows open and letting air circulate. But we received an unfortunate comment back from one guest who said she never was able to get in because it felt so hot. Today's temperature is in the 30's (C), so with concern, I checked the baths' temperatures, with the following results:
Small Indoor Bath: 41C
Large Indoor Bath: 40C
Outdoor Bath: 39C
Those temperatures are a lot more reasonable to handle than the 45~46 C of some other onsens. Our baths may feel hot to the touch, but after you get in and soak, the temperature should feel soothing. I hope everyone can come and enjoy our baths!

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

流しそうめん初体験 First Time for 'Nagashi Somen'

August 2, 2008: Uncategorized

Catch the noodles!


Some neighborhood friends invited us over for a lunch of 'Nagashi Somen'. They take somen noodles and slide them down a chute, and everyone tries to catch them with chopsticks. What a blast!

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

英字看板完成A new English Sign

August 2, 2008: Uncategorized

cute new sign

As previously mentioned, Kamesei Ryokan has become a member of the Japanese Inn Group. One of the requirements was to have the name of our inn posted out front for people who can't read Japanese. That certainly makes sense. I made this sign, complete with our turtle mark. How does it look?

亀清旅館はイングループに入会Kamesei Ryokan now a member of the Japanese Inn Group

August 1, 2008: Uncategorized

亀清旅館は今日から正式的にJapanese Inn Groupのメンバーとなりました。このグループは海外から来る旅行者に日本の旅館を紹介している。亀清の伝統的な良さを外国人観光客にも知って欲しいと思っております。そして、この英語を喋れる青い眼の若旦那もいるから言葉の壁は心配ない。
As of today, Kamesei Ryokan is offically a member of the Japanese Inn Group. This organization is dedicated to introducing Japanese ryokans to travelers from overseas. I would really like to share our onsen ryokan's tradition with guests from overseas. Even backpackers travelling on a limited budget should experience staying at a ryokan at least once during their time in Japan. And with myself speaking English, they don't have to worry about a language barrier.