逆チョコReverse Chocolate

February 14, 2009: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Happy Valentines Day!
The other day, a couple of lady guests gave me this chocolate, presumably for Valentine's Day. I was a bit surprised. For me, February 14th is when guys give their girlfriends chocolate, or roses, or maybe lingerie. Here in Japan, the tradition is for ladies to give guys chocolate, especially home-made chocolate. Then, one month later, there is White Day for guys to reciprocate. (Never heard of March 14th being White Day? Neither had I until coming to Japan. Clever marketing on behalf of the chocolate makers here, eh?)
A show on TV here mentioned that "Reverse Chocolate" is gaining in popularity. That is where guys give ladies a gift on Valentines Day. Hmm, so that's what I've been doing all these years? I was just ahead of the trend! (By the way, this year, my Valentine's Day gift to Mari is going to have to wait a week and half. That's because U2's new album will be released on the 25th.)

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

お客様のお蔭で新しい蛇口 New Faucet -- Thanks to a Guest!

February 13, 2009: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

The showers in Kamesei's baths are turning black due to the high mineral content in the hot spring water. I've changed out a few of the showers already, but a recent guest suggested we do more. He works in the plumbing fixtures industry, and the other day he brought some display fixtures. I went ahead and connected up two of them in the ladies bath -- it looks so much nicer now! Thank you, S-san! It's great that guests have become such big fans of Kamesei!

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらclick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano

藁の馬@上山田保育園 A Straw Horse at Kamiyamada Preschool

February 13, 2009: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Ride 'em Kenny


I went to go pick up our #2 son, Kenny, from Preschool. Outside the office there were these two horses made of straw. There is a group of elderly gentlemen that get together from time to time to make traditional straw crafts such as this. Not only do they get to pass on Japan's traditions, but the kids enjoy it too.

善光寺の伝統・文化体験コース A New Program Introducing Zenkoji's Tradition and Culture

February 12, 2009: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Masuo-san filling us in on Zenkoji's stories

As seen on local TV yesterday, and in the local newspapers today, one of the shukubou's of Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City, Tokugyoubou, has started a new program to introduce Japan's culture and tradition to foreigners.
Some of the Nagano Inbound Summit participants and I went to Zenkoji today to "experience" the new Experience Tour. We started out at Tuzukiya, a kimono shop in Gondo, Nagano's main shopping arcade.
There, female guests would be able to try on a kimono. Guys, too, could wear a 'hakama'. Japanese clothing traditionally only comes in M and L sizes, so unfortunately none would work for me.
While still wearing the kimono, the group then would proceed to Zenkoji Temple. The kimonos fit right in to the neighborhood's traditional feel, with the cobblestone streets and traditional architecture. And they also serve to remind regular Japanese how beautiful kimonos are.
With this program, an officially licensed English-speaking guide accompanies the group and explains why exactly such a huge temple is located way out here in Nagano City. The temple is full of history and lore, and Masuo-san, our guide today, can gladly explain it all.
After visiting the temple, the group returns to Tokugyoubou for a traditional tea ceremony, all while still wearing kimonos. Then everyone changes back into their regular clothes and partakes in a shojin-ryouri lunch, the traditional Buddhist vegetarian cuisine. That is followed by a trip to a side temple for zazen meditation.
Tokugyoubou is making a great effort to bring Japan's rich culture and Zenkoji's history and tradition to foreigners. We here at Kamesei applaud their efforts.



つづきや着物 Tsuzukiya Kimonos

ガイド増尾さんMasuo-san the Guide

tea ceremony setting

Buddhis Vegetarian Meal

Kimono Shop

カラオケ・ロック Karaoke Rock

February 11, 2009: その他 Miscellaneous

千曲川の詩の反射に千曲川 The lyrics to "Chikuma River" with the actual Chikuma River in the background

There is a song by enka singer Hiroshi Itsuki called "Chikuma River". Here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, on the banks of the Chikuma River, there is a rock engraved with the lyrics to the song. And if you push a button, the song plays.
This morning I walked there with a guest that likes enka music. There, with the Chikuma River in the background, and the snow-capped Togakushi Mountain in the distance, we sang along with the voice of Hiroshi. It was fun, but we both agreed it would be more enjoyable with a beer. So we promised to come again some day, in the evening instead of morning, and with a frosty mug or two.

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

If there were only a beer tap...

アイス・スケート@M-Wave Ice Skating @ M-Wave

February 11, 2009: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Misaki and Mom at the skate rink

Today was a national holiday, something about honoring the forming of the country. (I thought Japan's history dates back thousands of years ago...)
Anyways, I hope everyone used this day off to do something fun. Our family went ice skating at M-Wave in Nagano City. Kenny and even Misaki (not quite 2 years old) tried ice skating for the first time. Little Misaki's little skates were so cute!
It was fun skating at M-Wave and thinking about all the Olympic athletes that skated here, too.

M-Wave HP: http://www.nagano-mwave.co.jp/

Andy and the Snowlets Zamboni

嵐の灯明祭り Zenkoji Lit Up in a Rain Storm

February 11, 2009: 季節 Seasons

The Grand Finale for our family's holiday was Zenkoji's light-up festival. However, we managed to hit it right during a rain storm. The nice thing about it was the lit-up temple reflected beautifully in the rain puddles.

シェフ武井の新しい一品: 鰆と湯葉竹の子 白い味噌グラタン Chef Takei's New Dish: Sierra and Bamboo Shoot au Gratin

February 10, 2009: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

シェフ武井の春先の一品: この時期を代表できる魚、鰆と、ちょっと先取りですが、湯葉竹の子(若い竹の子の先、湯葉のように柔らかい)に西京白い味噌グラタン。大体4月まで続く予定なので旬の味を是非、召し上がってみてください。

Kamesei Ryokan's Chef Takei has introduced a new seasonal dish for our current dinner line-up. It is a gratin potatoe dish with "sawara" (=sierra?), a white meat fish common this time of year, and bamboo shoot tips with a white miso sauce. He plans on offering it through April. Come and taste the season's flavors here at Kamesei.

凍った聖湖 Frozen Hijiri Lake

February 10, 2009: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

On the way to pick up some guests for our inn, I passed Hijiri Lake which is located in the highlands behind our town. I'd heard the lake freezes in the winter, but this was my first time to see it with my own eyes. It just seems so strange to think that in the summer time, our family comes here to escape the heat from down in town, and we have fun with the paddle boats on this same lake. It's a different world in the winter. Nagano sure is blessed with beautiful nature!

聖湖は亀清旅館・戸倉上山田温泉からくねくねの山道で約30分です。Hijiri Lake is approx. 30 minutes by a windy mountain road from Kamesei Ryokan / Togura Kamiyamada Onsen.

聖湖の詳しくはこちらClick here for more info on Hijiri Lake

経営セミナー@塩尻 Management Training Seminar at Shiojiri

February 10, 2009: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Nagano Prefecture and the Ryokan Association put on a ryokan management training center. Today was the last of the 3 part series. It was held at the Prefecture's research center in Shiojiri. For me, it was a humbling experience to be at the same table as the owners of some of the largest and best-known inns in the prefecture.