県旅館組合と県庁訪問 Visiting the Prefectural Office and the Ryokan Assoc. Gen'l Meeting

June 5, 2013: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan




On the 5th, I went into Nagano City and along with some fellow Junior Innkeepers, stopped at the Prefectural Office and paid a visit to the Tourism Association to discuss our "Unique Nagano" project. Then we attended the annual General Meeting of the overall Nagano Prefecture Ryokan Hotel Association. As something new this year, myself and the other Junior Innkeepers directors were introduced at the meeting.

At the reception afterwards, the elder innkeepers as well as leaders from the prefecture's Tourism Department and various politicians gathered for a buffet. It's a chance to get to talk with people you normally don't have a chance to meet. But our inn was a bit busy so I had to leave early after making a few greetings.

I have to get used to attending such functions!

上山田お神楽テレビ用の獅子舞 Kamiyamada Lion Dance for TV

June 4, 2013: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi




3 different TV shootings in 3 days.
It's getting exhausting, but I hope it's good PR for our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada.

For the latest production, we had the Kamiyamada Lion Dance troupe come and perform in our lobby here at Kamesei Ryokan. I play the flute with the group. Our guests really enjoyed the performance, and the TV crew appreciated how close-knit our group is -- something they don't see in Tokyo.

I am really fortunate in moving to Nagano that the lion dance guys have really accepted me into their group, now going on 7 years!

亀清旅館の6月メニュー@テレビ撮影 Kamesei Ryokan's June Menu Being Filmed for TV

June 3, 2013: グルメFoodie

As (to be) seen on TV

Kamesei Ryokan's Chef Takei Kaiseki Dinner Menu:

旬の物 山菜のウルイ酢味噌和 Vinegar Miso-flavored Urui (young Hosta montana)
酢の物 佐久鯉南蛮漬け Spicy Nanban-seasoned Saku Carp
サラダ 生湯葉サラダ Salad with Yuba (tofu skin)
蒸し物 びっくり茶碗 Surprise Chawan egg custard
つくり かじき、甘海老、間八 Kajiki Tuna, Shrimp, Amberjack Sashimi
焼き物 山女煮浸し Stewed Yamame River Fish
台の物 豚肉と山菜鍋 Hot Pot with ‘Sansai’ wild mountain plants and Pork
蓋物  銀目鯛豆腐の蒸し物 Steamed Seabream with Tofu*
揚げ物 信州サーモン唐揚げ風 Shinshu Salmon Fried, Topped with Onion Sauce
別皿 本日採りたて焼き筍 Freshly-picked grilled bamboo shoots
お椀  蛤清汁仕立 Clam Nectar Soup
香の物 野沢菜 Nozawana and assorted Pickled Vegetables
水皿  抹茶の水羊羹、杏加え Maccha Youkan Jelly with Apricot Jam


The grilled bamboo shoots were a special edition. Kamesei's outdoor bath has a small bamboo grove. We took a look and spotted lots of shoots coming up, so I picked them and our chef added them to the menu. Freshly picked bamboo shoots right off the grill -- the taste of the season!


A TV crew is here from Tokyo shooting a show about Kamesei Ryokan. They also filmed Chef Takei's menu. As for what TV show and when it will air, stay tuned!

英美アナウンサーに戸倉上山田案内 Guiding Announcer Emi-san around Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen

June 2, 2013: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Showing Emi-announcer the Kara Koro footbath




Nagano Broadcasting's announcer Emi Ono-san is featured in a TV show with her travelling to various locations throughout Nagano Prefecture. On the 2nd, she came to our Chikuma City. In the morning, she helped plant rice at the famous moon-reflecting Obasute terraced rice fields. After that she came to our onsen town for a soak in the footbath. NBS contacted me to act as her guide.

At the end of the shooting, they asked for my Top 10 'Best of Nagano' list. It was kind of all-of-the-sudden, so I'm not sure how my response came out. But after thinking a bit, here is my proposal:
1. Mountains
2. Onsens
3. Local food (soba noodles, oyaki dumplings, wild mushrooms, river fish, etc.)
4. Local products (here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen we have Sarashina pottery, miso makers, marinated river fish, etc.)
5. Fruit (especially Kamiyamada's apples
6. Flowers (like the apricot blossoms in Mori)
7. Samurai history
8. Spirituality (the massive cedar trees of Togakushi)
9. Snow
10. People!

The show is scheduled to air on Saturday June 15th from 9:55 to 10:40. Stay tuned!

ほほ笑みチャンネル Hohoemi Channel TV show

ガンダム観光の効果 The Power of Gundam Tourism

June 1, 2013: メディア Media




On my latest trip to Tokyo, I hooked up with some of my fellow junior innkeepers for a short side trip to see the Gundam statue in Odaiba. It stands outside the Diver City shopping mall.

Even for me who didn't grow up with Gundam, the statue is impressive. And a fairly large crowd of tourists had gathered to see it. I am curious as to whether or not the statue's ability to draw crowds translates into extra sales for the shops in mall.

People in the tourism industry like me are always trying to think of ideas for new attractions. It's important to dream big -- Gundam big!

戸倉上山田温泉・亀清旅館を全世界へ Taking Togura Kamiyamada Onsen and Kamesei Ryokan to the World

May 31, 2013: 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains




On May 29th, the Nagano Prefecture Tourism Association held a sales conference in Tokyo for Land Operators -- travel agents that deal with visitors from overseas. For the first time in 2 years, I participated in the hopes of promoting Togura Kamiyamada Onsen and our inn, Kamesei Ryokan, to the world.

As Kamesei Ryokan is so small (only 12 guestrooms), we don't even have contracts with Japanese domestic travel agents. So it's questionable how effective we can be in dealing with "Inbound" agents. But our city, Chikuma-shi, put out new foreign language brochures this year. And I conferred with a mentor in the industry and put together a strong price list to present to the agents. So I made the trip to Tokyo and made as good a presentation as I could.

Pictured is a copy of our price list for agents. It's main feature is the inclusion of free 'optional tours' for groups such as a geisha show or Kagura lion dance performance. I'll keep pursuing some leads and hopefully get some interest in attracting groups of foreigners to the area.

日本原風景: 田植えの姨捨「田毎の月」」棚田 Quintessential Japan: Obasute's Rice Fields at Planting Time

May 30, 2013: 季節 Seasons

Photo courtesy of Takahiro Wakabayashi



The terraced rice fields in Chikuma City's Obasute district have been designated an Important National Cultural Landscape. I think the fields are a quintessential Japanese scene. They are especially beautiful at planting time.

One of my Facebook friends sent this picture, and with his request I am sharing it here on Kamesei's blog.

2013年戸倉上山田温泉夏祭りと千曲川花火大会 2013 Summer Festival Dates

May 29, 2013: その他 Miscellaneous


2013年7月13日(土)と14日(日) 海の日の連休


Preparations for the sumemr festivals here in our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada are under way. Dates for 2013 are as follows:

Togura Kamiyamada Onsen Summer Festival
July 13th and 14th, 2013 (the Saturday and Sunday of the Marine Day holiday weekend)
Saturday starts with processions in the various neighborhoods of Kamiyamada. Then they all gather for one big parade through the onsen town in the early afternoon, led by the Kagura lion dance troupe. In the evening, there is a Minyo dance procession followed by the main omikoshi.
Sunday afternoon, 4 big omikoshi's and the huge Isami Shishi lion process through town, gathering at the main festival site for the grand finale with taiko drumming and fireworks at night.
The festival is one of the most exciting you'll ever see.

84th Annual Chikuma River Fireworks Festival
Wednesday August 7th, 2013. From 7:30pm to 9pm.
Fireworks will light up the night sky above the Chikuma River in front of Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. The bursts will practically be directly above you, with the flashes reflecting in the Chikuma River and the sounds reverbrating off the surrounding hills.

Ninja Training Lessons at Monzen Ninja Dojo

May 28, 2013: 季節 Seasons

予約・お問い合わせは宮下さんへどうぞ。090-3558-0179, 200111hayaki@ezweb.ne.jp

Ninja Training Lessons by Miyashita-san, a master of the Togakuredo school of Ninjutsu, are available to the public at his Monzen Ninja Dojo located near Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City. He offers 3 lessons per week, on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 10:30am. Price is 2000 yen per person.

Lesson content varies according to the interests and abilities of the participants. Want to learn how to walk stealthily like a ninja? Or are you interested in learning some basic self-defense manuevers? How about throwing shurikens? Or climbing up walls to reach the roof of the building -- and then jumping down from the 2nd story? The Monzen Ninja Dojo is the place for you!

Anyone can participate in the lessons -- from kids to adults, and even kids WITH adults.

For information and/or reservations, call or e-mail Miyashita-san at 090-3558-0179, 200111hayaki@ezweb.ne.jp.

空き家再生: 忍者道場?! Re-Using Empty Houses -- as a Ninja Dojo?!

May 27, 2013: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


An NPO trying to find uses for empty houses and buildings around Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City hooked up with another NPO teaching ninjutsu to kids. The result is the Monzen Ninja Dojo.

Officially open for business, the other day Miyashita-ninja gave me a tour of the dojo. The tour included crawling through holes in the walls and floor, jumping off the 2nd floor roof, and throwing shuriken darts -- not your typical everyday experiences!
I am looking forward to taking our kids there for some father-son bonding through ninja training!

門前忍者道場 Monzen Ninja Dojo
For information and/or reservations, call or e-mail Miyashita-san at 090-3558-0179, 200111hayaki@ezweb.ne.jp.

Miyashita-ninja climbing onto the roof of the dojo

And jumping back down