祭り夫婦The Matsuri Couple

July 19, 2008: Uncategorized


Festivals. Back in my home town of Seattle, a festival is something pro organizers put on and the public just watches. It was after coming to Japan that I first experienced the joy of participating in a festival. And after moving to this small town of Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, it wasn't a question of participating or not -- everyone participates. It's not like an obligation; participating in the festival raises the spirit of the whole onsen town -- it's something to look forward to every year.
This year, both myself and my wife Mari and participating. Mari as part of the dance troupe, and I as a member of the Okagura Lion Dance group today, and in the huge Shishi tomorrow. Our inn is full, and participating in the festival takes a lot of energy, but it's only once a year so we're going to try to have fun!

亀清でもお神楽の披露 Okagura Performance here at Kamesei

July 19, 2008: Uncategorized

Okagura Performance at Kamesei's lobby


As part of making their rounds for the Onsen Summer Festival, the Kamiyamda Okagura group stopped to perform at Kamesei for our guests. It was a lively performance here at our lobby. I played the flute as part of it.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

祭りの準備Getting Ready for the Festival

July 18, 2008: Uncategorized


We have our Festival 'chochin' lanterns hanging in front of Kamesei, and Mari is just getting back from setting things up for the Minro Dance (she's one of the organizers this year). The Festival is almost here!

亀が逃げようとしている Runaway turtle

July 17, 2008: Uncategorized

Go! Go! Turtle Go!


Our Okami-san screamed, and I went to go see what happened. It turned out one of our turtles from the naka-niwa garden koi pond had escaped and was walking down Kamesei's corridor. Maybe making a break for the mineral bath?

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

上山田温泉は本格的なお湯!Kamiyamada's Onsen is the real thing!

July 16, 2008: Uncategorized

healing waters



Japan is blessed with onsens all over the country. However, many are of questionable quality. Togura Kamiyamada's is a sulfur hot spring, and is the real deal. We recently had a couple of guests who exemplified just how good our onsen is.
Over the weekend, we hosted a 91-year old lady who had to be wheelchaired from the lobby to her guest room due to weak legs. However, the next morning, she walked to the lobby. I asked about the wheelchair, and she said that thanks to soaking in our mineral bath, her legs felt good enough to walk!
Another guest had a rare allergy. Her research said our onsen would be good for her condition, so she came to stay the night. The next morning when I went to put away her futons, she was sound asleep. Apparently her allergy usually causes her to wake up every two hours, but thanks to our onsen she didn't wake up at all. She even decided to extend her stay 2 nights.
We don't say that Kamiyamada Onsen is a cure-all, but we can say with certainty that it is the real deal.

More on Kamiyamada Onsen's effects here.

夏祭り:下駄供養 宿泊者に感謝 Geta Offering in Honor of Our Town's Guests

July 16, 2008: Uncategorized

Yearly Geta Offering


When one's daily routine is based around how to attract more customers, it's easy to forget to be thankful for the guests who have come. As part of this weekend's Kamiyamada Onsen Summer Festival, the other ryokan owners and I perform a special Geta Offering. We gather the wooden sandals that our guests have used throughout the year, and offer them up in thanks.
I'd like to take this time to thank all of Kamesei's guests from the previous year. Arigatou!

軽井沢ファンになちゃったI've become a Karuizawa Fan

July 15, 2008: Uncategorized


As a guest of their Tourism Bureau, I was invited to partake in a special 'Inbound' tour of Karuizawa. The theme was enjoying Karuizawa on a rainy day, and went around to various shops and tried our hand at making sausage, painting ceramics, blowing glass and stamping leather. While Karuizawa is also popular for its woodwork and cruising round town on rental bicycles, a day of craft-making was really enjoyable.

軽井沢観光協会はこちらClick here for Karuizawa Tourism

日本の夏の花の代表:桔梗 Bellflower: Japan's summer flower

July 14, 2008: Uncategorized

Summer show-off


Our most recently re-done tsubo niwa garden has this showy flower blooming now. According to our gardener, Okada-san, it is a Japanese bellflower, a summer-blooming flower native to Japan. It's a great match for our traditional Japanese inn!

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

日本の神社の美しさThe beauty of the Japanese Shrine

July 13, 2008: Uncategorized

Shrine shrouded in Zeldova trees

I've always been impressed by the beauty of Shinto shrines in Japan. One such shrine is about 15 minutes away from Togura Kamiyamada Onsen by car: Takemizuwake Shrine in Yawata, Chikuma City. I went there for the first time in a long time a couple of days ago, and was amazed by the detailed woodwork of the main building.
This shrine was traditionally dedicated to a god of war, and was visited by many major samurai warriors. Nowadays, it's dedicated to safe driving. That's a big change!

武水別神社のHPはこちらClick here for info on Takemizuwake Shrine (Japanese only)

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

冠着山の頂上でキャンプCamping at the top of Mt. Kamuruki

July 12, 2008: Uncategorized

Kamuruki Summit Camp

One of the things I like about Nagano is being able to readily go camping. There are mountains all around us, so if you decide at the last minute to go camping, it's very easy to do. Like our sons and I decided to do last night. We packed our tents and sleeping bags, and drove to the Mt. Kamuriki (1252m) trailhead (about 15 minutes by car from Togura Kamiyamada Onsen), walked the 20 minutes to the top, and camped out. We woke up early in the morning, and were treated to the dream-like scene of the sun rising over the cloudy Chikuma River valley.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

ご来光 Sunrise

雲海 Sea of Clouds

頂上からの眺めView from the Summit

