伝説の松川渓谷温泉「滝の湯」に雪景色  The Iconic Matsukawa Gorge "Taki no Yu" Onsen with Snow

January 9, 2014: Uncategorized

Picture courtesy of Taki no Yu


Shinshu-Takayama Village's legendary Taki no Yu onsen features a 17-meter long mixed-bathing outdoor bath made out of bolders, along the side of the Matsukawa River in the gorge of the same name. I'd been there in the green season before, but this was my first time to go in the winter with the surrounding trees and rocks covered by a blanket of snow.

In the winter, a shuttle bus runs to the nearby ski areas so Taki no Yu is accessible even without a car.

松川渓谷温泉・滝の湯 Taki no Yu in Matsukawa Gorge Onsen

松川渓谷の赤と白 Red and White of Matsukawa Gorge

January 8, 2014: Uncategorized



Shinshu-Takayama Village in the mountains east of Nagano is famous for the picturesque Matsukawa Gorge, and the distinctive Highway 351 red bridge. It is especially visually stunning in contrast with the white snow.

温泉タウンの餅つき大会 Onsen Town's Annual Mochi Pounding

January 7, 2014: Uncategorized



In Tokyo, you'll find the original "Ginza" shopping district. Here in our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada, we also have a Ginza, the side street that connects Kamiyamada Onsen's main street with that of Togura Onsen. In the past, there were all kinds of shops for locals to get their necessities -- even a tabi sock maker. Nowadays, the main shops are a miso maker, manju cake maker, and fish shop. It's still our town's main shopping street, but on a much smaller scale.

The shops here put on an annual Mochi Pounding event at the beginning of the year. The tradition only started a few years ago, but has become a regular fixture. Our number two son, Kenny, was old enough to do some pounding this year.

青木棒 Aoki Pole

January 6, 2014: Uncategorized








People often ask if I've become accustomed to life in Japan. I try to be as careful as possible to avoid the mistake of thinking I've mastered Japanese culture. This end-of-the-year party season, I had an expensive reminder as to why.

During the banquet season, many guests come to the inn one car per person, making parking extra difficult. Us Americans are used to parking in tight spaces by backing up until hitting the next car's bumper.

One day, we got a call by a guest who said we dented his car. I told him to send a photo and we'd compensate him.

But then that night, when I was in the middle of flipping futons, he came with his wife and baby in tow, in the falling snow, so show me two indentations on his bumper that were literally so small that he had to shine a light on them to see. "You backed into the car behind, didn't you?" he argued. I was so taken aback that I responded bluntly, "Of course -- that's what bumpers are for." That made him explode, "Maybe in America, but not in Japan!"

Here he was, ignoring the request to just send a photo, interrupting my futon flipping, in the snow with his poor wife and baby, upset over 2 miniscule dimples in his bumper, something that could be rubbed out with compound in a matter of seconds.

I've been parking cars here for 8 years, but this was the first time I'd heard Japan's 'rule' against using bumpers for what they are meant to be used for. And it cost us 50,000 yen.

In order to avoid such issues in the future, I consulted with another innkeeper and purchased these parking guide poles, affectionately named (by me), "Aoki Pole".

温泉タウン戸倉上山田「クールジャパン」講演会: 奥田シェフ (一般) Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada "Cool Japan" Project: Okuda Chef (Public)

January 5, 2014: Uncategorized


参加費: 3150円
「要予約: 亀清旅館 ℡(026)275-1032」

Next Specialist for the Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada "Cool Japan" Series is Chef Okuda from the Al-che-cciano Italian restaurant in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Pref. Part 2 of 2:

Okuda Chef
Speech and Luncheon
Friday 21-Feb 11:00-13:00
Kamesei Ryokan
Cost: 3,150 yen
(Reservations Required: Kamesei Ryokan Tel# 026-275-1032)


温泉タウン戸倉上山田「クールジャパン」講演会: 奥田シェフ (プロ向け) Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada "Cool Japan" Project: Okuda Chef (For Pros)

January 4, 2014: Uncategorized


食材費: 1000円

Next Specialist for the Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada "Cool Japan" Series is Chef Okuda from the Al-che-cciano Italian restaurant in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Pref.

Okuda Chef
Pro Seminar
Thursday 20-Feb 13:30-15:00
Togura Sozokan
Cost: 1,000 yen


温泉タウン戸倉上山田「クールジャパン」講演会: ブルック・バーディック Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada "Cool Japan" Project: Brooke Burdick

January 3, 2014: Uncategorized


テーマ: 欧州の観光地の最新IT使い方
2月10日 10:30~

Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen has received a grant from Japan's Treasury Department to put on a series of seminars with a "Cool Japan" theme. It's in the hopes of branding ourselves as an "Onsen Town" in attracting travellers from overseas. Two specialists will come in February, the first of which is:

Brook Burdick
Rick Steves' Europe Through the Back Door
(One of America's largest travel agents specializing in Europe)
February 10th, 2014
Kamesei Ryokan


亀清旅館の若旦那・若女将家族のお正月挨拶 New Years Greetings from your Kamesei Ryokan Proprietors

January 2, 2014: Uncategorized





Yesterday we posted Kamesei Ryokan's photo collage for 2013. Today, it's a collage of photos from our family's adventures.

(Clockwise from upper left)

Family skiing at Nozawa Onsen, Lynch family reunion in Hawaii, Misaki enters 1st Grade, Andy enters Middle School, Kenny picking apricots. Tyler playing with geisha in Kyoto, family summer vacation in the Chuo Alps, Mothers Day in Togakushi, Tyler with parents while on a biz trip to the US West Coast, Father-Son Ascent of Mt. Asama, Camping at Nojiri Lake, Surfing with my li'l bro in Hawaii.

Here's hoping for many more great memories in 2014!

ハッピーニューイヤー♪ 2013年の良い思い出を有難う!2014年は宜しくお願い致します! Happy New Year! Thanks for the 2013 Memories, and Best Wishes for 2014!

January 1, 2014: Uncategorized



取り敢えず、2013年に亀清旅館にお泊りになった皆様に感謝、感謝! 住所を把握しているお客さんにお礼を込めて、年賀状を送りました。毎年の事ですが、今回は1200枚以上でした。(年末は年賀状作業で必死でした!)



Happy New Years, everyone! As the year changes, it is time to take a look back at the year that has passed, and look forward with anticipation at the year to come. First and foremost, we at Kamesei Ryokan would like to thank all of our guests from 2013. For the ones we have addresses for we sent New Years Greeting Cards, over 1200 cards in all. (These past few days I have been crazy-busy preparing all those cards!)

Pictured is the photo collage used in our card -- a visual collection of images from 2013.

We would like to take this time to wish everyone a Blessed 2014!

戸倉上山田温泉の初詣スポット紹介: 善光寺別院 Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's Hatsumode Spot

December 31, 2013: Uncategorized


For our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada, the closest spot for Hatsumode (the first visit of a temple or shrine for the year) is the Zenkoji Branch Temple on the hill above our town.