100点満点の夜景 Full 100-Point Night View

November 6, 2009: Uncategorized

The moon over the Chikuma River


Not to brag or anything, but I've seen the night view from Obasute 100-plus times. I've seen it from everywhere from in the middle of a snow storm to after the rice field planting with bull frogs seranading in the background. Out of all those time, last nights was perhaps the most beautiful. The crisp autumn air meant we could see the lights from far off in the distance of the Zenkoji Plain. More than that, though, was the moon. Now, the moon was even the harvest moon, nor was it even a full moon, but with the clear autumn air, it was bright and clear as it rose over Kyodai-san mountain. And when I looked down at the Chikuma River, I noticed a silvery-white light in the area in between Kamuruki Bridge and Heiwa Bridge. I had never seen a light there before, and realized -- it was the moonlight reflecting in the surface of the Chikuma River.
Obasute is famous for its "Tagoto-no-tsuki" terraced rice fields where the moon supposedly reflects in the individual rice paddies. But I found out last night that the moon reflecting in the river is spectacular, too!

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website for Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

突然ですが、日印ライブ@亀清のお知らせ Last Minute Announcement: Indo-Japanese Concert at Kamesei

November 5, 2009: Uncategorized

Out of the blue, a fellow local foreigner named Fritz stopped by and asked us about hosting a Japanese-Indian fusion music concert in our lobby here at Kamesei. Sounds like fun, and we tend to support such musical initiatives, so we agreed. Hence the following very short notice notice:


India meets Japan and More


veteran artist of USA * young star of India * steady hand of Japan

present Asian classical crossover * a revolution rocking India & the West

北インド声楽の演目 (カヤール、バジャン、季節の歌などの民俗歌謡) * タブラー・ソロ(世界の最も表現豊かな太鼓による独奏) * 天竺尺八と天竺箏によるインド音楽 (インド古典音楽の多様なラーガを音色豊かな和楽器とインドの太鼓タブラーによる演奏) * 日印声楽演目インド音楽に筝の弾き歌い (日本の「うた」である短歌・俳句とインド音楽の豊かな旋律・リズムとの出逢い) * 新作

Indian classical vocal and instrumental music
Indo-Japanese music on Indian & Japanese instruments
+ whatever our audience wishes to join in on +

Where: 亀清温泉 Kamesei Ryokan

When: Friday 06-Nov(金) 開演19:45

Cost: ¥1000 per person, with snacks and onsen provided, drinks extra 御つまみと温泉付き、飲み物別

T M Hoffman * vocal, shakuhachi, koto
Amit Mishra * tabla, voice
Sakiko Aruga * tambura +

問合せinfo: Kamesei Ryokan 026-275-1032

急に冬の様な日 All of a sudden a wintry day

November 4, 2009: Uncategorized



Today was all of the sudden a winter-like cold day. The temperature was a good 10 degrees celsius lower than yesterday, and is predicted to raise back up 10 degrees tomorrow. So although I had to scrape ice of the car's windshield this morning (the first time this season), regular Autumn weather will return tomorrow. As I crossed the Chikuma River this morning while taking some guests back to Togura Station, I could see Togakushi Mountain in the distance with its first dusting of snow. All of the hills around have turned brown and orange with fall colors, so I hope winter properly waits its turn!

上山田文化会でお神楽の獅子舞 Shi-Shi Lion Dance at the Kamiyamada Culture Fest

November 3, 2009: Uncategorized


Here in Kamiyamada, the lion dance group, traditional Japanese dancers and other various groups get to perform on the main stage of the Culture Hall once a year on Culture Day. Group members practice regularly throughout the year and perform all over town for festivals, but we rarely get the opportunity to perform on a stage with the bright lights and the big audience. For today's Culture Day festivities, our Kamiyamada Okagura Lion Dance group performed for the openening ceremony, and then later on the big stage in the main hall. I was nervous playing the lion flute on stage, but it was a thrill.


November 2, 2009: Uncategorized









私が子供のころ、近状の友人がその親戚の家にハロウィーンパーティーに呼んでくれました。皆がマイかぼちゃを持って、皆で食べれる一品ももって(つまり、ポット・ラック・パーティー)そして気が向いていたら仮装も付ける。その親戚の家は子供8人ぐらいがそだられて、寝室は10個ぐらいある3回建て+地下室と言うでかい家でした。我々子供達が家中に走りまくった。親が一回のリビングやダイニングで飲みながら立ち食いながらお喋り。1つな部屋にかぼちゃを持ってきた皆がランタンを作っていた。皆が終わったらランタンのコンテストがあった。コンテストの結果発表の時に、並ばれたランタンの中に蝋燭が光っていて、不気味な雰囲気でした。そして、すべてのランタンは個別な楽しい「賞」をもらった。「一番可愛いお鼻賞」とか、「マイケル・ジャクソン似賞」等。もう1つな楽しみはBobbing for Applesと言うりんごのゲームでした。大きい樽にお水をいっぱい入れて、そこに沢山の茎のはずしてあったりんごが浮かんでいえる。参加者は手を使わないで、口でりんごをつかまってみる。結局、頭を完全にお水の中に入れ込んで歯でつかむしかない。(いまだに、Bobbing for Applesで頭を濡らさないと、ハロウィーンだったと言う気がしません。)


山芋の収穫の時期 It's time for "yama-imo" harvest

November 1, 2009: Uncategorized



The fields around nearby Matsushiro are full of vines turning yellow like these. Any idea what kind of crop this is? It's called "yama-imo", which translates as "mountain potato". It's kind of cross between a potato and a yam, with a poi-like texture. People commonly grate it into a slimy mess, and mix it in with things like okonomiyaki pizza pancakes (my specialty!).
Because yama-imo grow so deep into the ground, you need really deep, loose soil. And the soil around the river plain of the Chikuma River is apparently ideal. Seeing all these yama-imo plants starting to loose their leaves reminds me that the harvest will start soon, and makes me hungry for okonomiyaki!

Happy Halloween!

October 31, 2009: Uncategorized



There's something magical about a jack o'lantern with a candle inside. Today our sons and I and a neighbor guy carved these pumpkins and put them on display by the entrance to Kamesei. Several of our guests took pictures of the pumpkins, so apparently they enjoyed them too. I like being able to share some of fun Western traditions with our guests here at our traditional Japanese inn.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

千曲市の自慢:前向きな温泉街 Pride of Chikuma City -- An Onsen Town Moving Forward

October 30, 2009: Uncategorized








Togura Kamiyamada just got a new arch for its main entrance. Kamesei and the other ryokans along the main street paid to have the old arch taken down and replaced by this new one. It's a strong physical symbol of our onsen town's resolve to push on through this weak economy and to persevere.

座談会@東京a la旅行新聞社 Round Table Discussion in Tokyo

October 29, 2009: Uncategorized



旅行新聞の増田さん スムーズな進行はご苦労様でした。態々呼んで頂いて、有難うございました。

神奈川県湯河原「旅館ふかざわ」の深澤さん 「おもてなしはスタッフの育ちから」と言う発想は感心しました!

福岡県原鶴温泉「六峰館」・全旅連青年部長の井上さん 日本旅館に「おもてなし」を取り戻そうとして、成功事例になりました。全国の青年部の引っ張り屋、ご苦労様です!

和歌山県高野山の宿坊「福智院」の静さん 宿泊施設に仏教なりの心磨きを取れ入れる努力は偉いと思いました。



Today I was honored to take part in a round table discussions with some of my ryokan peers. Industry newspaper "Ryoko Shimbun" was the sponsor. Pictured from the left are Masuda-san, the moderator from the newspaper, Fukazawa-san from Ryokan Fukazawa in Kanagawa Pref., Inoue-san, the ryokan owners Junior Association's national president, Shizuka-san from a shukubo (temple lodging) in Koyasan, Wakayama Pref., and myself. Great discussion -- article will come out on 21-Nov., so stay tuned!

大広間の修理がスタート Repairs on our oldest building starting

October 28, 2009: Uncategorized






Kamesei Ryokan's oldest building is the 2-story wood building that houses our 2nd floor banquet room. As previously mentioned, one corner has been sinking due to a hidden pipe that I have since fixed.

We have been trying to figure out what to do with this particular building. Having the main banquet room on the 2nd floor means guests have to climb stairs (A), and it's hard on us for carrying the food up (B). So we initially were thinking of tearing it down and building a 1-story replacement.

However, after consulting with an architect, we determined the banquet room is fine as-is, and a electric chair attached to the handrail would solve (A), while a dumbwaiter would take care of (B). Plus, it would be a shame to tear down such a classic, historical building.

So we decided to make repairs on the existing building. It will probably have to be done in stages over the next 5 years. We had our local carpenter, Murakoshi-san, start with the most urgent part -- replacing the water-damaged posts and foundation.

Kamesei Ryokan's next era has started!

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

基礎が既に丈夫な花崗岩 Existing foundation of hewn granite

Close-up of some of the massive beams showing the fine workmanship (note the kotatsu hole)

cross-section of the earthen wall