川辺でアカシアの花 Acacia flowers along the river

May 24, 2010: その他 Miscellaneous

Fragrant Acacia Flowers

A couple of our guests walked to Kamesei from Togura Station. They asked me, "When we crossed over the Chikuma River, there was a lovely scent in the air. Was it coming from all of those white flowers?" Hmm. What flowers? I went to go check it out, and was surprised to see that the acacia trees along the river bank had grown and where covered in white flowers. Ah ha! That's where the scent is coming from.
After our kids got home from school, I piled them in our "K-Truck" mini pick-up and we went for a drive down to the river bank. It was amazing that a short 3,4 minute drive could take us to such an acacia flower paradise. The kids loved it! This type of fun can only be possible in a place like Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, blessed as it is by the river running down the middle and surrounded by all the green mountains.
I brought a few branches with flowers back to Kamesei. Our chef will use some to make acacia flower tempura for our guests. And I used the rest to make some sort of ikebana arrangement for one of our outdoor baths. Acacia flowers don't keep long, but hopefully our guests will be able to enjoy them for a couple of days.

Acacia Trees with Togura Kamiyamada Onsen across the river

雨の日だからこそ、花が綺麗 Flowers seem even prettier in the rain

May 23, 2010: 季節 Seasons

Lavendar blossoms at Kamesei's entrance


It's been raining all day today, and the weather forecast shows rain, rain and more rain for the foreseeable future. Japan's official "rainy season" has yet to start, but if you ask me, it's already here.
Coming from rainy Seattle, I actually find rainy days like this to be relaxing. On a clear day, the sunlight can be too harsh, while on rainy days like this, the softer colors of the flowers in the garden really come alive.
Here at Kamesei Ryokan, we have gardens at our entrance, around the central koi pond, pocket gardens here and there, as well as private gardens for many of our guestrooms. Throughout these, there are so many lovely flowers in bloom now. They may not stand out as much, but if you take the time to enjoy them their soft, muted colors will delight.
And an onsen ryokan is the perfect place to slow down and take time to appreciate the garden, as well as to soak in the onsen baths and enjoy our chef's gourmet meals.

Purple Flowers in Chitose's Pocket Garden

フジテレビを見た皆様に感謝 A Big Thank-You to All Who Saw Us on Fuji TV

May 22, 2010: その他 Miscellaneous

5月20日OAのフジテレビ「スーパーニュース」特報:国際結婚 青い目の若旦那の反応がすごいです。番組で紹介されたこのブログはなんと30人+の方々からコメントを頂いた(通常は月に3,4人です!)、そしてアクセスの数はなんと12,580個の日でした(今までの平均は一日に1500個!)。


The feedback from Fuji Television's special report on Kamesei Ryokan that was aired on Thursday 20-May has been amazing. 30+ people were kind enough to write a comment on our blog (we normally only get 3+ a month!), and looking at the blog's access numbers, it was 12,580 the day after the show aired. (Normally the average is 1,500 per day.) And the TV company called up and said they've already gotten requests to for re-broadcasting the show. With all the work the cameramen, directors, producers, editors, sound / narration, etc. did, I am glad the show will get additional airings!
Normally I would like to send each and every one of the 30+ commentors a personal thank-you, but due to the large amount of numbers, I won't be able to. So instead, I would like to pass on my appreciation via this blog article. I hope to keep up my efforts in using the best of my western as well as Japanese "omotenashi" in running Kamesei Ryokan, and I hope for everyone's continued encouragement!

フジテレビのスーパーニュースのHPはこちらClick here for Fuji TV's Super News website.

長野インバウンド大使の集まり@県庁 Gathering of the Nagano Inbound Ambassadors

May 21, 2010: 日米関係Culture Shock

Fellow Ambassadors Zeno 'n Tyler (and Ambassador-to-be? Sara-chan)

このメンバーがすごいですよ。Tonyさん(白馬のWhite Horse Hotel)がクリケットのチームを立ち上げて、今年に白馬で大トーナメントを計画しているとか、Andyさんが安曇野の最新タイプの外国語パンフを作ったとか。それぞれのメンバーの活動を聞いて、感心しました。これだけ長野県のインバウンドで積極的に動いている人達がいて、嬉しいです。
Today, the Nagano Inbound Ambassadors were invited to the Prefectural Office in Nagano City to meet up with each other as well as the Prefectural Tourism Department and Tourism Association folks.
Last year, when the Tourism Department announced they would put out for bid the job to renew the official foreign language tourism website, I thought, "Oh no, not another dry government website!" So I got together with my Nagano Inbound Summit buddies and hooked up with an ad agency, and we put together a proposal. The gist of our idea was to make the website come alive via a blog by using our network.
We won the bid, and today was one of the results. Our gang was represented by Tony and Matt from Hakuba, myself and Robert from Chikuma City, Craig and Zeno from Shibu/Yudanaka, Andy and Tom from Matsumoto, and 3 Korean speakers from Ueda, Kamikochi and 'Moto. It was really encouraging to see how active everyone is in promoting Nagano Prefecture to travellers from abroad. For example, Tony (White Horse Hotel) is putting together a cricket team and plans to host a huge cricket tournament this summer, and Andy worked on Azumino's new multilingual brochure with some very avant garde features. Keep up the great work, everyone!

我々インバウンド大使達のブログはこちらClick here for the Nagano Inbound Ambassadors' blog

東京のテレビ放送との行き違い Just Missing Our Fuji TV debut in Tokyo

May 20, 2010: サイクリング Cycling

Meeting in the Clouds -- the JIG meet was in one of these Shinjuku skyscrapers


Last month, a TV crew from Fuji Television worked hard on shooting Kamesei Ryokan for a special on international marriages. Apparently the show was broadcasted this evening during their prime time Super News program. That program isn't shown here in Nagano, so we couldn't see it. But actually, I went into to Tokyo today for the Japanese Inn Group's annual general meeting. However, I had to catch a highway bus right before the show was broadcasted, so I have yet to see it. Apparently Kamesei and Togura Kamiyamada Onsen were portrayed really well. I am looking forward to showing guests who come after seeing the program an enjoyable time here in Nagano!

上田紬モニター体験 Monitor "Taiken" of Ueda Tsumugi

May 19, 2010: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Ueda Tsumugi Picture Taking

Today the Nagano Inbound Summit cohorts and I gathered at Koiwai Tsumugi Workshop today to see 3 of Kamesei's foreign guests try the silk weaving workshop. The results were outstanding:
-The 3 'monitors' enjoyed the 'taiken'. It meet or beat there
expectations. Even without an interpreter present, I feel confident
Ueda Tsumugi 'taiken' would have high inbound customer satisfaction.
We (I?) will have to make an English explanation sheet to explain the
process and hopefully answer most ?'s.
-I personally learned a lot more about ueda tsumugi and feel more
confident about explaining it to others.
-We gained the provider's (Koiwai-san's) cooperation and understanding.
-We got great pix tks to Whitney (Thanks, Whitney, for sharing yr
photography talent! And thanks, Ken-san for your 派遣依頼 magic!)

I definitely think our NIS team will be able to realize our goal of presenting Nagano's unique cultural experiences to the world! Thank you everyone for your hard work today -- it was a great success!

日本の観光の未来 The Future of Tourism in Japan

May 18, 2010: サイクリング Cycling










夏祭りの第一歩 私には初めての一歩 First Step for the Summer Festival (and my first time for it, too)

May 17, 2010: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

My first Summer Festival shishi "meeting"


Kamiyamada Onsen's big Summer Festival will be held on Saturday and Sunday July 17th and 18th. This will be my 5th year to participate in the festival since moving here. The first year, I was on the festival organizing committee. Since then, I have been in the huge shishi lion. So far, it's always been on the inside, where we take turns inside the head and try to knock over the black happi coat wearing "handlers" on the outside. Well, this year, do to a combination of my age (I'll be 40 this year!), and my height (I never really managed to squat down low enough to properly do the shishi), I am getting booted out and will be one of the "handlers" myself. I am a bit excited, a bit disappointed ('cuz I never did manage to actually knock anyone over yet, and will never have the chance again), and a bit worried about getting knocked over.
Last night, the handlers and the other people in charge held our first "meeting" in preparation of the shishi for this year's festival. It's a huge, energetic deal -- if you get a chance, definitely come and see it!

新緑の姨捨山 Obasute Mountain with Spring Green

May 16, 2010: その他 Miscellaneous

Obasute Mountain with New Spring Growth


One thing I like about writing this blog is it keeps me aware of new things to write about in my surroundings here. Oftentimes, our guests at our inn ask me if I have become accustomed to life in Nagano. I actually am trying NOT to become too accustomed. Living in a foreign country often means having new experiences every day, making every day fun and exciting. If I got used to living here, I'd lose that sense of freshness.
Today was a perfect example. I had to take a guest up to Obasute Station. On the way, rather than just simply driving, I enjoyed the scenery. Looking at the Obasute terraced rice fields, I noticed that more of the paddies are filled with water in preparation for planting. Looking across the Zenkoji Plain, I saw that far off Takatsuma Mountain still is covered in snow. And what impressed me the most was our local mountain, Kamuriki (aka: Obasute Mountain of the legend about old people being thrown away). It's snow is gone, and it's early spring patches of white from mountain cherry trees are gone; now the deciduous trees are flush with their new growth leaves. The light green color of the new leaves makes for a beautiful contrast with the dark green color of the pine trees, creating a beautiful pattern of light and dark green across the mountain.

It is my hope that by sharing such inspirations, it will pique the interest of everyone to come and visit Nagano to see the beautiful natural scenery themselves!

ジェラートの日 A Gelato Day

May 15, 2010: 日米関係Culture Shock

Andy, Kenny, friend Mitsuki and Misaki: gelato kids

静かなGW後の土曜日と言う事で、たまっていた仕事をやる様にしました。薪ストーブの薪割りや焚きつけ準備の日でした。うちの子供たちにも手伝ってもらった。終わったら、皆と戸倉上山田温泉のジェラート屋さんPatisserie L'avenir

'Tis a quiet post-Golden Week Saturday, so I used the free time to catch up on some projects I had been neglecting. I cut up and stacked a bunch of kindling as well as worked on chopping firewood for our wood burning stoves for next winter. Our kids helped me out, so after the hard work we went to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's Patisserie L'avenir for some gelato. Blue sky, surrounding mountains in their spring green colors, and yummy gelato -- a fitting way to top off a day of hard work.

ラブニールのHPはこちらClick here for the L'avenir website