What a day! にぎやかな一日

June 23, 2010: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Today was quite a day. Not all of my days here at Kamesei Ryokan are this busy, but on the other hand, it wasn't all that unusual either.
The day started at 5am, with taking Pauline and her classmate from Keio U. to zazen meditation. Then we came back to the inn, and I cooked pancakes for the kids' breakfast. After that I flipped futons and sent off our guests from the previous night, including a family from Singapore. We stopped at a cherry orchard on the way to the station -- more on that in a later post. Then the director of the city's Economic Development office came to discuss the English walking map / restaurant guide I am making. Next I drove up to Obasute Station, parked the K-Truck and hopped on a train to Matsumoto. There I gave a talk to the Prefectural Chamber of Commerce's annual meeting. (That was a bit daunting to be lecturing to the lectors...) I had a bit of time to kill before the next train back, so I hooked up with my buddy Tom working at a think-tank in 'Moto for a late lunch bowl of ramen. Then it was back to Obasute Station and to Kamesei, where one of our new regular guests was waiting. Itogawa-sensei had been intrigued by one of the statues on display in our inn, and had researched all about it for me. After flipping futons for tonight's guests, it was off to Okagura practice at the town's main park. Somewhere in there was a phone call from NHK, the national broadcaster requesting to do feature TV show on Kamesei.
5am zazen, okagura practice, speeches ... nothing new. But all in one day -- that was a first. Also, at the zazen room, the monk was away so I had to lead the meditation. That was also a first. And at the okagura practice, I put my flute down for one dance and tried my hand at being the rear person in the lion -- another new experience.
All in all, a very full day!

リンゴプロジェクトの試食会 Sampling Party for the Apple Project

June 22, 2010: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Two types of apple dessert


Here in Kamiyamada, we have both an outstanding onsen as well as outstanding fruit orchards. However, for some reason the two don't have many areas in common. Along with two other inns, Kamesei Ryokan is working with a handful of forward-thinking fruit farmers to combine the best of both and provide guests even more enjoyment.
We've had some great discussions so far. The farmers complain that Kamiyamda's inns serve oranges for dessert despite having delicious apples grown nearby. The chef's on the other hand don't like the fact that fresh sliced apples turn color so soon, and besides they pride themselves on being more creative with the cuisine.
Last night we had a tasting party, attended by people from the inns, the orchards, and even city hall. Host Taki-no-Yu's sukiyaki using apple instead of sugar for the sweetener, one of the farmers' naturally dried apple slices, our Chef Takei's baked apples -- it was a very educational event. Now the inns will make "Apple Cuisine" plans, and the growers will provide some of the 2nd grade apples at low cost, and combining forces we will make a result that our guests will enjoy!


温泉夏祭りの獅子準備 Getting the ShiShi Ready for the Summer Festival

June 21, 2010: その他 Miscellaneous

Working on the Summer Festival ShiShi


Preparation for the huge Shishi lion for the Kamiyamada Onsen Summer Festival took place yesterday. Up until now, I had been inside the lion. This year, my role will be outside the lion, wearing a black happi coat. The guys inside try their hardest to knock over the people on the outside. So this year, I will be one of those people getting knocked around. In addition to the new responsibility on the day of the festival, there is also a lot of prep work involved that I've never had to do before. I'm looking forward to my new role at this year's festival!

上山田温泉夏祭りは毎年の7月の海の日の連休。2010年は7月17日と18日です。The Kamiyamada Onsen Summer Festival takes place every year during the 3-day Marine Day holiday. The dates for 2010 are July 17th and 18th.

父の日のプレゼント:親子サイクリング Father's Day Present: Family Bike Ride

June 20, 2010: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Cycling Inariyama's "Kura"


I grabbed the kids and we hopped on our bikes for a bike ride. We rode the bike path along the Chikuma River from Togura Kamiyamada Onsen the 8.5km to Inariyama, Chikuma City's historical district known for its earthen walled storehouses. I love wandering around the narrow streets by bicycle, oohing and aahing over the cool storehouses. The kids were more interested in what lay beyond: the "electric bath" at the Kyosenkakuku bath house.
On the way, we stopped for lunch at Ouryu. Chikuma Cycling Club's Spitz-san is a fan of their ramen, and by lucky coincidence, he happened to stop in as we were eating. We got to chat with him, and then the master let our kids ride is his electric toy scooter -- lots of fun!
As we were eating, I asked our kids, "By the way, when is Father's Day?" "Uhh, I don't know." Ah ha! I had a hunch they had forgotten. Actually, I had an ulterior motive for this father and kids bicycle ride -- a father's day present to myself.

稲荷山温泉 杏泉閣のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kyosenkaku.

Cycling Congregation at Ouryuu

杏の庭がなじんできた The Apricot Garden Starting to Fill In

June 19, 2010: サイクリング Cycling

Apricot Tree in our Apricot-themed room

Kamesei Ryokan's guest room "Chitose" is slowly being transformed around an apricot-based theme in honor of nearby Mori "Apricot Village". Last year, I knocked down the concrete block wall for its small garden, and replaced it with a woven wood fence. Then we had our gardener, Okada-san, plant a garden based around a new apricot tree. Okada-san came yesterday to do maintenance on the garden, and was pleased with how the new plants are developing. In particular, the Prunella vulgaris Albiflora has become a lovely ground cover at the base of the apricot tree. It's white flowers are in peak bloom right now.

亀清旅館の外国人客はお風呂マナーが悪い? Do Kamesei's Foreign Guests Have Bad Onsen Manners?

June 18, 2010: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi






One of our guests cautioned us that he heard a rumor: Kamesei Ryokan's foreigner guests have bad onsen manners.

Hmm. 10% of our guests here at Kamesei are foreigners. In other words, 90% of our guests are Japanese. Do all of those 90% have good bath manners? Before I go into the story of how a drunk Japanese person fell asleep with the shower running on him all night, let me explain something.

We see ourselves as a representative of Japan's onsen ryokans to our guests. For some of them, we will be the only ryokan they will ever experience. So we try our best to explain onsen "culture" to them. For example, we tell all of our guests that the onsen is 100% natural mineral water, and that nothing unnatural is to go in -- no soap, no shampoo, no towels, no bathing suits. "What, I can't wrap a towel around me to soak in the bath?" "Nope!" On the other hand, we try to accommodate as best as possible by providing a private bathing time.

However, when you have people coming from a shower culture, there will always be happenings along the way as they adjust to Japan's onsens. The other day, I spotted one guy wearing his slippers into the bath area. I guess I'll also have to say, "No slippers, either!", too.

But I really wonder if the extent of these happenings really justify spreading a rumor about bad manners.

In fact, I have some words of caution to the people that spread such rumors. The Japana National Tourism Organization's 2010 goal for number of foreign visitors to Japan is 10,000,000 people. (The figure reached 8,351,900 in 2008, but dipped in 2009 so the goal is in danger.) But the goal for 2016 is double that: 20,000,000 people. That would mean about 20% of lodgers in Japan would be foreigners. In other words, 1 out of every 5 people staying in places like ryokans would be from overseas. So to people with a foreigner "allergy", I suggest they get used to foreign customs.

大衆(?)お神楽 Taking Okagura to the People

June 17, 2010: 活動 Activities

Practice in the Park


The Kamiyamada Okagara Preservation Group (of which I am a member) practices every Wednesday night. Last night for the first time, we did our practice at the stage in the middle of Togura Kamiyamada Onsen.

Normally our practices take place at a community center away from the onsen. I often took guests to see it, and not only did they enjoy it, but the lion dance members appreciated having an audience. The park's stage is a beautiful facility, and hardly gets used. So we asked City Hall if they'd let us use it, and they gave us their approval saying, "Please -- it's such a waste not to!"

Last night was our first time to hold our practice at the park, and the result was better than I thought. Not only did guests from Kamesei go see it, but from other inns, too, as well as some of the neighbors and even one geisha.

So through the summer, every Wednesday night at around 8pm, you can see our Okagura group practice at the stage in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's main park!

上山田神楽保存会のHPはこちらClick here for the Kamiyamada Okagura website.

温泉夏祭り寄付集めで仲間作り Getting to Know the Town thru Summer Fest Donation Run

June 16, 2010: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Niko concert at Shuzo Collection


Kamiyamada Onsen's Summer Festival is held every year on the Ocean Day holiday weekend. And every year, us ryokan owners help out with gathering donations. It's hard work, going around to the various businesses and shops, humbly asking for their financial support. But you get to know more about the local businesses (as well as which ones support the community!).
One of the places I went to was the historical sake brewery in front of Togura Station, Shuzo Collection. There happened to be a musical performance going on. There in the courtyard of the hundreds of years old thatched roof brewery was a concert on a thousands of years old Silk Road instrument called a niko, played by a very modern Japanese high school student. The whole contrast was very impressive.
Another place I got to go to was CoCo, the factory where all the sheets and yukata from our onsen are sent for cleaning. I was given a tour of the factory to see all the impressive machinery as well as the detailed work that is involved. 40 people work at CoCo, 10 of which are instructors, and the other 30 are people with mental disabilities. Those 30 people all want to get out and work in society, and CoCo provides that opportunity. It is thanks to their amazing efforts that the guests of our onsen town can enjoy clean linens when they stay.
Those are just some of the great experiences I had while going around for donations for this year's summer festival. I hope everyone's contributions will lead to another fabulous matsuri!

上山田温泉夏祭りの詳しくはこちらClick here for more info on the Kamiyamada Onsen Summer Festival.

CoCo's factory

梅雨の始まりに梅雨らしい花 Flowers Greeting the Start of the Rainy Season

June 15, 2010: その他 Miscellaneous

Hydrangeas starting to bloom in our naka-niwa garden


With uncanny timing, the hydrangea in Kamesei Ryokan's gardens started to bloom yesterday, which was the official start of the "tsuyu" rainy season. The hydrangeas joined the azaleas which had started blooming a week ago. Now Togura Kamiyamada is awash in colors from all the hydrangea and azalea blossoms.

Azaleas at our entrance

町の大会で体育当番 My turn helping at the town's sports tourney

June 14, 2010: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Let the Games Begin, Seriously!?


Since moving from a city in the States to a town here in the countryside of Japan, I've had quite a lot to adapt to. Yesterday was the latest: our town's "soft" volleyball tournament.

(Note: soft volleyball is like beach volleyball except there's no beach and no volleyball. You use a beachball-like soft ball and play 4-a-side volleyball on a court. Only in Japan...)

Kamesei Ryokan is in Kamiyamada Onsen's 11th "ku" district. When I was asked to be our ku's representative to the Community Center, I thought to myself, with all the volunteering I do for Easter and Halloween, and all the help I do for civic improvement for the town, region and prefecture, how much more do I have to contribute to society? I asked if I turned this down, would the role eventually come to me anyways? The crisp answer: "Yes!" So for that reason, I ended up becoming the Kamiyamada Community Center Physical Education representative.
Our first big event was yesterday's soft volleyball tournament. After what seemed like endless preparations and practices, the tournament was finally held, starting off with a shockingly serious "opening ceremony". Fortunately, it led to a really enjoyable tournament, with great efforts by the individual participants. Our onsen team ended up coming in 3rd. The guys' softball team finished their tournament in 1st. Great job, everyone!

The celebrating teams