姨捨夜景: 何百回に何百顔 「月の出」 Obasute Night View: "Moon Rise"

February 12, 2012: Uncategorized

Obasute Moonrise, photo courtesy of Yoomi Kim






Close to our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada is a beautiful night view spot, Obasute Station's platform. The station is a quick 10-minute drive from our inn, and features a commanding view of the Zenkoji Plain.

I often take guests there to show them the view. In fact, I've probably gone several hundred times. But each time I go the tour is different. Of course the tour members differ each time. But more than that, the view is also different. I look forward to seeing it every time.

Last night's was really special. While we were enjoying the view from the platform, the moon came up over Kyoudai-san, the mountain on the other side of the Chikuma River. In all the times I've been there for the night view, that was the first time to see the moonrise.

It was amazing.

I hope you can join me for the next Obasute Night View / Legends tour. The next 'amazing' view is waiting!

2世代の着物 A Two-Generation Kimono

February 11, 2012: Uncategorized

Daughter and ... Mother









One thing that I think most Westerners find fascinating about Japan is the kimono. And the more I learn about kimonos, the more I realize there is to know. The colors, patterns, styles, obi tying, formalities, etc.

Last night, at our Okagura lion dance 'new year' banquet, before imbibing way too much sake', our lone female member Shimizu-san showed me the photo album for her daughter's coming-of-age celebration. Her daughter was wearing a stunning kimono that was only enhanced by the backdrop of the photo locations, Ueda Castle and Ikushima Tarushima Shrine. The last two pictures took my breath away. The left one: her daughter striking an alluring pose. The right one, someone bearing a similar resemblance in the same kimono and the same pose. It was Shimizu-san herself, for her coming-of-age celebration 30 (?) years ago.

That a kimono can be worn by a mother and daughter and be as just as visually appealling despite the difference in the generations is simply amazing.

Perhaps the only thing that can come close to comparing in western culture is the wedding dress. My mother probably kept her wedding dress to pass on to a daughter but unfortunately only had us 3 sons. But I think there is somewhat of a tradition like that for wedding dresses.

亀清観光協会(1) Kamesei Tourism (1)

February 9, 2012: Uncategorized

Tanaka Honke's new brochure and pamphlet





1.高橋まゆみ創作雛人形展 同時開催
2.江戸時代ひな祭り料理 再現会食会

Our Chikuma City's official Tourism Association's website has only been updated once a week lately. So the other local innkeepers and I have decided to take upon ourselves to proactively disseminate tourist-related information for our town and surrounds. Using blogs and newfangled tools like Facebook, I hope to get the word out about all of the exciting things coming up in our area.

Call it the Kamesei Tourism Office! (LOL!)

I have several items pending, so here they are in seperate entries for easy viewing. First up:

Suzaka City's Tanaka Honke Museum and their Hina Doll Festival

The Hina Festival is traditionally celebrated on March 3rd except up here in Nagano where we do it one month later ('cuz March is still too cold here!). And our area's premier Hina Doll display is at the Tanaka Honke Museum in Suzaka City, east of Nagano City.

The staff from the museum paid us a visit here at Kamesei Ryokan and dropped off their Hina Doll Festival brochure as well as the museum's 2012 pamphlet. Special for this year's Hina festival are:

*Display of Hina Dolls by local popular doll artist Takahashi Mayumi
*Recreated Edo-era Hina Doll Festival menu lunch
*French formal lunch using Edo-era dishes

(Check the museum's website for prices and times.)

田中本家 Tanaka Honke Museum

亀清観光協会(2): 節分草@天狗の里 Kamesei Tourism (2): Tengu Setsubun Flowers

February 9, 2012: Uncategorized

Setsubunsou Map available



Close to our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada is a cluster of setsubunsou plants. This rare wildflower (Shibateranthis pinnatifida (Maxim.) Satake et Okuyama) blooms around the beginning of February in lower elevations, hence the name (Setsubunso festival is February 3rd). However, at our elevation, the ground is still covered with snow in February. Once the snow starts to melt, the flowers start to bloom. Look for the precious little white with purple and gold flowers in March at the Tengu-no-sato cluster in the park above Togura Station.

Or, perhaps you can see the flowers come up in our new family bath's garden here at Kamesei Ryokan. Our gardener, Okada-san, planted some setsubunsou bulbs when he made the garden last fall. I can't wait to see them come up this spring!

亀清観光協会(3):イースター Kamesei Tourism (3): Easter

February 9, 2012: Uncategorized



亀清観光協会(4):稲荷山セミナー Kamesei Tourism (4): Inariyama Seminar

February 9, 2012: Uncategorized

Seminar flier


by 昭和のくらし博物館の館長、小泉さん
2月26日(日) 13:30-15:00
稲荷山宿 蔵し館 Tel(026)272-2726

My buddy Takamura-san is planning yet another interesting symposium for Chikuma City's historical Inariyama neighborhood:

Neighborhood-Supported Traditional Living
by Showa Lifestyle Museum curator, Koizumi-san
26-Feb (Sunday) 13:30-15:00
Inariyama Kurashikan Tel(026)272-2726

稲荷山街並み委員会 Inariyama Preservation Assoc.
昭和のくらし博物館 Showa Lifestyle Museum

若旦那の悩み:節水vs.節円・見かけ An Innkeeper's Dilemma; Conserving Water vs. Conserving Money / Appearance

February 7, 2012: Uncategorized

The automatic-stopping part in question; Shiny, new (non-stopping) faucet in foreground, old, auto-stop one in background







A year and a half ago, we changed out all of the shower faucets at Kamesei Ryokan's onsen baths to ones that stop automatically. Every once in a while, the showers were left running, wasting water. So in the name of water conservation, we bought all new, rather expensive faucets.

I was pretty proud of this small but important bit of progress.

Lately, though, a couple of the faucets stopped stopping. Apparently the onsen water's high mineral content seeped into the faucet and gummed things up.

When I consulted with the plumbing supply people, they suggested switching back to regular faucets. New ones are 1/3 the price of the cost of the automatic stopping ones, and would have a sparkling new appearance. The current ones have already turned black thanks to the onsen's minerals.

No matter how much water the automatic-stopping ones conserve, they would never save enough money to cover the difference in cost of the faucets. And new ones would look much better. Hmmm.

But, no! We made this step of progress and I don't want to go back! So I took another look at the faucets and disassembled one to figure out the part the does the automatic stopping. I had the supply store order the proper part. After it came, I tried installing it and, voila! The faucet stops automatically again.

So Kamesei's showers may not have a shiny appearance, but internally they are perfectly sound.

(Next dilemma: the bath's lighting fixtures are on the fritz...)

亀清旅館のロビーピアノ Kamesei Ryokan's Lobby Piano

February 6, 2012: Uncategorized

Please Play the Piano (in Kamesei's Lobby)











Here in Kamesei Ryokan's lobby we have a wood-finish Yamaha U1F piano. It was made in 1970 (same year as I was born!).

Our local piano tuner came and worked his annual magic on our piano. "For a forty year-old piano, it's in great shape. Of course, it's a Yamaha." Apparently our lobby is spacious enough so that the piano doesn't suffer extreme temperature or air pressure fluctuations which helps keep it in good condition.

Recently I visited another inn with a grand piano in the lobby. The piano had a little sign on it, "Please do not touch."

It made me want to put a similar sign on our piano here at Kamesei; "Please touch."

What's a piano for if it's not to be played? We are happy to have our guests sit down and play our piano. Our two sons are taking lessons and often use the piano for their practice. So it gets used quite a bit.

Actually, in my previous life, I used to sell old Japanese pianos like this in the States. The trading company I worked for back in Seattle imported containers of used pianos and sold them to piano dealers throughout North America.

In Japan, it's a common occurrence for a family to have purchased a piano for their daughter 30~40 years ago only to have the daughter grow up and move out. So the large piano is stuck taking up space and collecting dust in the family's small living room. Exporters then buy them up and ship them overseas.

In the States, a person looking at buying a piano has a choice of a brand new one made in China and full of plastic parts, or a used one from Japan with real wooden parts and the finest craftsmanship. With both being around the same price, many choose a used Yamaha or Kawai. Wood-finished ones like the one in our lobby are especially popular. But you won't find ours being sold and shipped overseas. It's getting a lot of use right here in our lobby.

"Please touch."