亀清の看板 例年のチョキチョキ Kamesei's Symbol Getting its Annual Clipping

March 7, 2013: Uncategorized




'Tis the time for Kamesei Ryokan's Japanese pine tree's annual trimming. This pine tree, located as it is at the entrance, acts as our inn's main greeting symbol.

A team of 3 professional gardeners spent 2 days on the trimming. In order to not damage the tree, they used a system of ladders and poles and ropes to reach the branches. An impressively elaborate job.

As the inn's proprietor, if a job can be done by myself, as much as possible I try to do it by myself. When it comes to trimming pine trees, though, I feel it's not a job to be done by an amateur. Especially for our inn's symbolic pine tree. It's important to present a formal face when greeting the guests of our inn!

森「杏の里」あんずまつりはあと一か月! One Month Until the Mori Apricot Blossom Festival

March 6, 2013: Uncategorized

2013 Mori Apricot Blossom Festival Map





The main Spring event for our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada and the greater Chikuma City area is the Mori "Apricot Village" Apricot Blossom Festival. The dates for the 2013 edition have been announced as follows:

58th Annual Mori Apricot Blossom Festival April 6th-21st 2013.
Anzu-no-Sato Sketch Park Light Up will be April 12th-14th from 6-9pm.

And, a bit of big news: A certain individual from Tokyo is reportedly planning on coming to see the blossoms this year. Actual date will depend on the timing of the blossoms. As soon as information is released, we will announce it here on the blog.

So if you've been thinking about coming to see Mori's apricot blossoms, perhaps this is the year to do it!

Mori Apricot Village is 12km from Togura-Kamiyamada, approx. 25 minutes by car. Train access is via Yashiro Station on the Shinano Railway line.

注:戸倉駅の上の天狗公園を通る道は近道になるけど、かなりクネクネ。There is also a windy, mountainous short cut.