新緑の百年風呂露天風呂 New spring growth around the outdoor bath

April 24, 2008: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada


Our outdoor bath's garden is starting to leaf out. The yellow-green color of the first spring leaves is precious. Come and enjoy the view while soaking in our bath!

県総会@菅平 General Mtg @ SugaDaira

April 24, 2008: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan


4 General Meetings in 5 days -- Uff Da! That's the life of an innkeeper. Today's was the Nagano Prefecture Ryokan Junior Innkeepers Assoc., held in the ski / rugby resort of Sugadaira. I want to come back and hike some of the area's mountains, especially Nekodake. Anyways, here's wishing my fellow innkeepers in Sugadaira good luck!
亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website.

Sometimes the best travel experience isn't one that you find; it finds you旅の一番良い思い出は自分で見つけるのではなく、自分を見つける時も

April 23, 2008: 活動 Activities

lion kiss

More pictures from last week's Chishikiji Festival, sent by our guest Mr. George Mason of the UK. He hadn't come to Nagano looking for a festival, but attending it turned out to be the highlight of his trip.

shishi dance

Okagura group

piper Tyler

Imitation Yagura コピーの櫓

April 22, 2008: 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains


They say imitation is the highest form of flattery. If that's the case, then I guess I am flattered. Today I went to the Kamiyamada Onsen Company's office. Guess what they were making -- a yagura! Just like the one I built next to our outdoor bath. Apparently they liked the idea so much they decided to build one, too. (A yagura, by the way, is basically like an oil rig that they used 100 years ago to dig the onsen wells.)
英語のことわざで「模倣はもっとも誠実なお世辞」と言います。ところで、今日は上山田温泉会社によりました。何を作っていらっしゃったでしょうか? 櫓! 私が去年に露天風呂のそばに立てた櫓のまね。温泉会社がその発想を気に入ったようです。嬉しいような。。。

Our yagura 亀清の櫓

亀清の花のパレード:スタート! Kamesei's Parade of Spring Flowers Starts

April 21, 2008: 季節 Seasons

purple 'tulip tree'


Every year, Kamesei Ryokan's nakaniwa garden comes alive in the spring in an explosion of colors. This year's parade of flowers started with this purple magnolia tree.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan's website


総会の時期;副会長に 'Tis the season for Annual Meetings -- and now I'm a vice-chairperson!

April 20, 2008: 季節 Seasons

This week I have to attend four different Annual Meetings. Today's was for the Chikuma Int'l Exchange Assoc. Yours truly has been selected as Vice Chairperson. I am looking forward to working closer with the group!

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website.


変わった花びら Funky Blossoms

April 19, 2008: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi



While strolling around Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, I came across these intersting blossoms: red and pink and white flowers all on the same tree. At first I thought it was a cherry tree, but on closer inspection I think it's perhaps a 'boke' tree. Rain is forecasted for the weekend, but if with rain you can still enjoy the colorful blossoms.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan Website


April 18, 2008: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi


New Plan: Enjoy Shinshu Steak, our local specialty meat. Choose either shabu shabu, or bite-sized steak specially seasoned by our chef, Takei-san. Or choose both for a little extra. Take in our relaxing, traditional atmosphere of our inn, soak in our mineral bath, and enjoy Shinshu Steak served to your room.

詳しくはここをクリックClick here for details


千曲市に映画など、チベット問題のイベント Free Tibet Events Notice

April 17, 2008: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada




この度、長野に聖火リレーが来るのを前に、広く一般の方々にチベットの問題を知って欲しいとの願いから、映画「Tibet Tibet」の上映会を開催することにいたしました。合わせてキム・スンヨン監督をお招きしての講演も決定しました。 以下詳細です。

(Screening of Movie 'Tibet Tibet')

 会場:長野市TOiGO WEST(3F学習室)
    http:// www.to igo.co .jp/in dex.ht ml

    http:// www.ch ikuma- bunka. jp/anz uhall/ access .html
 *会費:1000円+支援のカンパ (学割500円)




 *会費:1000円+支援のカンパ (学割500円)
    http:// w2.avi s.ne.j p/~sin anoki/

○主催団体:「チベットの風」 Tel(090)4951-0018

