家族風呂工事 竹の塀 Building the Family Bath -- Bamboo Fence

October 26, 2011: Uncategorized

The new bamboo fence


The construction on a family bath here at Kamesei Ryokan is proceeding along. I built a fence with the bamboo I had gotten from the bear mountain. Now guests will be able to bathe in private. We had targetted the end of October as a completion date, but it looks like the garden will take a while longer...

栄村の震災見学 Touring the Earthquake Damage in Sakae Village

October 25, 2011: Uncategorized

Sakae Village earthquake damage






After the Chamber of Commerce ceremony, there was a bus tour of the areas in Sakae Village damaged by the earthquake. We saw a lot of houses being repaired but the collapsed ones have apparently been cleaned up. Most of the roads were passable, but a lot of cracks in the road surface remain.

The biggest landslide was next to the town's main onsen bathhouse, "Tomato no Kuni". Fortunately the bathing facilities themselves were protected from the slide by a grove of cedar trees. While the prefectural government plans on taking over 10 years to stabilize the slide zone, "Tomato no Kuni" is on schedule to be repaired and open by this December.

Along the main highway is the Sakae Shin-etsu Road Station. I was glad to see an abundance of local farm products and handicrafts for sale. It looks like the villagers have really bounced back from the earthquake.

Until now, my only experience with Sakae Village has been to enjoy the remote Kiriake Onsen. But now seeing the main village has made me want to come back and explore more. The villagers' lives are shaped in large part by the hardships of deep winter snows, giving the area a unique culture. There is a volunteer organization called Sakae Network that offers tours giving insight into the village's lifestyle -- perfect for further exploration.

Access to Sakae Village is via Route 117 from the Iiyama IC on the Shin-Etsu Expressway, or JR Iiyama Line from Nagano Station (Morimiyanohara Station being the village's main stop).

For More Info:
Sakae Shin-etsu Road Station website
Sakae Network website
"Tomato no Kuni" Onsen website

Landslide next to the Onsen

Cracks from the earthquake

Sakae's Road Station

長野県商工会 観光絆宣言 Nagano Chambers of Commerce Tourism Solidarity

October 24, 2011: Uncategorized

The Guv (and Arukuma!)



On March 11th, all of Japan -- and all of the world -- shook with the news of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, as well as the ensuing nuclear disaster. Early the following morning, March 12th at 3:59am, northern Nagano shook with a major earthquake centered on Sakae Village. 688 homes were damaged or destroyed, road and sewar damage totaled 2.069 billion yen, farm and industrial damage was 2.159 billion yen.

In response, the various Chambers of Commerce from throughout Nagano Prefecture made a joint declaration of tourism unity. On October 24th in Nozawa Onsen, a special ceremony was held to announce the declaration, with the prefecture's governor in attendance. I was invited as a Nagano Inbound Ambassador. The power of seeing all the Chamber representatives making the joint declaration was impressive!

Now that's solidarity!

戸倉上山田にプロバスケ登場! Pro Hoops Come to Togura Kamiyamada!

October 23, 2011: Uncategorized

Cheering on the Brave Warriors

日本プロバスケの新しいチーム、信州Brave Warriorsの初ホームゲーム。場所は何と戸倉体育館。我が亀清旅館からちゃりんこで5分。身長2mの私よりでかいプロ選手の試合がこんなに近くて見れて、最高!


応援したお蔭(?)で、Brave Warriorsが勝ちました。次のホーム試合@戸倉が12月3日・4日です。楽しみだ!

Pro Basketball has come to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. The new Basketball-Japan Leauge "Shinshu Brave Warriors" had their first home game right here in our onsen town. Togura Gymnasium is a quick 5 minute bike ride from Kamesei Ryokan.

The kids and a buddy of mine rode our bikes down and cheered on the home team. It was so great to be able to watch these huge pro players (some were even taller than me -- and I'm 6'7" tall!) muscling there way through the game. There were more than a few viscious slam dunks -- and we took it all in from basically courtside seats. Awesome!

I cheared so much my throat hurt for 2 straight days. It soon became painfully apparent that cheering at hoops games in America is very different from in Japan. But I figured, basketball is from the States, I'm from the States, I've been to my share of hoop games in the States, heck, I've even played in my share of games in the States, so my cheering must be right and everyone else's wrong. So I kept cheering on like I would back at home. But then it hit me -- at the "Hey" song, I was the only one to pump my fist and shout "Hey!". Come on people, there's only one word to the song so it's not hard to learn the lyrics!

Anyways, perhaps in part due to my cheering, the home team won. Congratulations, Brave Warriors!

Next home game at Togura is December 3rd and 4th. Can't wait!

信州Brave Warriors

萩の花 Bush Clover flowers

October 22, 2011: Uncategorized

bush clover flowers


もう時期、この葉っぱは紅葉になって、また違う表現になります。旬の変更が早い! その日、その日を楽しまないと駄目ですね。

We have a patch of bush clover under the pine tree in front of our inn here at Kamesei Ryokan. It's flowers are in bloom right now.

Before too long, the leaves will all change in a vivid display of autumn color. The seasons change so fast! You have to really enjoy each and every day as they come.

温泉塾x温泉会社公判:温泉資料館 Onsen Juke x Onsen Company Pt. 2: Onsen Museum

October 21, 2011: Uncategorized

Onsen History Museum





As a continuation of the Onsen Jook x Kamiyamada Onsen Company study session, we next took a tour of the Onsen History Museum.

The curator, Takizawa-san, kindly explained about our onsen town's location and geology, the history behind the onsen and about the people who made that history. He really made the story come alive. And he made us innkeepers realize that we are writing the next page of that history.

Special thanks to Takizawa-sensei!

上山田温泉資料館 Kamiyamada Onsen History Museum

温泉塾: 上山田温泉源泉巡り  Onsen Jook: Touring Kamiyamada Onsen's hot spring wells

October 20, 2011: Uncategorized

One of Kamiyamada's Onsen Wells




宮本さん、有難うございました! 全部を手配してくれた雄山のHideoさんにも感謝!

During my 2 year tenure as Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's Ryokan Junior Association top, I am having our members get together for a monthly study session. This time was to have the local onsen company take us around to our town's onsen wells.

Miyamoto-san from the onsen company kindly explained about how the 18 onsen wells work with their varying depths of 300 to 600 meters and the onsen water rising up to within 20 meters of the surface, from where it is pumped up and distributed to all of us onsen ryokans.

The onsen water is vital to our business, so it was very useful to get to know a bit about how the system works.

Special thanks to Miyamoto-san from the onsen company and Hideo-san from Ryokan Yuzan for arranging everything.

上山田温泉株式会社Kamiyamada Onsen Company

雄山グループYuzan Group

Onsen water distribution

Miyamoto-san explaining how it all works

家族風呂工事: 熊を注意しながら竹採り Building the Family Bath: Gathering Bamboo in Bear Country

October 19, 2011: Uncategorized

Bamboo and Bear Droppings

今作っている亀清旅館の家族風呂の庭に竹の塀を作りたく、知り合いの山へ行って竹を取りに行きました。それは良いけど、竹株に熊の糞がありました。糞があるという事は本人(本熊?)もちかく? ドキドキしながら竹を取りました。

For the new outdoor family bath I am building here at Kamesei Ryokan, I needed bamboo for a fence. A buddy of mine took me to his lot out in the woods and let me cut down bamboo. That was all fine and well, but there was bear poop by the bamboo patch. Which means bears nearby. So I nervously collected the bamboo I needed, and got the heck out of there!

上山田温泉: 五色? Kamiyamada's Onsen Water: Multi-colored?

October 18, 2011: Uncategorized

Onsen Water Turned Green!



The other day, when I looked at Kamesei's outdoor bath I was surprised to see it had clouded up and became a milky white color. Today I when I looked it was a deep green color.

Our normally clear, colorless hot spring mineral water occasionally changes with fluctuations in the outside temperatures. These naturally occurring changes are so fascinating!

家族風呂工事 湯船 Building the Family Bath: Tilework

October 17, 2011: Uncategorized


The work on Kamesei Ryokan's family bath is progressing. Here is how the bath tiles are looking. I hope we can make the end-of-October completion date goal.