また湯たんぽタイム It's Yutampo Time Again

2010.12.17: 季節 Seasons

Eco warmth






Japan's 'yutampo' is a great idea. At night, before going to bed, when you take your bath you fill up the yutampo hot water cannister then take it to bed with you. It keeps you toasty warm as you go to sleep.

Especially when your bath is an onsen like here at Kamesei, using the natural hot spring water instead of fossil fuels for heat, it's beneficial for the environment.

At Kamesei, during the winter months we put yutampos out by the entrance to the baths for our guests to use as they please. And as the night-time temperatures have been dipping below freezing lately, the yutampo have once again made their appearance.

By the way, my dad's father immigrated to the States from Ireland. He grew up in an old stone farmhouse on the Atlantic coast, in a town called 'Tonregee'. I was told it was Gaelic for 'Turn your ass' in reference to the winter gales blowing in from the Atlantic. Apparently they are so strong that if you don't turn your ass to them, you'd get blown away.

Anyways, in the winter every one in the family took a stone and placed it in front of the hearth. Then at night, they took their stone with them to bed to keep them warm at night. If they forgot to put their stone by the hearth in the morning, they had to deal with a brutally cold night.

As the yutampo came out, it reminded me of that story about my grandfather.

戸倉上山田温泉にクリスマス馬車  Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's Christmas Horse Ride

2010.12.16: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada


予定 12月24日(金)
時間 20:00~21:00ごろ
場所 カラコロ足湯(上山田温泉の本通り)
料金 無料

Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's Christmas Horse and Buggy Ride is back! Last year got rained out, but this year, Haruka and Hangetsu are chomping at the bit (?), and are all ready to pull merry-making guests around the onsen town.

Date 24-December (Fri) Christmas Eve!
Time 8pm - 9pm (or thereabout)
Place The Kara-koro footbath on Kamiyamada Onsen's main steet
Cost Free!

Jingle Bell Ride

ミスマッチ?クリスマスツリーに障子貼り Mismatch? Fixing Shoji by the Christmas Tree

2010.12.15: 日米関係Culture Shock

American dude fixing a Japanese shoji screen?




The other day, I was going about my normal business fixing the paper on a shoji screen as I normally do, when a buddy of mine showed up. He looked at the whole situation and got a funny grin on his face. "This is weird," he said. "Why?" I asked.

According to him, the whole concept of a traditional Japanese shoji screen being worked on by a huge Western guy in a traditional Japanese ryokan lobby -- next to a totally Western Christmas tree, was a total mismatch.

Hmm. I guess when you think about it, it kind of is. But on the other hand, it works for me.

Drying out the shoji frames

長野市CVBのインバウンドパネリストに Inbound 'Panelist' for Nagano City's CVB

2010.12.14: 活動 Activities

Yours Truly as a Panelist






他のパネリストは日本旅行業協会の興津さん(現在の日本全体のインバウンドの動き)、長野県観光課の遠山さん(県内の現状)、善光寺の住職、福島先生(長野市、特に善光寺の現状)、全国通訳ガイドの熊沢さんと私。熊沢さんの話で一番おもしろかったのは下降のインバウンドは団体客・ゴールデンルート(東京ー富士山ー京都)であって、現在はFIT(個人客)・裏ゴールデンルート(松本・飛騨高山・金沢)であって、将来はSIT(Special Interest Tours)と感じているそうです。私はそのSITとの動きが非常に面白いです。なぜなら、また後日…

Today I was invited by the Nagano City Convention Bureau to be a panelist on their "Inbound Panel Discussion". My normal 1-hour long speech on what foreigners expect in Japan had to be squeezed down into an 8-minute talk, followed by answering questions from the coordinator.

My co-panelists were Kouzu-san from JATA (explaining the current Inbound situation on the national level), Toyama-san from the prefecture (on the prefectural level), Fukushima-sensei from Zenkoji (on the city's level), Kumazawa-san from the national Guide federation (from a guide's perspective), and me.

Kumazawa-san's talk was particularly eye-opening for me. She explained how in the past, foreign tourists often travelled in groups and mostly along the "Golden Route" (Tokyo - Mt. Fuji - Kyoto geishas). Nowadays its more individual travellers on the "Ura" (back-side) Golden Route (Matsumoto, Hida Takayama and Kanazawa). For the future, she sees more SIT (Special Interest Tours).

That SIT dynamic is really fascinating to me. I'll write more on that soon!

信大のフリーペーパー「Tsunagaru」スタッフが亀清に Local university free paper staff at Kamesei

2010.12.13: メディア Media

Experiencing one aspect of providing ryokan 'omotenashi'



Students from our local university, Shinshu U., are producing a free magazine called "Tsunagaru" which basically means 'connecting'. Several of their staff members came to interview Mari and I for an article. Apparently they want to write about what it's like to run a ryokan. As part of their project, they wanted to experience a bit of what ryokan work is like. So I had them help out with writing the names of the guests on the sign boards.

These students have their whole lives out in the 'Real World' ahead of them. Hopefully I was able to convey what being an innkeeper is like. I'm looking forward to seeing the article.

千曲市のハイキング調査II: 八頭山 Chikuma Hiking Survey II: Hatto Mountain

2010.12.12: 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains

We made it to the Top!





登山口: 県道55号@坂上トンネル前
登山口標高: 830m
八頭山山頂標高: 1204m
距離: 1300m
標高差: 370m
時間:  ご参考に、私達は1時間20分がかかりました。(ポンポン平での休憩を含めて)

On Kamiyamada's western flank, Obayashi, Hatto and Kamuriki mountains are lined up next to each other. They have such a noticeable presence that they are featured in Kamiyamada Elementary School's official school song.

This past Sunday was unusually warm for December, so the kids and I went for a hike to the top of the middle of those three mountains, 1204-meter Hatto-san. It was a thigh-busting hike to the top (especially for me as I carried our daughter Misaki in a backpack), but we made it and were rewarded for a great view of the Chikuma River valley below.

During a post-climb soak in our onsen back at the inn, our son Kenny exclaimed that next he wanted to go climb Obayashi Mountain. Looks like a mountain climbing fan has been born!

千曲市ハイキングコース調査: 金比羅山 Surveying Chikuma City's Hiking Courses: Kimpira Mountain

2010.12.11: 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains





One of the many projects I'm working on is a hiking / cycling map for Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. As a test-run, I took our kids and went with my buddy Keener-san to hike Kimpira Mountain, just a quick 5 minutes from our onsen town. Fun little hike and the picnic shelter and play equipment at the top make for an enjoyable spot for adults and kids alike.

Keener-san showing the way

オーストラリアから浴衣の買い物 Yukata Shopping in Togura Kamiyamada

2010.12.10: 活動 Activities






The McKean family took an interest in yukata (Japanese traditional clothing similar to a kimono but lighter and more casual) after wearing them at our ryokan. So I took them across to Beni-ya, the clothing store across the street from Kamesei Ryokan. The 5-year old twins (and their parents) enjoyed seeing the various colors and styles, and the Saito family that runs the shop got a kick out of helping the guests from Australia try on the yukatas.

In the travel industry in Japan today, I often hear people pursuing "Inbound" (attracting travellers from overseas). Usually it is because their profit from domestic travellers is declining, and they are looking at foreign tourists as a source of profit. For me, the situation pictured is my goal for "Inbound" -- a family from Australia enjoying shopping for their favorite Japanese clothes, and a local clothing shop family happy to share their specialty with the visitors.

今冬の戸倉上山田温泉のイルミネーション This Winter's Illumination in Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

2010.12.09: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Winter Illumination at the Kara-Koro Footbath




Once again, yours truly and the other Junior Innkeepers decorated the Kara-Koro footbath and the main park here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen with colorful illumination. It gets dark here early in the winter, so for your evening or night time stroll, definitely come and enjoy the beautiful lights.

New for this year, we also strung some golden-color lights along Kamiyamada Onsen's main streets. And the Proprietress' Group is talking about buying lights for the Noh stage in the park. Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada is getting beautifully decorated this winter.


長野市CVBのインバウンドパネルディスカッション Upcoming Talk: Nagano CVB's Inbound Panel Discussion

2010.12.08: 活動 Activities

RSVP Form for the CVB's Inbound Panel Discussion


On December 14th, Nagano City's Convention Bureau will hold a Panel Discussion on Inbound -- attracting foreign tourists to the city. I have been invited to be one of the panelists. If you can attend, please RSVP. (Details as below.)

シリーズ1: パネルディスカッションのご案内 -

日時 平成22年度12月14日(火)14:00~16:30
会場 長野市若里市民文化ホール2F会議室(ビッグハット隣)
住所:長野市若里3-22-2 TEL:026-223-2223
内容 『訪日外国人旅行のお客様への対応(インバウンド)』
基調講演 "昨今のインバウンド情勢について"
 (社)日本旅行業協会 国内訪日旅行事業部 部長 興津泰則氏
(社)日本旅行業協会 国内訪日旅行事業部 部長 興津泰則氏
長野県観光部観光振興課国際観光班 課長補佐 遠山 明氏
善光寺宿坊 玄証院住職 福島貴和氏
戸倉上山田温泉 亀清旅館若旦那 Tyler 平 Lynch 氏
国家資格通訳案内士(英語)  熊澤 眞紀子 氏

下記メールアドレスへ 1)所属団体名 2)受講希望者氏名 3)電話番号 を記入の上ご応募下さい。※受講は無料です。

問い合わせ: (財)ながの観光コンベンションビューロー 
       TEL:026-223-6050 担:跡部(あとべ)