ついに上田市のハイキング・ウォーキングの英語の本 Ueda Hiking/Walking Book Now Out

2012.12.17: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Peter showing off his new Ueda book (blue) along side the Chikuma one

千曲市在住のPeter Ninnesさんは以前に出版した千曲市のハイキング・ウォーキング・サイクリングのガイドブックのついでに、上田市周辺のガイドブックを出版しました。



Fellow Expat here in Togura-Kamiyamada, Peter Ninnes, has released his 2nd Hiking, Walking and Biking Nagano Guide Book. His first was for Chikuma City. This one is for Ueda City and Environs.

From a walk through a series of temples dating back to the 13th century, to serious hikes up to the spectacular 360-degree views from the tops of the area's mountains, this book features 16 different courses.

It is perfect for non-Japanese speakers to get the most out of exploring Ueda, as well as for local Japanese studying English.

We have several copies for sale here at Kamesei Ryokan, so feel free to inquire.

Hiking, Walking & Biking Nagano -- 16 Tours in Ueda City and Environs

思い出深いクリスマスツリーのオーナメント Story-filled Christmas Tree Ornaments

2012.12.16: 季節 Seasons

Just a few of our story-filled Christmas ornaments









What does Christmas mean to you? What kind of memories does it bring?

Kentucky Fried Chicken and Christmas Cake?

or maybe gathering with loved to celebrate the present of life we received from our creator?

It is no doubt different from person to person,
from country to country.

For me, one of my most cherished Christmas traditions is decorating the tree with ornaments. Every year we give and get new ornaments, and every year our collection gets a little larger. And each ornament has a story to tell.

Our family's ornament collection can be seen on the Christmas tree we have in our lobby here at Kamesei Ryokan. You are welcome to come and take a look. And I will be posting pictures of them and explaining their stories on our Kamesei Ryokan facebook page.

亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

UKからダンスインストラクターが来る Dance Instructor from UK Coming

2012.12.15: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Dance Workshop in Kamiyamada

ダンスインストラクターでUK在住のRie Fujiiさんは上山田でダンスワークショップを1月に開催する予定。ダンスをなされている皆様、このチャンスを逃さない様に。

1月26日(土) 3:10~4:10pm
1月27日(日) 1:00~2:00pm
1月27日(日) 2:15~3:15pm
スポーツクラブシーバス上山田 Tel(026)276-6822

この辺でチアーダンスがかなり流行っています。Rieさんは更にレベル?いCommercial Danceと言うスタイルです。ストリートジャズやヒップホップのブレンドで、本人はプリンスやカニエ・ウェストなどのヨーロッパツアーでのバックダンサーなされた。


London-based Dance Instructor Rie Fujii will be holding some dance workshops here in Kamiyamada in January. For anyone interested in or practicing dance, this is an opportunity not to be missed.

Cheer dance seems to be popular around locally, but Rie specializes in the more advanced "Commercial Dance" style. It's the combination of street jazz and hiphop that is used in a lot of music videos. In fact, Rie has performed as a backdancer for the European legs of tours by artists such as Prince and Kanye West.

Workshop Schedule:
26-Jan (Sat) 3:10-4:10pm
27-Jan (Sun) 1:00-2:00pm
27-Jan (Sun) 2:15-3:15pm
Sports Club Seavas Kamiyamada Tel(026)276-6822
Cost is 2,500 yen per lesson
For dancers with a middle level of experience.

So, take advantage of this rare opportunity for one of Rie's workshops in Japan. (Rie-san will be staying here at Kamesei Ryokan during her time in Kamiyamada, hence our support for her workshop.)


秋田からのお客様: ノーザンハピネッツのチアダンスチーム

最近は亀清旅館でダンス関係のお客様が多いです。Rieさんのワークショップもそうですが、12月15・16日の信州ブレイブウォリアーズ vs. 秋田ノーザンハピネッツ試合@戸倉体育館関係で、ハピネッツのチアダンスチームが亀清に泊まってくれました。有難うございました!
Lately we've been having a lot of dance-related guests here at Kamesei Ryokan. Besides Rie-san and her upcoming workshop, for the December 15th/16th hoops series between the Shinshu Brave Warriors and the Akita Northern Happinets here at the Togura Gym, the Happinets cheer dance team stayed at Kamesei.

秋田ノーザンハピネッツ チアダンスチーム Akita Northern Happinets Cheer Dance Team

客室「弥生」の滝、仮オープン Guestroom "Yayoi" waterfall's Pre-Start

2012.12.14: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Kamesei's Waterfall In Snowy Action





As previously mentioned, I have been making a waterfall for the garden for Kamesei Ryokan's guestroom "Yayoi". With this latest snowfall, I set up the new spout I made and ran water for the first time.

The sound of the water gurgling and the crystal white scenery made for a most peaceful scene.

今冬の初雪が早くて、綺麗! This Year's First Snowfall was Early -- and Beautiful!

2012.12.13: 季節 Seasons

Kamesei's Koi Pond with its First Snow of the Winter




When we woke up on the morning of December 10th, we were treated by a winter wonderland. All of our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada was covered in snow. Kamesei Ryokan's naka-niwa garden koi pond looked especially peaceful.

Since then, we've had low temperatures all week so the snow is staying around in places. It's been mid-January-like weather. But it's gotten my hopes up for a white Christmas!

The roads around town are all bare already. However, for anyone driving to Nagano this winter, it is best to check road conditions first.

高速道路道状況 Expressway Driving Conditions

講演#3 メニュー魅力の伝え方 Seminar #3: Effectively Expressing the Menu

2012.12.12: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

It's all in the way you express it.

3日間連続の講演。頭がパンクしそう。今度は地元の商工会の主催で京都からのコンサルタント坂本 洋さんが来ました。










3rd Seminar in as many days -- my head feels like it's about to explode. This one was sponsored by our local chamber of commerce. Hiroshi Sakamoto came from Kyoto to give a talk on menus, and creative ways to express them.

Take a look at the picture. 4 menus, from a sloppy hand-written one that looks like it's from a Chinese restaurant, to a formal one with English translation and a red hanko stamp, on washi paper.

Actually, the menu contents are all the same. But whereas the handwritten one looks like a menu with a price of around 5000 yen, the real, formal one goes for 20,000 yen.

It's all in the way the menu is expressed.

Or, consider this:

"Soba Noodles"


"100% Buckwheat Flour Soba Noodles Hand-Made by a 20-Year Master Chef"

or, "Soba Noodles For Ladies Intersted in Beauty Care"

Depending on the expression, the target customer base is totally different.

So, what is Kamesei Ryokan's target customer base?

I think the first thing we need to do is to make a menu!

Sakamoto-san, thank you for your stimulating ideas!

講演#2: 仙仁温泉の金井社長 Seminar #2: Kanai-san from Seni Onsen

2012.12.11: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

The passionate owner of Seni Onsen, Kanai-san





2nd of back-to-back-to-back seminars. This one was sponsored by the Nagano Prefecture Tourism Department. They had Kanai-san, the owner of Seni Onsen, give a talk.

Here in Nagano, we are fortunate to have many legendary inns and hotels. Of those, Seni Onsen is arguably the most-revered. Kanai-san does not often give interviews, so it was a unique opportunity to listen to his story.

And listen we did. The other inn proprietors and I hung on each and every word that came out of his mouth. "Guests have deep needs, so deep that they aren't even aware of them themselves. It is the role of us inns to attend to those needs and give healing to our guests' hearts and souls."

He really made me aware of the need to put meaning into my daily work as an innkeeper.

Thank you, Kanai-san!

仙仁温泉 Seni Onsen

連続講演 #1: 渡辺先生 1st of 3 Days of Seminars: Watanabe-sensei

2012.12.10: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

The suave, sophisticated, and severe Watanabe-sensei

三日間連続のの講演の1つ目: 長野県旅館組合主催で経営コンサルタントの渡辺清一郎先生。BSの読み方、銀行との対策、金融業界の最新の動き、等など。

1st of 3 straight days of Seminars: ryokan business consultant Seiichiro Watanabe, sponsored by the Nagano Prefecture Ryokan Association.
Watanabe-sensei talked about Balance Sheet issues and how to deal with bank negotiations, as well as new developments in the financing industry.
When I first came to Kamesei Ryokan 7 years ago, the money we owed the banks was twice our annual revenues. Since then, thanks to building 3 outdoor baths and making improvements to the guestrooms and gardens, we've seen a gradual increase in guests. Meanwhile, we have been diligently paying back the banks. Now our debt and annual revenue figures are reversed.
Watanabe-sensei's talk still discussed many areas to be careful about. I am grateful for the Ryokan Association to sponsor the talk, and for Watanabe-sensei's knowledgeable advice.

M-Wave オリンピック記念展示 Olympics Exhibition

2012.12.09: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Our kids bobbing in the bobsleigh at the M-Wave Olympics Exhibition Corner


さあ、クイズタイム: スキージャンプかスピードスケート、どちらのジャージーが軽いでしょうか?


The other day I took our kids to M-Wave to watch the World Cup Speed Skating. While there, we checked out the Nagano Olympics Exhibition Corner.

I had seen a bit of the exhibit before, but this was the first time to explore it in depth. And I was pleasantly surprised to see how deep the exhibit is, with plenty of interactive exhibits to get a feel of what the '98 Winter Olympic experience was like.

Okay, quiz time: Which is lighter, a ski jumpers uniform or a speedskaters'?
And, just how heavy is the torch that the runners carry?
Our favorite exhibit was the bobsleigh that sits in front of a video screen showing actual footage from a run down the Spiral, the course used for the Olympics.
As the video shows the bobsleigh careening through the corners, you find your body naturally leaning into the curves.

If you go to M-Wave to see a competition, to go ice skating yourself, or to attend one of the many events held there, be sure to see the Olympics Exhibition Corner, too!

Note: The website has been recently renewed, and in addition to Japanese and English, now features français, 中文(Simplified Chinese), and 한국어 (Korean).

ワールドカップスピードスケート@M-Wave World Cup Speed Skating

2012.12.08: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Pro Speed Skaters at M-Wave




Here in Nagano, one of the winter sports that can be enjoyed is ice skating. And M-Wave, the ice rink built for the '98 Winter Olympics, is the perfect place to skate. On December 8th and 9th, a World Cup Speed Skating competition was held, and athletes from across the world came to skate.

Our family always goes skating at M-Wave a couple times of year, and there are usually speed skating teams there practicing. But these pro skaters were in a class above what we've ever seen before. They were so fast it was practically impossible to photograph the skaters.

It's such a privelege living in Nagano to be able to see World Cup Speed Skating!

ワールドカップスピードスケート World Cup Speed Skating
