ひまわり観光 Sunflower Tourism

2011.08.19: 日米関係Culture Shock

Sunflowers -- picturesque, but...


「善光寺さんに」 あっ、牛に引かれたね。


「戸隠」 やはり、奥社へ行く途中の杉並び木は自然の力が感じられて、人気だね。特に、去年からはパワースポットブームで駐車場が溢れているぐらい。


「わさびアイスを食べた」 朝の連続ドラマ「おひさま」の影響で、安曇野(とのわさび農園)がヒットです。撮影現場として使われた奈良井宿も時々聞きます。



その中で、初めて聞いたのは1つがあった: 山梨県のひまわり。


聞いたら、ひまわり畑は別に種の生産の為じゃなく(このアメ人には残念: ひまわりの種はサラダにかけたら美味しい!)、油の為に程広くないし、あくまで観光客の為だけだそうです。








"Did you stop anywhere on your way here?" is what I always ask our guests on arrival.

"Zenkoji Temple" is always the most popular. There is a legend about an ox pulling an old lady to Zenkoji. That ox must be busy.

"Togakushi" is a big one, too. The massive cedar trees really convey the power of nature. In fact, perhaps they convey it too well. Lately, Togakushi's been the subject of a power spot 'boom' and is getting too crowded.

"Wasabi soft serve ice cream" is a popular answer this year, with Azumino and its wasabi fields being featured in a TV show.

Following the 3.11 earthquake and tsunami, many people are shying away from beaches and heading to the mountains. Hence the Komagatake Ropeway to Senjojiki Kaar, Kurobe Dam, Utsukushi ga hara highlands, Shiga Heights and Sugadaira have all been popular.

Today I got a reply I'd never heard before: a field of sunflowers in neighboring Yamanashi prefecture. The couple that stopped there showed me the pictures they took. The flowers were certainly pretty, and it was somewhat whimsical the way they were all facing the same direction.

According to the guests, the flowers weren't being grown for seeds, as Japanese people usually don't eat them (much to my chagrin -- I love sunflower seeds topping my salad), and the field wasn't large enough to produce oil. Apparently the field's only purpose was to attract tourists.

This reminded me of a trip Mari and I took to Europe about 13 years ago. We took the train from Paris to the Loire River Valley, stopping in Amboise and riding rental cycles to the chateau at Chenanceaux. Along the way, we rode past vast fields of sunflowers. There were sunflowers plants as far as the eye could see.

And not a single tourist taking pictures.

I've never been to the sunflower field in Yamanashi, but I have a hunch that the tourists that were pleased with that small field ever saw the amazing fields in Amboise, they'd probably start to drool in excitement.

Japan's kind of funny with its tourism spots. While places that were clearly made just for tourists (if you're going to grow sunflowers, at least sell the seeds!) are popular, places that are truly fascinating don't get the attention they deserve. (The 1600-year old burial mound in nearby Mori and the earthen-walled storehouses in Inariyama come to mind.)

As an innkeeper giving tourism advice to our guests, I try to stay away from the tourist traps, and focus on some of the under-appreciated lesser-known spots.

静かな信州の朝五時に座禅 Zazen Meditation In Nagano's 5am Quiet

2011.08.18: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Feel the Quiet -- thru meditation







Ten-plus minutes by car from our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada is a historical temple called Kaigen-ji. The name means 'Open Your Eyes', and is unique for, among many things, a very modern zazen meditation hall.

The monk, Shibata-san, practices zazen meditation every morning at 5am, and has given me a standing invitation to bring guests and attend the meditation. So accordingly, I have put a "5am Zazen with the Proprietor" plan on our website.

To be honest, the plan hardly ever sells. Apparently 5am is just too early. But because it is early, everywhere around is at its quietest -- perfect for meditation. (This picture is one I took that morning that seemed to capture the feeling of quietness.)

The other day, we finally had a guest come using this plan -- a nice yound lady travelling by herself. The evening before, I invited other guests but almost everyone said, "No way!" The only guests who took us up on the offer was a group of young ladies who were spending the night at our inn as a birthday celebration.

I bet Shibata-san was surprised when 6 young ladies all of the sudden entered his hall and join him for meditation that morning. For me and I am sure for Shibata-san, too, it was great having the ladies join the meditation and share their energy with us.

助けて! 我が軽トラが可愛いそう! Help! Our K-Truck is Getting Attacked!

2011.08.17: その他 Miscellaneous

Kamesei's K-Truck getting squashed?





For this summer's big project, making a family bath, one of the biggest jobs is removing all the old concrete. I could just re-bury it, but that's just postponing the problem. Plus, it would get in the way of making the garden.

So, I've been loading up our mini pick-up 'K-Truck' and making trips to the concrete recycler. With our kids on their summer vacation, I've been having them help out. (Poor guys!)

This time, one of the guys at the recycler offered to unload our K-truck using their huge power shovel. Our tiny truck looked extra-small with the giant machine towering over it.

I think our boys liked seeing the cool power equipment. I know their dad did!

姨捨の棚田: 稲穂が出てきた。 Obasute's Terraced Rice Fields: Kernels taking shape

2011.08.16: 季節 Seasons

Obasute's rice fields taking on an Autumn Feel




Just a couple of days ago, I posted a picture of a local rice field in its fullest green color.

Now today, driving through the famous moon-reflecting Obasute rice fields, I noticed that the rice fronds have already started developing their rice kernels. The rice sure develops quickly! The fields are already in autumn mode.

Just another reminder that you have to cherish each and every day!

「信濃の国♪」盆踊り Doing the Bon-Odori to 'Shinano no Kuni'

2011.08.15: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Andy, Kenny and Misaki doing the 'Shinano'




Every one of Japan's 47 prefectures presumably has an official prefectural song. Nagano's is called "Shinano no Kuni", or 'The land of Shinano' (the Edo-era name for Nagano). Of all the official songs, Nagano's is one of the most loved by its citizens. Practically all Nagano-ites has the lyrics memorized.

Even me, who wasn't born here. I've learned a good portion of the lyrics through osmosis, and through the constant bombardment of the song at Bon-Odori and other various festivals. For the dances, it comes with some pretty funky choreographed elbow movements. Pictured are our 3 kids doin' the Shinano no Kuni. Next year's Bon-Odori, come and join us!

戸倉上山田温泉の盆踊り大会 Togura Kamiyamada's O-Bon Festival

2011.08.14: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

The Toy Guy at the O-Bon Fest




自転車で冠着橋 Cycling to Kamuriki Bridge

2011.08.13: サイクリング Cycling

New Kamuriki (under construction) in the background



びんぐし公園の長~い滑り台 Long Slide at Bingushi Park

2011.08.12: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Bingushi's Long Slide




ドキドキした射的大会 Shaky Shateki Event

2011.08.11: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada










長野のリアルタイム放射線情報 Nagano Radiation Levels in Real Time

2011.08.10: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


HPは http://radiation.yahoo.co.jp/



Even though our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada is located around 350km from the Fukushima nuclear plants, people are naturally worried about radiation if they visit. Yahoo Maps has recently released a map showing real-time radiation levels for 11 locations in Japan, including Nagano City.

The website address is: http://radiation.yahoo.co.jp/

Although the website is only in Japanese, but the data is presented in easy to understand numbers. And as of this writing, the data shows the level for Nagano at 0.084μSv/hour which calculates to an annual level of0.081mSv/year. The global average is 2.4mSv per year, so our level is well below the average.

Check out the info for yourself, then come and enjoy Nagano with the knowledge that you won't have to worry about radiation.