雪どけの亀ちゃん Snow-protector Turtle

2014.01.22: 季節 Seasons




In traditional Japanese gardens, for the winter to keep snow from damaging trees and plants, gardeners bundle straw around them. At one nearby inn, their garden has this cute little turtle made out of straw.

I had always wondered how much the straw actually functions to protect the plants, versus just being a form of decoration. Even if simply being decoration, it helps compensates for the bareness of the garden after the trees drop their leaves.

Methinks this little turtle is more decoration than protection.

味噌汁造り体験(モニターツアー) Miso Soup Lesson (Test Run)

2014.01.21: 活動 Activities

温泉タウン戸倉上山田「クールジャパン」事業で、当温泉の魅力を海外に売り込む戦略の中で、一つの面白い事に思い付きました: 味噌汁作りレッスン。








As part of our Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada "Cool Japan" project, we thought of an interesting activity for guests from overseas to try.

Several locations offer Miso-Making activities. However, even if one were to learn how to make miso paste, would you actually go through the trouble of making it at home? Could you even get all the ingredients?

On the other hand, many foreigners know Miso Soup. They often have it at sushi bars and Japanese restaurants. However, it is our guess that most foreigners don't know how to make miso soup. Therefore, in discussing with our town's miso maker, Nakajima-san, we developed a plan to offer miso soup lessons.

But first, we needed a trial run. And one of our local TV stations happened to contact me about doing a show, so we used that as the opportunity we needed for the test run.

For the 'guinea pig', my buddy and fellow-American Gilbert who lives in Togura volunteered. Nakajima-san graciously showed us his miso-making area, where we saw the huge vats used for fermenting the miso. Then we moved to the shop, and Nakajima-san explained about the different types of miso. Finally it was time for learning how to make miso soup, as adeptly shown by Nakajima-san himself.

The test-run turned out to be full of surprises for everyone.
Gilbert came in assuming miso was made in rather quick fashion, similarly to peanut butter. So he was amazed that it takes 6 months to ferment.
I was in turn surpised by something Nakajima-san said, about wanting people to eat miso at least once a day. I asked him how many time he does, and he said, "Three, of course." I knew miso was a major part of Japan's culinary culture, but three times?!
And Nakajima-san was startled when explaining how to make the soup. He said you can put any vegetables you want into it. Gilbert said, "Even cucumber?" Ah hah, the cooking lesson's going to need some clarification!

The thing that impressed me the most was Nakajima-san's philosophy. He wants everyone to know about miso, whether they are Japanese or foreigners. I have a hunch this miso soup lesson idea will be a success!

中島味噌 Nakajima Miso

亀清旅館は2014年も日本全国トップ25旅館に決定! Kamesei Ryokan Selected to the 2014 Top 25 Ryokans of Japan List

2014.01.20: メディア Media




Tripadvisor.com, the world's largest travel review website, announced their 2014 Travelers' Choice Awards. Once again, Kamesei Ryokan was recognized as one of the top 25 inns in all of Japan. This year we ranked #13.

It is quite an honor to be named to this list of prestigious inns. I would like to thank all of our guests who took time to send in a review. We aren't always able to provide stellar service to our guests, but we certainly try to give our guests a memorable stay. And our inn still has a lot of improvements that need to be made, but we remodelled 2 more guestrooms last year and intend to make further changes this year. Slowly but surely we are transforming Kamesei Ryokan into Nagano's premier inn, while keeping its traditional charm. So we are delighted to be recognized by Tripadvisor with their 2014 Award!


千曲市案内アプリ登場 Chikuma City App Debt

2014.01.19: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada




Chikuma City now has an app for smartphones. Called 'Michisaki Annai Navi', the app lists stores and businesses as well as civic facilities, events, places of interest and more. Next year, an English version is expected to be released as well.


しなの鉄道イベント列車デザイン発表:ろくもん Shinano Railway's New Train Design Released

2014.01.18: その他 Miscellaneous

しなの鉄道は今年、イベント列車を作る企画があって、そのデザインは発表されました: 真田幸村テーマの「ろくもん」。週末と祭日の中心で戸倉ー軽井沢ー長野ー軽井沢ー戸倉のルートを走るそうです。(時刻表はまだ整理中)




Our local railroad company, Shinano Railway, released pictures of the event train they are planning on making this year. "Rokumon" is patterned after Sanada Yukimura, the famous samurai warlord of Ueda Castle.

Last month when I went to Kyushu, I got the chance to ride the popular Yufuin no Mori event train. It made me realize such trains could have a favorable impact on drawing tourists.

'Rokumon' is scheduled to use lots of Nagano-grown pine wood for the interior. I love the warm feel that wood gives -- it should make for a fun train experience!

しなの鉄道「ろくもん」 Shinano Railway "Rokumon"

温泉芸者の誇りの写真 Proud Picture of the Onsen Town Geisha

2014.01.17: その他 Miscellaneous





In the Tourism Hall here at our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada there is a classic picture of the town's geisha lined up along the length of Manyo Bridge. The bridge is over 300 meters long, so there literally must have been hundreds of geisha then.

The picture is probably from the 1960s, when Togura Kamiyamada was at its peak.

Today there are about 25 geisha preserving the proud tradition.

民芸の美ケ原温泉 Folk Art Utsukushigahara Onsen

2014.01.16: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Utsukushigahara Onsen's street scene




美ケ原温泉 Utsukushigahara Onsen

Day-use bath Shiraito no Yu

長野の名宿「旅館すぎもと」 Famous Inns of Nagano: Sugimoto Ryokan

2014.01.15: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


One of Nagano Prefecture's most renowned inns is Ryokan Sugimoto in Matsumoto City's Utsukushigahara Onsen. Known for its 'Mingei' (folk art) theme, Sugimoto has enough charm just in its premises to provide for a whole day of fun exploration: an underground passage, an outdoor bath with a tree house, a footbath looking out to the naka-niwa central garden, a secret bar, a lounge with pro-quality sound system, and so much more. And the food was so artistic.

旅館すぎもと Ryokan Sugimoto

Indoor bath


長野県若旦那達とITセミナー@美ケ原温泉 IT Seminar with the Nagano Junior Ryokan Proprietors at Utsukushigahara Onsen

2014.01.14: その他 Miscellaneous

1月14日に松本市の美ケ原温泉でITコンサルタント山口 康雄氏のセミナーが開催された。長野県の青年部の皆さんと参加してきました。




どんど獅子舞 "Dondo" Lion Dance

2014.01.13: 上山田お神楽 Kamiyamada Lion Dance

Kamiyamada's Kagura Shishi Lion performing at Yoshinosato Old Folks Home's Dondo-Yaki Festival


*戸倉福祉センターで新年会 ←信濃毎日新聞取材
*更級「吉野の里」老人ホームでどんど焼き (写真)
*上山田福祉センターで新年会 ←長野朝日テレビ取材
