千曲フェアー@上田アリオ Chikuma Fair at Ueda Ario

2011.05.15: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

The 'Bijoren' Beauties at Ario





2種類の庭:派手と控えめ 2 Garden Styles: Showy and Subtle

2011.05.14: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Matsukaze's subtle garden








The peony plant in our naka-niwa central garden here at Kamesei Ryokan is in full bloom right now. As I take guests to their rooms, they often see the rich reddish-purple flowers and comment what a beautiful garden.

On the other hand, the garden for our guest room 'Matsukaze' was re-made last fall by our gardener, Okada-san, and is just now coming alive for its first spring.

One recent guest saw Matsukaze's garden and was disappointed it was so sparse. However, a different guest took a look at it and said happily, "What a beautiful hosta." And, after looking closer, "And a mulberry plant -- how uncommon!"

I realized that there are 2 types of gardens: showy ones that dazzle with a few splashes of color; and subtle ones that captivate the viewer the closer you look.

Okada-san didn't build Matsukaze's garden for today or tomorrow, but for 2, 3, 10 years in the future. Just like Rome wasn't built in a day, a good garden grows into form over the years.

Okada-san built the garden for our '100 Year Bath' outdoor bath four years ago. It has gradually grown into a garden that not only captivates the ey upon first glance, but also provides pleasure upon closer inspection as guests slowly soak in the outdoor bath.

That's the type of garden we hope to build as we make improvements here at Kamesei.

Showy Peonies

100 Year Bath's simple but increasingly showy garden

長野の地ビール3味 Nagano Microbrews x3

2011.05.13: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Take home the taste of Nagano microbrews

私みたいにアサヒやバドワイザーの様な水っぽいビールより、深い味の地ビールを好むなら、良いお知らせがあります: 亀清旅館で志賀高原ビールは3種類を扱っています。

今までは苦い系のIPAと黒ビールのPorterを扱っていましたが、この頃はフルーティーのPale Aleも足しました。地ビールに慣れていない方にはこのPale Aleから始まる様にお勧めします。



If you're like me and favor the full tastes and bodies of microbrews over watery beers like Asahi or Budweiser, then I have good news for you: here at Kamesei Ryokan we now serve 3 styles of Shiga Kogen Beer. We've been serving the bitter IPA and the dark Porter for a while, and have recently added the fruity Pale Ale. For people just getting acquainted with microbrews, this Pale Ale is probably the most approachable.

We of course serve all 3 microbrews ice cold for our guests at dinner, but I set up this display at our souvenir corner at Kamesei's Front, too. Now guests can pick and choose their favorite combination of 3 boottles and take them home in this nifty gift pack (1,500 yen). Mind you, I'm a beer snob, but in my opinion Shiga Kogen beers have the best taste for the money out of all of Nagano's microbrews -- plus they come in bottles, not cans! And if you don't believe me, here's a second opinion.

玉村本店・志賀高原ビールのHPはこちらClick here for the website of Tamamura Honten, brewers of Shiga Kogen beers

2つ日間の宣伝キャラバン@東京  Two Day Whirlwind Caravan @ Tokyo

2011.05.12: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Pop out of the subway and, lo and behold, the fabled Nihonbashi!



Early Tuesday morning: hop on the Shinkansen bullet train to Tokyo and make the rounds of travel agents and media with fellow innkeepers from Togura Kamiyamada followed by attending the Japanese Inn Group Annual Meeting banquet in the evening. Then Wednesday, visiting more travel media, then participating at the Chikuma City booth at the Nagano Prefecture travel forum for travel agents, followed by a similar one for 'Inbound' agents. Finally, hop back on the Shink to get home just in time to avoid turning into a pumpkin.

Now I have to follow up on all the business cards I received. A ryokan proprietor's job is much more than just flipping futons!

連休の人気スポット:亀清調べ Nagano's Top GW Spots: Kamesei Report

2011.05.11: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano





人気#1: 善光寺

人気#2: 戸隠

人気#3: 安曇野

人気#4: 茶臼山動物園

人気他: 松本城、小布施、べーなすライン、温泉めぐり、花めぐり、等など、皆様はいろんな信州の楽しみ方しました。

So, how was your Golden Week holiday? Did you get out and play? We survived GW2011 okay here at Kamesei. Normally, GW is peak season for ryokans like us, but this year was shaping up to be a quiet one with everyone holding back on leisure post-3.11. However, thankfully, we ended up getting a rush of last minute bookings and filled up.

Anyways, I asked all of our guests what sightseeing areas they're hitting in Nagano, and below is a list of the most popular spots:

#1: Zenkoji Temple
There's a legend about being pulled by an ox to Zenkoji -- that ox must have been busy this spring because a good number of our guests made a pilgrimage there either before or after coming to our inn.

#2: Togakushi
Ever since last year, Togakushi has been experiencing a boom in visitors thanks to being recognized as a 'power spot'. The boom is continuing. Guests reported overflowing parking lots, long lines for the soba shops, and -- snow! We can give tips on how to avoid the congestion -- just ask us!

#3: Azumino
NHK's morning 'drama', Ohisama, takes place in Azumino, leading to a number of people checking out the locations that appear in the show. Again, we have plenty of maps and brochures showing Ohisama spots, including the historic Yamaguchi Residence (see map below).

#4: Chausuyama Zoo
Popular with families that brought their kids. The lesser panda display was redone last year, perhaps leading to the popularity.

Matsumoto Castle, Obuse and many other places were also popular. And we have great brochures on all of them -- use Kamesei as your information center.

戸倉上山田温泉のPRをFM Naganoで PR For Togura Kamiyamada

2011.05.10: メディア Media

FM Nagano interview

FM Naganoと千曲市が連携した




そして、ついでにもう1つなPR知らせ: 今日のNHK長野の6pmニュースで戸倉上山田温泉の「東北応援プラン」の紹介がある予定です。またよかったら、ご覧になって下さい。

Our city has teamed up with FM Nagano for a special program promoting the town as well as Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. Today I was invited to be the first guest on the show, and gave my take on what our town has to offer visitors as well as my "Onsen Town" dream to promote Togura Kamiyamada overseas.

Broadcast is scheduled for lunch time this Thursday 12-May. Take a listen if you can.

Also, tonight on NHK Nagano's 6pm news, there will be a feature on Togura Kamiyamada Onsen with a guest appearance by Yours Truly.

FM Nagano's info here FM Naganoのくわしくはこちら

戸倉上山田⇔戸隠・地獄谷の電車・バス時刻表を更新しました。 Updated Train/Bus Schedule for Togakushi 'n Jigokudani

2011.05.09: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano




As the snow in Nagano's highlands starts to melt, the train and bus schedules are adjusted for the green season. I have updated the schedules connecting Togura Kamiyamada Onsen with Togakushi and Jigokudani for post-white season.

Note: Togakushi has been undergoing a 'power spot' boom from last year resulting in overflowing parking lots. If you go, taking the bus from Nagano Station may actually be more convenient. Feel free to use this schedule.

Note: Jigokudani's snow monkeys are cute even when there's no snow. They still soak in the onsen baths in the summer, and the new babies will be born soon so you'll be able to enjoy seeing the little fur balls running all over the place. Hopefully this schedule will make sense out of the bus and train options.

戸倉上山田温泉の母の日: お母さん達にお花 Giving Mothers Flowers For Mothers Day at Togura Kamiyamada Onsen

2011.05.08: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada





To all you Moms out there, Happy Mother's Day!

Here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, my fellow ryokan junior association members and I set up a table at the morning outdoor market and distributed 50 flower corsages that we made the previous day. We also collected donations for disaster relief. And it was a good experience for us innkeepers to take part in the outdoor market as well as build some good will for the town.

That was 4 birds in 1 stone, or rather, 50 corsages! Happy Mothers Day, everyone!

母の日のコサージュなど、戸倉上山田温泉の東北応援イベント Flower Corsages for Mothers Day, etc.: Togura Kamiyamada Onsen Charity Events for Disaster Relief

2011.05.07: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Togura Kamiyamada Onsen Charity Events





As part of Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's earthquake and tsunami relief efforts, we have a series of charity events planned. I have been put in charge, and have combined a couple of the events with my role as the local ryokan junior association leader. There will be a family fun bicycle ride with the Chikuma Cycling Club for Father's Day, and a charity bazaar with the ryokan proprietress group.

But first, for Mother's Day, I am having the other junior ryokan guys and a few of their wives make flower corsages. We will set up a table at tomorrow morning's outdoor market and give the flowers to mothers as a present. At the same time, we will be accepting donations for the relief.

Today was a work party here at Kamesei Ryokan's lobby. Naoki-san of local flower shop Nitsuen took time to show us the art of corsage making and we worked together to make the 50 corsages to hand out for Mother's Day. Naoki commented how most people don't have an opportunity to handle fresh flowers like this, and that he was glad we all got this experience.

Corsage Making

Naoki showing off Nitsuen's original "Balloon Flower"

りんごの木 花摘み体験 Apple Blossom Thinning

2011.05.06: 季節 Seasons

Tobita-san showing Andy how to thin the blossoms





It never ceases to amaze me how much effort goes into growing apples in Japan. Once you see how much work the apple growers do, you will realize it's no wonder they make such magnificent, perfect fruit.

One of our local Kamiyamada growers, Tobita-san from Crown Farm, invited me to his orchard to try my hand at one of the many aspects of apple growing: blossom thinning.

Crown Farm's orchards are located nearby Chishiki-ji Temple. I took our two sons to the orchards and Tobita-san carefully explained the procedure on how to thin the blossoms. It was easy enough for even our kids to do. Plus it was a lot of fun being out in the clean air amongst all the apple trees. Our #2 son, Kenny in particular enjoyed climbing the trees to reach the higher blossoms!

Next year, I am hoping to offer a 'Mini Farm Experience Plan' and provide our guests a chance to be an apple grower for a day. First I wanted to try it myself. Now next season, hopefully we'll be able to let guests enjoy working in an apple orchard, too.

クラウン農園のHPはこちらClick here for Crown Farm's website.

Caution: Pollinators at Work

One of the Pollinators