Whenever you have a major event based around a natural event, you often times set yourself up for disappointment. Right now, our town is in the midst of one of its biggest events -- the apricot blossom festival in Mori's "Anzu no Sato". I took a couple groups of guests there this morning. To be honest, the sky was a little hazy, and the flowers were only at about 20-30% at the upper end of the valley.
However, our guests were thrilled by the apricot blossoms (as was I!). Their delicate pinkish white flowers timidly starting to bloom were so beautiful, and the pastoral setting of the valley makes for a delightful scene. "Chikuma City needs to advertise this festival more", said our guests as they went about taking hundreds of pictures. At the end, they were so grateful for me taking them, they gave me a hug! (They also bought an apricot-flavored ice cream cone! I'm not sure which I enjoyed more.)
As the blossoms have really just started blooming this past 1 or 2 days, I expect them to be in their peak for this weekend, 11-12 April.

The pastoral setting