長野に来る1166理由 1166 Reasons to come to Nagano

2011.02.10: 活動 Activities

With Iimuro-san in front of her 1166 Backpackers guesthouse







Three months ago, a guesthouse opened in Nagano City near Zenkoji Temple: 1166 Backpackers. Yesterday I paid a visit and met the owner, Iimuro-san.

1166 Backpackers is Nagano City's first guesthouse. It is conveniently located near Zenkoji's Daimon gate. Prices are very reasonable, starting at 2,600 yen for a dormitory bed. Half of their guests are from overseas.

Iimuro-san herself has travelled extensively overseas and thus shares an appreciation for travel with her guests. The facilities are rather simple, but after getting a tour of the rooms the greatest impression I was left with was Iimuro-san's enthusiasm.

To be honest, when I first heard a low-priced accommodation was opening up nearby, I was worried about the impact it would have here at Kamesei Ryokan. What I've come to find, however, is that there are guests who stay at 1166 before or after a night at Kamesei.

In other words, there are travellers who had probably only intended on staying 1 night in Nagano, but thanks to the existence of 1166, they stayed 2 nights. There are probably people who otherwise would have made Nagano a day trip from Tokyo but thanks to 1166, extended their stay and spent a night. In fact, Iimuro-san said she's had guests that stayed multiple nights at 1166 and made day trips in to Tokyo for shopping. With the Nagano Shinkansen making the trip in just 1 hour 40 minutes, that is certainly doable.

When you think about it, it's surprising that before 1166 there were no guesthouses in Nagano City. Thank you, Iimuro-san, for your contribution.

1166のHPはこちらClick here for 1166's website.

「地獄へ道づれ」in稲荷山 "Another One Bites the Dust" in Inariyama

2011.02.09: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Another Inariyama 'kura' biting the dust




「今の内」と言われてもネ… 皆は必ずそう言うよ



Here in Chikuma City, we have a neighborhood called Inariyama. It started out as a way station on the old Zenkoji Road connecting now-Nagano City and Matsumoto. Many of the original earthen-walled storehoses still exist, and the city always includes the area on its sightseeing brochures. However, many people who go see it come away disappointed. That's because a lot of the storehouses are in a crumbling state of disrepair.

Personally, I like the townscape the way it is now, and prefer it to a Disney-fied version with an impeccably maintained surface. But I realize that efforts need to be made to refurbish the storehouses. For the private owners, however, such maintenance is prohibitively expensive. Help from the government is required.

Some buddies of mine and I went to petition the mayor for just such assistance. We told him that the city has to act now before the storehouses disappear, that it's now or never.

The mayor's response?
"They've been saying 'Now or never' from a way long time ago, and will be saying that far into the future, too."
In other words, he blew us off.

Well, mayor, I drove through Inariyama today, and guess what I saw? Another storehouse being demolished. Just how many of these 'kura' will have disappeared under your watch? Who's responsibility is that?

この地獄へ道連れの詳しくはこちら。More about this 'kura' biting the dust here.

現代ラーメンのトレンド The new ramen-joint

2011.02.08: グルメFoodie

FBI Ramen





As reported earlier, last month I went to 'Otoko-gi' (Man-Spirit) Ramen in Matsushiro. Cool, dark exterior with a stylish dude behind the counter making the noodles, and thick pork-based soup for the noodles.

More recently, I checked out Bunzoh Ramen in Saku City. Again, a cool, dark exterior with a stylish dude behind the counter making the noodles, and thick pork-based soup for the noodles. This time with the staff shouting out 'Seei' in time with the noodle chef's antics.

And last weekend, it was time for F.B.I. Ramen in Ueda City. I had heard the place is so popular you have to wait a half an hour for your ramen. We waited. And it was worth it. More of the same -- cool, dark exterior with a stylish dude (this time, a cool chick) behind the counter making the noodles, and thick pork-based soup for the noodles. And more 'Seei'. I found out later that Bunzoh and FBI are part of the same 'junk noodle' syndicate.

So, do you get an idea of what today's trendy ramen is like?

文蔵とFBIの親会社、junk noodleのHPはこちらClick here for the website for FBI and Bunzoh's parent company, junk noodle.

Bunzoh's exterior

Bunzoh's cool staff and interior

junk noodles

Expat New Year party

2011.02.07: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Orangutans and Natto over eggplant oyaki and cold beer -- You had to have been there.






It was like an expat 'Shin-nen kai' (New Year party). It seems like every little 'association' around is having these Shin-nen kai's. As a ryokan owner, I'm grateful as many of them are held at ryokans like ours. But most of them seem to be just another excuse to drink. Especially as they are coming off the tail of all those 'Bo-nen kai' (Forget-the-Year parties) at the end of last year. If people want to get together for a beer, why don't they just get together for a beer and not have to use an excuse of 'New Year Party'?

End of tirade and back to the story at hand.

A woodworker from Austria, a ceramic artist from Hungary, a consultant from the States, and yours truly, the blue-eyed ryokan proprietor, hooked up for a cold beer (call it a Shin-nen kai if you must) over piping hot oyaki buns at Shichifuku. We all live an work in the vicinity of Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, and have a common bond of moving here from overseas. We were joined by 3 Aussies that are staying at Kamesei for an extended time as they work on a research paper, as well as Fumio-san, the husband of ceramic artist Agnes-san.

Fumio-san, who has lived abroad himself, shared a wise tidbit of info: foreigners living in Japan have a lot of stress; stress that a Japanese person can't understand. It's important for them to get together with people who face similar stress and blow off steam every once in a while. It should be spontaneous, not a formal get-together, as everyone has enough other regular obligations in their lives.

By the way, Fumio-san's newest prints will be on display at Gallery Koma in Ueda City from Wednesday 23-Feb through Monday 28-Feb. Agnes's ceramic pieces are on permanent display there as well. Check out the gallery's website for details.

信大の学生から見た亀清旅館 College Students' Perspective on Kamesei

2011.02.06: メディア Media




In December, a group of Shinshu University students came to Kamesei and interviewed Mari and I for a free magazine they are publishing. The magazine is called "TsunagU", which means 'Connections', and Volume 4 which features Kamesei Ryokan came out on January 23rd. We just received our copies and have them out in our lobby for guests to read.

I was curious about what kind of impression the students got from when they came to report about our inn. I tried to convey my personal business theory and, via a bicycle tour around town, I showed them the various activities I and the other innkeepers are involved with for civic improvement.

Judging by the article and the pictures, I think they got the message. I wonder what type of contribution they will make to society once they have graduated college and enter the School of Life.

雑誌のHPはここです。Click here for the magazine's website.

千曲市にクライミングジムが出来た!New Climbing Gym in Chikuma City

2011.02.05: 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains

New Rock Climing Gym

戸倉上山田温泉の近くでロッククライミングの場所がいくつかあって、恵まれている。冠着山はロッククライミングのメッカと言う人もいる。そして、ロッククライミングの練習ができる場所は温泉の近くに先月にオープンした: 「のぼりば」


Togura Kamiyamada Onsen is fortunate to have a lot of great rock climbing areas in the vicinity. Kamuriki Mountain right behind town is a veritable rock climbing mecca. And now, right here in Chikuma City, a new rock climbing gym opened: 'Noboriba'.

The gym is located a short walk from Chikuma Station on the local Shinano Railway line, or a quick 10 minute drive from our onsen town, conveniently situated on Route 18. Currently it is only open on weeknights from 6:30 to 11pm. But I plan on taking our kids there in the near future.

詳しくはHP Click here for the Noboriba website.

亀清旅館に鬼が来た!Kamesei Ryokan attacked by an Ogre!

2011.02.04: 季節 Seasons

Beware the Oni





Yesterday an Oni (ogre) attacked Kamesei Ryokan. Right after the Preschool bus showed up, an oni walked right into our lobby.

Wait a minute, that's just our daughter Misaki wearing an oni mask!

It's all in honor of Setsubun, the day that marks the changing of the seasons between winter and spring. In the afternoon, I took some guests up to the temple at the top of the hill behind town to participate in the celebrity bean throwing event. At night our family all ate Ehou-maki sushi rolls. "Ehou" means 'fortunate direction', and you eat the rolls facing a certain compass direction for good luck. This year it was South-Southeast. (Who decides these things -- the groundhog?)

All in all, it was a busy Setsubun.

'Twas a beautiful day for bean throwing

冬の万葉の里スポーツエリア Manyo no Sato Sports Area in the Winter

2011.02.03: 季節 Seasons

Winter Wonderland




Togakushi Mountain in the Distance

信州の冬の楽しみ:雪景色の野天風呂 夜間瀬温泉「遠見乃湯」 How to Have Fun in Nagano in the Winter: Snowy Outdoor Baths Yomase Onsen 'Tomi no Yu'

2011.02.02: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Imagine a view





On a snowy, cold winter day, people in other places in Japan may stay inside and bury themselves beneath the quilts of their kotatsu. Here in Nagano, we embrace the snowy scenery and head for the hills to soak in one of the many 'notenburo' -- onsen baths with scenic views.

Last weekend, I took our kids to Yomase Onsen's famous 'Tomi no Yu' for the first time. Located above Shibu Yudanaka Onsens at the entrance of the Kita-Shiga ski area, Tomi no Yu's bath features an amazing view of the Zenkoji Plain with Nagano City down below, along with glimpses of the 5 Northern Nagano Peaks as well as the Northern Alps in the distance.

The day we went, it was snowing so unfortunately we couldn't enjoy much of a view. But the kids loved hopping out of the bath, jumping in the snow surrounding the rim, then hopping back into the onsen. I, on the other hand, simply let the piping hot onsen waters warm my body to the core as snow flakes gently fell on my face.

The experience inspired a little haiku:

Soaking in the bath
Face looking up to heaven
Snow flakes gently fall

Tomi no Yu doesn't have an indoor bath, and the washing area is rather spartan, but the outdoor bath with its spectacular view makes up for it. If you want to enjoy one of Nagano's premier onsen baths with a view, then make sure to check out Tomi no Yu.

Located 50 minutes by car from Kamesei Ryokan / Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. Also accessible by bus from Nakano Station on the Nagano Dentetsu Line, or in the winter by busses from Nagano Station going up to the ski resort in Kita-Shiga. Website is here.

From the outside

冬景色の天狗さん The Togura Tengu in Winter

2011.02.01: 季節 Seasons



This is the Togura Tengu, our local goblin, looking down over a wintery Chikuma River valley. His red and blue coloring contrasts so vividly with the white snow on the ground. I happened to go just as the setting sun's rays streamed through the cold winter air and gave the Tengu a slight glow.

Once again, I was struck by the beauty of our onsen town, Togura Kamiyamada.


Another Angle

The sun setting over Obasute Mountain