週間エコノミストの取材Article on Kamesei in Economist Weekly

2008.06.10: メディア Media


The issue of 'Shukan Ekonomisuto' (Economist Weekly) that came out today features an article on Kamesei Ryokan on page 95. Pick up a copy at newstand today!
This is our first publicity article by nation-wide media, so we are excited.
亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan's website

千曲川の鮎釣りの解禁:6月20日 Chikuma River Ayu Fishing Season to Open 20-Jun

2008.06.09: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Yesterday we went down to one of the fishing shacks on the Chikuma River. The Haya season is apparently finishing up, and the fishermen are looking forward to the start of the Ayu season, which is scheduled for June 20th this year. Our chef will start a special Ayu dish then, too.

ラベンダー狩り Picking Lavender

2008.06.08: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada


In a spot along the Chikuma River about 20 minutes on foot from Togura Kamiyamada Onsen are these beautiful lavender fields. The kids and I rode our bicycles down to see them. The city lets people pick the lavender to decorate at their homes. The soft purple waves of lavender blooms somehow match the natural beauty of Nagano and the river and mountain setting of our onsen town.


夕市にもクッキー売り・町興しSelling Cookies at the Evening Farmers Market, too

2008.06.07: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada


Togura Kamiyamada Onsen has 2 weekly farmers markets going on through October: The Sunday Morning market at the main park, and the Friday Evening Market on Kame-no-yu Toori (Street). The Sunday Morning one has been going for several years and gets bigger each year. The Friday Evening one is just in its second year and is still just starting out. A couple of weeks ago I helped out at the Sunday Market by selling my home-made cookies, and last night I did the same for the Evening Market. It's impressive to see the people in the neighborhood get together to put on the market. Things like this have to start somewhere, and need sweat equity to get going. Not that selling cookies is a sweaty job, but I wanted to help out in a meaningful way.



2008.06.07: グルメFoodie



One group of guests that is staying with us tonight is a farewell party for a person who is moving to Algeria. They wanted a special cake for the special occasion, so we ordered one from our town's cake specialist, L'Avenir.

ラヴニールのHP for L'Avenir: www.l-avenir.jp

白い色を生かした庭 White highlights in the garden

2008.06.06: 季節 Seasons

touches of white

Upon taking a closer look, I realized that our gardener used white coloring as highlights in our most recently completed garden. Okada-san has created a gentle brightness to the small space.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

旅の熊 Travel Bear

2008.06.05: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan


The Jaggers party from Australia brought this Travel Bear with them. As the wander around Japan, they get various people to sign their bear. I wrote this little rhyme for the little fellow:

Travel Bear, Travel Bear, where have you been?
I've been to Togakushi and threw some shiriken.
On the walk to Okusha, hugged an ancient cedar tree,
And back to our onsen ryokan to soak at www.kamesei.jp

露天風呂に光りLighting for the Outdoor Bath

2008.06.05: その他 Miscellaneous


I don't mean to brag, but the 'andon' light I added to our outdoor bath creates just the right effect. The soft light from the andon combined with the steam coming off the hot spring mineral water and the native garden in the background creates a very relaxing mood.
亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website.

T君 is back!

2008.06.04: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

A friend of mine from college came to see us today with her son, T. Our son had fun with him working on a toy car. Our lobby has plenty of space for kids to play.

ガーデナーから見た露天風呂Outdoor bath as seen by our gardener

2008.06.03: その他 Miscellaneous

From a Gardener's Eye

その舞台の主役が “もみじ”。もみじはカエデ科カエデ属の落葉高木。緑の葉が赤く紅葉する様子が、色が揉み出されているみたいに見えるところから、色を“揉み出ず(もみいず)”が変化して“もみじ”となったそうです。この庭のもみじは四種。
I asked Okada-san, our gardener, on ways of expressing the wonders of our garden in Japanese, as it's not my native language. He introduced me to his blog entry, with detailed descriptions and pictures.

詳しくは岡田さんのブログOkada-san's blog *LINK*