上田市の江戸時代商店街:柳町 Ueda City's Edo-era Shopping District: Yanagi-Machi

2009.10.08: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano



Due to Typhoon Melor, our local train stopped running this morning, and Kamiyamada Elementary School closed for the day. Thanks to the surrounding mountains, however, the storm didn't hit Kamiyamada very hard. Our area apple orchards fortunately escaped without much damage.
Taking advantage of the kids' day off, I took them to Ueda City. I had been to Ueda's Showa-era shopping district Unno-Machi before. Today we explored Ueda's Edo-era district, Yanagi-Machi. Despite being older by several hundred years, Yanagi-Machi seemed to have more vitality than its Showa-era counterpart. I think it's due to the charming feudal period stone slab streets and classic wooden buildings. Thanks to the efforts of the townspeople, the neighborhood retains much of its historical character.
And Yanagi-Machi's crown gem is definitely the Levain breadshop. Not only is their bread fantastic, but the building is amazing. They pride themselves in using "natural yeast" (is there such a thing as unnatural yeast?) and I'm not sure if that's the reason or not, but the rich texture and full flavor of the bread certainly pleased this westerner's palatte. But the building, oh the building! It reminded me of the ninja fun house in Togakushi with all of its mesmerizing nooks and crannies, let alone the interesting objects and nicknacks throughout the place.
Many tourists go see Ueda Castle. From there, it's an easy walk to Yanagi-Machi -- I highly suggest it.

Note: Approx. 30 minutes by car from Kamesei Ryokan; or about 12 minutes by train from Togura to Ueda Station.

上田の観光地北国街道柳町のHPはこちらClick here for Yanagi-Machi's website.

パン屋さんのルヴァンのHPはこちらClick here for the website of Levain.

Charming Park at Yanagi-Machi's Entrance

Yanagi-Machi's Unique Lanterns

Levain's yummy bread

Ninja bread shop?

They don't make beams like this any more.

Levain's interior charm

In the vicinity: Narrow streets & earthen walls

Western-style stone facade with earthen walls

Isn't this better than school?

松茸ときのこなべ Wild Mushrooms "Nabe" Pot and Matsutake

2009.10.07: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan




Japanese cuisine has to be the top in the world when it comes to mushrooms. Not only have they developed one of the widest variety of types of mushrooms, but they've managed to bring alive the subtle fragrances of the queen of mushrooms: Matsutake. Dishes such as "dobin-mushi" (steamed matsutake mushrooms in a soup served in a metal pot) really bring out the flavor.

Our chef has started using these delicious-looking matsutake mushrooms in several of our current menu's dishes, including one where he wraps them in aluminum foil and bakes them, as well as the chawan-mushi egg custard. And he just changed the "nabe" (pot dish) to his fall recipe using wild mushrooms from nearby Shioda-daira.

Fall delights waiting for you at Kamesei!

プロの水道と配線の仕事のやり直し Fixing Pro Plumbing and Electrical Jobs

2009.10.06: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Tyler crawling into the ceiling space





One of the difficulties of running an inn is determining whether to fix problems yourself or call in a professional. Doing it yourself (assuming its a fix-it-yourself issue) means getting it done to your satisfaction, but keeps you from other work. Hiring a pro lets you do your regular work but costs money.

If those were the only concerns, it would still be manageable. However, I have come to realize that a lot of time, the so-called professionals do a slack job. Their sloppy work has inconvenienced our guests (light switches for the baths being not at the entrance but out in the hall -- "I couldn't find the switch so I had to bathe in the dark!") but has also damaged our infrastructure (a water pipe capped with concrete!?!? -- the leaking has caused our 100 year building to sink in one corner!)

Repairing things that break is one thing; repairing previous "professional" sloppy work is another. My best buddy from Seattle, Matt, a trained electrician, has been helping me out over the last 3 weeks of his visit. We got most of the problems solved. But it has left me physically as well as mentally drained. I'm looking forward to getting back to my regular ryokan work!

Pipe in wall previously capped by concrete?!?!

千曲市自慢:外湯巡り Pride of Chikuma City: Public Baths

2009.10.05: その他 Miscellaneous





10:00~23:00 (毎月16日及び月末が定休日)
大人350円 中人150円 小人70円

09:00~25:00 (土日祝は06:00~)(第3火曜日が定休日)
大人650円 小学生350円 幼児100円

09:00~22:00 (第1・3水曜日が定休日)
大人250円 子供120円


04:00~23:00 (第2・4月曜日が定休日;但し、祝日の場合は翌日)
大人300円 小学生120円 幼児70円

08:30~22:00 (月初め1回)
大人300円 中学生300円 小学生120円 幼児70円

09:30~20:00 (第2・4火曜日及び年末が定休日)
大人500円 中学生280円 幼児100円

05:00~22:00 (第1・3月曜日が定休日;但し、祝日の場合は翌日)
大人300円 中学生250円 小学生120円 幼児70円


13:00~21:30 (年中無休)


10:00~21:00 (第2・4水曜日及び年末・初めが定休日;但し、祝日の場合は翌日)
大人650円 小学生350円 幼児100円

亀清のさらに古い写真 Even Older Pic's of Kamesei

2009.10.04: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan


A couple days ago, I put up some pictures of Kamesei's old pamphlets. Here are some even older pictures of Kamesei's predecessor, Choseiso. Kamesei was started as a company 57 years ago by our current "Okami" (my mother-in-law) and her mother. Kamesei originally started out at another location approximately 100 meters up the road. Then at some point, Kamesei bought the former Choseiso Ryokan and moved its operation here, the current location. The original building has been added on to and added on to, with the semi-detached rooms built as well as the building that houses the onsen baths (our only ferroconcrete building). Then about 40 years ago, my wife's father (who has since passed away), designed and had the lobby built. He had it build out of wood, with a cathedral ceiling-like grand space inside. Back then, most of the other inns in town were tearing down their wooden buildings and multi-story constructing concrete boxes. Looking back now, we are grateful Mari's dad built this spacious lobby with its warm wood construction.
As times change, so does Kamesei Ryokan. We try to preserve the goodness of its yesteryear charms while making improvements along the way.

Click here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

丸剤の亀清旅館の外観Kamesei's Exterior Today

The original "naka-niwa" garden

One of the original hallways

上山田のりんご狩りが始まった!シンガポール人も大喜び Kamiyamada's Apple Picking has started, to the thrill of our guests from Singapore!

2009.10.03: 季節 Seasons



Here at Kamesei Ryokan, we featured local Kamiyamada-grown grapes for the month of September. From now through December, we will be featuring our areas delicious apples. The other day, I took some guests from Singapore to Crown Farm, next to Kamiyamada's Chishiki-ji Temple (approx. 5 minutes by car from Kamesei). The grower, Tobita-san, and his wife speak English (as well as German!) and kindly explained all about the apples. He let us taste the different varieties in addition to explaining about how they are grown and showing us some of his tools and equipment. For Wayne and the Singaporeans, it was a treat for them to see where apples come from (all they've known until now was the supermarket shelf).

Thank you, Tobita-san! And thank you, Nagano, for being blessed by this wonderful nature!

亀清旅館のパンフの進化 Evolution of Kamesei's Brochure

2009.10.02: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

3 generations of Kamesei Brochures


We recently discovered one of Kamesei Ryokan's pamphlets from 25 years ago. When comparing it with the one from 10 years ago and our brand new one, you can really feel the difference in the eras. Most noticeable is the emphasis on nearby tourist spots vs. our onsen town. 25 years ago, "Mass Tourism" was a hit -- busloads of mostly guys, going to a famous place, having their picture taken, buying the requisite souvenirs, and stopping at an onsen for a night of partying before returning to their regular lives. As a result, our pamphlet from 25 years ago features a map showing popular tourist spots in the area. Nowadays, Japanese travel culture is individuals going to places they want to see, with people they want to be with, to do things they want to do. As a result, our new brochure focuses on Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's attractions which appeal to our guests who come to immerse themselves literally and figuratively in 'onsen'.
It will be interesting to see how Japan's travel culture (and Kamesei's brochure) will evolve in the future.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

09年の中秋の名月 2009's Harvest Moon

2009.10.01: その他 Miscellaneous


Here is a picture of this year's harvest moon with Kamesei's main sign. The Moon Viewing Festival in nearby Obasute is scheduled to start on 02-October. That first day looks like rain, but it should be clear by Saturday afternoon. So this weekend is a great chance to see the Harvest Moon and Obasute's terraced rice fields. We still have a few rooms available, so come on out!

詳しくは千曲市観光協会のHPClick here for details.

戸倉上山田温泉の新しい楽しみ New Fun in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen

2009.09.30: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Toshiki-san leading Hangetsu and Haruka for a tour around the Onsen


I am on a team working to make new "products" for guests to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen to enjoy. With some inspiration from seeing rickshaws at other tourist areas, I talked with Toshiki-san from Kamiyamada Hotel about using his horses for a horse-wagon ride around the Onsen. Today we did a test run, starting at the Kara-Koro footbath in the middle of town, passing by Kamesei, stopping at the onsen-drinking spot, passing the Kame-no-yu public bath and going down our town's Ginza before stopping at the 100 year-old wisteria tree in front of Sasaya Hotel, going down Togura Onsen's main street before ending back at the foot bath. A total of 20 minutes.
After we get the marketing materials put together, I will post them here!

HarukaとHangetsuのHPはこちらClick here for Toshiki's Pony Page

グリーンツーリスム王国:南信州 "Green Tourism" King: Southern Nagano

2009.09.29: 活動 Activities



*楽珍房という民宿で昼食 女将さんの原さんの育った野菜を生かした旬のお料理、そして、中学生や外国人向けの民泊のプログラムの説明。農家体験してくれる原さんの様な宿のお陰で、飯田・南信州は「何もない」と言われていたころから中学校がキャンセル待ちのほど人気になってきました。外国人の個人旅行者(FIT)の対応はこれからだそうです。

*新井社長の「行政の取り組み方」のトーク まず自分で実績を出して、それから行政と連携して広告宣伝費を。

*三和観光農園で南アルプスの背景でぶどう・りんご狩り 東南アジア人にとってはフルーツ王国、欧米人に始めてみる種類で盛り上がるそうです。

*天竜川ライン下り 風景を案内して頂きました。日本の渓谷の大自然を楽しいボートから見れる魅力的なスポット。これからは公用の時期になり、天竜峡がさらに綺麗になる。


Nagano Inbound Summit's September Small Meeting took place today. Our host was Arai-san of Minami Shinshu Kanko Kousha, in Iida City, the leading city of southern Nagano. Highlights are as follows:

*Lunch at Rakuchinbo, a working farm minshuku. The proprietress, Hara-san, provides guests an opportunity to help out in the fields and even prepare dinner using the farm's produce, a system called "Minpaku". Thanks to Hara-san and the other 140+ Minpaku farms, southern Nagano went from a "There's nothing there" mentality to having a waiting list for middle schools wanting to take study trips to the area.

*Tour of Sanwa Kanko Noen, a blueberry and apple orchard set up to provide busloads of tourists a chance to pick fresh fruit while enjoying Nagano's nature with the Southern Alps as a backdrop. The Sanwa farm is one of the reasons Southern Nagano has become known as a Fruits Kingdom, especially popular with East Asia.

*Overview of the Tenryu River boat tours. The Tenryu Line Kudari is especially convenient, with easy access by train, and features a liesurely boatride down the picturesque Tenryu River Gorge. In a few weeks, the gorge will be at its prime with the fall colors.

Nagano Prefecture stretches over 180 kilometers from north to south. As I am based in the north, it was refreshing to get to see the beauty and attractiveness of Southern Nagano.

南信州観光公社(民泊の詳しく、など)のHPはこちらClick here for Minami Shinshu Kanko Kosha's website, with info on the Minpaku program.

三和観光農園のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Sanwa Farm

天竜川ライン下りのHPはこちらClick here for the website of Tenryu Line Kudari boatride.