ドンド焼きに少し慣れてきた Slowly Getting Used to Don-Do Yaki

2010.01.11: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

ドンドン焼きの炭に焼餅 Heating Mochi rice over Don-Don Yaki coals


On this Coming of Age Day holiday weekend, towns throughout Japan hold 'seijinshiki', special ceremonies for the "new" adults. Here in Nagano Prefecture, we hold another type of event, too: don-do yaki. The event is called different ways and takes different shapes depending on the particular community. Here in Kamiyamada Onsen, each neighborhood collects the dharma dolls from the previous year as well as the New Years decorations. The mish-mash is taken down to a grassy stretch along the banks of the Chikuma River and piled up into a massive mound. Then around 3pm, everyone gathers and the mound is lit with fire and voila! a huge bonfire.
These don-don yaki fires ("don-do" refers to the popping sound of the burning bamboo) doesn't compare with Nozawa Onsen's Dosojin fire festival, but it's pretty spectacular nonetheless, especially with the dramatic backdrop of the Chikuma River and the surrounding mountains.
Then after the fire dies down, everyone digs out some of the hot coals, and commences to cook mochi sticky rice and heat up sake'. One guy every year grills river fish over the coals. In the past, I always enjoyed getting treated to some hot mochi, a sip (or two!) of sake, and the hot-off-the-grill fish, in what had seemed like an impromptu little festival.
I finally realized this year that it wasn't impromptu -- a lot of people put a lot of effort and preparation into the festivities. So this year I bought some mochi for the boys and I and brought it down to join the event. I soon realized that it's BYOG -- you also have to bring your own grill! So I ended up bumming space on a buddy's home-made grill. And I still ended up getting treated to sake and grilled fish.
But I realized something else this year: the gathering is a chance for the neighbors to say their New Years greetings to each other. I made a point of going around to each group and saying the obligatory formal greeting. That was usually followed by, "Oh, you saw me on TV? Great! Let's keep up the efforts for Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen!"
This year was my 5th don-do yaki since moving here. I'm no longer an guest from outside, but one of the locals.

来年の上山田温泉のドンド焼きに是非、おいでやす。成人の日連休の最終日です。Come and join us for next year's Don-Do Yaki. It will be held on the last day of the Coming of Age Day holiday weekend.

スノーモンキーの冬の予定表 Snow Monkeys Winter Train / Bus Schedule

2010.01.10: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


Here at Kamesei Ryokan, about 80% of our guests from overseas come to Nagano to see the snow monkeys at Jigokudani. The trains and busses to get there can be a little confusing, so I updated our Snow Monkey Transit Time Schedule for the winter. Our guests can use this to make a pleasant day trip to see the cute monkeys bathing serenely in their onsen.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

お風呂のアメニティー改善 Improving Kamesei's Bath Goods

2010.01.09: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan




This is no big deal, probably not even worth writing about, but we recently improved the amenities in our onsen baths. We went from Rinse-in-Shampoo to separate Shampoo and Rinse. Several female customers had voiced such a preference, so we finally made the step up to the 3-Item Set (Shampoo, Rinse, Body Soap.) After seeing how cool the 3-Item Set looks, it makes me wonder how our guests put up with the old Rinse-in-Shampoo & Body Soap 2-Item Set.

While I received flack for the decision ("The 3-Item Set just costs more -- there won't be any increase in customers, and no one's going to become a repeat customer just because the rinse and shampoo are separate!"), part of a ryokan's "omotenashi" is to make each and every guest happy. So while a small improvement in the bath amenities is nothing, on the other hand, attention to small details like that is everything at a Japanese ryokan.

時間の流れ;人生の流れ Time Goes On; Life Goes On

2010.01.08: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

私の蘇民将来の集まり。さあ、どの年に八日堂の代わりにTDLに行ったでしょうか?My Sominshorai Collection. Guess which year I went to TDL instead!

At some point in Japan's history, every "kuni" (medieval era prefectures) were given a specially designated temple, "kokubun-ji". Nagano Prefecture's kokubun-ji is located in Ueda City, about 45 minutes from here, Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. Guide books explain that the temple's annual festival is held on 08-Jan and features a traditional unique good luck charm called a "sominshorai". Guide books tend to fail to explain the significance of the charms, and if you ask the locals, no one seems to know. However, everyone seems to collect the charms -- it's just THE THING TO DO to the extent that you live here.
One of the unique things about the charms is that they have 4 different sizes. The first year you go, you buy the smallest. The second year, you buy the net biggest, and so on until the fourth year when you buy the very largest one. Then the fifth year, you start over with the smallest.
For me, the significance in the charms is they are like milepost markers for my life here in Japan. One look at my collection, and you know exactly how many years it's been since I threw away my life back in the States to move here. So for me, the charms have a deep significance indeed.
This year, by the way, I took all three of our kids for the first time. I think they enjoyed the games and food booths more than the temple ceremony, but at the end, they spoke of wanting to start their own sominshorai collection next year. Time goes on...

親子@八日堂 Father and kids at Yokado


2010.01.07: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano










上記7。のミュージアム巡りに関連しますが、外から入って、中で楽しい体験してみたらどうですか?長野なら、味噌作りやそば打ちなど色々なユニークな体験がある。ここで紹介したいのは大人用:上田紬の機織体験@小岩井紬工房;子供用:縄文時代のクラフト作り@さらしなの里 歴史資料館。




お正月、長野スタイル:初詣@善光寺 New Years, Nagano Style: Zenkoji

2010.01.06: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi



Today for our family's New Years holiday, we took the day off and went to Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City. Several of our guests here at Kamesei had gone to Zenkoji this New Years and had talked about how crowded it was. Well, of course! When we Nagano-ites want to go for "hatsumode" (making New Years offerings at a temple), Zenkoji is THE place to go. We are naturally drawn there.
When we went, it was towards the end of the New Years holiday period, as well as the end of the day, so the temple was relatively quiet. Thanks to that, we were able to walk around and take in the massive temple and its surrounds at a leisurely pace. We were once again impressed with its enormity.
A lot of foreign travellers to Japan get "templed-out" while sightseeing, and I often reccommend seeing some of Nagano's natural highlights (e.g. snow monkeys, spiritual Togakushi, etc.) instead, but if you have the time to visit Zenkoji and take in some of its powerful details, it is well worth the trip.

Zenkoji is popular throughout the year, but after the New Years rush, the next big time is the Toumyou Festival where Zenkoji gets lit up in the Olympic colors. This year's dates are from 6-Feb to 14-Feb.

Zenkoji is 1 hour by car from Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, or 25 minutes by train from Nagano Station to Togura Station.
善光寺灯明祭りのHPはこちら。Click here for the Zenkoji Toumyou Festival website.

Andy with Zenkoji Temple in the background

Special New Years arch to one of the side temples

Kenny eating my miso soft-serve ice cream

Monzen Plaza at dusk

Signature Spice Store, Newly Remodeled

Another magical musical night at Kamesei また亀清のロビーで魅力的なコンサート

2010.01.05: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

亀清旅館で私達の若旦那と若女将が4年前に来てから、沢山の音楽のコンサートで恵まれました。世界的に有名のピアニスト、佐藤雅彦先生や、ボストンオペラのオボエの若尾さん、シカゴのジャズの二人、オーストラリアの女和太鼓、日印音楽家のTim Hoffmanさん、などなど。

Over the past 4 years since my wife and I moved to Kamesei, we have been fortunate to host several musical concerts. Such gigs as world-renown jazz pianist Masahiko Satoh, Boston Philharmonic Orchestra's oboeist Wakao-san, Japan-India cross-classical Tim Hoffman, a couple of jazz musicians from Chicago, a Ladies Taiko drummer from Australia, and so on. A couple nights ago, we were pleased to host yet another musical concert. A local, Tsukada-san, brought a handful of buddies here to Kamesei for their New Year party, and asked to perform a concert in our lobby at night. They made it sound like they were an ex-vaudeville-like act, so I was initially a little nervous. But we told all of the other guests about it, and everyone, including 2 guys travelling from South Africa, gathered in the lobby. We were entertained by what turned out to be a really, really good jazz concert. They even played one of my favorites, "Tequila"!
These impromptu concerts are great, but maybe we should think about having musicians come on a regular basis. I think we have a new topic to consider for 2010 here at Kamesei!

銀座通り餅つき大会2010年:年々に賑やかに Ginza Dori's Mochi Pounding Party 2010

2010.01.04: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Andy & Kenny pounding mochi rice


Here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, we have one shopping street that features, among other stores, a pottery shop, river fish shop, miso maker, manju pastry shop, and a funky tea shop / preserved flower workshop. It's called Ginza Dori, and 4 years ago a Business District Association was formed as a part of civic improvement. The district's signature event is an annual mochi making event, where anyone can participate in pounding hot rice into that delicious traditional Japanese treat, sticky mochi rice.
This year's event took place yesterday, January 3rd. Our three kids and I went and had fun pounding the rice with others in the neighborhood. Every year the event gets bigger and bigger. I think it's great to see family-friendly events like this succeed.

More steaming hot mochi rice

Fresh mochi with local toppings: miso and shoyu-mame beans

雪景色と日本の庭園 Snow and the Japanese Garden

2010.01.03: 季節 Seasons



This morning when I woke up and looked outside -- More snow! I suppose if I had to shovel snow every morning for weeks and months on end like the winter 4 years ago, I would get sick of the white stuff. But for now, I am enjoying it. Not only is our older son, Andy, starting to help with the shoveling, but I really like the look of our gardens covered in snow. I wonder if the gardeners who build traditional gardens keep in mind how they look when covered in snow when they build them. Kamesei Ryokan has gardens here and there throughout our inn, so every where you turn you can see another view of a garden covered in white. This is definitely one of the prettiest times of the year at Kamesei and here in Nagano.

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.


Andy helping with the shoveling


「外国人に人気のスノーモンキー」・・・日本人には? "Snow Monkeys Popular with Foreigners" -- How About With Japanese?

2010.01.02: 活動 Activities

In Thursday's newspaper, there was yet another article about the Jigokudani snow monkeys. And of course, the headline read, "Popular With Foreigners".
What does that mean? Aren't the monkeys popular with Japanese people, too?
Everytime I've been to Jigokudani, I've basically seen 2 types of people: Westerner backpackers, and Japanese with huge cameras.
Where are the normal Japanese people? The excuse I often get is, "Japanese people don't like to walk the 30 minutes to the park. Hmm. I think if the media changed their headlines to "Cute monkeys soaking in an onsen bath -- come see the blissful expressions on their faces", then more regular Japanese people would want to go.
By the way, this article in the Yomiuri newspaper quoted one of the Westerner backpackers at Jigokudani. It was Sol, one of our guests here at Kamesei Ryokan!