信州そば:どこが美味しいかって聞かないで下さい Nagano Soba

2007.12.29: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Shoma and Kotomi and Mika-mama enjoying Nagano soba

Our best friends from Seattle came to visit, so we took them to eat a local specialty: soba buckwheat noodles. When in Nagano, it's best to avoid talking about which soba restaurant is the best -- such conversations always end in arguments as everyone has such strong opinions on the matter. I choose restaurants by the feel of the place. So for here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, it's "Hataya".

佐藤雅彦コンサート Jazz concert

2007.12.29: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

A chorus group from neighboring Ueda City held their end of the year party at our inn. A nationally famous jazz pianist, Masahiko Satoh, came in from Tokyo for the event, and we were treated to a wonderful jazz performance.

どんど焼の記事 Don-Doh Yaki Article

2007.12.27: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

千曲川が燃える?Chikuma River on fire?


A guy in Matsumoto named Ken is publishing an English monthly called Naga-Know. I'm hoping to help out by submitting articles from time to time. This month's article is about an event coming up on 13-January called Don-Doh Yaki. You can check it out at http://www.nagaknow.com/Don-Doh-Yaki-e.htm


2007.12.25: メディア Media

Local television station TV-Shinshu did a special on foreigners living in Nagano, including a deal on me. I was busy with meetings so couldn't catch all of it. I hope they did a good job of editing! And that it was good pr for the town.

勘助に挨拶 Saying 'Hi' to Kansuke

2007.12.22: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

This year, national broadcaster NHK's year-long historical drama has been Fuurinkazan, about the famous samurai battles at Kawanakajima. Our kids watched the show and wanted to see the grave of one of the famious samurais, Kansuke Yamamoto. So I took them there today. It's only about 30 minutes by car from our inn.

やっと雪景色 Finally, snow!

2007.12.21: その他 Miscellaneous

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas... We got a dusting of snow this morning. Last night, the kids and I took a bath in our outdoor bath, enjoying the beautiful stars. This morning, we woke up to everything covered in a beautiful white blanket of snow. Our outdoor bath takes on a new look with the snow.
Click here for Kamesei Ryokan website.亀清旅館のHPはこちら

English Lessons at the local grade school 上山田小学校の英語のヘルプ

2007.12.19: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

上小の1年2組 1st Graders

2 or 3 times a year, I get to help out at the local Kamiyamada Elementary School with their English program. I enjoy the chance to volunteer at the school, and it is an opportunity to recognize the kids in the town. Most of them call me Tyler-Sensei, even though I'm not even close to being an official teacher.

インドからの留学生 Exchange Students from India

2007.12.18: 日米関係Culture Shock

Our Town, Chikuma, hosted a group of exchange students from India. The Int'l Exchange Assoc., of which I'm an active member, hosted a banquet for them. We were entertained by both our local geisha and a traditional Indian dance! International exchange at it's finest.
In order to let the students experience an onsen ryokan, they all spent the night here at Kamesei. They seemed to enjoy the mineral bath, but the traditional food was a little challenging. Pictured is one student with yogurt over her breakfast rice.


新しい椅子と桶 New bath seats and buckets

2007.12.15: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

We recently had some customer feedback to the effect that the chairs in our mineral baths were too old. So we went ahead and replaced them, along with the buckets, too. Please keep the feedback coming -- we are trying our best to improve Kamesei.