姨捨: 雪のスイッチバック Obasute: Snowy Switchback

2011.12.20: その他 Miscellaneous

Snowy Switchback




A quick 10 minute drive from Kamesei Ryokan and our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada, Obasute Station has a unique construction. It is built switchback style.

While dropping off a guest there, I took time to venture out to Platform #2 which serves as a viewing platform for the Zenkoji Plain down below. I was rewarded with a wintery scene of Obasute Station covered in snow, and of the JR Shinonoi Line train coming up from Nagano Station on its way to switchback into Obasute Station.

For train fans like me, that was really exciting!

長電のインバウンド実践手伝い Helping Nagaden with Inbound

2011.12.19: 活動 Activities






Nagaden is the largest public transportation outfit in Nagano City and the surrounding region. Today myself and the other members of research team NInJA Project were invited to present our results and give suggestions on making Nagaden's system more 'foreigner friendly' to the company's executive board.

Given the budget restraints as well as the difficulty within such a large organization to make cohesive decisions, I believe we came up with some achievable suggestions. While I would love to see Nagaden, Alpico and the other major private train and bus companies in Nagano put together some sort of tourist-friendly Nagano Pass, for now I believe Nagaden can get started by adding more English to their website and using numbers (instead of 'kanji' Chinese characters) for their route and station names.

Hopefully myself and fellow NInJA Project members made a positive difference today with Nagaden!

Nagaden Pass for the NInJA Project

クリスマスショッピング@松本 Christmas Shopping at Matsumoto

2011.12.18: 季節 Seasons

Inoue Department Store's Matsumoto-esque Christmas Decoration



Sunday evening, our family went for a drive to downtown Matsumoto for Christmas Shopping. Matsumoto has an abundance of specialty shops like for outdoors goods and fashion, as well as larger centers like Parco, the esteemed Inoue Department Store, and the brand new Ario shopping center. While munching on fresh-popped caramel corn, we wandered around the shops and enjoyed the Christmas lights and decorations.

Thanks to Matsumoto, our family got into holiday mood. Now, if only we can get some snow and have a white Christmas!

Metaba Bridge crossing

The kids in front of Parco

酒飲み比べに「オンリーワン」の器 Unique Tokkuri for Kamesei's sake sampling set

2011.12.16: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Agnes-san's top-like sake 'tokkuri'




For Kamesei Ryokan's planned Sake Sampler Set, since we are planning on providing offerings from some of our area's most notable breweries, inexpensive sake 'tokkuri' vessels from a 100 yen shop wouldn't suffice. Instead, we had one of our local pottery artists, Hungarian-born Agnes-san, make special top-shaped tokkuri.

Agnes-san's ceramic creations feature curved and rolling ribbons made of clay. She has formed them into sake tokkuri shaped like tops before, but usually in a 2-go size (12oz.) which is a bit too large for just sampling sake. So she made this 1.5-go size set specifically for Kamesei.

Agnes-san's workshop is right here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. If our guests use her artwork for our sake tasting and want to see more of her creations, we highly recommend making a reservation and taking the 10 minute walk to see her.

Website for AgnesさんのHP

酒飲み比べ: どの酒にしょうかな? Sake Test Tasting Set -- Which Sake?

2011.12.15: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Obasute Masamune's special 'Tanada'





1.姨捨正宗 千曲市・戸倉上山田温泉の代表の酒蔵。その一番自慢の「棚田」特別純米。「田毎の月」で有名な姨捨の棚田で作ったお米利用だそうです。私がお客様に夜景を見せにその棚田に連れて行きます。馴染みの深いお酒です。
2.夜明け前 南信(辰野市)からの日本酒。この地元の生坂屋酒店によると、「空は澄み、水清く、緑豊かな山紫水明の地。冬期の厳しい寒さは寒造りに最適な「信州辰野」で元治元年(1864年)創業。ずっと、長野県の酒をリードしています。」 ちなみに、美味しいです。個人的に一番美味しいです。
3.武重本家酒造 中仙道の茂田井間の宿にある酒蔵。良いですか?酒「蔵」。江戸時代からの蔵元で建造物30棟は国の登録有形文化財となっています。その茂田井間の宿は江戸時代の宿場町のそのままの街並で非常に風情がある。実は、この酒が美味しいかどうか分かりませんが、その宿場及び倉の雰囲気が大好きで選びました。なおかつ、東京方面へ帰るお客様に案内・紹介が出来ると思っています。



As per the request of a recent guest, I started putting together a sampler set of Nagano sake. Ordinarily we serve our local Obasute Masamune, but apparently sake aficianados prefer a wider selection of breweries.

Not being knowledgeable about sake myself, I asked around and sought advice from local specialists. Besides the sake vessels (more on that later), I wanted to make the selection particularly noteworthy. Here is our tentative list:

1. Obasute Masamune's 'Tanada' label, using sake rice grown in the 'tagoto no tsuki' moon-reflecting terraced fields in nearby Obasute.
2. Yoakemae, made in Tatsuno, southern Nagano. My personal favorite.
3. Takeshige, made in a small post town in eastern Nagano called Motai Aida-no-Juku. I'm not sure if the sake is good or not, but the brewery is amazing -- 30 of its buildings are the national historical registry. It makes a great place for guests from Tokyo to stop at on their way back.

What do you think of this list? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Admittedly, I know more about microbrews than sake!

姨捨正宗Obasute Masamune

夜明け前 Yoakemae

武重本家酒造Takeshige Honke Sake Brewery

亀清の玄関から出て、3時間後は冠着山の頂上 Walk Out Kamesei's Front Door, and 3 Hours Later, Be at the Top of Kamuriki Mtn.

2011.12.14: その他 Miscellaneous

Early Winter Hike of Kamuriki-Mtn.









Today, I walked out of Kamesei's front entrance, went down Kamiyamada Onsen's main street about 10 minutes walk to Sarashina Shrine. From there, a road goes up the side of Hachioji-yama and at a saddle point starts a hiking trail to the top of Kamuriki Mountain. There commenced a 3 hour, very strenuous hike to the peak.

On the way up, my buddy and I were rewarded with views of the Chikuma River valley and the Zenkoji Plain down below, as well as of the far off Northern Nagano 5 Peaks and the snow covered Northern Alps. The trail passes a wide variety of microcosms, from oak and beech tree woods to fields of bamboo grass spotted with wrangled, weathered red pines. We saw all kinds of signs of wildlife, such as bear and deer scat as well as fox foot prints. Part of the hike included fixed rope ascents and scrabbles over gravel fields.

All in all, an amazingly enjoyable hike. And all easily accessible from our front door!

I recently helped put together a hiking / cycling map for Togura Kamiyamada Onsen / Chikuma City and surrounds. For our city's signature mountain, this 1252-meter Kamuriki-yama, we showcased the short, 50 minute hike from 900-meter Bojo-daira. However, I had heard that the peak could also be reached by walking along the ridge all the way from Sarashina Shrine.

Hence today, my buddy Peter and I set out from the trailhead, and 3.8 kilometers and 880 meters of elevation gain later, we got to the peak.

All from our inn's doorway. And of course, after the hike, we came back and soaked in our inn's onsen bath.

Awesome hike, awesome onsen -- an awesome day!

Viewpoint over the Chikuma River Valley

Trailhead above Sarashina Shrine

Better view of the viewpoint

Our course. Start = 370m (Courtesy of Peter-san)

メディアを通して千曲市観光の英字EブックPR Media Helping to Promote Chikuma City's New English E-Book

2011.12.13: 活動 Activities

Peter getting interviewed for his new E-Book on Chikuma City

今日は日経新聞(長野)の記者が来て、私に長野県の海外からお客様を引っ張る力についてインタビューしてくれました。そして信濃毎日新聞の千曲市の記者、岡田さんも来てくれました。二人共の注目点: 千曲市駐在のオーストラリア生まれPeterさんの最近に作った電子本(Eブック)。 千曲市周辺のハイキング・ウォーキング・バイキングの文化・歴史20コースと言う本。どうやってこの本の事をお知らせできるか、色々と相談に乗って頂いて、取材もしてくれるそうです。


Two newspaper reporters came to Kamesei Ryokan today. Nikkei's Nagano branch writer interviewed me about what Nagano can do to attract travellers from overseas; Shinano Mainichi (the prefecture's largest daily) to interview my buddy Peter Ninnes on his new E-book, “Hiking, Walking and Biking Nagano: 20 Nature, History and Culture Tours in Chikuma City."
The book already got written up in the Japan Today news website. I am trying to assist Peter in getting the word out about his new book in the hopes that more people will buy it and come and enjoy our town.

ジャパントゥデェの記事はここ Click here for the Japan Today article.


2011.12.12: その他 Miscellaneous

Officially Open!

亀清旅館の最新のお風呂は正式的にオープンです: 「しなの風呂」と言う貸切家族風呂。








亀清の庭: 落ち葉のじゅうたん Kamesei's Garden: Carpet of Fallen Leaves

2011.12.11: 季節 Seasons

One of Kamesei's many pocket gardens



The 'momiji' Japanese maple trees in Kamesei Ryokan's have dropped their leaves, making an orange and yellow carpet on the ground.

The temperature outside has made a decidedly winter-like turn, and we've already had our first snow of the season. The surrounding mountains are starting to develop their snowy white caps for the winter.

Right now is that magical timing between the colorful splendor of the fall leaves, and the blissful peace of snow-filled winter scenery.

I intend to enjoy this magical season of the colorful carpet to its max.