リゾートビュー・姨捨 春の特別列車 Special Resort View Train x Obasute: Spring Events

2013.04.25: その他 Miscellaneous







Unique "switchback"-style Obasute Station,

Expansive view of the lights of the Zenkoji Plain,

Luxurious special Resort View Furusato train ...

Once again this spring JR is planning a special Night View Obasute train to enjoy all of this. Trains depart Nagano Station at 18:48 and Shinonoi at 19:12 to arrive at Obasute Station at 19:35. There at the station will be free miso soup and story telling and more. Then the train will depart Obasute at 20:24, arriving Shinonoi at 20:42 and Nagano at 21:00.

Night View Obasute dates for 2013:
April 26th and 27th,
May 2nd, 3rd, 10th, 11th, 24th, 25th, 31st
June 1st

For discount tickets and special promotions, see the JR Night View Obasute website.

ナイトビュー姨捨 Night View Obasute

Special "Resort View" train, Obasute's Unique Switchback Station -- just add night view!

5月から戸倉上山田温泉のサイクリングツアー登場♪ New Cycling Tour for Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada to Start in May

2013.04.24: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan



Starting this May, I will be leading a cycling tour of onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada every Saturday Morning.

Tours will start at the Kara-Koro footbath in the center of town, departing at 10:30am. 'Mama-chari' rental cycles will be provided.

Lasting for around 1-1/2 hours, the tour will cover everything from Designated National Cultural Treasures to hidden secrets. We will be able to take in the beautiful scenery of the Chikuma River and the surrounding mountains. The tour will also include a footbath stop and each participant will get a manju sweet to eat.
I myself love cycling, and also love Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen, and will be enthusiastically leading the tours.

Tours will take place every Saturday morning from May through November.
Price is 1200 yen, including cost of the rental cycle, insurance, and the manju sweet.
Maximum 8 people per tour, so reserve early!
To reserve, contact the Chikuma City Tourism Association or call us here at Kamesei Ryokan.

ママチャリさえ乗ればだれでも参加が出来る♪ Anyone who can ride a mama-chari bike can take the tour!

戸倉上山田温泉の新しい青年部長 Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's New Junior Boss

2013.04.23: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada




この2年間に支えてくれた青年部に感謝♪ これから英雄さんに全面的に協力しましょう!

Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's Junior Ryokan Association has a new top. On the 23rd, our annual general meeting was held and Hideo Takizawa from Hotel Yuzan was chosen to lead for the next two years. His "Onsen and Music" project promises to be exciting.

So this means that my two years as leader are over. Looking back, there sure are a lot of good memories.
Cycling and Hiking for Fathers Day
Shateki tournament,
Getting to make a tatami mat,
Touring our onsen's wells,
Rafting down the Chikuma River
Giving a speech at one of our member's wedding,
and so much more.

I want to thank my fellow members for all their support these past 2 years, and would like to pledge my support and encouragement for Hideo-san for the next 2!

ホテル雄山 Hotel Yuzan

Hideo-san giving his first Address as Leader

貸切露天「しなの風呂」の庭にエンレイソウが咲き Trillium blooming in our Private Onsen Bath's Garden

2013.04.22: その他 Miscellaneous

Trillium blooming in Shinano-Buro's garden



After a couple of guests used our private family onsen bath "Shinano-buro", I asked them if they enjoyed it. They said that not only was the onsen water fabulous, but in the bath's garden, trillium was in bloom so they were able to enjoy the flowers, too.

Hey -- when did the trillium start to bloom? That's one of my favorite plants, and I was thrilled that our gardener, Okada-san, included some when he built the garden for our Shinano-buro outdoor bath.

This is the perfect time to enjoy Kamesei's private onsen bath -- the garden is coming alive with spring flowers!

戸倉上山田温泉の開湯記念お祝い Celebrating Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen's Anniversary

2013.04.21: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada







姨捨「田毎の月」棚田 いつが見頃? When to see Obasute's famous Moon-Reflecting Rice Fields

2013.04.20: その他 Miscellaneous

The Obasute Terraced Rice Fields Getting Prepped For Planting






Only a quick 10 minutes by car from our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada, the Obasute terraced rice fields are famous for reflecting the moon. Known as "Ta goto no Tsuki", the fields are situated in just such a way that when the full moon comes up, it reflects in each individual field.

For 2013, the best date to see the moon reflecting will be May 25th, the full moon when the fields will be flooded for planting.

亀清の庭にヤマブキが登場♪ Kerria Now Blooming in Kamesei's Garden

2013.04.19: 季節 Seasons

Yellow kerria flowers next to Kamesei's watari-roka passageway


Next to Kamesei Ryokan's 'Watari-roka' passageway that crosses our 'nakaniwa' garden, the brilliant yellow flowers of our Kerria shrub (Kerria japonica) are putting on a show. Our inn has gardens throughout it, and the Spring Parade of Flowers is in progress!

忍者と水芭蕉: 戸隠の春からの交通案内 Ninjas and Skunk Cabbage: Spring in Togakushi (Access Guide)

2013.04.18: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

戸隠奥社の杉並木 Cedar Trees Lining the Path to Togakushi's Okusha Inner Shrine







Located on a perch at the foot of Togakushi Mountain high above the venerable Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City is Togakushi Kogen. Signs of spring are starting to appear throughout Togakushi as it transitions out of winter and into the green season. As the snow melts, the 'mizubasho' skunk cabbage and the Togakushi ninjas are coming out of hibernation. Even the bus from Nagano Station has switched destinations from the ski area to the entrance to the fabled Okusha (Inner Shrine). (See the updated Transportation Guide) And for people coming by car, it is only 60 minutes from our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada to the entrance to Okusha when using the Expressway.

According to my Togukashi ninja connection, Yamaguchi-san of soba restaurant "Yamaguchiya",

*Snow still remains along the approach to Okusha, but the roads are completely clear.
*The creamy white mizubasho flowers in the Togakushi Forest Reserve look like they'll blossom a week early this year, around the end of April.
*The two ninja sites have announced their opening dates for 2013: Togakushi Ninpo Center will open on Friday April 19th and the Togakushi Chibikko Kids Ninja Park will start up again on Saturday April 27th.

Nagano Prefecture as a whole is blessed with so much beautiful natural scenery, but within Nagano, Togakushi is special. The massive cedar trees lining the path to Okusha really impart a sense of the power of nature. Lately those famous trees are experiencing a boom of sorts as they have become known as a 'power spot' in Japan. But take one step off the path and into the Togakushi Forest Preserve, and you'll have all that peaceful nature to yourself. The snowy white flowers of the unfortunately named skunk cabbage are especially delightful. And be sure not to miss Kagami-ike, aka 'Mirror Pond' which perfectly reflects the grand Togakushi Mountain peaks.

In addition to all the natural beauty, Togakushi is home to some of the best soba noodles in Nagano Prefecture, which itself is Japan's soba mecca. Besides being a prime growing area for buckwheat, there is just something different about the noodles made here in the refreshingly clean mountain air using the crystal clear mountain spring water.

And, don't forget the Togakushi ninjas. This is the home of the Togakure-do school of ninjutsu, and there are 2 locations to get a feel for what Togakure-do ninjutsu is like. They are the Togakushi Ninpo Center and the Togakushi Chibikko Kids Ninja Park.

Togakushi is so much more than just nature, soba and ninjas. There's the spiritual tradition (Chusha, the 'Middle Shrine', is especially rich in mysticism), bamboo ware and so much more. This green season, come and check and experience Togakushi yourself. And in the evening, we here at Kamesei Ryokan would be happy to have you come stay at our inn in Togura-Kamiyamada onsen.

戸隠高原 Togakushi

山口屋そば Soba Restaurant Yamaguchi-ya

戸倉上山田・戸隠の高速道路経由のアクセス Access from Togura-Kamiyamada to Togakushi using the Expressway