もみじと松 "Momiji" and "Matsu" Japanese Maple and Japanese Pine Tree

2013.11.29: 季節 Seasons



Pictured is a scene from the 'tsubo-niwa' pocket garden in front of Kamesei Ryokan's guest room 'Chitose'. The bright red of the momiji (Japanese maple) leaves with the dark green of the matsu (Japanese pine) needles and the deep blue of the autumn sky.

12月はまた大衆演劇@戸倉上山田の大勝館 More Geisha Drag Shows at Togura-Kamiyamada's Taishokan Theater in December

2013.11.28: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada




The Taisho Kan theater here in our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada will present "Taishu-engeki" again for the month of December. This "kabuki for the masses" performance is sort of like a geisha drag show, and is intriguingly entertaining.

The December troupe is Taiki Nanjo. The theater is planning on taking January and February off, so December will be your best chance to see a performance for a while.

We have discount tickets here at Kameesi Ryokan, so come and check it out!

美味しいパン屋・カフェ「ちゅら雲」 Yummy Bakery/Cafe "Churakumo"

2013.11.27: その他 Miscellaneous





Over in Chikuma City's Ame-no-miya neighborhood is a small bakery / cafe called Churakumo. I had heard about it many years ago, but it wasn't until just now that I got to go myself.

Churakumo's location is what you could call "out of the way", and it's facade is a bit non-descript. So it's a place that "Those that know, know." But it's certainly worth searching out. I had the quiche and bagels, and I could definitely sense the care that went into making them.

Having a bakery with a cafe next to it is a great idea. Next time I'll have to take the wife there on a date!


亀清旅館の中庭はライブカメラに向いている? Would Our Garden be a Good Subject for a Live Camera?

2013.11.24: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan





Pictured is Kamesei Ryokan's naka-niwa garden and koi pond. I feel this garden best expresses the change of the seasons here at our inn. To give visitors to our website a real-time feel of the weather and season, I am thinking of setting up a live camera feed of the garden onto our website.

Would that be vanity, or a useful tool for guests?

What do you think?


2013.11.23: 活動 Activities



日付 12月17日(火)
時間 13:00~  (受付は12:00~)
場所 ホテル清風園 (千曲市上山田温泉2-2-2)


参加者 150名 

(要予約; 先着順; 千曲市民優先; 入浴は不可)


千曲市の2014年カレンダー Chikuma City's 2014 Calendar

2013.11.22: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada


The 2014 Chikuma City Calendar has been released. It features the top pictures from the annual photo contest. The July picture is of Kamiyamada Onsen's summer festival -- see if you can pick me out from the crowd!

千曲市2014年カレンダー 2014 Chikuma City Calendar

リュージュ体験@スパイラル Luging at the Spiral

2013.11.20: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


Above Nagano City proper in the Togakushi/Iizuna area is The Spiral, the bobsleigh and luge venue for the 1998 Winter Olympics. This season's schedule for visitors to try sledding has come out.