戸倉上山田温泉 足風呂 工事中 Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's Foot Bath, Now being Built

2008.10.04: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada


Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's first public Foot Bath is now being built in our town's main park. Some people say this should have been done 20 years ago. Some people (including me) say it should be done closer to the river to take in the views of the Chikuma River and the surrounding mountains. But, hey, you try accomplishing a public works project like this! Anyways, the bath is scheduled to be done in time for the Soba Festival on October 19th. Everyone will finally be able to soak their feet in the rejuvenating waters of Kamiyamada Onsen hot spring.

町興しの詳しくはこちらClick here for more info on our town's 'machi-okoshi'.

善光寺へ向かって;御開帳へ向かって Facing Zenkoji: Princess Nyoze

2008.10.03: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


In front of Nagano Station is this statue of an Indian princess, Nyoze, facing towards Zenkoji Temple. Legend has it that Princess Nyoze from ancient India was saved from death by the Amida Triad of Zenkoji Temple. So now she is immortalized here, holding up flowers in thanks for the Temple.
All of us in Nagano are also looking in anticipation towards Zenkoji and next year's "Gokaicho". The ceremony takes place once every seven years, with the next one scheduled from April 5 - May 31, 2009. The Nagano CVB just came out with an English brochure on it -- feel free to ask us here at Kamesei Ryokan for a copy.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

星の光を浴びながら:夜の露天風呂Bathing in the Starlight: Kamesei's Outdoor Bath at Night

2008.10.02: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Little Stargazers/bathers

Working at a ryokan entails early mornings and late nights, with little time for relaxing. However, it also means being able to take a bath in the hot spring mineral baths every night. Last night, the kids and I enjoyed soaking in the outdoor bath that I made last year. It was a clear night, so we had fun picking out the 'Autumn Square' and other constellations, all while soaking in the onsen.

信毎ブログコンテスト:後3日間 3 More Days Left to Shin-Mai's Blog Contest

2008.10.02: メディア Media


Our prefecture's newspaper, Shinano Mainichi, is holding a website contest, and thanks to everyone's support, this blog has been nominated. There are only 3 days remaining to vote, so if you haven't already, I would appreciate everyone's support.

信毎のHP賞の明細はこちらInfo on the website awards voting in here

インバウンド:国も地域も認識アップ!Increased attention to Inbound on the national and local level

2008.10.01: 活動 Activities

Today marks the start of the Japan Tourism Agency, tasked with the goal of increasing the number of tourists from abroad (="Inbound").
By coincidence, today I took part in a meeting by the Nagano Regional Gov't Agency on increasing the number of foreign tourists. And the day after tomorrow I have been invited as a consultant to a research group on the same subject for Nagano Prefecture. All of this is coming off the Nagano Inbound Summit, which I organized last Sunday.
More and more attention is being given to the Inbound subject. This is in conflict, according to the newspaper, with a tendancy towards inward-looking here. According to a recent opinion poll, almost one-third of Japanese people don't want an increase in Inbound numbers; more than half don't want tourist visa restrictions eased.
In my opinion, if you were to ask a typical Japanese person "Do you find increased numbers of foreign tourists a problem?" you might get anti-Inbound results. However, if you were to ask the same person, "Would you like to share Japanese culture with guests from overseas?", the result would be favorable.
That's the spirit I am using here at Kamesei Ryokan -- trying to share the warmth and relaxing atmosphere of our traditional onsen inn with travellers from abroad.

新聞の参考Newspaper Reference

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website

信州(?)の名物:馬刺し Nagano's Specialty: Raw What Meat?

2008.09.29: グルメFoodie

Last night I ate at an Izakaya (pub) in Matsumoto, and the first dish that came out was...raw horse meat.
The first time I came to 'Moto was over 15 years ago, and then, too, I was served raw horse meat. Hmm, I thought, if my friend back in the States who does rodeo found out I was eating horse meat, he'd pound me. But, in the When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do spirit, I partake.
Last night, I again partook. I have to admit, it's darn good. Just don't tell my rodeo friend.


戸倉上山田温泉若旦那達ブログ紹介 Togura Kamiyamada Innkeeper's Blog

2008.09.28: メディア Media




Myself and the other innkeepers in town have started a new blog (sorry, in Japanese only). There are a lot of unique personalities (myself included), and it's making for a pretty funky blog.

長野インバウンドサミット実行Carrying out the Nagano Inbound Summit

2008.09.28: 活動 Activities

約半年をかけた準備の結果は今日、出ました。長野インバウンドサミット(実行委員長:私)が松本大学で行いました。(インバウンド=海外からの旅行者。)メインのスピーチがJR東海相談役、日本観光協会中部支部の須田 寛 氏でした。テーマは:「各地の産業観光」~長野県におけるインバウンド産業の可能性。皆さんがそれを聞いてから、「長野の魅力」、「メディア」、「交通」、「ネットワーク」の4つの分科会に入りました。短い時間で具体的な結果を出すところじゃなかったけれど、集まった皆様(行政、学校側、交通会社、現場の皆)は口をそろって、この動きを継続すると。参加した皆様に感謝!
After over half a year of planning, the Nagano Inbound Summit came to fruition today. The Summit was held at Matsumoto University, with yours truly as the Organizing Chairperson. We were treated to a speach by JR Counselor Mr. Suda, on how Tourism is the glue that brings Industry together, and how Inbound (tourists from overseas) can spark that dynamic. That speach led to the break out sessions with the following 4 themes: 'Nagano Attractions', 'Media', 'Transportation' and 'Networking'. The Summit was too short to produce any concrete results, but all the participants -- government bureaucrats, academics, public transportation, and all of us on the ground -- came to the conclusion that this discussion needs to continue. My thanks to all who participated!

Post-Summit beer w/ co-founder Tom

芸者プランの案 A Geisha Plan Proposal

2008.09.27: その他 Miscellaneous

Geisha Proposal

Lately there has been a boom in skiiers coming to Nagano from overseas in the winter, especially Australians. They tend to stay for an extended period, and for their off days, there are popular day trips to see Matsumoto Castle or the snow monkeys of Jigokudani. This year, one local travel bureau is hoping to offer some new tours, and they approached our town's bureau about an 'Onsen + Kaiseki Meal + Geisha Show + Kimono wearing' plan. Kamesei Ryokan has been happy to oblige, and we put together this proposal. We would be happy to arrange something similar for other groups, so if there is any interest, please do not hesitate to contact us.

亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Kamesei Ryokan website