戸倉上山田温泉と戸倉駅をつなぎ、千曲川を渡る大正橋。晴れた日は眺めが特に綺麗です。日本一長い川、千曲川の河川敷はバードワーチングに最適です。周りの山が緑でほっとします。そして、橋実態は綺麗なデザインだし、表面に赤い石は99個がうめてあります。河で100個目を見つかると。。。 その伝説をまたお聞きになってください。
Taisho Bridge spans the Chikuma River, connecting Togura Kamiyamada Onsen with Togura Station. The view from the bridge on a sunny day is spectacular. You have the Chikuma River, Japan's longest, flowing below, with many species of birds and water fowl all around (a paradise for bird watching). And on either side, there are forested hills -- so relaxing! The bridge itself is a graceful design. There are 99 red stones embedded on the bridge surface. If you find 1 more red stone down at the river, you will have good luck with ... Well, you'll have to come and ask me to tell you the legend.