松本へお出かけ:おすすめコース Day trip to Matsumoto: Sample Itinerary

2011.05.23: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano








Matsumoto City is a popular place to stop on the way to or from Kamesei / Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. Our family took a rare day off to go for a drive and explore the town.

Unfortunately, many visitors to 'Moto see the famous castle and call it good. There is so much more to the town, people should really get out and explore it.

We based our wanderings around the shopping streets Nawate and Nakamachi. There's everything from antique shops to clothing boutiques that the proprietress loves, and outdoor goods shops that I love. And with all the water features around town including riverside parks and drinking wells, the kids never got bored.

You could conceivable get lost in the shopping all day, but you eventually have to take a break to eat. And Matsumoto certainly has you covered with a corncupia of unique restaurants. This trip, we patronized burger shop U2 and pizza / pasta restaurant Seattle (Hmm, I've heard that name somewhere).

It would be a shame not to also see some of Matsumoto's cultural attractions, too. This time we passed on seeing the city's art museum because we had plans to see the Kodo taiko concert at the classy Performing Arts Center. Some of the patrons were dressed in kimono -- people in Matsumoto really know how to do it up right.

Next weekend is Matsumoto's annual Craft Fair. So if you are in Nagano on May 28th or 29th, consider attending the Craft Fair. And if you weren't planning on coming, perhaps you should -- this is a legitimate arts and crafts fair, one of Japan's largest.

And then make the trip to Kamesei for a bath (only 45 minutes by car, or 45 minutes from Matsumoto Station to Obasute Station).

クラフトフェアーまつもとのHPはこちらClick here for Craft Fair Matsumoto's website.

One of the many riverside parks

Yummy U2 burger shop

Mayb e there's a Matsumoto sushi shop in Seattle

岩井堂山の登り口確認 Verifying Iwaido-san's Trailhead

2011.05.22: 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains







We are almost finished making a new Hiking / Cycling Map for Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. There was one last hiking course that I wanted to verify before putting the map to print. There's no use in making a map with courses people can't actually find.

Iwaido-san is the triangular-shaped mountain situated in between Kamiyamada and neighboring Sakaki Town. Our 8-year old son Kenny climbed it along with his classmates as all Kamiyamada Elementary School 3rd graders do for their annual outdoor excursion. So it's a well-loved mountain with the locals. There just aren't any signs for visitors to find it.

I've come to realize that civic improvement starts with good signage!

Ah ha! A Sign!

Iwaido-san as seen from the Training Center Parking Lot


野沢温泉の「魂」旅館:常盤屋 Nozawa Onsen's Heart and Soul: Tokiwaya Ryokan

2011.05.21: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano









Nozawa Onsen is the type of onsen village that people in the ryokan industry love. It's got a handful of really classy inns, the 13 public baths including the venerable 'Oyu', the 'Ogama' hot spring source where locals gather to wash vegetables, a world class ski resort next door, a lively townscape with lots of small shops to browse, and the annual Fire Festival held every January 15th.

Across the street from Oyu is Tokiwaya Ryokan, founded 370 years ago -- Nozawa's most historical inn.

2 years ago, Tokiwaya was set to go bankrupt and be bought out by a foreign firm.

If a minor ryokan were sold out and turned into a budget accommodation, the townspeople no doubt would have resigned themselves to that fate. However, Tokiwaya is the heart and soul of the village. A group of locals decided to pool their resources and by the inn, keeping it locally-owned and maintaining its rich legacy.

The 'wakadanna' (junior owner) is in my prefectural level junior innkeepers association committe, and some of the other members and I gathered at Tokiwaya yesterday. We got to hear the story of the inn, as well as get a tour. The '1000-person' bath and the individual dining rooms (made even before such a style became the fad) were especially impressive.

I wonder if we can develop Kamesei Ryokan into becoming a 'legacy ryokan', too.

常盤屋旅館のHPはこちらClick here for Tokiwaya Ryokan's website.

Tokiwaya Ryokan -- Nozawa's Legacy Inn

Tokiwaya's 1000 person onsen

Nozawa Onsen's Asagama-Dori street lined with classic ryokans

Nozawa Onsen village

夕食の満足度4.9はどこから来るでしょう? To what do we owe the high ratings for our dinner

2011.05.20: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan












During a recent interview by a newspaper reporter, I was asked to describe Kamesei's meals. Our man in the kitchen, Chef Takei, is a culinary wizard, and his meals create many a happy guest. In Japan's leading internet reservation system 'Jalan', our dinners are currently rated 4.8-4.9 on a 0.0-5.0 scale by guest reviews.

But how to describe our meals -- that's not easy to do. Chef Takei uses seasonal ingredients and sources the majority of the ingredients locally, but then again, so do most other chefs. And the meals rely on the strength of all the various dishes rather than putting emphasis on one stand-out plate.

Perhaps one way to describe the meals is by way of explanation: Many times we have walk-up guests asking for a room for that day, and they are disappointed when told we can provide a room and breakfast but dinner can't be prepared in time. The reason is our chef's meals aren't something taken out of the freezer and warmed in a microwave oven. One of the dishes in fact is prepared over a series of 3 days -- the ayu river fish that our chef slowly simmers in sake and other seasonings making it soft enough to eat the whole fish, even the bones. Our guests often comment they have never tasted anything like it.

Chef Takei's tendency to avoid the 'orthodox' and be creative in his combination of ingredients as well as his pain-stakingly detailed preparation are the keys to the popularity of his meals. If you are interested in trying Japan's 'kaiseki'-style dinner, you will be in for a treat here at Kamesei.

亀清旅館の剽軽の亀 Kamesei's Comical Turtles

2011.05.19: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Comical Climbing Turtle



Temperatures outside have climbed to summer-like highs. I'm not sure if that's the reason or not, but the 2 turtles that live in Kamesei Ryokan's koi pond have definitely come out of hibernation and are playing all over our naka-niwa garden.

One of the turtles even climbed up on the little turtle figurine we have by the pond!

If you come to Kamesei, try seeing if you can find one of the turtles in the pond.

姨捨情報: 今は田毎の月タイム Obasute News: Now is 'Tagoto no tsuki' time

2011.05.18: その他 Miscellaneous

The elusive 'tagoto no tsuki'






The nearby Obasute terraced rice fields are famous for 'Tagoto no tsuki' -- the moon reflecting in the individual rice paddies. In order to see that, 2 things are required:
1. the moon
2. water in the paddies.

Right now is the full moon (1. OK!), and all the fields have been flooded in preparation for planting (2. also OK!)

So right now is the magical 'tagoto no tsuki' time! Last night I took some guests, and the full moon reflecting in the fields was sereenely beautiful.

NOTE: In order to see the moon reflecting in multiple fields (which 'tagoto no tsuki' mysteriously hints at), I suggest drinking some of the local Obasute Masamune sake first!

飯山の人気スポット、もう1つ:高橋まゆみ人形館 Another Iiyama Popular Spot: Mayumi Takahashi Doll Museum

2011.05.17: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Misaki outside the Mayumi Takahashi Doll Museum






Besides seeing the nanohana flower fields, our drive to Iiyama had another purpose: to see the Mayumi Takahashi Doll Museum.

Opened just in April of last year, the museum has attracted visitors from all over Japan to see Mayumi-san's unique dolls that adroitly depict the type of country bumpkins one is apt to see in Iiyama's backroads.

The museum itself has surprisingly little display space, but that is more than compensated by the enjoyment that can be had from looking at each individual doll's expression and composure, especially in relation to the background displays.

The doll museum is set in a neighborhood filled with the type of traditional Japanese buildings that I love. Especially impressive is 'Butsudan-dori (street)'. A Butsudan is a Buddhist altar that most families in Japan have in a prominent place in their houses. I had heard that Iiyama is a major manufacturer of Butsudan, but I wasn't aware that there was a whole street of Butsudan shops! I guess it makes sense, though, to have a Butsudan shopping district here in Japan.

There was an interesting phenomenon that came out of seeing the doll museum. Driving around the town and in outlying farming areas afterwards and seeing the old ladies bent over in the fields or the old gentlemen walking along the back streets, I started to get a sense of where Mayumi-san got the inspiration for her dolls!

Mayumi Takahashi Doll Museum
2941-1 Iiyama Oaza, Iiyama City
Tel (0269)67-0139
Hours: 9:00-17:00 (Apr-Nov); 10:00-16:00 (Dec-Mar)
Closed Wednesdays
600 yen for adults, 400 yen for middle and elementary school students

高橋まゆみ人形館のHPはこちら。Click here for the Mayumi Takahashi Doll Museum website

菜の花ワンダーランド Nanohana Wonderland

2011.05.16: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Misaki peek-a-boo with the nanohana







Nagano has numerous headlining flower shows: Takato's cherry blossoms, Anzu no Sato's apricot blossoms, the the pure white 'mizubasho' (unfortunately named 'skunk cabbage' in English) of the Togakushi and Kinasa highlands above Nagano City, and so many more.

One other is that of the 'nanohana' blossoms in Iiyama, which I saw for myself for the first time today. (Nanohana also has an unfortunate name in English: rapeweed. Forgive me as I stick to the Japanese name, nanohana, which has a much more elegant feel.)

I had seen pictures of the fields filled with yellow flowers with the Chikuma River and Nagano's 'five northern peaks' in the background. But pictures don't do the flowers justice. For one thing, seeing them in person means you can enjoy the sweet scent of the flowers wafting on the breeze.

And for another reason, Iiyama's main nanohana park, called simply enough 'Nanohana Park', has a nanohana maize allowing you to immerse yourself in the field amongst the plants bursting with yellow color.

My wife and daughter and I went for a drive today to Iiyama and thoroughly enjoyed the nanohana show. The plants normally bloom between mid April and early May, with special events scheduled from May 3rd to the 5th coinciding with Japan's Golden Week holiday. This year, however, the blossoms are about a week later than usual.

菜の花公園の詳しくはこちらClick here for more info (in Japanese) on Iiyama's nanohana.

Entrance to the Nanohana Maze

Lost in the Maze

Nanohana field with the Chikuma River and Mountains in background

Mari in the nanohana field

Misaki and I

Grinning Misaki

千曲フェアー@上田アリオ Chikuma Fair at Ueda Ario

2011.05.15: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

The 'Bijoren' Beauties at Ario





2種類の庭:派手と控えめ 2 Garden Styles: Showy and Subtle

2011.05.14: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Matsukaze's subtle garden








The peony plant in our naka-niwa central garden here at Kamesei Ryokan is in full bloom right now. As I take guests to their rooms, they often see the rich reddish-purple flowers and comment what a beautiful garden.

On the other hand, the garden for our guest room 'Matsukaze' was re-made last fall by our gardener, Okada-san, and is just now coming alive for its first spring.

One recent guest saw Matsukaze's garden and was disappointed it was so sparse. However, a different guest took a look at it and said happily, "What a beautiful hosta." And, after looking closer, "And a mulberry plant -- how uncommon!"

I realized that there are 2 types of gardens: showy ones that dazzle with a few splashes of color; and subtle ones that captivate the viewer the closer you look.

Okada-san didn't build Matsukaze's garden for today or tomorrow, but for 2, 3, 10 years in the future. Just like Rome wasn't built in a day, a good garden grows into form over the years.

Okada-san built the garden for our '100 Year Bath' outdoor bath four years ago. It has gradually grown into a garden that not only captivates the ey upon first glance, but also provides pleasure upon closer inspection as guests slowly soak in the outdoor bath.

That's the type of garden we hope to build as we make improvements here at Kamesei.

Showy Peonies

100 Year Bath's simple but increasingly showy garden