亀清の新しい玄関看板の初春 Kamesei's New Entrance Sign's First Spring

2011.06.12: 季節 Seasons

Our sign's first Spring



Last Fall, I made this hand-carved sign for Kamesei Ryokan's entrance. Now that it is Spring, the surrounding azalea and lavender are in bloom making a colorful background for the new sign.

Don't you think that flowers complement the sign?

戸倉上山田温泉のハイキング・サイクリングマップ出来立て Hot of the Presses: Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's Hiking / Cycling Map

2011.06.11: 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains

ダブル表紙 … 良いでしょう!






This spring, I've been working on a Hiking / Cycling Map for our onsen town, Togura Kamiyamada. It is finally finished and I am so excited to finally get the fresh-off-the-presses new map!

One of the things I love about Togura Kamiyamada is the grand Chikuma River flowing through the middle and the lush green mountains surrounding the town. I hope this new map will encourage lots of people to get out and enjoy cycling along the picturesque Chikuma River using cycling path as well as strap on their hiking boots and experience the natural grandeur of our local mountains.

With the concern for lack of electricity production this summer, everyone will be thinking about ways to not use airconditioning. Here again, our new hiking / cycling map should come in handy. Riding along the Chikuma River Cycling Road is a great way to enjoy the river's refreshing breeze. And if you climb to the top of one of our nearby mountains, you'll be pleased to find the temperature a good 5 degrees cooler than down below.

Plus, after getting all sweaty from cycling or hiking, you can come back to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen and enjoy a rejuvenating soak in an onsen bath.

That's how I'm hoping our new map can be useful. The map producer, Miyasaka-san, and I discussed which routes are best with both the Chikuma Cycling Club (for cycling) and the Sato-Yama Midori Mamoru Kai (for hiking), and then rode or hiked each and every course ourselves to verify the details. We added a lot of clever design elements as well as a thorough selection of pictures giving a useful image of the courses and the scenery that can be enjoyed along the way. A pretty darn good map if I do say so myself. If you would like a copy for yourself, just let me know!





2011.06.10: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

One of the Seven









Last year, our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada, made a 'Fuku-Fuku Tour' flier showcasing our local religious sites. 'Fuku' means 'luck' and the tour refers to the Shichifukujin (7 Lucky Gods)Meguri tours common throughout Japan.

Our town's tour hasn't been very popular, and I discussed the matter with my buddy Miyasaka-san, a travel publication producer experienced in promoting tourist areas to travellers. He kindly took me to Nagano City to see the Zenkoji version. Along with some websurfing, I ended learning a lot more about the 7 Gods of Luck than I had intended.

If you've spent any amount of time in Japan, you've likely come across the Shichifukujin. All 7 bear a slight resemblance to the Stay Puft Marshmallow man with their pudgy builds and jovial expressions. The various members have individual characteristics -- a lute player here, a conehead there, a guy carrying a red snapper over there, etc. You'll often see them riding a 'takara-bune' boat carrying treasures. They're a cosmopolitan bunch, originating from not only Japan but China and India as well. They also have various religious backgrounds including Buddhist, Shintoist and, likely enough, Taoist.

Perhaps the most well-known of the 7 gods of luck is Ebisu. If you've ever had a Japanese beer, you may have run into him as Sapporo makes a beer named 'Ebisu'. He's the guy holding the red snapper, and his picture is on the label.

I could go into detail about the 7 gods, including what each one represents, but a) there is a lot of good info already on the web -- just google "shichifukujin"; and b) I'm still learning myself.

Anyways, Japanese people supposedly have an affinity for the 7 gods of luck and tours involving the shichifukujin are popular. The Zenkoji version features a sort of stamp rally based on a collection of temples and shrines with images of the gods on their grounds. For example, pictured is a statue of Jurojin near the entrance of Karukayasan Temple.

If Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen can configure a walking tour based on the 7 gods of luck, we should be a bit more successful in interesting travellers to come.

上山田温泉夏祭り: 寄付集めから町の活性化へ Kamiyamada Onsen Summer Festival: From Gathering Donations to Advancing the Town's Livelihood

2011.06.09: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

This Year's Summer Festivals are July 16th and 17th for Kamiyamada Onsen and August 7th for Chikuma River Fireworks

















There was a recent article in the Japan Times with a very disturbing (to me) observation:

"The movement of youth from country to city has left many rural communities anorexic. The population isn't there anymore, nor is the future. . ."

For me, someone who is dedicating his life for the future of Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, the thought that this town has no future is very disturbing indeed.

One worrisome recent trend is the number of local festivals that have been canceled lately. Some of the cancelations are related to post-3.11 depression. But the bigger reason is people just don't want to spend the time and energy in running the events.

In contrast, Kamiyamada's Summer Festival preparations are going ahead as per schedule. Today I went around Nagano City with a couple of other ryokan guys collecting donations. Everyone is going full-bore for the festival. Of course, people have their issues with how much work is involved. But I think everyone knows if we let this festival slide into oblivion, there lies our town's future, too.

Anyways, this year's dates for our 2 big festivals:

Kamiyamada Onsen Summer Festival July 16th and 17th
Chikuma River Fireworks Display August 7th.

行燈のオード Ode to an 'Andon'

2011.06.08: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Our outdoor bath's 'andon' lamp








それで、日本の行灯に思いつきました。低い位置から行く道に灯りを…行灯! 位置が低いから、星の光に邪魔しない。ちょうど良い。








Ever since building an 'andon' lamp for Kamesei's "100 Year Bath" outdoor bath, I've gained a heightened appreciation for these traditional Japanese lights.

By definition, an andon's light is encased in paper. Traditionally, that was because the light source was lamp oil, and paper was needed to protect the flame from the wind. However, the paper serves another purpose -- it filters the light creating a soft effect. To me, that is the essence of an andon -- a low, soft light. Cool Japan.

In contrast, we Americans typically use streetlights -- harsh lights brightly illuminating everything below.

When I built the outdoor bath, one of the factors was to allow our guests to be able to bathe in the starlight as they soak in the onsen. (Hey, that makes a good haiku:

Soak in the onsen
Open to the sky above
Bathe in the starlight)

Anyways, a streetlight would ruin the ambience, and wash out any starlight. However, we needed to illuminate the footpath somehow, otherwise guests would find the approach to the bath too dangerous at night.

That's when I thought of making an andon. It would provide light to the footpath, but softly and from a low angle so as not to disrupt the starlight. So I brought some more rocks from the river to match the rest of the bath, built a base, ran electricity (sorry, not lamp oil), and built a frame out of wood complete with 'washi' traditional Japanese paper covering.

Then one of my woodstove buddies, Murakoshi-san carved a wooden turtle using a chainsaw. It was a perfect cap for the andon. Voila! A pretty unique hand-made andon!

Plus the andon served as a sort of handrail for the bath, so it killed 2 birds with 1 stone (err, several river rocks actually).

The only problem was, I couldn't permantly attach the turtle cap because otherwise I would loose access to the lightbulb inside. However, a guest recently admonished me that the andon was too wobbly to be a handrail. So, for the first time in a few years, I took another look at the andon, stabilized it a bit better, and screwed down the cap. It'll be difficult to change light bulbs from now on, but our guests will be safer.

All this for just a simple andon. A simply memorable andon.

久しぶりに泣きました。 Crying for the first time in a long time

2011.06.07: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Peepolo RIP







Today I went to the funeral for Nakahara-san, one of my fellow Nagano Ryokan Junior Association members from Peepolo inn in Norikura. He was 43 years young. Too young.

When I first became active in the ryokan junior association at the prefectural level, Nakahara-san took me under his wing and helped teach me about everything.

At his funeral, another ryokan buddy and two of his childhood friends gave tearful speaches. I broke down and cried listening to them.

Crying won't bring him back.

Yet still, I couldn't help crying.

'Sayonara' is so sad.

鏡台山の頂上からの眺めがこんなに綺麗だったんだ! The View From Kyoudai-san's Summit Was This Outstanding!

2011.06.06: 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains

Our 2 sons and friend Rintaro at Kyoudai-san's summit

戸倉上山田温泉の周辺の山の一つ、鏡台山を登ってみました。姨捨の「田毎の月」の伝説に出てくる山: 満月が鏡台山の上から出てくれば、姨捨の棚田に田んぼ毎に映る。姨捨から鏡台山は何百回見ていますが、今日は初めて姨捨山を鏡台山から見ました。







One of the mountains that overlooks Togura Kamiyamada is Kyoudai-san. A 'kyoudai' is a traditional Japanese interior furnishing. It's basically a low vanity table with a mirror attached. Most of our guest rooms here at Kamesei Ryokan have one and our female guests often sit in front of it, lay out their cosmetics on the top, and apply their makeup using the mirror. So, why a mountain named after a piece of furniture? It is a reference to the Obasute 'tagoto no tsuki' legend about the moon reflecting in the individual rice paddies. When the moon raises over Kyoudai-san mountain, it is in the perfect position and angle to reflect in Obasute terraced rice fields.

Anyways, I've seen Kyoudai-san from Obasute hundreds of times, but today I hiked up Kyoudai-san and saw Obasute from the summit for the first time. Our sons were off from school, so I piled them in the car and headed over to the trailhead. The road had a barrier blocking it with a sign about being washed out. But other cars had apparently been travelling on it, so we gave it a go. There were rocks and debris in places washed down over the road by the recent rain, but using a bit of caution it was all passable.

The sign at the trailhead says 120 minutes to the top. Even with stopping liberally for breaks and a 3rd grader in tow, we made it in just 1-1/2 hours. The first 10 minutes climbs up a slope through a pine tree forest, then you follow a forest road for the next 10 minutes. The rest is back to a true hiking path, and goes through more pine forests, 'sasa' bamboo grass groves, passing birch trees and wild azaleas -- a real variety of terrain and flora.

You reach the north peak first, where there is a sign saying the local schools used to use the opening there for athletic competitions (seems like a long haul to go just to play tug-of-war), and there was an elephant-shaped bell (don't ask). From there, you push on another 10 minutes and finally reach the main peak with its outstanding view of the Chikuma River valley down below. There is a bell there, too, and I rang it as hard as I could. But since it's at the top of a mountain, I doubt anyone below could hear.

To be honest, I had an ulterior motive for climbing Kyoudai-san. This week, a hiking / climbing map of Togura Kamiyada Onsen and Chikuma City that I've been working on will be released. Kyoudai-san is one of the mountains featured, and I wanted to hike it once with my own feet. After doing so, I am confident that locals and visitors alike will be able to use the map and enjoy the hike.

One last comment -- after reaching the car and starting to drive back down, there is a natural spring. We stopped for a drink and to splash water on our faces and heads. Instant chill satisfaction! I highly recommend it!

The main peak

View from the peak

Andy filling out the book

north peak

wild azaleas

上山田のラベンダー畑でまた良い香り! The lovely scents are back -- Kamiyamada's Lavender Fields Blooming Again

2011.06.05: 季節 Seasons

Misaki enjoying the lavender




Down on the riverbanks of the Chikuma River, you will often find a pleasant breeze blowing. Now that breeze carries the sweet scent of lavender, as Kamiyamada's lavender fields have started blooming again.

I took our daughter down to check out the lavender. The fields are only 5 minutes by car from Kamesei, or a nice 20 minute walk.

And the scent of lavender is simply sublime!

東北応援プラン及び避難者プラン設立 New Stay Plans: 'Tohoku Support' and 'Evacuees Special'

2011.06.04: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Tohoku Support sake




*お客様一組に東北産の清酒一本をプレゼント (岩手県の「あさ開き」)




*定額料金: 1泊2食付で2500円/人 (5000円ー千曲市負担金2500円)

信州の大自然、シェフ武井の手をかけたお料理、長野の新鮮な食材、上山田のお湯を24時間100%かけ流し、そして亀清旅館の話題のおもてなし。 被災地から遠いですが、気分転化の為に来る価値はあります!


戸倉上山田温泉におニューな居酒屋 New Izakaya in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen

2011.06.03: グルメFoodie

Newly Opened Yamayoshi





A block away from Kamesei Ryokan, a new izakaya pub just opened. Our onsen town, Togura Kamiyamada, already has a plethora of excellent eateries -- now we have one more to enjoy.

As you can tell from the displays of flowers in the picture, the pub Yamayoshi is celebrating its grand opening.

That the owner decided to open amidst the post 3.11 economic shock shows he has some guts. We here at Kamesei are planning some minor construction, but are worried not only about the future economically, in addition there is a shortage of building materials. Northeastern Japan has priority on materials now for rebuilding in the disaster areas. One ryokan owner acquaintance has had to postpone his inn's remodel due to the lack of materials. Of course, our remodel plans are on a much smaller scale, so it should be no problem.

With all the concerns around, I wish the owners of Yamayoshi good luck with their new endeavor!