つつじからアジサイへ 季節の変更@亀清の庭 From Azaleas to Hydrangeas -- The Season's Change Here at Kamesei's Gardens

2011.06.21: 季節 Seasons

Annabelle hydrangeas blooming in Kamesei's garden




This year, the azaleas shrubs here at Kamesei Ryokan put on quite a colorful show with their flowers. We have azaleas in our entrance, our naka-niwa central garden and koi pond, and here and there throughout our ryokan's gardens. But perhaps due to the heavy rains this tsuyu (rainy season), the azalea flowers have started to wash away.

In their place, the hydrangeas are starting to blossom. The ones in the nak-niwa are beginning to put on color, but right now the most spectacular are the Annabelle hydrangeas in the tsubo niwa pocket gardens by the detached rooms. Their snow-white flowers seem to radiate energy.

Just today I received an e-mail from a guest who stayed with us last year. She apparently made a Japanese garden where she's living in New Mexico. Looking at the photos she sent, it was interesting to see a desert version of a Japanese garden. With water being so scarce, the few plants she did use were of course drought resistant. Rocks and sand seem to be the most prevalant aspect. Compared with that, Kamesei's many gardens as well as the hills around our onsen town, Togura-Kamiyamada, are alive with green color. We are truly blessed here.

稲荷山街並み講座:6月25日(土) Inariyama Townscape Talk this Saturday 6/25

2011.06.20: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano



それにどうにかストップをかけようとしているのは稲荷山街並み委員会(会長: 私の友達の高村さん)です。今週の土曜日は街並み講演が行います。興味のある方は是非、お越しください。

父の日のファミリーサイクリング Family Cycling for Father's Day

2011.06.19: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Fathers and Kids on the Chikuma Cycling Path









How was everyone's Father's Day?

Here in Togura-Kamiyamada, the other junior ryokan association members and I joined forces with the Chikuma Cycling Club for a family fun ride along the Chikuma River bicycling path.

Our onsen town is fortunate to have a such an enjoyable river-side cycling path. How many other onsen districts are so lucky? By having the other ryokan guys experience cycling on the path, I hope they will now tell their guests about it. Just last week, our town's first Cycling / Hiking map was released. Hopefully it will be a tool to get more people to enjoy cycling in the area.

It was also great to hang out with the Chikuma Cycling Club members for the day. I appreciate their help guiding our ride.

And several of the participants brought their kids, making it a fun father & kids time. Perfect for Father's Day.

Finally, everyone made a donation to the Tohoku relief effort. We will donate the money to the Yamada (Iwate Pref.) Support Network.

Getting the ryokan guys in the saddle and enjoying the bicycle path, getting to know the Chikuma Cycling Club members better, having fun with our kids for Father's Day, and collecting money for Tohoku -- all in all a great day.

千曲サイクリングクラブの詳しくはこちらClick here for info on the Chikuma Cycling Club

At the Sakaki Rose Festival

懐古園の側の美味しいお蕎麦 Yummy Soba by Kaikoen (Komoro)

2011.06.18: グルメFoodie

The Real Deal for Nagano Soba










Kamiyamada Onsen's summer festival is rapidly approaching. It will be held again this year on the Marine Day 3-day weekend in July (the 16th and 17th). The other ryokan owners and I have been running around all over the place gathering donations for the big event. So far, we are on pace to be able to throw our regular big bash.

This past week, my donation running took me from the northern edge of Nagano City way down to Saku City. I am always amazed at everyone's generosity for our festival. All I can say is, "Thank you!"

For me, the highlight of this week was stopping at a soba noodle restaurant in Komoro City. Kusabue is located right next to 'Kaikoen' (Komoro Castle).

First a bit of background.

Nobody does soba noodles as well as Nagano. If you come to Nagano, it is absolutely against the rules to not have soba. But with more soba restaurants than one could count, how do you know which one to go to? Well, Kusabue has been around for over 400 years, so that's a good sign that they know their noodles. The main store is in Komoro right next to the famed 'hole castle' Kaikoen. (Most castles tend to be perched on the top of a hill. When you see Komoro's, it's distinctive configuration will let you know where it's nickname comes from.)

For many groups that come to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, exploring Kaikoen and then eating lunch at Kusabue is a popular stop-over along the way. Hence the shop's support of our festival. We just happened to time our visit right at lunch hour (coincidence?) and so decided to have a bowl of noodles for lunch.

I'm embarrassed to say, but this was my Kusabue debut. Of course, I had heard about the restaurant (they're especially known for their generous volumes), but this was my first time to put chopsticks to their noodles. So how was it? Now I know why Kusabue is so well-known and well-regarded. There's something about the flavor, the environment (being made in an area with such clean air and water), the shop's ambience, and the history that makes Kusabue's soba stand out. And I should know -- I've had lots of Nagano soba.

For guests coming from out of the prefecture (or from overseas for that matter) and wanting to try Nagano's soba, I can confidently say that Kusabue is a suitable representative of our famed soba.

草笛のHPはこちらclick here for Kusabue's website.

上山田温泉夏祭りの詳しくはこちらClick here for details on Kamiyamada Onsen's Summer Festival

「繭」を思わせる庭 Silk-Themed Garden

2011.06.17: 季節 Seasons

coccoon-like flowers in our silk-themed garden






そして、この庭のもう一つな特徴は繭を思わせる花もあります。今は蛍袋(Campanula punctata Lam.)が咲いています。普段は紫の花だが、庭師が珍しい白い花のを見つけて、植えてくれました。


"Ahh, isn't that a silk thread spool there in the tokonoma alcove?"

"Hey, and those are silk worm raising trays there hanging on the garden wall, right?"

Those were the comments of tonights this afternoon as I showed them their guest room that we have been remodelling after a tsumugi (silk) theme.

I explained to them a bit further. "That wall hanging is made of silk in the Ueda tsumugi tradition, by none other than yours truly. And in the garden there is a mulberry plant."

That started a whole new round of memories. "Oh, remember how we were always told not to eat the mulberries but we snuck them in our pockets and ate them anyways?"

We had our gardener make design the new garden around a silk theme. One of the plants blooming right now is a spottled lantern flower, Campanula punctata Lam. Usually the flowers are purple, but our gardener managed to find a rare one with white flowers. Doesn't the shape vaguely resemble a silk coccoon? Most people probably wouldn't realize the connection, but that's find. It's like my little secret.

亀清旅館の2010年インバウンド人数 Kamesei Ryokan's 2010 Inbound Figures

2011.06.16: 活動 Activities

Kamesei's 2010 Figures for Overseas Guests






As per the request from the Nagano Prefectural Government, I tallied up the Inbound (travellers from overseas) figures for Kamesei Ryokan from last year. As you can see, there were 563 stays. That represents 9.8% of Kamesei's total.

We enjoyed having guests from various countries. The top 5 origins were:
1. USA
2. Singapore
3. Australia
4. UK
5. Spain

However, more than the 2010 figures, there is a lot of concern of what has happened since the 3.11 earthquake / tsunami / nuclear disaster. For the months of March, April and May this year, we had 64 stays. That is down 65% from last year.

To be honest, though, I prefer to focus on the 35% that did come. Despite the concerns from the Fukushima nuclear plants, we had 64 stays from overseas guests. For those people, their interest in Japan's culture, Nagano's nature, and the relaxation from staying in an onsen ryokan won out over their fear of the nuclear problem.

Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) continues to monitor Nagano's radiation level on a daily basis. As you can see by the readings, the level has been on par with the readings prior to 3.11. In other words, Nagano remains safe for travel. Just ask the people who stayed the 64 nights at Kamesei these past few months!

また「田毎の月」タイム@姨捨 It's Moon Reflecting Time at Obasute Again

2011.06.15: その他 Miscellaneous

Obasute Rice Fields Reflecting the Moon




The famous moon-reflecting Obasute terranced rice fields are all planted for this season. But the seedlings are still young, meaning this month's full moon is another chance to see the moon reflections.

Last night, I drove to Obasute to check out the scene.
The light of the full moon falling softly over the fields,
The silhouette of Obasute Mountain in the backgound,
The mesmerizing patterns of the rice seedlings in the paddies,
The glistening of the moon's reflection
The gurgling of the water flowing through the fields,
The sounds of the frogs serenading the night.

All in all, a magical scene.

日本語の勉強をやめようかな?! No More Nihongo?!

2011.06.14: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Which one is correct?


まずは、その背景: 私は大学に入ってから日本語を勉強し始まった。20歳まで「アリガトウ」の意味さえ分からなかった。大学や留学で苦労して、何とか喋れるようになった。日本語の勉強は確かに大変だった。特に漢字。しかし、唯一安心したのは、変な例外がない。漢字をいったん覚えれば、ずっと使えるという事で、漢字の勉強に頑張った。







This doesn't have anything to do with the ryokan, but I've decided to quit studying Japanese.

Allow me to explain. I didn't start studying the Japanese language until I got into college. I didn't even know what 'arigatou' meant until I was around 20. And learning the language, especially all of those kanji characters was a bitch. But the one thing that kept me sane was knowing kanji doesn't have exceptions. Once you learn a character, you've learnt it for eternity.

Since we moved to Japan and our kids started school here, I've gone from studying Japanese to helping teaching it to our kids. I've helped them understand some of the language's quirks, but through it all have been the rock-solid, un-changing kanji characters. Maybe a few updated stroke orders here or there, but the characters remain the same.

So today, when I helped our 5th grades son Andy with his kanji homework, I corrected his writing for the 'sai' in 'kokusai' (international). He wrote it with the right upper part having 2 legs. I told him it only has 1. He insisted his textbook says 2.

Before moving to Japan, I worked at an international trading company for 11 years, and wrote sai with 1 leg more times than I care to remember. But Andy showed me his textbook, and by golly, 2 legs. I dug out my old dictionary, and sure enough, 1 leg. How about computers? 1 leg. So which is correct? I actually called text book publisher (what kind of Dad would do that?) and asked. They said printers use 1 leg for ease of reading, but text books teach 2 legs for ease of writing; both are correct.

So a different way from what I learned is correct? What a bunch of bull. Talk about wishy-washy. I feel like I wasted all those years of struggling to learn the language. I feel like wanting to quit studying!

家族でラベンダー畑 ラ・プロヴァンス?スクイム? いいえ、上山田! Family Trip to the Lavender Fields: La Provence? Sequim? Nope -- Kamiyamada!

2011.06.14: 季節 Seasons

family lavender




Our family went on a bicycle ride to some lavender fields. Is it La Provence in the south of France? Or maybe Sequim on Washington State's Olympic Peninsula? Nope, the fields are right here in Kamiyamda.

In fact, the Manyo Sports Area lavender fields are just a 10 minute bike ride from Kamesei and our onsen town, Togura Kamiyamada.

I highly suggesting going and seeing, more than that, smelling the lavender fields!

戸倉上山田から岩手県山田町へ チャリティーバザー From Togura Kamiyamada to Tohoku -- Charity Bazaar

2011.06.13: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

bazaar time




Yesterday, the proprietresses from our onsen town, Togura Kamiyamada, held a charity bazaar and raised approx. US$600 for tsunami-stricken Yamada town in Iwate Prefecture. The junior ryokan association members and I helped out with set-up and take-down, and were glad to assist with this worthy cause.

More Togura Kamiyamada Onsen charity events are still to come. Next up is a Charity Bicycle Ride next Sunday 19-June in conjunction with the Chikuma Cycling Club. We meet at 10:30am at the Kara-Koro footbath, and will ride along the Chikuma River Cycling Road to Sakaki to enjoy the Rose Festival there. If interested, feel free to contact us here at Kamesei for details.