お勧め里山登り: 弘法山(塩田平) 信仰と歴史の探検 Recommended Hike: Mt. Kobo. A Mystical and Samurai Adventure

2022.03.01: 山城 Mountaintop Forts, 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano, 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains


Kobo-Yama is the smallish mountain behind national treasure Zenzan-ji Temple on Ueda City’s Shioda Plain. Despite its short stature the view from the summit is stunning but what makes Kobo-Yama distinct are the remains of the Warring State era Shioda Castle and the adventure of finding the 33 stone Buddhas tucked into crevices around the peak.

弘法山から見下ろす塩田平 Looking down on the Shioda Plain from Mt. Kobo
塩田城跡(虎口)Shioda Castle: remains of the Tiger Gate
33石仏(弘法の眼)Searching for the 33 stone Buddhas — the Eye of the Kobo (Priest)

弘法山 Mt. Kobo (842m)

距離 Length 1.3km. 標高差 Elevation Gain 280m. 登り Ascent 90 min. 下り Descent 90 min. (探検しながら、前山寺見学含め)難度 Level of Difficulty: 初心者 Easy (冬は雪でアイゼン必須・中級 In winter Moderate due to needing crampons when snow). 2022.03.01

前山手の駐車場(とトイレ)Zenzan-ji parking lot (with toilet)
登山口(後は弘法山) Trailhead (Mt. Kobo in the distance)
足跡がガイド Footprints were our guide
一つ目の石仏見付け♪ Found the first stone Buddha
岩に階段が掘られた Stairs carved in stone
岩場 stone cliff
高さ2mの穴も Some hollows were 2m tall
他は高さ1.5m Others only 1.5 meters tall
背景は菅平 Sugadaira in the distance
塩田平と背景は戸隠山 The Shioda Plain with Mt. Togakushi in the background
塩田城城・虎口 Shioda Castle Remaiy
前山寺の未完成の三重塔 Zenzan-Ji’s “Unfinished” Pagoda

アクセス: お車なら前山寺は国宝なので沢山の看板が出てます。公衆トイレに広い駐車場あり。交通機関なら上田駅から別所線で塩田町駅、⑧信州の鎌倉シャトル線で前山寺バス停(本数と運行期間に限りあり)。 亀清旅館から車で20km、40分。戸倉駅から上田経由で塩田町まで約45分、バス20分又はタクシー5分。https://www.city.ueda.nagano.jp/uploaded/attachment/3023.pdf

ACCESS: By car, Zenzan-ji Temple is a National Treasure so well-signed. Use the large parking lot by the public toilet. By train, from Ueda Station take the Bessho Line to Shiodamachi and transfer to Bus #8 to the Zenzan-ji stop (frequency and operation limited). From Kamesei Ryokan, 20km (40 min.) by car. From Togura Station via Ueda 45 min. to Shiodamachi +20 min. bus or 5 min. taxi.

コース: 正面の登山口と塩田城経由の二つのコースがあるからループ可能。33石仏探しも含めて中嶋豊さんの「信州山歩き地図・里山編III北信東信」がマスト。COURSE: Two trailheads (official one above Zenzan-ji Temple and via Shioda Castle) so can be done as a loop. For both the course and for finding the 33 stone Buddhas, get Yutaka Nakajima’s 3rd hiking book.

長野県民のSPECIAL割は延長・拡大 "Special-Wari" Discount for Nagano Residents Extended

2022.02.21: その他 Miscellaneous

長野県民の皆様、割引キャンペーンが実施中: (English Follows)

長野県の「県民支えあい 信州割SPECIAL 宿泊割」


■ 長野県のSPECIAL割のは延長(R4年3月10日から4月28日までご利用可能)そして対象者は同居家族(1名~)以外にワクチン3回目接種(~2名)に拡大されました。その条件: 「ワクチン・検査パッケージ」の適用が必須)







For residents of Nagano Prefecture, there is a valuable discount campaign you can use to stay here at Kamesei Ryokan.

Nagano Prefecture's "SPECIAL-WARI" for residents of Nagano Prefecture: 5000 yen discount for accommodation fees of 10,000 yen or more, 2500 yen discount for 5,000-9,999 yen.   In addition, each person receives 2000 yen in coupons that can be used at area businesses.  The discount applies to stays through 28-April 2022.  All guests must be vaccinated for COVID or have tested negative  (present proof at check-in).

Restrictions apply so please inquire (Tel 026-275-1032, e-mail omotenashi@kamesei.jp) and we will gladly make your reservation.

冬の最強組み合わせ: 温かい温泉と甘〜い苺 (いちご狩りご案内) Strawberry Picking and Onsen Soaking: Nagano’s Winter Pastime

2022.02.11: 季節 Seasons, 活動 Activities, グルメFoodie

信州の冬の人気な楽しみ方は温泉にのんびり入ってハウスでいちご狩りをする事です。外は寒いからこそ温泉は気持ち良いし、いちご狩りのハウスの中がぽかぽかです。何しろ、苺が甘くて美味しいです!  Here in Nagano one way that’s popular for enjoying winter is to soak in a hot spring bath and to go all-you-can-eat strawberry picking in a toasty warm greenhouse.


この亀清旅館・戸倉上山田温泉の同じ千曲市にアグリパークと言う有名ないちご狩り場所があります。約19kmで車で18分です。いちご狩りは時間制限無しで楽しめて、複数な種類があります。二段に分けてあるので小さいお子さん達は下の段がちょうど採りやすい高さです。隣接にパン屋さん、食堂、サボテンガーデン、みかん狩りハウス、植木や花の販売もあり、長く遊べます。 In the same Chikuma City that our Kamesei Ryokan and Onsen Town Togura Kamiyamada are located is Agri-Park, a famous strawberry picking spot. Located only 19km away, it is 18 minutes by car (or around 45 minutes by bicycle). There is no time limit For picking and eating the strawberries and several different varieties to try. Agri-Park also has a cactus garden, mikan orange picking, a bakery and cafeteria, and a flower and plant nursery so it is easy to spend half a day there.



アグリパークの入り口 Entrance to Agri-Park

アグリパークの甘〜い苺 Agri-Park’s sweet strawberries

時間制限無しの食べ放題 All-you-can-eat with no time limit
サボテンのハウスも Cactus Greenhouse
パン屋さんと食堂 Bakery and Cafeteria
彩りの花屋 colorful flower shop

アグリパークの詳しくAgri-Park details  

こもろ布引いちご園 Komoro Nunobiki Strawberry Park

東京方面からのお客様にいちご狩りのお勧め: 小諸市「布引いちご園」。ここの苺はまた甘〜い!ハウスも広くて中に食べれるテーブルと椅子もあります。隣接に立ち寄り湯もあります。For guests coming from the Tokyo area, another recommended strawberry picking place is Nunobiki Ichigo-en in Komoro City. The berries there are the sweetest, and the greenhouses are spacious and even have a designated eating area with tables and chairs.

布引いちご園の詳しく Nunobiki Ichigo-en details


お勧めのスノーシュー: 戸隠 Recommended Snowshoeing: Togakushi

2022.02.03: 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano, 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains



The giant cedar trees of Togakushi’s Okusha (Inner Shrine) in the mountains above central Nagano City are popular as a sort of Power Vortex. The cedars are especially impressive during the winter and the area is our favorite place for snowshoeing.

戸隠奥社の杉並木。雪と素敵なコントラスト。The towering cedars lining the path to Togakushi’s Inner Shrine


Winter in Nagano is synonymous with skiing and snowboarding and rightly so. But steadily snowshoeing is gaining in popularity. We’ve gone snowshoeing throughout the prefecture but keep returning to our favorite: Togakushi. It has areas that are only accessible when covered in snow and would be impossible with just regular shoes.

亀清の女将: スノーシューの笑顔 Kamesei’s proprietress in her happy place snowshoeing at Togakushi


When we went in early February there was about 5 feet of snow. We parked at the Okusha entrance, put on the snowshoes, passed the Torii gate and headed towards the Zuijinmon Gate which marks the beginning of the cedars.

入り口の鳥居。随神門まではよく通られて普通な靴で行けるがその道から一歩離ればスノーシューが必要。The entrance Torii. The path to Zuijinmon is well-enough traveled so that regular shoes could suffice but take one step off the path and you’ll need snowshoes.
ミズナラ大王 “King of the Forest” Oak




クマさんの目印 Follow the golden bear


天命稲荷神社を通って Pass by the Tenmei Inari Shrine and its rows of vermilion Torii gates
長〜い影 Long shadows
鏡池の上から見る戸隠山 Togakushi Mtn. as seen from on top of Mirror Pond

冬で鏡池に雪が積もるから上に歩ける。戸隠連峰が迫力ある背景になります。ピクニックには最適な場所。 In winter Kagami Ike (“Mirror Pond”) is covered by a layer of snow so thick that you can walk out on to the middle of the pond, meaning you can literally walk on water. With the towering Togakushi Range as a dramatic backdrop the pond makes a perfect place for a picnic.

まん延防止での営業について Operation During Quasi-Emergency

2022.01.27: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, グルメFoodie





そして、戸倉上山田温泉周辺のの皆様にお知らせいたします。旅館気分をお家で楽しみたい方に我がChef武井の創作料理を仕出し弁当として提供しております。料金は2160円でございます。テークアウトはもちろん、そして千曲市・坂城町のどこでも配達も致します。(配達料が500円) ご要望があれば上山田温泉のお湯を5ℓの便でいっしょに運んで、お家の浴槽に入れたら夜のお風呂に硫黄の香りを楽しんで頂けます。 お弁当の注文は前日まで(10個以上は3日前まで)で電話 026-275-1032 又はメール omotenashi@kamesei.jp まででお願い致します。






Nagano Prefecture has declared a Quasi State of Emergency from 27-Jan through 20-Feb. There are no restrictions on ryokans so our inn will be operating as normal albeit with reduced number of guest rooms for the well-being of our guests.

The Prefecture's Special Discount promotion is also being continued as normal through 10-March.  Our chef's bento (2160 yen) and our Seattle Cookies (1000 yen for baker's dozen) are also available.

夏休み2021年 姨捨正宗と亀清旅館のコラボ Summer '21: Obasute Sake + Kamesei Ryokan

2021.07.24: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, グルメFoodie


我が温泉宿に泊まって、酒蔵を訪問刷ればプレゼントをもらえます! 亀清旅館は100年以上の歴史の木造館実乃が中心となっていますが、造り酒屋の姨捨正宗のさらに歴があって、本館が重要文化財になっています。是非に行ってみて頂きたいと思っております。行かれたら姨捨正宗さんから素敵なプレゼントをもらえます。


This summer, the Obasute sake brewery and our inn, Kamesei Ryokan, are teaming up for a special promotion.  After staying at our inn, visit the brewery and receive a free gift.

Kamesei Ryokan boasts a main building with a history of over 100 years, but Obasute's brewery is even older -- the main building is on the national historical registry.  We encourage everyone to go see it.

The Obasute brewery is 9km from Kamesei Ryokan, approx. 15 minutes by car.  It is the only sake brewery in operation here in Chikuma city.

信州SPECIAL宿泊割 延長と拡大☆ 4月22日更新 Prefecture's Discount Campaign UPDATED 4/22

2021.06.21: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

長野県民及び近隣県の皆様、二つの割引キャンペーンが実施中: (English Follows)

長野県の「県民支えあい 信州割SPECIAL 宿泊割」


■ 長野県のSPECIAL割のは延長(R4年5月31日までご利用可能)そして長野県民に追加で近隣県の皆様に拡大(群馬、埼玉、新潟、富山、石川、福井、山梨の皆様)その条件: 新型コロナワクチンを3回接種済 又は 検査結果が陰性であること



新型コロナワクチンを3回接種済 又は 検査結果が陰性であることが条件です。






■ 千曲市のリフレッシュチケット








Nagano Prefecture and Chikuma City are offering 2 discount campaigns you can use to stay here at Kamesei Ryokan.

    1. Nagano Prefecture's "SPECIAL-WARI" for residents of Nagano Prefecture or select neighboring prefectures (Gunma, Saitama, Niigata, Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui and Yamanashi): 5000 yen discount for accommodation fees of 10,000 yen or more, 2500 yen discount for 5,000-9,999 yen.   In addition, each person receives 2000 yen in coupons that can be used at area businesses.  The discount applies to stays  through 31-May (Tues) 2022 (except 29-April to 08-May).  All guests must be triple-vaccinated for COVID or have tested negative  (present proof at check-in).
    2. Chikuma City's "Tsuki no Miyako Chikuma-Wari": 3000 yen discount for accommodation fees of 5,000 yen or more for  stays through 31-July 2022.

Restrictions apply so please inquire (Tel 026-275-1032, e-mail omotenashi@kamesei.jp) and we will gladly make your reservation.


長野県民限定: ちくま割のお得の情報 "Chikuma-Wari" Discount for Nagano Residents

2021.05.17: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

長野県民に嬉しい情報があります: (English to Follow)

千曲市「長野県民限定 ちくま割」が行われています。


様々の条件がございますので、お問い合わせはお電話 (026)275-1032 又は メール omotenashi@kamesei.jp でお問い合わせ下さい。コロナに負けないで、温泉で精神的にリフレッシュしましょう!

注: お陰様で県民応援前売は完売になりました。☆完売御礼☆

Valuable News for Residents of Nagano Prefecture:

Chikuma City is offering a discount ("Chikuma Wari") for staying in the city, including our inn here in Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada.

The discount applies to stays from Tuesday 01-June to Friday 31-Dec but due to the limited nature of the offer, we suggest staying in June or July.

Various conditions apply, so please inquire by phone (tel# 026-275-1032) or e-mail omotenashi@kamesei.jp.  Don't let Corona get you down -- come and rejuvenate your body at Kamesei Ryokan!

NOTE: Our allotment of the Nagano Prefecture Maeuri-Wari is sold out.

いざ山城! 岩崎城経由で村上義清の葛尾城へ Samurai Forts: Climbing to Katsurao-jo via Iwasaki-jo

2021.02.07: 山城 Mountaintop Forts, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano, 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains


Local samurai lord Murakami Yoshikiyo's main castle was Katsurao-jo, visible across the Chikuma River from our inn Kamesei Ryokan here in Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada.  From the nearby Isobe neighborhood, there are 2 trails to Katsurao-jo, one called the Kome-Iriguchi course that follows the old rear-entrance supply route, and one that passes by in intermediate fortress called Iwasaki-jo.  We recently hiked the latter.  Although hardly anything remains of Iwasaki-jo itself besides 'do-bashi' (earthen bridges) and some rock wall sections, the trail passes the mysterious Bikuni boulder and offers several panoramic viewpoints of the Chikuma River valley, so is well worth the climb.  (More info on Iwasaki-jo and Katsurao-jo from our friends at Jcastle.)

上戸倉宿から見た葛尾(上左)と岩崎城の跡地 Katsurao (upper left) and the location of Iwasaki Fort as seen from Upper Togura-juku

Traihead marker










秋和神社 Akiwa Shrine

比丘尼石 Bikuni Rock

村上義清の奥さんが武田信玄の包囲攻撃から逃げた時に「ここで故郷の住民の永遠の幸せを祈願し化石となった」と書いてあります。When Takeda Shingen laid a siege to Murakami Yoshikiyo, he had his wife escape down this route.  According to legend, the princess stopped here and prayed for the local people so hard she turned into this rock.

二の曲輪の石垣 Stone rampart of the lower bailey

一の曲輪の跡 Site of the Upper Bailey

戸倉上山田を見下ろす絶景 Panoramic view of Togura-Kamiyamada

登った時期 2月上旬 Climbed early February

距離 Distance 岩崎城まで To Iwasaki-jo 200m (葛尾城まで to Katsurao-jo +500m)

標高 Elevation 登山口 Trailhead 400m, 岩崎城 Iwasaki-jo 610m, 葛尾城 Katsurao-jo 805m

時間 Course Time  岩崎城まで To Iwasaki-jo 20 min. (葛尾城まで to Katsurao-jo +30 min.)

難易度 Difficulty ★★☆☆☆  お勧め度 Recommendation  ★★☆☆☆

アクセス 車で戸倉上山田温泉から国道18号を登って、「磯部南」信号の70m先に左曲がって、岩崎踏切でしなの鉄道を渡って、Yで右曲がって、登山口は約50mで右手に。バスは温泉や戸倉駅から路線バス⑧五加戸倉線で磯部ミニ公園で降りる。

Access: By car from Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, take Route 18 south towards Sakaki / Ueda.  Pass the Isobe-Minami signal and in 70m turn left, cross the railroad tracks, at the Y turn turn right, and the trailhead will be on the right in about 50m.  By bus, from the onsen or Togura Station, take the #8 "Goka-Togura" bus and get off at Isobe Mini-Park stop.

[mappress mapid="7"]


日本の小宿に受賞♪ しかしながら、努力がまだ足りず Kamesei Ryokan Selected as one of Japan's Top Small Inns

2021.01.12: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi, メディア Media
An industry newspaper released their annual list of Top 100 Hotels and Inns in Japan as decided by professionals, and our inn Kamesei Ryokan was selected in the Small Inn category.
The same day we received the award, we got a 1-star customer review that called our inn "Low-level, the worst".
Apparently we still have lots of improvements to make.