長野県民の年末年始の家族割引♪ New Years Holiday Discount for Nagano-ites

2020.12.29: その他 Miscellaneous


To all Nagano-ites, from 28-Dec to 11-Jan the Prefecture is providing a discount of up to 5000 yen per person for families to stay the night at an inn or hotel. Our Kamesei Ryokan is a registered accommodation. Take advantage of this discount and enjoy a relaxing stay at our onsen inn the New Years!

この冬のお出かけ交通: 戸隠と地獄谷野猿公苑 Winter Day Trip Transportation: Snow Monkeys and Togakushi

2020.12.08: その他 Miscellaneous

冬は特に山の道は雪で運転が難しくなりますが、電車やバスが便利です。亀清旅館からの日帰り出先の人気スポット2か所の電車バス時刻表を作成しました: 戸隠高原と地獄谷野猿公苑。

Driving in Nagano in the winter can be difficult due to snowy conditions especially in the mountains.  Fortunately, there is convenient train and bus service.  Here are the schedules for 2 popular winter-time day destinations from Kamesei Ryokan:  Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park (the famous Snow Monkeys) and Togakushi (snowshoeing paradise).

お勧めの登山: 初の北アルプスに唐松岳 Recommended Hikes: Mt. Karamatsu for 1st-Time Alpinists

2020.10.10: 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains, その他 Miscellaneous


日本の屋根(唐松岳頂上と雲海)On top of the World (Mt. Karamatsu's peak looking over a sea of clouds)

私達は前日のお客さんを見送ってから白馬へ出かけた。登山口となる八方池山荘まで通常のルートは八方地区のゴンドラ「アダム」そして二つのリフトに乗り換えていける。(片道60分、往復で約3000円) 長野駅からの急行バスの八方バスターミナルからゴンドラまで歩けるから電車やバス交通には便利。車で行けば期間限定で黒菱第三リフトから1回の乗り換えで行けるけど、リフトまでの道があまりにもくねくねで結局ゴンドラ「アダム」経路の方が早い。(黒菱ラインは往復1200円.)アクセスの詳しく






Kurobishi #3 Chair Lift. You can skip the gondola by driving up to here.

リフトとリフトの間の湿原 Walk through a marsh in between the two chair lifts

数か所にケルンが立っている。Cairns mark the path in a few places.

八方池(晴れたら白馬三山の反射が最高)Happo Pond (Photogenic reflections of the 3 main Hakuba peaks if the weather is clear)

唐松山荘 Karamatsu Mountain Hut

奇跡の雷鳥 An elusive rock ptarmigan




Stopping to reflect on life as an innkeeper 宿主としての見直し

2020.10.06: その他 Miscellaneous

(I was requested to write about running a business in Japan, and would like to share my reflections here.)

I run a traditional onsen ryokan along with some side businesses such as a rental cycle / guided cycling and walking tours program, an Uber Eats-like deal for local restaurants, and selling the Seattle-style cookies I bake for our guests over the internet.  Besides these business activities, I also run a non-profit organization for promoting tourism to Nagano, called the NINJA Project.

For the ryokan, the inn had been in my wife’s family for several decades and the mother-in-law wanted to retire but didn’t have anyone to take over so she talked about tearing it down and making a parking lot.  Most of the inns nearby have replaced their wooden buildings with multi-story ferro-concrete boxes.  Our inn still has the original wood building surrounding a central garden with passageways leading to semi-detached guestrooms.  If the inn had just been a concrete box, I wouldn’t have been sad to see it go.  But I felt the wood buildings deserved to be around for at least another generation, so my wife and I sold our house and gave up our lives in Seattle to move back to Nagano and become innkeepers.

The eco tour side business is an attempt to take advantage of our town’s rural setting and the cycling possibilities with the Chikuma River Bike Path and all the great hill climb courses around.

The restaurant delivery and cookie baking resulted from the Covid-induced downturn in our inn’s business.

The biggest joy with running the inn has been being able to provide a place for guests to escape their hectic lives for a night and get back in touch with themselves.  We often get thank you messages saying that staying at the inn let them recharge their bodies’ batteries.  I feel that providing that experience has become my calling.

The biggest challenge with the inn has been making the necessary improvements.  The mother-in-law didn’t have energy to do much needed maintenance and updating.  Since we’ve come, I’ve built three outdoor baths with a 4th in the works now, and we’ve renovated several of the guest rooms to make staying in them more comfortable.  We’ll never have all the modern comforts that the concrete boxes provide so another challenge has been to choose our guests better, i.e. attract guests that appreciate the classic ambience of an old-fashioned inn.


For anyone who wants to get into the business of running a ryokan, there are innkeepers throughout the country whose children aren’t interested in taking over and are faced with having to close their family-run inn.  If you find one that fits your passion, start out at the bottom offering to work with cleaning or as a room servant and gradually work your way up.  Learning the art of ‘omotenashi’ (Japanese-style hospitality) can be a life-long endeavor.


Actually running the inn is about 50% of my work.  The other half surprisingly is all the work with the local ryokan association and the civic improvement work with the town and even the prefectural level.


Covid has fundamentally changed our operation.  Up until now, we’d been focused on trying to max out our room occupancy.  Now we’re trying to provide a higher level of service to a fewer number of guests.  For example, after I get this latest outdoor bath finished, the next project will be to add a private outdoor bath to one of the guest rooms.

亀清旅館の新型コロナウイルス対応 Kamesei Ryokan's Corona Virus Measures

2020.10.02: その他 Miscellaneous


  • チェックインに際しては、直接の対面を避ける為にクリアパネルを設置しております。感染予防策を講じた上で旅行者全員に検温と本人確認を実施しております。
  • 旅行者に検温等の体調チェックを実施し、発熱がある場合や風邪症状がみられる場合には、週末も含め保健所の指示を仰ぎ、適切な対応をとっております。
  • 浴場や飲食施設等の共用施設の利用について、人数制限を設け、3密対策を徹底しております。大浴場の脱衣所にかごを減らして人数制限しております。なお、客室は10部屋で制限しております。密にならならい為です。そして、2階の部屋に関してはお客さまとお客様の間で最低1日を空けて、完全に喚起しております。海外の宿泊施設ではこれが主流で、外国人のお客さまが安心できるためです。(そのご要望の方は予約の際に申し付けてください。)
  • ビュッフェ方式は元々ございません。食事会場での食事提供の場合、座席の間隔を離すなど、食事の際の3密対策を徹底しております。
  • 客室、などの共用スペース等の消毒・換気を徹底しております。エレベーターはございません。
  • 「参加条件」を徹底・実施している旨をこのブログにてホームページやフロントでの掲示等で対外的に公表しております。
  • 宿泊施設でのチェックインの際等に、旅行者が順守すべき事項を周知徹底しております。また、若者の団体旅行、重症化しやすい高齢者の団体旅行、大人数の宴会を伴う旅行は一般的にリスクが高いと考えられるため控えるようにお勧めしております。ただし、それだけをもって一律に支援の対象外とするものではなく、実施する場合には、修学旅行・教育旅行などのように、着実な感染防止対策が講じられることを前提に、適切に旅行が実施されるべきことを周知徹底しております。
  • 【従業員の対策】従業員の出勤時の検温、日々の体調管理しております。お客様の前で必ずマスク着用しております。

お勧めの登山: 絶景里山の子檀嶺 Recommended Hikes: Panoramic Backyard-Mountain Komayumine

2020.09.25: 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains

また亀清旅館の近くの登山スポットを紹介します: 上田市の隣の青木村の子檀嶺(こまゆみね)。青木村を代表できる里山は高さ1223mで、登山道は特に後半が結構な勾配でかなり良い汗をかけますが、頂上に着く突端に青木村と背景の上田市・塩田平の眺めは素晴らしい。登山道実態は様々の環境(竹林そして杉、松、最後は落葉の森)を通って、飽きない風景。うちは9月下旬で登ったので、彩りのキノコ季節でしたが、山がそんなに高くないから恐らく一年中登れる。地元の学生が1月1日の日ノ出を見に登るそうです。


登山道は二つがある: 当郷と田沢温泉。田沢からのコースは少し短いが勾配がより激しいそうです。当郷登山口は亀清から20㎞、車で約35分。下の駐車所にトイレがあり。(馬頭観音のある上の駐車場は3~4台。)


登前のスタミナランチ: 道の駅「あおき」で当地の名物の馬肉うどん。近くの大法寺の三重塔(国宝)の時代で青木村が盛んでいて、馬の売買はその一部だったので、未だに馬肉が好まれている。

下りた後のアイス: 大法寺に隣接している青木村郷土美術館の喫茶店にて、青木産のジェラート。(ついでに、「見返りの塔」と言われている国宝と、時間と心の余裕があれば美術館の展示も是非に。

下りた後の立ち寄り湯: 田沢温泉コースなら当然、田沢温泉。私たちは何回か既に言っているので、今回は青木村のもう一つの温泉地、沓掛に。


こまゆ峯の頂上からの絶景 Panoramic view from Komayumine summit

Another in our series of local hiking spots:  Komayu-Mine Mtn. in nearby Aoki Village.  It's one of the village's most well-loved "sato-yama" (like a backyard mountain).    The trail gets pretty steep especially towards the end, but the panoramic view from the top is worth it.  The summit overlooks the village down below as well as Ueda City's Shioda Plain in the distance.  The trail itself traverses a wide variety of scenery, starting with a bamboo thicket, then a cedar forest, followed by some gnarly Japanese pines before the deciduous forest on the upper half.  It's a delight for the eyes and senses, especially if you go in late September or October as we did, when a plethora of colorful mushrooms will greet you.  As the peak is a relatively low 1223 meters, it is climbable pretty much year-round.  In fact, the local school children make an ascent every year on January 1st to see the New Years sunrise.

Trail Info:  There are 2 courses, one starts from the Togo district and the other from near Tazawa Onsen.  We climbed the Togo Trail which is 2.86km long and rises in altitude 542 meters.  With rest stops, it supposedly takes 100~120 minutes.  We powered through and climbed it in 70 minutes.  (The descent took us 50 minutes.)  We picked a late-September day just before a typhoon was to hit, so the temperature was a pleasant 25 deg C.  The Togo trailhead has 2 parking lots, the lower one with a public toilet, and the upper, smaller one with a horse memorial.  It is 20km from Kamesei, approx. 35 minutes by car.  By public transport, you can take the bus bound for Aoki from Ueda Station and get off at the Togo (当郷) stop, 25 min.

Pre-Climb Lunch Spot:  The Aoki Michi no Eki (Road Station) has a cafeteria that serves the local specialty, baniku (horse meat) udon.  It's a hearty stew with thick udon noodles and the area's trademark horse meat.   The nearby Daihouji Temple features a 3-story pagoda that is a designated national treasure.  Back in the 14th century when it was constructed, Aoki Village was a stop-over on trade routes and prospered with horse trading, hence the popularity of horse meat even today.

Post-Climb Ice Cream:  The art museum adjacent to Daihouji Temple has a cafe that offers made-in-Aoki gelato.   Make sure to check out the famous pagoda, and see if the stories about it being so mesmerizing that you keep looking back at it as you leave, are true.  And, if you have the time (and the heart), see what the museum has on display.

Post-Climb Onsen:  If climbing from the Tazawa side, then, of course, Tazawa Onsen.  Since we'd been to Tazawa numerous times, we decided to check out Aoki Village's other onsen district:  Kutsukake and it's public bath, Ogura no Yu.

馬頭観音のある小さい駐車場 Small parking lot with the horse memorial

当郷の登山口 Togo Trailhead

最初は竹林 Bamboo thicket at the start

過ぎの森を通って Pass through a cedar forest

老松を通って Then past some gnarly Japanese pine trees

緩やかな林道から勾配のきつい後半の登山道 The trail levels out joining a logging road before splitting off to start the steeper 2nd half

倒れた鳥居を横切って Pass the fallen torii gate

落針の森の中で踏ん張る Huff and puff up through a deciduous forest

登山価値のある頂上からの眺め The view from the summit is worth the sweat!

青木村を見下ろす Look down over Aoki Village

Don't pick the mushrooms

とっとろのキノコ? Tottoro's mushroom?

赤色=毒? Red warning of poison?

毒で言えばトリカブト Speaking of poison: munkshood

スタミナランチ: 道の駅「あおき」で馬肉うどん(背景にこまゆ峯) Power lunch at the Aoki Road Station. Horse meat udon. Note Komayu-Mine in the distance

下りてアイス(青木村郷土美術館の喫茶店) Descend for ice cream (Aoki Village Art Museum)'s cafe)

汗を洗って(沓掛温泉・小倉乃湯) Post-hike soak: Ogura no Yu in Kutsukake Onsen

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お勧めの登山: 神秘(ときつい)飯縄山 Recommended Hikes: Mystical (and Strenuous) Iizuna Mtn.

2020.09.15: 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains





Kamesei Ryokan is located in Nagano Prefecture, and we are blessed with being surrounded by mountains and hills, making our area a paradise for mountain climbing and hiking.  Many of our guests escape civilization by heading to the alpine heavens, and show up at our inn wearing hiking boots.  We love exploring the mountains, too, and would like to showcase some of our favorite courses.

Nagano City's hometown mountain is Iizuna-yama.  The 1917 meter-tall peak towers over the city.  It is one of the 5 Major Peaks of Northern Nagano Prefecture.  The shrine at the top honors the Shinto god of victory in battle, and hence was revered by warlords of the Sengokujidai (Warring States Era), like Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin.  There are fables of a Tengu (goblin) living on the mountain, and the main course is dotted with 13 Buddhist stone figures related to 13 stages in the afterlife.  Iizuna Mountain looms large, both mystically and physically (it is even visible from our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada).

The day we climbed it was a mid-September weekday and the weather was partly cloudy.  We started after lunch, and only came across a handful of other climbers.  Lately we have been climbing several area peaks, some even taller than Mt. Iizuna.  However, this was the most strenuous climb we've done so far, with over 700 meters in elevation gain in a distance of around 2.5km.  Guide books say to plan on 4 hours round trip -- we did it in just over 3 hours.  Perhaps we could have enjoyed the scenery more if we had climbed at a more leisurely pace.  But the peaks we did have looking down on the plateau down below and the Zenkoji Plain in the distance were certainly gratifying.  By the time we reached the summit it was encased in fog, but on a clear day the views of the Northern Alps are supposedly spectacular.

Following are pictures of our climb.

一の鳥居 Entrance Torii Gate

十三佛の石仏 One of the 13 stone Buddhist statues

十三佛の仏像が点々していて、神秘的な雰囲気。登山道は写真の通り、かなりな勾配。足元を注意しながら登る。One of the 13 stone statues lining the path and lending the course a spiritual feel.  As you can tell from the picture, the trail is quite steep.

駒つなぎの場 と 馬頭観音 Foal Tethering Clearing and Horse Memorial

コースの半分点で馬に関わっている不思議な広場。馬は山のここまで登れる?! Around the half-way point is a small clearing with horse-related memorials, curious as it's inconceivable horses could make the climb to this stage.

水場 Water spring

飯綱高原を見下ろす Looking down on the plateau below

Tengu Rock

大きい岩で、表面の真ん中が少し凹んでいて、習字の硯みたい。しかしい、天狗は書道をやるのかい? Large rock with a natural depression in the surface, like the rubbing stone used in calligraphy.  I can see the size resembling something a tengu goblin would use, but as far as I know, tengu don't practice calligraphy...

戸隠川の登山口との分かれ道 Joining with the trail from the Togakushi side

飯縄神社 Iizuna Shrine

頂上から善光寺平を見下ろす眺めThe view from the summit looking out over the Zenkoji Plain

Crossing the saddle to the actual summit 鞍を渡って本山頂へ

Iizuna Mtn. Summit, 1917 meters

切りがかかった下り Foggy Descent

飯縄山の名前の由来は下に暮らしていた人々の飢饉時に天狗が山から採れた飯を持って行ったと言われた。「飯砂」と言っていて、それが飯綱に変わった。Legend has it that during a famine, the Tengu brought lichen as food for the people below, from which the name "Iizuna" originates.


車で、亀清から善光寺経由で「バードライン」で大座法師池を越えて、一の鳥居苑地まで、36㎞、約60分。 交通機関は戸倉駅から長野駅まで(25分)+Alpicoの戸隠へのバス、「飯縄山登山口」下車(47分) 注:実際の登山口は一の鳥居苑地・バス停から別荘地を1㎞(約15分)歩きで、そこにも狭い駐車場はあるけど、一の鳥居苑地でトイレもあるし、お勧めです。


最後の四分の一は木影がないので、帽子と日焼き止めを。トイレは一の鳥居苑地のみ。携帯トイレを買えるし頂上近くにそれを利用できる小屋があるが… 水は水場が途中にあるけど、特に夏に十分持つように。登山口はこの一の鳥居からにしましたが、戸隠側(ちびっこ忍者村近辺)にもある。標高が少し高いけど、距離があるので登る時間はほぼ一緒。




By car, from Kamesei Ryokan drive to Zenkoji Temple in central Nagano City then take the "Bird Line" highway up Iizuna, past Daizahoshi Pond to the Ichi-no-Torii Park; 36km, approx. 60 min.  By public transport, take the train to Nagano Station (25 minutes from Togura), then Alpico's Togakushi Bus to the Iizuna Tozanguchi stop (47 min.).   Note that the actual trailhead is a 15 minute / 1 km walk through a neighborhood peppered with summer homes.  There is limited parking there, but the Ichi-no-Torii Park / bus stop area is recommended as there is a toilet.


The last quarter of the hike has little shade, so be sure to take a hat and sun lotion.  The only toilet is at the above-mentioned park.  You can buy a disposable potty bag, and there is a privacy shed near the summit for using one, but the public toilet is much more ... civilized.  There is a water spring half-way up the mountain, but be sure to take lots of water.  I drank 2 liters, and it was a relatively cool day.  The trail is also popular in the winter, although I can't fathom how the trail would be with snow.  It's also supposedly popular with children as young as 5 or 6, but I'm sure the pace would have to be slower to accommodate them.  We climbed from the Ichi-no-Torii trailhead, but another option would be to start from the Togakushi side near the Kids Ninja Village.  The trail is longer, but starts at a higher elevation and takes around the same time.  For a post-hike onsen, with the mountain's Tengu theme, I would suggest Tengu-no-Yakata down in nearby Mure


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Interview with Kamesei's Tyler Lynch on the Japanofiles Podcast

2020.09.03: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan, メディア Media

Dave Carlson recently interviewed Kamesei Ryokan's proprietor, Tyler Lynch, for his Japanofiles podcast.  This is Tyler's 2nd appearance.  Get caught up on Tyler's various projects with our inn, our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada, and with inbound tourism for Nagano Prefecture.    Special thanks to Dave-san for the interview, and for talented editing.  Dave-san's Japanofiles podcast is a fantastic way to gain insight into the international community in and around Matsumoto.


Direct Download:






亀清旅館の客室紹介: 離れ風 Kamesei's Guestrooms: Semi-Detached

2020.08.19: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

亀清旅館の客室はどんな感じですかと、思っている方に当館の部屋を紹介いたします。Wondering what Kamesei Ryokan's guest rooms are like?  This series of blog entries will introduce them to you.

10畳・トイレ付は全部で⒓部屋で、7室が1階、5室が階段を上って2階です。1階の部屋は風呂前の2室と渡り廊下を渡って離れ風は5部屋です。2階の部屋はその部屋から見える山の名前になっていて、1階のはそれおぞれ長野県に特化したテーマとなっています。取り敢えず、離れ風の部屋の説明です。We have 12 guest rooms that are 10-tatami mat size and equipped with a toilet.  7 are on the 1st floor, 5 upstairs on the 2nd floor.  The 1st floor rooms are divided with 2 located directly in front of the onsen baths ("Furo-Mae") and 5 semi-detached rooms across the crossover passageway ("Hanare-fu").  The 2nd floor rooms are named after the mountain that can be seen from each room, while the ones on the 1st floor all have a separate Nagan0-based theme.  First up are the 5 semi-detached rooms.


子宝 Kodakara

職人の作った扉を開いて、改装した玄関に1畳の次の間を通ってから部屋に入ります。部屋の4脚のベランダの向こうに亀清の一番広い坪庭があります。バードハウスが枝ぶら下げている木の下にハモックがあり、お二人が仲良く過ごして頂けます。隣に他の客室がございませんので賑やかなお子様連れのご家族に最適です。Slide open the door handmade by a master woodworker to reveal the updated entrance and the 1-tatami mat size antechamber.  Beyond the 4-person sitting area is the largest of all of our rooms' tsubo-niwa pocket gardens.  Below a birdhouse hanging from a tree branch is a cozy hammock for two, perfect for this, the most romantic of our guest rooms.  There are no guest rooms adjacent to this one, so it is well-suited for families with energetic children.

子供が出来なかった方が上山田温泉に来て、妊娠になった説があり、「子宝の湯」と言われている。It is said Kamiyamada's onsen water is effective for fertility, hence this room's name 'Kodakara' ("plentiful children").


杏 Anzu

この部屋は2畳の次の間と10畳の部屋や2脚のベランダ以外にベッドの台の部屋もあり、特別和洋室です。床で寝るのは馴染めない方にはベッドルームの高台で布団を敷くことが出来ます。洗面台とトイレはお洒落にデザインされていて、好評でございます。お布団は分かれて敷ける為に二世代やさん世代のご家族にお勧めです。Besides the 2-tatami mat antechamber and the regular 10-tatami mat room and 2-person sitting area is a bedroom with a raised surface so futons can be spread out raised off the floor.  It is perfect for guests who aren't comfortable sleeping on the floor.  The room's sink and toilet areas have been remodeled in a chic design popular with our guests.  As the futons can be arranged separately, Anzu is great for multi-generational families.

近くの「日本一あんずの里」森地区の記念で客間「杏」の坪庭に杏子の木を植えました。知り合いの手で描かれた杏の花の絵も飾ってあります。そして、漆喰の壁のどこかに杏子の木の葉っぱも? In honor of the nearby "Anzu no Sato" (Apricot Village) Mori district, this room's pocket garden features an apricot tree.  Guests who stay here in early April can enjoy the blossoms, and if in late June / early July you can pick fresh fruit from the tree.  An acquaintance of ours painted the apricot blossom vista displayed on the wall, and somewhere in the stucco is an imprint of a leaf from the apricot tree...


紅玉 Kogyoku

客間「杏」と似ていて2畳の次の間と10畳の部屋、2脚のベランダ、デザイナー洗面台とトイレがありながら、ベッドルームだけがございません。部屋のアプローチは両側に坪庭があって、落ち着いた客室です。Similar to "Anzu", this room has a 2-tatami mat antechamber, regular 10-tatami mat room and two-person sitting area with a designer sink and toilet area.  The room's approach has pocket gardens on either side, adding to the overall relaxed ambience.

長野県で10月に必須なのはりんご畑で紅玉という昔からの品種のりんごを採って、その場で食べる事。採りたての紅玉は甘酸っぱくて美味しい。この部屋の坪庭に紅玉の木を植えました。10月に泊まればお部屋でリンゴ狩りが出来ます! ベランダのコーヒーテーブルもりんごの木で作ったし、漆喰の壁のどこかにりんごの木の葉っぱも。One of everyone's favorite thing to do in Nagano in October is to go to an apple orchard, find an old heritage-variety Kogyoku tree, and eat one of those cheek-puckering-ly tart apples right off the tree.  This room's pocket garden has an actual kogyoku tree so guests staying here in October can pick apples in their own room's garden!  The coffee table in the sitting area is hand-made from apple wood, and hidden in one of the stucco walls is an impression of an apple tree leaf.


紬 Tsumugi

廊下を続くと客間「紬(紬)」に辿り着きます。2畳の次の間に10畳の部屋、4脚のベランダ、またデザイナーの洗面台とトイレ、そして部屋中にまた長野らしいテーマの飾りを楽しめます。Further down the passageway is the next guest room, Tsumugi.  It, too, has a 2-tatami mat antechamber, a 10-tatami mat room with sitting area for 4 and another designer washbasin and toilet area.  Throughout the room are accents representing another typical Nagano facet.

昔、長野は絹の生産所だった。古民家の屋根裏にお蚕様を育っていて、その独特の形の屋根の古民家がいまだに所々で残っています。隣の上田市の紬は日本三大紬の一つとして有名だし。この客間「紬」は床の間に骨董品の糸巻き機械、コーヒーテーブルは蚕棚から作られて、壁に当館のオーナーの自ら織った紬のタペストリーがかかってあって、坪庭に桑の木が植えてあります。全ては長野の紬のルーツを表現してます。Nagano used to be a major producer of silk.  Many area farmhouses were used to raise silkworms in their attics, and their unique rooflines are visible in older neighborhoods to this day.  Nearby Ueda City's silk weaving ('tsumugi') tradition is considered one of Japan's Top 3.  Throughout our guest room "Tsumugi" are reminders of Nagano's Silk Road roots, like the spool on the tokonoma alcove, the table in the sitting room made from a silk worm tray, a silk tapestry hand-woven by our owner on a 100-year old loom, even a mulberry tree in the room's pocket garden.


別荘 Villa

一番奥の部屋が「別荘」です。道から離れて、庭で囲まれていて、一番静かな部屋です。2畳の次の間に10畳の部屋、4脚のベランダ、匠の作った洗面台とトイレ。この部屋は特別で、実は貸切露天「しなの風呂」と隣接してます。宿泊プランによってこの部屋のお客間は夜間で貸切風呂を自由に利用できます。亀清旅館なりの一番贅沢な客室です。The guest room at the end of the hall is Villa.  It is located away from the road and is surrounded by gardens making it our quietest room.  It, too, has a 2-tatami mat antechamber, 10-tatami mat main room, sitting area with 4 seats, and a uniquely designed sink and toilet area.  Villa is adjacent to our outdoor family onsen bath, and depending on the stay plan, guests in this room have private access to the bath at night.

長野は軽井沢などの別荘地が有名です。この客室は水回りのデザインや貸切露天のアクセスで別荘気分を楽しんで頂けます。Nagano is famous for its vacation home resort towns such as Karuizawa.   With the fashionably designed wash area and its proximity to the private bath, our guest room "Villa" gives a feeling like of a fancy vacation home.


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2020.08.01: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

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コロナで精神的に疲れていらっしゃる方が多いようです。是非に旅館で癒しを! 亀清旅館の公式HPで分かりやすい「GoToトラベル対象宿泊プラン」を提供しておりますので、ご利用を宜しくお願い致します。



Booking through Kamesei Ryokan's official website is how you can get our Best Price, and we now offer a Go To Travel stay plan.  Take advantage of the country's Go To Travel Campaign and stay here at Kamesei Ryokan at a discount!
