セツブンソウ wildflower

2007.03.16: 季節 Seasons


This pretty little flower is in bloom in the park above Togura Station. It usually blooms around Setsubun (the time when Winter changes to Spring), and is called 'setsubunsou'. The dictionary calls it Shibateranthis pinnatifida. I think I like setsubunsou better.

味噌工場見学 Miso Tour

2007.03.02: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Takamura Miso

We took our American guest, John, to our local miso shop and got a tour of their facility. It was fascinating to see how miso is made and all of the different varieties. If you are interested in a factory tour, we would be glad to take you.


2007.02.11: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan



There were a lot of kids as guests tonight, so I called them all down to the lobby and we made popcorn using an old-fashioned popper. The kids had a blast!

軽トラの世界 K-Trucks

2007.02.11: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan



Sometimes it seems like everyone in Nagano has a 'K-truck' mini pick-up. All of our customers today drove one. All the same make, and all the same color. Hey - I want one, too!

苺狩り Stawberries

2007.01.21: 日米関係Culture Shock

Picking Strawberries Indoors?


Back home, strawberry picking is done outside in a field, in the summer time. Here, it's done in the winter time in a greenhouse!


2007.01.21: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

banana tree

信州で南国果樹園: バナナやパパヤなど。同じ千曲市にあります。苺狩りも。詳しくは上記のリンクにて。
You don't have to go to the South Pacific to see a banana or papaya tree. Here in our town you can see all of these and more, at Agri-Park Tropical Fruit World. Info as per above link (Japanese only).
