第2露天風呂造り:その11 夜なべの柱磨き Building an Outdoor Bath Round 2: Column Prep

2008.12.19: その他 Miscellaneous


As the construction of our 2nd outdoor bath winds down, last night I prepared the columns for the roof. By last night, I mean the middle of the night. With all the meetings I've been going to, that was the only time I could do it.
Last spring, I received several yellow cedar logs to use as wood for our stove. After seeing them, though, I thought they were in good enough shape to be used for columns. So I kept them instead of burning them.
They're coming in handy now, as they match our new bath which is also made out of yellow cedar. I stripped their bark, then cleaned them using onsen water. Then Murakoshi-san, the carpenter who is helping us out, installed them.

上田の海野町でクリスマスの買い物 Christmas Shopping at Ueda's Unno-Machi

2008.12.18: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Mari and Misaki shopping at Unno-Machi


Yesterday, I went Christmas shopping with Kamesei's junior proprietress and junior-junior proprietress. We went to Ueda City's Unno-Machi shopping arcade. These types of Showa-era shopping districts have really fallen on hard times in Japan, as the big-box stores have gained in popularity. What the shops here lack in convenience and selection, they make up for with kind and knowledgeable shopkeepers, making shopping fun. In particular, the shoe shop and the festival goods store, Saiya, had 'genki' owners. Here's to Unno-Machi's success.

海野町の商店街HPはこちらClick here for Unno-Machi shopping arcade website.

祭屋仲よしのHPはこちらClick here for Matsuri-ya's website

第2露天風呂造り:その10 新しいサッシ Building an Outdoor Bath Round 2: New Sliding Door

2008.12.17: その他 Miscellaneous

We are continuing to make progress on our 2nd outdoor bath. Today we had the wall in between the indoor bath and the outdoor area replaced by a huge sliding glass door. Up until now, the glass wall had to be covered in bamboo blinds, making the indoor bath feel narrow and dark. With the new door, it opens up the room and makes it so much brighter.
We are trying to have an initial grand opening of the bath by Christmas -- wish us luck!

戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano


第2露天風呂造り:その9 本体の設置 Building an Outdoor Bath Round 2: The Bath is Here

2008.12.16: その他 Miscellaneous

Kitamori-san putting the final touches on Kamesei's new cedar bath

Kitamori-san of Living Tomato came all the way from Mie Prefecture to deliver and install Kamesei's new outdoor bath. It is a 1x1.8 meter bath made of North American yellow cedar. It looks spectacular, and the cedar scent is fantastic.
Our town's handyman, Murakoshi-san, was on hand to help out with the installation. I'm always amazed at how everyone in this town tries so hard to help everyone else out. Murakoshi-san and I had to pull out of the install half-way through to go to a civic improvement meeting. That's what Togura Kamiyamada is like -- everyone trying to improve their own place while helping out with the town as a whole.

リビングトマトのHPはこちらClick here for the website of Living Tomato.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

All the way from Mie in a K-Truck


Attaching the bottom

どのぐらい寒い?How Cold is it?

2008.12.15: 季節 Seasons


It was sooooo cold this morning. How cold was it? It was so cold, one of our guests' cars' license plate changed to a Sapporo (Hokkaido -- Japan's northernmost and coldest island) plate. Sorry -- American joke.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

白くなった冠着山 Kamuriki Mtn. Snow Line

2008.12.14: 季節 Seasons


During last night's storm, it rained down here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, elevation around 740m. But the snow level shows on 1252-meter Kamuriki Mountain -- the top half is dusted in snow. Winter scenery has come to Nagano!

腹話術in長野 A Ventriloquist here in Nagano

2008.12.14: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


今日は千曲国際交流協会の年末パテぃーでした。エンタテインメントとしては上田市からの腹話術師、Hiro Tackeyさんでした。長野県でこんな人物がいはって、嬉しいです。腹話術を生で見るのは初めてでした。尚且つ、Tackeyさんは色んな言語が喋れて、感心しました。

Our Chikuma Int'l Exchange Assoc. held its year end party today. For entertainment, we got to see a ventriloquist from Ueda City, Hiro Tackey. This was my first time to see a ventriloquist in real life. Tackey-san trained some in America, too, and is multilingual.

Tackeyさんの披露をYouTubeで見ればここをクリックしてください。To see Tackey-san's act on YouTube, click here.

戸倉上山田温泉の夜景 Night View of Togura Kamiyamada Onsen

2008.12.13: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada


This is the view at night of the lights of Togura Kamiyamada Onsen from the Zenkoji Betsuin Temple on Jyo-Yama (Joe Mountain?). The view from Obasute Station of the lights of the Zenkoji Plain is more impressive, but the lights of our onsen town are pretty, too. From the temple you can see the main streets of Togura Onsen and Kamiyamada Onsen on the near side of the Chikuma river, then Taisho and Manyo Bridges, Shin (New) Togura Onsen on the far side, and the lights of Sakaki Town to the right.
The temple is a 4 minute drive from the Onsen, or a 20 minute (steep) walk.

良い店と出会い!A treasure of a shop

2008.12.12: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

昨日はまた長野県庁でインバウンドについての考え会がありました。夕方に県庁から長野駅へ歩いた時に、道がちょっと迷っちゃった。そういう時こそ、いい出会いがありますね。今回もそうでした。「ずくなし」というSlow CAFEを始めて通りました。そうすると、「千曲市産減農薬りんご」が置いてあった。私が千曲市に住んでいるにかかわらず減農薬のりんごがあるって知らんかった。オーナーのManiさんと話したら、「エコ」の事で盛り上がりました。
Yesterday, on the way back from the Nagano Prefectural Office (I was there for another Inbound Think-Tank Meeting) to Nagano Station, I got a little lost. Getting lost can be a time of opportunity, and this time was such a case. I wandered by Slow CAFE "Zukunashi" for the first time, and something caught my eye: mostly organic apples from Chikuma City. I live in Chikuma, and didn't know about these apples. Usually when you ask about "organic" to apple orchardists, they get belligerent. We had one guest who was trying to farm organically, but his neighbors complained that pests were coming from his un-pesticided (?) fields.
Anyways, I stopped in to Zukunashi (which means "take it easy" in local Nagano dialect), and chatted with Mani-san, the owner. He has quite a collection of earth-friendly hand-made items. Here's wishing him the best!

Slow CAFE ずくなしのHPはこちら Zukunashi's website here

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano

第2露天風呂造り:その8 配管設置 Building an Outdoor Bath Round 2: Plumbing

2008.12.12: その他 Miscellaneous

Does my face in this picture look relieved? Today, I connected the branch pipe for our 2nd outdoor bath to the main onsen pipe. Without our onsen water, Kamesei Ryokan would be nothing, so I was sweating bullets over whether or not there would be a problem. With some coaching from Takai-san from Kamiyamada Onsen Co., I managed to get everything hooked up without any leaks! The bath itself is scheduled to be delivered next Tuesday, so I'm trying to get as much of the preparation done by then.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano

お風呂から流れていく配管も設置完了The Drain Pipe, too!