和室vs.LED Japanese Rooms vs. LED Lights

2010.04.24: 日米関係Culture Shock

Warm yellow lights greet our guests in the lobby

Japanese ryokans are, in principal, places to relax. With the onsen baths that rejuvinate your body, healthy cuisine featuring local, seasonal ingredients to nourish your body, traditional Japanese rooms with natural straw mats and paper shoji window screens, a comfortable yukata robe -- ryokans are perfect for relaxing all five senses.
Part of the process of creating a relaxing atmosphere is the lighting. Here at Kamesei Ryokan, when we first moved here 4-1/2 years ago, most of the lights had white fluorescent bulbs. The bright white lights tend to make people excited. They seem to say "Move faster! Work harder!" However, like I mentioned, a ryokan should be a place to calm down and relax. So every time one of the bulbs went out, I replaced them with warm colored fluorescent bulbs. It only took 4-1/2 years, but I finally have most of the light bulbs in our inn upgraded. However, even these seem to flicker too excitedly, and fluorescent bulbs in general all have mercury in them which isn't good for the environment.
Lately, LED light bulbs have become more available. They cost quite a bit more, but even more energy-efficient than fluorescent bulbs, plus they don't contain mercury so they are better for the environment. However, they work better in some applications than others. Yesterday, we had Nagano City's leading lighting fixture pro come and tour our inn to give us ideas on how / where we can upgrade to LED. The baths are out, because apparently LED bulbs don't do well with warm temperatures. And while they work great for spotlights, they don't work well for dispersing light, like from the central ceiling fixtures in guestrooms. Another factor is that, for example, LED downlights are available, but in standard, Western-looking designs that don't fit well with a traditional Japanese-style room. Most of the manufacturers come out with new catalogs and products in May -- I hope they will offer some Japanese-style LED lamps, too.
Now that our 1st generation of lighting upgrades (to fluorescent lights) is finished, I am looking forward to the 2nd generation -- upgrading to LED lights!

雨の止んだ後の姨捨夜景 + おまけに満開の一本桜 Obasute's Night View After the Rain + Bonus: The Singular Cherry Tree in Full Bloom

2010.04.23: その他 Miscellaneous

姨捨: 夜景と桜


Last night I took some guests to Obasute Station for our Obasute Night View / Local Legends tour. We timed it right -- it had just stopped raining, so the sky was clear and the lights of the Zenkoji Plain were twinkling sharply. Plus, we had the added bonus of the Singular Cherry Tree there being in full bloom. Down here at Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's elevation of 370 meters, the cherry blossoms are already gone. But at Obasute Station's elevation of 540 meters, the trees are in full bloom.

今度は桃の花 川中島周辺は満開 Now it's peach blossom time; Kawanakajima area is in full bloom

2010.04.22: 季節 Seasons

Pink peach blossoms putting on a show





First the apricot blossoms.

Then the cherry trees.

Now the peach trees are in bloom, with their bright pink flowers.

Nagano's Kawanakajima district is a major peach growing area. Today I drove through it and was treated to a colorful show of pink blossoms. It was a rainy, grey day so the pink flowers showed up even more brilliantly than normal.

朝方:露天風呂から湯気 Steam rising from the outdoor bath at dawn

2010.04.21: その他 Miscellaneous

steam coming off the outdoor bath


Even now in late April, Nagano is still chilly in the mornings and evenings. When I checked on our outdoor bath, steam was coming off the surface of the hot spring mineral water and rising up into the crisp spring morning air. If I didn't have to flip futons and was a guest instead, I would have loved to warm my body up in the inside bath first, then move outside and plop down into the outdoor bath, soaking in the warm water as the cold air bites my face, watching the sun come up over the garden and listening to the morning serenade of the little birds, as steam rises up around me. Ahhh, aren't onsen ryokans great?

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano

長野マラソンx2 Two Nagano Marathons

2010.04.20: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Nagano Marathoners at the 32km mark


Last Sunday, the Nagano Marathon was held in Nagano City, with a course that snakes around the various Olympic venues. We had several guests stay at Kamesei that competed in the event. They were quite an international bunch: from Singapore, France, the States, and the UK.
Then a Japanese couple arrived in the evening. They looked like they had ran a marathon, too. But they said it had been a walk -- an 80+ km walk from near Kiyosato in neighboring Yamanashi Prefecture to Saku City. And they walked it during the night! Wow!
Next month, on May 5th, our town will hold its annual 30km walk from Togura Kamiyamada Onsen to Zenkoji temple in honor of the "Pulled by an ox to Zenkoji" legend. It had always felt like a long walk, but it's only 30km, and is held during the daytime.
Nakamura-san, good job!

Leng Leng and friends with a post-marathon hanami

Good Job, Nakamura-san!

牛に引かれる準備: 里子ちゃんの練習 Preparing to get Pulled to Zenkoji: Meeting Satoko-chan

2010.04.20: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Walking Satoko-chan


Making the "kasa" hats

Mori-san and his print

一本桜の楽しみ方 北信・東信版 How to Enjoy Singular Cherry Trees

2010.04.19: 季節 Seasons

Myotoku-ji's singular cherry tree






長野市・須坂市 戸倉上山田の桜より6~7日送れ(2010年は4月18日がベスト)
*明徳寺のシダレ桜 松代(県道35号)
*延命寺のシダレ桜 保科小学校の手前の道に入る (県道34号)
*蓮大事のシダレ桜 大室 (北野美術館の近く)
*弁天様のシダレ桜 須坂 (米子不動里宮の下)

高山村 戸倉上山田温泉の桜より10日遅い
*水中シダレ桜 (県道54号)
*黒部のエドヒガン桜 (一茶ゆかりの里近辺)
*坪井のシダレ桜 (中野市へ行く途中の県道54号)

塩田平・立科町 戸倉上山田の桜より6~7日送れ
*大円寺のシダレ桜 塩田平(県道65号)
*無量寺のシダレ桜 立科・茂田井間の宿(国道142号)
*長久保のシダレ桜 長和町松尾神社近辺 (国道142号)
*福王寺のシダレ桜 佐久市
*五本木の咲き分け桜 佐久市・道の駅ほっとぱ~く浅科(国道142号)

This time of year, many of our guests stay here at Kamesei Ryokan as they drive around Nagano enjoying the flowering trees. First the apricot blossoms in nearby Mori's "Apricot Village", and lately, the cherry blossoms. Most come to see the cherry trees at Ueda Castle, or our local spots such as the Tengu Park above Togura Station, or even Chuo Park behind our inn here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. However, lately, a few guest mentioned they are on crusades to see "Ippon sakura", or singular cherry trees.

When I did the translating work for Nagano Prefecture's official foreign language tourism site, there was a passage on these singular cherry trees in southern Nagano:
To be honest, while writing the description in English, I was wondering what the attraction would be in seeing just one, individual tree blooming.

One of our guests, Komoriya-san, gave me a list of "Ippon sakura" in northern and eastern Nagano. I had a bit of extra time on Sunday, so I took our kids to check out one of them in Matsushiro, the weeping willow type sakura tree at Myotoku-ji temple. Seeing the hundreds-of-years old tree made me understand the majesty of the blossoms on such an ancient tree.

Komoriyama-san explained the 3 main reasons for "Ippon Sakura". One is that many are located at a temple. More specifically, by the graveyard of a temple. People plant them so their ancestors can enjoy the annual cherry blossom show. Another is that the trees are located in the middle of a rice field area. The blossoms come on around the same time as the fields need to be prepared for planting. So farmers judge the rice planting timing around when the tree's flowers bloom. Finally (and this one is a bit harder to believe), some famous samurai plant trees when they cross over a mountain pass. Then whenever they go over the pass again, they can tie their horses up to the tree. Hmmm.

Anyways, here is Komoriyama-san's list of suggested "Ippon Sakura" in Northern and Eastern Nagano:

Nagano City / Suzaka
(trees bloom 6-7 days later than Togura Kamiyamada. 2010's peak should be 18-April)
*Myotoku-ji's shidare (Matsushiro, Pref. Rt. 35)
*Enmei-ji's shidare (Pref. Rt. 34 before Hoshina Elem. School)
*Endai-ji's shidare (Omuro)
*Benten-sama's shidare (Suzaka, below Yonago Fudo Shrine)

Takayama Village (10 days later than Togura Kamiyamada)
*Mizunaka's shidare (Pref. Rt. 54 in town)
*Kurobe's edohigan (near the Issa Hall in town)
*Tsuboi's shidare (Pref. Rt. 54 on the way to Nakano)

Ueda/Tateshina/Saku (6-7 days later than Togura Kamiyamada)
*Daien-ji's shidare (Ueda's Shioda Plain, Pref. Rt. 65)
*Nagahisaho's shidare (Nagawa Town, Matsuo Shrine)
*Muryou-ji's shidare (Saku City, Motoima Post Town, Rt. 142)
*Fukuo-ji's shidare (Saku City, south of above)
*Gohongi's sakiwake (Saku City, Hot Park Asashina Rest Area, Rt. 142)

Shidare: Prunus pendula f. pendula
Edo Higan: Prunus pendula
Sakiwake: ??? (pinkish and white blossoms on the same tree?)

インバウンドのふれあいはこんなに楽しく This is how fun "Inbound" can be

2010.04.18: 活動 Activities

More foreigners than locals for Chishikiji's annual Ceremony

その後、亀清に戻って、お客さん12人でお昼の宴会を開きました。芸者さんは二人を呼んで、亀清なりのLunch with a Geishaの実施が出来ました。普段は芸者さんに会う機会がなかなかないけど、今回はゆっくりと芸を見て、踊りに参加して、ゲームも一緒にやって、そして色々と質問しながらお話をして、最後は一緒に記念写真も撮りました。

With the Nagano Olympics on Sunday, we had the honor of hosting several groups of foreigners this weekend. Saturday happened to be the day of our local temple, Chishikiji's annual festival. The Okagura lion dance group that I play the flute for performed at the festival, too. I invited our guests from overseas, and more than a dozen showed up at the temple to see the very, very "local" and non-touristy ceremony. The guests loved it because it was so genuine. And the local people enjoyed sharing their traditional festival with these people from overseas.
We then returned to Kamesei where we put on a lunch banquet for one of the groups. It was our "Lunch with a Geisha" banquet, so we had Harugoma-san on shamisen and Tamako-san for dancing. (I even got roped into playing taiko drums!) You don't get an opportunity to meet geisha ladies very often, and the guests immensely enjoyed watching them perform some songs, then getting up and dancing with them, playing some drinking games with them, and talking / getting to ask questions and finally, take pictures.
Travellers from overseas. Local people and traditions. Connecting the two together. That is the job of us ryokans. And this weekend was a perfect connection.

Kenny 'n Tet-chan at Chishikiji

Can't be the Geisha

Dancing with the Geisha

今日の花見は雪で中止? Today's Hanami Flower Viewing Canceled by Snow?

2010.04.17: 季節 Seasons


When I woke up this morning, I was shocked to see everything outside was white. Even though the cherry blossoms are out, it snowed! Apparently this was the first time in 40 years for that to happen. We had some guests from Singapore here to run in the Nagano Marathon. Coming from a warm country, they weren't used to the cold temperatures.
Speaking of warm countries, we had some other guests from Okinawa. It was the first time in their lives to see snow. One other thing they were surprised with was the "yutanpo" bottles we provide for our guests. You fill them up with hot onsen water, and stick them in your futon at night to keep your feet warm. Here in Nagano's winter, they come in handy, but apparently you don't need them in Okinawa!


Needed in Nagano, but not in Okinawa

日本の「ようこそ」が引退? No more Yokoso for Japan?

2010.04.16: 活動 Activities

No More Yokoso

観光庁は今までの外国人誘客キャッチフレーズ「ようこそジャパン」を引退させえて、"Endless Discovery" (日本語訳:尽きることのない感動に出会える国)に新しくしたそうです。「ようこそ」って海外で通じなかったというのもあったそうです。
Japan's Tourism Agency has announced a new slogan: "Endless Discovery". On my buddy Debito-san's blog (http://www.debito.org/?p=6448), this is welcomed as apparently the previous one, "Yokoso Japan" wasn't working out because not enough foreigners understood the Japanese word "Yokoso".
Maybe "Endless Discovery" will eventually grow on me, but I am disappointed in this change. “Endless Discovery” can apply to any country anywhere on Earth. At least “Yokoso” is Japan-specific. Also, other countries use phrases in their native languages. For example, francetourism.com greets you with “Bonjour from the FRENCH TOURIST OFFICE”, tourspain.es mentions “turismo2020″ and has an “Espana” logo. So why shouldn’t Japan Tourism’s logo say “Yokoso”?

Furthermore, other Japanese words, like “ryokan” (listed even in dictionary.com) and “onsen” are starting to enter the English vernacular. Rather than giving up, I personally feel JNTO should continue it’s PR push and get English speakers acclimated to “Yokoso”.

日本観光庁のHPはこちらClick here for the Japan Tourism Agency website.