バレてきた秘湯: 川で自分でお風呂を掘る切明温泉 Not so secret Hidden Onsen: Dig your own River Bath at Kiriake Onsen

2010.08.20: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

The stuff of legends: Kiriake Onsen









Onsen water coming up out of a river bed?
You take a shovel to make your own bath?
And you adjust the water temperature by mixing in river water?

Sounds like something out of an onsen legend. But it's not just a myth -- it actually exists: Kiriake Onsen in the northern corner of Nagano Prefecture near the borders with Niigata and Gunma Prefectures. You park your car at the lone ryokan, Yusenkaku, grab a shovel, cross the suspension bridge, walk down to the river, take care to avoid the onsen hot spots (the onsen temperature is supposedly 57 deg C), find an area where the temperature is to your liking and move the rocks around until you have your own little onsen pool.

The other day, after we visited the snow monkeys, our family and some friends drove up and through Shiga Kogen and Oku-Shiga Kogen along the windy mountain road to Kiriake (approx. 45km and 2hours from Shibu-Yudanaka Onsen area).

Actually, Mari and I came here about 17 years ago when we were just dating. Back then, the road to Kiriake was a bumpy gravel one. It's been paved since then, which may be the reason it's lost some of it's 'hidden' charm. Judging by the number of celebrity signatures, and by how many other people were there that day, the secret is out.

I had always wanted to have our kids experience this onsen-in-the-middle-of-a-river where you build a bath yourself. Plus, I was needing a relaxing break from the O-Bon holiday rush. For me, this combination of natural setting and onsen is perfectly sublime.

Kiriake Onsen.
You do actually use a shovel to make your own bath.
The onsen water does actually bubble up right in the middle of the river.
You do actually adjust the temperature yourself by mixing in river water.
And, being that it's all a natural phenomenom, the onsen keeps bubbling up in different spots. First over there, then over here, then, Ooh la la!, right here!

Although Kiriake is enjoyable any time of the year, being that it is located in the Akiyama ("autumn mountain") District, it's is probably at its prettiest when the fall leaves are in color. It's location is very inconvenient, but that makes finding it that much more enjoyable. There really isn't any bus access, so a car is highly recommended.

切明温泉・雄川閣のHPはこちらClick here for the Kiriake Onsen / Yusenkaku Ryokan website.

Yusenkaku ryokan at Kiriake Onsen

Borrow a shovel...

...cross the bridge...

...dig your bath...

...and buku-buku

夏の雪猿も楽しく The Snow Monkeys are fun in summer, too!

2010.08.19: その他 Miscellaneous

Which one's the monkey?






After the O-Bon rush, and before our kids went back to school, we took some friends that were visiting from Seattle and went for a drive to see the snow monkeys at Jigokudani. Of course, there's no snow now, and we've seen the monkeys several times before, but I really came to realize that the monkeys are fascinating to see any time of the year, and the more you see of them, the more fascinating they become.

Since we went by car, we drove up from Shibu Onsen to the pay parking lot (1 hour from Kamesei Ryokan by freeway) that's a 15 minute walk from the park entrance. During that walk, we passed a few monkeys and, while walking up through the beautiful cedar forest along the Yokoyu River, there were spots in the river with a rust-like color. It was a sign that we were nearing the mineral hot springs of Jigokudani.

Before we crossed the river and entered the park, we stopped at Korakukan, a rustic inn that overlooks the river valley. Korakukan serves the best soba noodles in the area (well, actually, it's the only restaurant in the area), but it always seems a bit quiet at first. You have to step over the sleeping dog, poke your head in and yell "Sumimasen!". Then someone will come and serve you soba, as well as Chimaki (mochi rice wrapped in sasa bamboo leaves that you dip in Kinako powder -- our #2 son's favorite), and for beverages, they feature Shiga Kogen microbrews (our #2 son's dad's favorite!). While slurping soba, we enjoyed the view of the river valley from the dining room, and spotted more monkeys wandering around. They seemed to come up really close to the inn. Apparently it's not unusual for them to wander into the dining room (the dog's not much of a guardian), or take a soak in the inn's outdoor bath. The bath is meant for human's but the monkeys can't read the signs.

After our yummy lunch, we crossed the river, stopped to be amazed by the Jigokudani geyser, and finally went to the official park entrance. It was a hot day, and I thought it would be nice to stop and take a siesta. Just as I was thinking that, we passed a monkey splayed out on a rock blissfully snoozing away. How human-like! At the onsen bath, there were a few monkeys lounging in and around the bath, more wandering around nearby, and the babies that were born in the spring were playfully running all over place.

Hagiwara-san and the other knowledgeable staff happily answered mine and our kids' questions. "Do monkeys burp?" "Which one is the boss?" etc.

The current boss, by the way, has an interesting story behind him. He was beaten out by another monkey and relegated to #2, but then the new boss got injured and passed away a few months ago. So Torayo, despite being around 80 years in human age, returned to be the boss again. Monkey society is like out of a television drama!

If you go see the snow monkeys (and no matter what time of year it is, I highly suggest it), I have 1 very important piece of advice: recharge your camera's batteries before going. The monkeys are charming, and you'll want to take lots of pictures. Even our 3-year old Misaki asked for the camera, and took a bunch of photos.

地獄谷のHPはこちらClick here for Jigokudani's website.

Monkeys this way.

Rustic Korakukan Across the River from the Monkey Park

Kenny and Friend Koto-chan enjoying Chimaki

The Jigoku Geyser

Monkey Park Entrance

Taking a Siesta

Lounging after a bath

Curious About the Live Camera

The Boss, Torayo

Don't Step in the Monkey Poop

スパイ写真:姨捨駅の新しい展望台 Sneak Peak at Obasute Station's new Observation Platform

2010.08.18: その他 Miscellaneous

Spy Photo of Obasute Station's soon-to-be-finished viewing deck


Japan Rail will feature Nagano Prefecture in an upcoming "Destination Campaign". As part of the preparation, Chikuma City's lone JR station, Obasute, is getting a facelift. The platform offers breathtaking views of the moon-reflecting "Tagoto-no-tsuki" terraced rice fields, as well as views of the lights of the Zenkoji Plain at night. In order to better see those sights, JR is building a half-circle viewing deck extension to the existing train platform. It's still being worked on, but I snuck this picture to give you a sense of what it will look like. I can't wait for it to be finished!

千曲市の楽しいガーデン店 Chikuma City's fun garden nursery

2010.08.17: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada




About 20 minutes by car from Togura Kamiyamada Onsen is Agri-Park, a place known for strawberry picking in the winter. All year long, however, they operate a flower and garden center. One of Kamesei's street-side gardens had become pretty scragly, so I took the kids shopping for some flowers we could plant.

Unlike the typical home center stores and their bland selection of plants, Agri-Park features a huge selection including lots that are native to this area. And I found out their staff is very knowledgeable and helpful. We got set up with these pretty yellow flowers and took them back and planted them.

If you are interested in seeing a garden nursery in Japan, I highly suggest Agri-Park.

信州杏の里アグリパークのHPはこちらClick here for Agri-Park's website.

Expertly fashioned pots

lots of native plants

And this is how our planting strip turned out! 我が庭はこんな様に!

お盆が終わって、もう秋?赤とんぼ A symbol of Autumn coming: Red Dragonfly

2010.08.16: 季節 Seasons

Tides of Fall

Japan's O-Bon festivities take place from August 13th to the 15th. It's a time for families to gather, often to make trips to the 'haka' (family grave) to pay respects to members who have passed on. As O-Bon finishes, it marks a psychological end to the summer holiday seasons. As if symbolize this shift towards the cooler days of autumn, today I spotted this red dragonfly in Kamesei's naka-niwa garden. Red "tombow" as they are called in Japanese typically start to come out in the fall.

Hot, summer-like weather is here for several more days, but this autumn visitor seems to be saying that O-Bon is over -- get ready for fall!

今日、亀清の中庭にこの赤とんぼを見つけました。黒いトンボはこの夏、ずっと見ていました。亀清のロビーにもよく遊びに来てくれる。でも、赤いトンボは今年、初めて見たような気がした。女将社長に聞いた:「赤いトンボは秋のトンボでしたっけ?」 それはそうだ。お盆は昨日でちょうど終わったから、秋はいつ始まってもおかしくない。夏の様な熱い天気がしばらく続きそうだけど、赤いトンボが示しているように、秋はそのうち来ます。

インドネシアの雑誌の取材 Kamesei Featured in an Indonesian Magazine

2010.08.15: メディア Media



Kamesei Ryokan was featured in the culture/travel section of you&HOME magazine from Indonesia. Their writer, Cita-san, came and stayed at our inn, and wrote up a 3-page article on Kamesei.

I'm not sure what the text says, but the pictures show Kamesei in an appealing fashion. I'm honored they choose Kamesei to represent Japan's ryokans. Cita-san, thank you for the great article!

お盆のおもちゃ屋台担当 Selling Toys at the O-Bon Festival

2010.08.14: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi




For Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's Bon Odori festival, the chamber of commerce junior association puts up a bunch of booths, like cotton candy, shaved ice, darts, etc. Up until now, I have been in charge of the shateki cork gun shooting game, but this year it was my turn to run the toys booth.

It reminded me of when we were living in Seattle and the times we went to the annual State Fair. A buddy of mine and his family ran a booth with toys and all kinds of stuff. He let me help out -- oh the fun we had with the "money snatcher" game. That whole playful interaction between the shop owners and the guests was so much fun.

Here at the toys booth, I would see some adults with their children, and, to the kids, would say, "How about getting your Dad this glow-in-the-dark toy? That way you could see where he was at night!" All kinds of fun interaction like that.

その盆踊りの先生は亀清の若女将? Isn't that Kamesei's proprietress leading the Bon Odori dance?

2010.08.13: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada



Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's Bon Odori dance will take place all 3 evenings during the O-Bon holiday. On the 13th and 15th, Kamesei's proprietress will be one of the dance leaders. Come and enjoy our small town's traditional dance!

Mari and Misaki doin' the Bon-Odori

土嚢の本来の目的 Putting Sand Bags to Use

2010.08.12: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Sand bags put to use



Matsukaze's garden flooded

The volunteer fire department to the rescue!


2010.08.11: 活動 Activities


昨日はまた朝5時に起きて、お客様と一緒に戸倉上山田温泉から車で約15分の開眼寺に、座禅をしに行きました。今回は特別で、県の英語先生達の代表のWhitneyさんもジョインしてくれました。彼女はセミプロの写真家なので撮影してくれました。この朝5時座禅は特に海外の観光客向きでPRしていく計画なのでWhitneyさんの写真を生かして、やっていきたいと思っております。工事中のHP, www.unique-nagano.comで後日に載せる予定です。

Kaigan-ji's resident monk, Shibata-san, and 6am ides

silhouette from inside the main temple building