戸隠特集1: 秋キャンプ Togakushi Tribute 1: Fall Camping

2010.10.09: その他 Miscellaneous







Togakushi is experiencing a boom in popularity due to its recognition as a 'power spot'. Long before this boom, Togakushi has been our family's favorite destination to get out and enjoy nature. Besides its spirituality, Togakushi is also famous for soba and ninjas. For this blog series, I'd like to put the spotlight on some of Togakushi's lesser known attractions. First up:

Togakushi Campground

Our kids had a day off from school, so I piled the two boys in the car, loaded up the tent and sleeping bags, and we hit the highway bound for Togakushi. We took the freeway all the way around to Shinanomachi IC and approached the campground from the backside, enjoying views of Kurohime Mountain along the way.

Togakushi campground is pretty popular in the summertime, but on this weekday in the fall, we pretty much had the place to ourselves. The hardest part was deciding which part of the wide grassy field to choose to put up our tent. We ended up selecting a spot underneath a lone tree showing off its brilliant fall colors. At night, we were treated to a gallactic show of stars, and two planets, Neptune and Mars, who appeared practically one on top of another. In the morning's light, we were delighted to see just how close Togakushi Mountain was.

Besides the tent area, the campground has 2 cottages and about 60 bungalows in a birch tree setting. Next to the campground is a river play area as well as the Togakushi Bokujyo Ranch, which we intend to come back and enjoy in the summer.

Access to Togakushi Campground is most convenient by car, but there is also easy access by bus. Kawanakajima Bus has about 10 runs a day from Nagano Station to the bus stop right in front of the campground. (Approx. 60 minutes, no service in winter.) Tent and gear rental is available, so it is possible to literally catch a train from Tokyo, change at Nagano Station to the bus, and reach the campground all by public transport.

戸隠キャンプ場の詳しくはこちらClick here for Togakushi Campground's website

日米関係:トイレ編 Toilet Traditions -- Japan vs. America: More to it than I thought

2010.10.08: 日米関係Culture Shock

丸見え! だから?


しかし、このブログは一般的な観光者のブログではなくて、温泉旅館を経営している青い目の若旦那のブログです。大学の頃から日本に行ったり来たりしているし、若旦那になって5年間も経ちました。もう、トイレの習慣の違い何って、慣れてしまった。 と思っちゃうのは危険だね。




When Americans come to Japan, we are often surprised by the toilets, both in positive ways ("Wow, this high tech toilet is like James Kirk's Captain's Chair!"), and not so positive ways ("That toilet -- it's just a hole in the ground!). Not to mention being surprised at the prevalance of guys taking a pee out in public, or the occasional incidence of innocently using the guys bathroom and seeing a cleaning lady come through with a mop.

But those are typical types of "culture shock" that Americans have as tourists in Japan. However, this blog isn't a touristy blog; it's a serious (?) attempt at tracking the daily experiences of me, an American innkeeper at a traditional Japanese onsen ryokan. I've been coming and going to Japan for over 2 decades, and have been running this inn for 5 years, so I'm used to the culture differences regarding toilets. Or so I thought...

We are planning a bathroom remodel here at Kamesei, and as part of it I intended to take care of 2 problems that I perceived with our main toilet. The guys side has a regular toilet, 2 urinals, and a sink, in that order from back to front. The entrance is a sliding door. The 2 problems are:
1. Several times guests have neglected to pull the door shut leaving their urinal usage totally visible to passers-by. The door needs to be changed to a hinged door that automatically shuts.
2. Such a hinged door would swing open right into anyone using the sink, the sink would need to be scooted back. One of the urinals would have to be removed in order to accommodate that. If two guys went to the bathroom room at the same time, one could simply use the toilet as a urinal.

In explaining this scheme to the contractors, others at our inn, and anyone else who would listen, I was systematically met with incredulous looks. As I looked into the matter, I was fascinated to discover two differences between American and Japanese perspectives on toilets:

1. Japanese don't have an issue with seeing or being seen while urinating.
Back in the States, the openings to bathrooms are always configured in such a way that it is impossible to see the urinals from outside. Here in Japan, numerous times I have been surprised to use a urinal and have been aware that passers can easily look in and see me going about my business.
2. Japanese men prefer to urinate in a urinal.
Nowadays, Western style toilets are more prevalent than the traditional Japanese style which is basically a porcelain hole in the floor. The Japanese style isn't suited for urinating, and has historically been paired with a urinal. Many Japanese men have hence grown up using a urinal for urinating. Even though the toilets have been gradually changed to Western style, the preference to urinate in a urinal prevades. So, my thought that, "If two guys went to the bathroom room at the same time, one could simply use the toilet as a urinal" doesn't swing it here in Japan.

Since 90% of our guests here at Kamesei Ryokan continue to be Japanese, for now I'll let the local customs guide our bathroom remodel. This whole issue has been a learning experience for me!

お医者さん、日本滞在外国人、運動会役員: 世の中の勘違い

2010.10.07: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi










(中には、「テレビで見たよ!」そして、少しお話したら、「日本語が上手!」 テレビを見て頂いたのであれば、これなり喋れるって分かるはずなのに…)






A conversation that I overhead recently:

"What is your work?"

"I'm a doctor."

"Oh, a doctor? By the way, my knee hurts. What should I do?"

I feel sorry for doctors. They have to be a doctor even in their off-time.

In some ways, I can empathize. It's been 16, 17 years since I've taught English Conversation in Japan. Even then, my Japanese language ability improved more than my students' English did, so I wasn't much of a teacher.

Now, even though my full time job is as an innkeeper, every once in a while someone will look at me and say, "I should have you teach me English."

Hey, not every foreigner in Japan is an English teacher. If I started teaching everyone and her brother English conversation, who would do the futon-flipping around here?

Besides, a foreign language isn't something you can just casually learn by being around someone. You may be able to catch a cold from someone, but you can't 'catch' a foreign language. I know from my experience in learning Japanese, it takes years of dedicated effort.

While I'm on this topic of pet peeves, after last weekend's town Sports Tournament day, I heard through the grape vine that certain people were upset that so many positions were taken by family members of myself and my co-organizer. Hey, where were those people when we were frantically trying to drum up participants?! We ended up having to beg our relatives to fill in spots. What kind of idiot would overlook other people just to appoint their family members? Only an idiot would think someone would do that!

Anyways, I guess we all have a tendency to prejudge other people. I hope we can all be more careful.

市長とお茶 Having Tea with the Mayor

2010.10.06: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Having Tea and Talking with the Mayor




Last month when coming back from Chikuma City's PR 'caravan' to Tokyo, the mayor briefly mentioned that I should come to his office some day for tea.

Today, a few other innkeepers and I went to City Hall and paid a visit to the mayor in his office. We talked about the future of Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's civic improvement efforts. It's probably part of the job of being a mayor, but Kondo-san loves to talk. A nationwide tournament for senior soccer, pro basketball, a chef-advisor for regional cuisine, etc., etc. At least the mayor is working favorably for our onsen town!

As we left, the mayor said, "Tyler, keep up the good work!" Let's all do so!

上山田の美味しいリンゴシーズンがスタート! Kamiyamada's Yummy Apples are in Season!

2010.10.05: 季節 Seasons




上山田の宮下農園 Tel 026-275-3356

When apple season starts here in Kamiyamada, we get delighted by a plethora of varieties. Miyashita-san of Miyashita Orchard came by yesterday with some of the first apples from this year's crop. Two red varieties, "Senshu" and "Yoko", a golden one called "Shinano Gold", and my favorite, the deep red and wonderfully tart "Kogyoku".

This year's unusually warm summer resulted in smaller fruit sizes and a number of apples with sun damage. But the Miyashita's went through all their trees and took out the worst ones. So come and try apple picking, and enjoy the abundance of Kamiyamada's nature!

Miyashita Orchard is only 5 minutes away by car from Kamesei Ryokan. We gladly provide shuttle service.

市民交流@運動会 Civic Exchange for the Better

2010.10.04: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Cool arm band and hat, eh?




After the War, Japan's civic spirit was pretty gloomy. Townspeople lost a lot of their interaction with each other. To turn the situation around, an idea was born: hold a town-wide sports tournament to bring people together and raise everyone's spirits. To this day, the town sports events continue to be a barometer of the people's spirits.

It was to that end that I agreed to take my turn as our neighborhood's appointed tournament organizer. I put aside work, projects and family to attend the meetings (an all new and challenging vocabulary for me), persuade fellow residents to participate, do all the site preparation the night before and morning of the day, and work as a judge during the event.

Hopefully we achieved in at least a small way to improve the town's spirit.

北信から上高地へ 中央タクシーで From Northern Nagano to Kamikochi -- via Chuo Taxi

2010.10.03: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Chuo Taxi's singing guide and driver







The breathtaking natural beauty of Kamikochi and the Japanese Alps.

Foreign tourists in need of optional tours that are staying in northern Nagano.

...How to connect the two?

A buddy of mine researching Kamikochi and another buddy working for Chuo Taxi put their heads together and came up with a proposal: A taxi tour taking guests from their inns straight to Kamikochi. The guests get to spend the day walking the trails around Kappa-bashi bridge and Azusa River, stopping for a leisurely picnic lunch, and enjoying the high altitude clean air and mountain scenery. Then they ride the taxi back to their inns or to get dropped off at Matsumoto or Nagano Stations to take the train to their next destination.

Yesterday, Chuo Taxi did a trial run as a monitor tour. Two Americans staying in Shibu Yudanaka Onsen and a German staying here at Kamesei participated. The German, who has a passion for mountains, came back with the biggest smile! Apparently he really enjoyed seeing the Alps.

Many of our foreign guests here at Kamesei stay for 2 or 3 days. They often make a day trip to see the snow monkeys at Jigokudani. For their other days, more day trips to spiritual Togakushi Mountain (and the ninjas!) or Matsumoto Castle. Or they rent bicycles to explore the area, or walk up to the mountain castle above our town, or stick around and enjoy the geisha drag show, piggy bank museum, or any number of enjoyable activities.

A convenient optional tour to Kamikochi would be a fantastic addition!

中央タクシーのHPはこちらClick here for Chuo Taxi's website. Tell Masuo-san that Tyler sent ya'.

戸倉上山田温泉のお祝いの日 A day of celebration for Togura Kamiyamada Onsen

2010.10.02: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Congratulations Tsuyoshi and Mariko!



Yesterday was the kick-off of JR's huge Nagano Destination Campaign. However, everyone here at Togura Kamiyamada Onsen was celebrating for a different reason. The oldest son of one our town's main ryokans, Umemura, got married. He and his new wife will both work at the inn and eventually be the next generation owners. All of the other ryokan people as well as shop owners in town gathered for the big event, which was highlighted by a spectacular dance by the geisha filled with colorful pageantry.

Congratulations on your special day, Tsuyoshi and Mariko.

梅むらのHPはこちらClick here for Umemura's website.

Ueda's new Geihinkan Wedding Hall

The ceremonial Geisha Dance

I always cry at the bride's 'sayonara' to her parents speech

離れ風の客室の庭が段々と綺麗に、段々と馴染んできている Our Detached Rooms' Private Gardens are Getting Better and Better

2010.10.01: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Anzu garden's fall flowers


Kamesei Ryokan's 'Hanare-fu' detached guest rooms all have private gardens. We have been making improvements to them one by one over the past few years. Two years ago, our gardener remade the tsubo-niwa pocket gardens in front of 'Chitose' and 'Suehiro'. Last year he remade those two rooms' private gardens. Next, this month, he will remake the garden for 'Matsukaze'.
The new plants he put in last fall in Chitose and Suehiro have really adjusted well to their new locations. The other morning when I went to flip futons in Chitose, I was greeted by this lovely view of the flowers.
Many of our regular guests say every time they to Kamesei a new garden has been made, giving them something to look forward to with each trip. I am looking forward to Matsukaze's new garden, too!

地元の新聞に英語のマップで取材 English Map Featured in our Local Newspaper

2010.09.30: メディア Media

New Map in the Local News



Nagano's main newspaper, the Shinano Mainichi, had an article in yesterday's edition about the English Gourmet Guide / Walking Map I put together for our onsen town, Togura Kamiyamda. This article was the best so far -- it explained how unique our onsen town is in having such a variety of good restaurants which appeals to Japanese-cuisine-loving foreign travellers.

Here's hoping for more PR for all the wonderful things Togura Kamiyamda has to offer.