戸倉上山田のハロウィーンはインフルエンザに負けなかった Togura Kamiyamada's Halloween Party Survived the Swine Flu

2009.10.18: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

実行委員長だった私はまず、協力してくれた皆に大きなTHANK YOUを言いたいです。

土曜日のお化け屋敷に手伝った上山田神楽保存会及び千曲サイクリングクラブ (準備もご苦労様!)


Thanks to everyone's support, the 2009 Halloween Party in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen was a fun success. Including the haunted house on Saturday night, approx. 100 kids were able to take part in the Halloween fun, myself and the other Westerners in town were able to share a little of our own culture with everyone, and we helped liven up Togura Kamiyamada Onsen for a weekend.

For me, the most memorable part of this very Western celebration was something uniquely Japanese. At one point on Sunday afternoon, we had 4 real, live Geisha ladies go through our haunted house where a real, live Togakushi Ninja was hiding. How cool is that? That also gave me a hint for next year's haunted house theme: Ninjas!


頑張っているグーギーズ Go for it, Googies!

2009.10.17: グルメFoodie


This is a busy weekend, with the town's Halloween Party on top of our normal weekend rush of guests here at the inn. I decided I needed a "stamina lunch" to make it through the weekend, so I took the family to Googie's Cafe. I went for the "Big Loco-Moco Rice Bowl". Googie's brags that it's over 1kg! Holy Cow, was it big! I even had Andy and Kenny help out, but couldn't finish it all. Thanks to Googie's, though, I had enough energy for the weekend.

This time at Googie's, we noticed they have a new Autumn Menu. Some of the special items were the Nagano Apple, Gargonzola Cheese and Honey pizza, and the Autumn Vegetables Doria. It made me realize that Googie's is really making a lot effort. It makes you want to support them more. It also made me realize that us ryokans also have to keep up the effort to making changes, seasonal as well as facility upgrades. Now with the energy I got from the 1kg Loco-Moco, I can do just that!

グーギーズ千曲店HPはこちらClick here for Googies Cafe Chikuma City Restaurant

ヒバの露天風呂に生け花 Ikebana for the Cedar Bath

2009.10.16: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan


This week, we have been hosting Tanaka-san while she's helping out building a couple of our gardens. Tanaka-san mentioned she does ikebana flower arrangement in Tokyo, and offered to make one to go with our yellow cedar outdoor bath. I had imagined a simple little arrangement in a small pot to go in a corner, and was surprised to see this magnificent creation! Our guests this weekend should be delighted to be able to enjoy this beautiful ikebana while soaking in the yellow cedar outdoor bath.
Tanaka-san, Thank You!

姨捨の落ち葉捨て Throwing Away Leaves Instead of Old Ladies at Obasute

2009.10.15: その他 Miscellaneous



Obasute Station got its name from the legend of throwing away ("Sute") old ladies ("Oba"). I often take guests there at night, not to throw them away but to show them the view below of the lights of our town and Nagano City in the distance. Today I went to Obasute to throw away leaves. Across the street from the station is a cluster of acacia trees, and ever year at this time their falling leaves create a mess. Ono-san, the main volunteer that takes care of the station, called me yesterday. I drove our K-Truck up there and we scooped up all the leaves into the back and took them away for disposal. It felt great for me to give something back to the station.

客室の庭作り:実施! Making the Guest Room Gardens: Action!

2009.10.14: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Okada-san working his garden magic


Kamesei's 2009 Improvement Plan is taking a huge step forward this week. Our gardener, Okada-san, is making the gardens for 2 of our guest rooms. The rooms' names, "Chitose" (a thousand years) and "Suehiro" (expansive future) mean everything ... and nothing. They could (and are) be names in ryokans anywhere from Hokkaido to Okinawa, let alone Nagano. Meanwhile, we've been promoting these rooms as having private gardens, yet small, neglected patches of greenery barely qualified as gardens. So with the garden makeover, we are changing these rooms to "Kogyoku" (a local heritage variety of apple) and "Anzu" (in honor of nearby Mori's "Apricot Village").

I will post pictures of the finalized gardens shortly, so stay tuned!

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano.

新型インフルエンザより怖いお化け屋敷 "Scarier Than the Swine Flu" Haunted House

2009.10.13: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada




Lately, area events have been getting canceled left and right. It's all due to the swine influenza. Here in Kamiyamada, for some reason not one child at the local elementary school has come down with the flu yet. So far, our town's Halloween Party is going ahead as scheduled. The stubborn organizer (err, Yours Truly) has decided to not lose out to the flu. In fact, the Haunted House's theme for this year is: "Scarier than the Swine Influenza"!
Yesterday, members of the Chikuma Cycling Club and the Kamiyamada Okagura Preservation Society, along with our 2 sons, helped put the House together. We even scared ourselves, it is so scary!

Halloween Party details available at www.tomorobi.net/halloween

In addition to the main event on Sunday the 18th, we will hold the Haunted House for guests of the onsen town on Saturday night, the 17th, from 6pm to 9pm. If you're in the area, and want to get the pee scared out of you, please come by!

戸上のレストラン:個性満々Togami Restaurants: Full of Unique Style

2009.10.12: グルメFoodie

Shichi-Fuku's hot oyaki




Togura Kamiyamada Onsen has more restaurants than you can shake a stick at. With all that competition, each shop has to have some individual style to stick out in the crowd. I recently went to 2 such unique restaurants:

Oyaki Restaurant: "Shichi-Fuku"
For those of you that don't know, "oyaki" is like a heritage food here in Nagano. They are basically little buns with different types of fillings. Each area tends to have its own style of filling, with nozawana and other local vegetables being especially popular. Here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, we are fortunate to have a little restaurant that specializes in oyaki. It is really popular with the locals, so you know it must be good. I finally got to go myself last week. I'd had oyaki numerous times before, but this was my first time to have fresh, hot-off-the-pan oyaki. Wow! Hot and delicious!
And the shop has to be seen to be believed -- talk about "Showa Retro", this is it, man. And Seshimo-san, the owner, is such a kind and friendly lady. She made me feel like a 'regular' even though it was my first time.
Shichi-Fuku is open 'til late at night, so it's great not only for dinners, but a midnight snack, too.

Indian Curry and Pasta "Mori Dot"
I had known this restaurant features Indian curry, spaghetti and pizza, but up until now I had only had their rather more orthodox mutton curry. Today the group I went with explored some of their more creative combinations: natto spaghetti (poor spaghetti!), curry pizza, and apricot curry. Mori-san, thanks for the tantalizing culinary combinations!

七福のHPはこちらClick here for Shichi-Fuku's website.

モーリドットのHPはこちらClick here for Mori Dot's Website

Shichi-Fuku's retro Exterior

Kenny attacking Mori Dot's Natto Spaghetti

Andy Considering the Curry Pizza

善光寺街道チャリ乗り Cycling the Zenkoji Kaido

2009.10.11: サイクリング Cycling

Classic Edo-era street behind the Obasute Masumune sake brewery


Even though our inn was busy with the 3-day weekend, it was such nice weather...
Since we're living here in Nagano blessed with such beautiful nature, I just had to take a break and get outside. So I took the kids for a nice bicycle ride. We started out riding along the Chikuma River Bicycle Path to Inariyama, and then followed the old Zenkoji Kaido -- the Edo-era road between Matsumoto and Zenkoji Temple in Nagano City. I just love the old earthen-walled "kura" storehouses and buildings that still remain from that period. And seeing them by bicycle allows you to enjoy them at a proper pace, rather than buzzing by them in a car.
I was really proud of Kenny and Andy -- they did really well on their bikes!


今年の紅葉が例年より早く This year's Fall Colors are starting early

2009.10.10: 季節 Seasons



This is a picture of the park next to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's "Kara-Koro" foot bath. As you can see, the leaves are starting to change color. Our elevation here is only 370 meters above sea level. Nagano's higher elevations are seeing much better fall colors now. I've talked to friends in Kamikochi, Togakushi and Shiga Kogen (some of Nagano's best areas for fall foliage) and this year, the autumn leaves are starting about a week to ten days earlier than normal. Hopefully they'll stay around for longer, too. And although the colors don't seem to be as crisp as some years, the beautiful weather we've been enjoying lately make up for it. Especially as Shiga Kogen's Mt. Yokote and the Alps around Kamikochi have received their first snow fall already. Blue sky, snow-capped peaks and fall foliage -- this is one of Nagano's best seasons!

戸倉上山田のハロウィーンパーティーはあと1週間! Togura Kamiyamada's Halloween Party is a week away!

2009.10.09: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

戸倉上山田温泉のハロウィーンパーティーの係長(=私)からの知らせ: 10月18日に行いますので是非、遊びにおいでやす。


Note from the Togura Kamiyamada Onsen Halloween Party organizer (= Me!): the event will be held on Sunday 18-October. For more info, check out www.tomorobi.net/halloween.

See you there!