里帰りの楽しみ:地元で観光 Being a Tourist in your own Home Town
2010.03.26: その他 Miscellaneous里帰りの楽しみの1つは普段に出来ない観光が出来る。今回はシアトルの代表の塔:スペースニードルを眺める公園からの景色を見たり、ダウンタウンの元中心地のアンダーグラウンドツアーやフリーモントのトロールなど、思い切り「観光」しました。
One of the fun things about going back to Seattle is it's a chance to do the touristy stuff that you never get to do when living there. On this trip, we went on the venerable (?) Underground Tour (picked up some tips for my own Obasute Night View tour!), saw the Space Needle, and climbed the Fremont Troll.
It's important to be a tourist in your own home town sometimes.
シアトルでの最初の日 新鮮さたっぷり Our First Day in Seattle -- So Many Changes
2010.03.25: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashiシアトルへの里帰りの最初の日。2年ぶりです。その間、色々と変わりました。まずは、シアトルの空港からダウンタウンまで、電車が出来た。シアトルでは、まだまだ「無駄だ」と文句を言う人がいます。その人に日本へ行ってみてもらいたい。電車がどれだけ便利になれるか、見てもらいたい。アメリカは本当に車の社会だ。
It's our first day back in Seattle -- our first time back here in 2 years. There have been lots of changes in these 2 years. One of the biggest was being able to take the train from Seattle's airport to Downtown, on the recently finished light rail train. There are still people in Seattle that think light rail is a waste of money. I'd like those people to come to Japan, and see how convenient trains can be. America relies too much on cars. It's great to see Seattle has started improving its public transportation with this new train!
After riding the train, we went with my folks to the University of Washington, my alma mater. Our goal: to see the cherry blossoms. It was the first time for my mom to see them, so I was delighted to be able to share them with her and our kids. I have fond memories of shaking off the post-finals depression of winter quarter by enjoying the beautiful blossoms at the U-Dub's Quad.
One more new experience on our first day was going to the town where my folks live now, Mukilteo, and seeing their new park down on the beach. It was my first time to see the new generation of playing equipment. The kids and I had a blast.
It's great to be back in Seattle!
シアトルへの里帰り On Vacation to the States
2010.03.24: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s OmotenashiHello Everyone! Our family will be travelling to Seattle for about 10 days, so I won't be able to update the blog as frequently as normal. But we are collecting quite a few tales to tell and am looking forward to sharing them here, so keep tuned!
From Tyler in Seattle.
お猿の温泉 写真800枚 800 Pictures of the Snow Monkeys
2010.03.23: その他 Miscellaneousノルウィーからの滞在のお客さんが志賀高原の手前の地獄谷野猿公苑に日帰りで行ってきました。マリアスさんはごついカメラを持っていたので、「写真は何百枚を撮りましたか」と冗談で言ったら、「800枚」と言われました!ここでそのベストの何枚かを提供します。
We have a guest from Norway staying here at Kamesei Ryokan for the better part of a week. Marius-san made a day trip to Jigokudani to see the snow monkeys. Seeing his huge camera, I jokingly asked how many hundreds of pictures he took. His reply: 800! He shared some of his best with us for our blog.
To see more about Marius and his 8 week (!) trip here in Japan, check out his blog:
Marius Risting Andersen マリアス・リスチング・アンドソン
まさかな姨捨夜景 A Whodathunkit Obasute Night View
2010.03.22: その他 Miscellaneous夕べの姨捨夜景が最悪でした。昨日の天気は一日変でした。前日は暖かい23℃でした。昨日の朝は起きたら、今まで見た中の一番ひどい黄砂で、周辺の山が見れなかった。お昼は風がすごくて、そして温度が急に下がった。夜にお客さんを連れて姨捨夜景・伝説ツアーに行こうとしたら雪が降っていました。(前日は23℃だったから、まさか雪が降ると思わなかった!)姨捨駅に着いたら、雪で真っ白でした。夜景は何も見えなくて、最悪でした。
The night view from Obasute last night was the worst. All day long the weather had been so weird. The day before was an unseasonably warm 23 deg C clear day, but we woke up to the worst "yellow sand" (dust blowing over from the Gobi Desert) that I had ever seen. Then we had strong winds in the afternoon, followed by a dramatic drop in temperature. At night, when we took the guests to go see the night view from Obasute Station, it even started to snow. (Mind you, the previous day had been 23 deg C -- we certainly didn't expect snow!) Then when we got to the station, it was totally covered in snow, and we couldn't see any of the lights of the valley down below. The worst night view tour ever!
Well, I entertained our guests with stories of local legends, so I think they enjoyed the tour anyways, But we'll have to have them come again to see what the night view usually looks like!
薪集めタイム Stocking up for next winter
2010.03.21: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi薪集めと言うのは、不思議ぐらいにうまい具合でリズムが合致する。冬の終わりに暖かくなり筒の時に、自然に外へ行って体を動かしたくなる。そして薪を切ったり、割ったりするのはちょうど良い運動です。春に完全に入ってからであれば、温度が上がっていて、薪割りがつらくなる。ですから温度的に、春先がちょうど良いです。尚且つ冬眠している木は春になると、葉っぱを出すために水分を吸い込む。その直前に切っておけば、薪として使うのはちょうど良い。あと、今の内にまきを準備して、そして一夏を通せばちょうど乾燥する。
Gathering firewood for the winter just amazes me by how well the natural rhythms converge. As winter changes into spring, you naturally feel like getting outside and doing some exercise -- cutting and chopping wood is just perfect. That same exercise would be too hot once the warmer weather of spring comes, so now is just the perfect temperature. And when spring hits, the trees start to suck up water to produce leaves. So now, while the trees are still dormant, is the best time to make them into firewood. Finally, if you prepare the wood now and let it sit over one summer, it dries out perfectly for use in the winter.
Hence, these past few days I've been busy gathering and preparing firewood for next winter, by getting trimmings from nearby apple orchardists and collecting the wood from trees an acquaintance of our downed for making a garden. Our sons are getting bigger and bigger, and this year they have been helping out immensely, loading our pick-up truck and then stacking the wood in our sheds. I look forward to the day when they say, "Dad, we'll take care of the firewood this year, so you can just relax." That would be the perfect convergence of natural rhythms!
風林火山の里: 雨ノ宮 Samurai Battle Site: Amenomiya
2010.03.20: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada風林火山で有名な川中島古戦場は隣の長野市にあるけど、この千曲市に関連している場所があります。謙信が夜中で、妻女山から降りて千曲川を渡った所が雨ノ宮です。(詳しい人はそれだけの説明で分かってくれると思いますが・・・)
森「杏の里」花情報その1:つぼみ Mori "Apricot Village" Flower Update #1: Starting to bud
2010.03.20: 季節 Seasons毎年のこの時期の楽しみは森「杏の里」の花です。そして、毎年のこの時期の悩みは、杏の花はいつ咲くか?今日、状況を見に行きました。まだつぼみの状態でした。これからの天気は物凄くアップ・ダウンですから、私が思うのにあんずまつりの予定、4月2日(金)~4月16日(金)で恐らく合っているかもしれません。
Every year around this time, we get excited about the apricot blossoms in Mori "Apricot Village". We also get nervous about when exactly the flowers will bloom. Today I went to check out the progress in person -- the buds were starting to form. With the weather forecasted to be a little irregular -- warm, cold, warm, and cold again -- for the next week, I have a feeling the blossoms will be according to the official festival dates: 02-April thru 16-April. Will keep you posted here! Also, Live Camera at the Chikuma City Tourism Assoc. website.
Mori "Apricot Village" is approx. 30 minutes by car from Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. There are shuttle busses from Yashiro Station during the Festival period.
New this year is a special connector bus from Kamiyamada Onsen to Yashiro Station, departing 8:50am. 500 yen one way.
上山田お神楽はインターネットへ Kamiyamada's Okagura on the web
2010.03.19: 上山田お神楽 Kamiyamada Lion Dance上山田お神楽保存会はこの上山田地区及び、上田市、善光寺等、さまざまの所で活躍しています。私は3年前ぐらいに入らせていただきましたので獅子笛を吹いています。保存会の栗原会長はとっても積極的なので、お神楽保存会のホームページを作ろうかという案を出しました。私は友人の千曲市に住んでいるロバート先生に頼んで、素敵なサイトを作ってくれました。仕上がりはこれからですが、ベースは出来まして、夕べの練習で皆さんに見せて、OKが出ました。臨時的に、http://www.tomorobi.net/liondance/で見れます。良かったら、ご覧になって下さい。
The Kamiyamada Kagura (Lion Dance) Preservation Society gets around. Not only do we perform throughout Kamiyamada, but in Ueda City and Zenkoji Temple as well. And now, we have a presence on the web, too. Our chairperson, Kurihara-san, is very forward looking and floated the idea of making a website for the organization. So I talked with my buddy Robert-sensei, and had him make a nifty little home page for our group. At last night's practice, we debuted the site to the other members and got everyone's approval. There are still some things that need to be tweaked, but for now, the site is viewable at http://www.tomorobi.net/liondance/. Take a peek and let me know what you think!