洞窟探検、5点満点の夕食、人力車、ミルキーな温泉;我が家族の夏休み Spelunkering, A Perfect Dinner, Rickshaw, Milky Onsen: Our Family's Summer Vacation

2009.08.03: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi




From here on out, Kamesei will be inundated by families with kids on summer vacation. Before the action hits, we went on our own little summer vacation -- a 400km drive. We decided to head over to neighboring Gifu Prefecture to check out Gero Onsen, said to be one of Japan's Top Three Onsens (along with Arima Onsen outside of Kobe and Kusatsu Onsen in Gunma Prefecture on the other side of Nagano).
Along the way, we stopped to spelunker at the Hida Dai-Shonyudo caverns to ooh and aah over the stalagmites and stalactites. Most of the rock formations had spiritual-sounding names like "The Ear of Buddha". For a tourist trap, it was pretty cool -- definitely not OSHA-approved (lots of narrow spots to duck through) and the operators seem to be making efforts to make improvements to the facilities.
After the caves, we made it to Gero, but hit it during a rain squall so went straight to the ryokan. We chose Shinmeisansou mainly because it was a small, family-run inn. But also, their dinners are rated a perfect 5 out of 5.

NOTE: If you want to experience a perfect dinner, check out Shinmeisansou. To give you an idea, our chef's dinners are rated a 4.6~4.7, good enough to be in the top 3 or 4 from all 37 of Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's inns. At Shinmeisou, we feasted on fresh ayu (sweetfish) on skewers as well as Hida-gyu beef grilled on an irori hearth, and so many more delectables. You'll just have to come and experience it yourself. You won't be disappointed. I guarantee it.

The next morning, we went into the onsen town and putzed around -- the foot baths, the Charlie Chaplin statue (!), the onsen museum, and then across the river to...not the outdoor bath that's pictured in all of the brochures (it was closed due to high river level) but to a plain old sento public bath. Hmm. I guess we'll have to try going back again someday. (Not another 400km?!?!)
After leaving Gero, we stopped at Hida Takayama. I had been there about a month ago, and really wanted to show our kids the classic street scene that has been preserved in its original Edo-era style. And what better way to see the town (and keep the kids entertained), than by rickshaw. The Puller (?) gave a splendid talk about the town and was amazingly knowledgeable -- much better than any guide I've ever seen. Seeing Takayama by rickshaw -- highly recommended.
Finally, on the way back home and back in Nagano Prefecture we wanted to show the kids Kamikochi but ran out of time. So instead, we made a side trip to Shirahone Onsen. Our kids were amazed by the milky water and how their bodies 'disappeared' into the white onsen. Mari and I were just thankful to finally get to soak in a real onsen -- what a wonderful welcome back to Nagano!

飛騨大鍾乳洞のHPはこちらClick here for the Hida Caverns website.

飛騨高山の美味しい飛騨牛のレストラン:飛騨琢磨 Hida Steak Restaurant in Takayama: Takami

飛騨高山の人力車のHPはこちらClick here for the Hida Takayama Rickshaw website.

白骨温泉の日帰り施設:楳香庵 Shirahone Onsen bathhouse Baikoan


The Perfect Dinner

Gero Scene

Classic Takayama Scene

Shirahone Onsen

客室の新しい塀の始まり Starting to build the new guestroom fence

2009.08.02: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi


This year, my main goal here at Kamesei Ryokan is to do a small make-over on 3 of our guestrooms. The next step is to replace one of the room's concrete block fence with a wood one to let in light and wind. I built a couple of the sections using a basket weave board style. Even though it's more Western than Asian, I think it will match the Japanese style garden just fine.

このヒマワリ、ちょっと嬉しい I'm a bit pleased by this sunflower

2009.08.01: 季節 Seasons




One of our neighbors gave our kids this sunflower plant. The seedling grew so fast -- first Misaki's height, then Kenny's, then up to Andy's nose, and finally it surpassed Andy's height.

When I was a kid, I used to hate sunflowers, because they grew taller faster than I did. But this one stopped growing at about 6'4", so I'm still taller than it. That pleases me a bit.

信州戸倉上山田温泉の亀清旅館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Kamesei Ryokan in Nagano

オッ、ABN! オッ、ボビーとセイン!Oh, ABN! Oh, Bobby and Thane!

2009.07.31: メディア Media




Local TV station Nagano Asahi and their sister station in neighboring Niigata are putting together a travel variety show featuring two Japanese TV celebrities, Bobby Ologun and Thane Camus. The two came and stayed here at Kamesei. The show will be aired locally on 24-August. I won't spoil the program, other than to say there was a very lively performance involving my fellow Kamiyamada Okagura lion dance members.

Often times, these media "celebrities" have 2 personalities, "on-camera" and "off-camera". Bobby and Thane, on the other hand, had us constantly cracking up regardless of whether the camera was there or not. Mari and I had a pleasant late-night dinner, just the 4 of us, after the shooting, then us boys went out for a "walk" in the bar district. I definitely got the notion I'm not the only hard-working foreigner here in Japan -- Bobby and Thane made a great, positive impression on us.

Actually, there's one more PR-related thing to mention. Monthly travel magazine "Ryoko Yomiuri" interviewed me for their "Jiyuseki" column, to be in the September issue. Keep your eyes out for it!

Bobby's website ボビーさんのHP

Thane's websiteセインさんのHP

西瓜の誕生日「ケーキ」 A Watermelon Birthday 'Cake'

2009.07.30: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi


Today I turned 39 years old. Next year is the big "Over-the-Hill" birthday. You gotta just take one year at a time, and enjoy the things that each age brings you!

Last night, our family went out with some good friends of ours for sushi for the birthday celebration. And tonight, I went out drinking with some buddies. (To see who, check out the next blog entry.) The Korean mama-san (for some reason, most of the hostess bars in town are Korean) made me this watermelon birthday cake. I waited 39 years for this celebration -- it was a blast!

夏休みの為に 朝5時から座禅プラン復活

2009.07.29: 季節 Seasons





夏休みプラン: 若旦那と一緒に朝5時の座禅体験 ☆お子さん達は大歓迎☆


It's summer vacation -- the kids are out of school, temperatures are starting to heat up, the Koshien Highschool Baseball Tournament is about to start, and even the cicadas are starting to buzz. All signs of summer in Japan.

I've been pondering what type of "Summer Vacation Special" plan to make. Other ryokans offer bread making classes or bug collecting excursions -- a variety of things to keep kids occupied. But there are already so many things to do nearby, like the Sarashina Ancient Experience Park where you can make some prehistoric arts and crafts, or the Nishizawa Piggy Bank Museum, where for the summer they are displaying piggy banks with a "character" theme to you can see Japan's pop culture characters over the years via piggy banks.

So I decided to think about what Kamesei could do differently, something essentially "Kamesei". And I remembered the Zazen Meditation plan we did in the Spring. Perhaps some kids would want to try meditation during their summer vacation (or more likely, some parents would want their kids to try meditation...). On one of our websites, we reinstated the zazen plan. If anyone is interested, feel free to contact us.

にしざわ貯金箱館のHPはこちらClick here for Nishizawa Piggy Bank Museum website.

さらしなの里歴史資料館のHPはこちらClick here for the website of the Sarashina Ancient Experience Park

雨の中の姨捨夜景 Rainy Obasute Night View

2009.07.28: その他 Miscellaneous


Some out-of-prefecture guests that had come and stay with us were looking forward to going to see the night view from Obasute Station. However, as evening came around, it started to rain. Heavy. Cats and Dogs heavy. We waited a while, and the rain let up a bit, so we piled in the car and proceeded with our Obasute Night View / Legends tour.
I had been there the night before with some other guests, and we managed to time it for right after the rain stopped. So the air was nice and clean, and the view of the lights of the Zenkoji Plain was extra spectacular. By comparison, tonight a light mist remained and not much of the Plain was visible. However, the guests were delighted nonetheless.
By coincidence, today, the Nagano Prefecture Tourism Bureau held a conference on creating "Chakuchi-gata Ryoko Shohin" which loosely translated means Tourism Products ('Ryoko Shohin') designed to be enjoyed after arrival ('Chakuchi'). 60 people from the tourism industry gathered to discuss and study such Products. Our town's official (='for fee') Obasute Night View tour was featured. Areas that rely on tourism definitely need to put in the effort to develop such tours.
I just wish there'd be a funner name than Destination Tourism Products...

伝統的な上田紬の織りに・・・2mの外国人?! A 2-meter tall foreigner at a traditional Japanese silk weaving machine?

2009.07.27: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi


About 2 weeks ago, Mari and I went to Ueda to take a tour of Koiwai Tsumugi. The studio carries on the fine silk weaving tradition of Ueda Tsumugi. At the time, I made a reservation to go back and try my hand at the loom to make a wall hanging. We are doing a small remodel on one of our guestrooms with a "tsumugi" (silk weaving) concept. Today I finally got to sit at the loom and try weaving -- for the first time in my life.
The first issue was how to fit my 2-meter tall body into the loom contraption that was designed for little old ladies half a meter shorter than me. I couldn't squeeze my long legs in to press the pedals, so instead I kind of folded them and managed to work the pedals using one foot. But it worked, and with the kind, patient instructions by Karina-san, I got the rhythm down and in no time at all, I finished the wall hanging.
My mom is quite a quiltmaker, and maybe some of her handiwork skills rubbed off on me -- I really enjoyed weaving. And to think I took part of a centuries-old Ueda Tsumugi silk weaving tradition, on a loom made a half a century ago, made it even more enjoyable.
Koiwai Tsumugi offers "Taiken" (Experience) weaving lessons for 2,500 yen (reservations required).

小岩井紬工房のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Koiwai Tsumugi

Tyler's Tsumugi

夏はジェラートの時期 Summer is Gelato is the Way to Beat the Summer Heat

2009.07.26: 季節 Seasons

On the way back to the inn, I got a phone call from the wife -- she was feeling exhausted and needed some gelato. So I stopped at our town's patesserie, L'Avenir and had the owner, Miyasaki-san, hit me up with some gelato. I really like the interior of her shop -- the big, antique table from a castle in Europe, the Italian marble counters and the espresso machine from Italy, too. And then there's the gelato! Her current flavors are Strawberry (with berries Miyasaki-san grew in her own garden), Caramel (Mari's favorite), Very-Berry, Banana, Apricot, and (for the purists), Plain. Come and beat the heat this summer with gelato from L'Avenir. It's only a 10 minute walk from Kamesei.

ラブニールのHPはこちらClick here for L'Avenir's website

県EU協会でのインバウンドについての講演 Speech on Inbound issues at the EU Society

2009.07.25: 活動 Activities





Nagano Prefecture's EU Society invited me to speak at their annual gathering today. About 60 people from various industries, including the prefecture's Tourism Department, met to hear the talk. It was a great opportunity for me to voice some of the issues facing "Inbound" tourism and focused on these two:

*Many FIT (Foreign Independant Travelers -- as opposed to group travel) buy a Japan Rail "Free Pass" to cover their transportation needs. However, here in Nagano, there is the Shinano Railway, Naga-Den, Alpico Bus, and many other private transportation lines. Nagano really needs a "Free Pass" for the prefecture.
For example, such a pass would make it easy for tourists to go from Hida-Takayama to Matsumoto. Rather than working to attract tourists from overseas, it would be so much more practical to attract them from the popular Takayama / Kanazawa "Ura-Golden Route" course.

*Many tourist areas are outdated, with more souvenir stands than places of interest and no facilities investment for decades. It's no wonder Japanese tourist numbers are declining. Japanese tourism has evolved. No more groups going to famous places for "status" -- it's individuals travelling with people they want to be with, to places they want to go to, to do things they want to do.
The problem is, some of these tourist areas think they can make up for the drop in Japanese tourists by attracting ones from overseas. But why should foreigners buy a product that Japanese won't buy?!?! Instead, they should focus on developing their areas to meet modern tourism needs.

Today's Shinmai newspaper had an article about the speech, but unfortunately they didn't mention the above two points. Perhaps my opinion is too confrontational?