美ヶ原へ逃げましょう! Escape to Utsukushigahara

2018.07.01: 季節 Seasons, 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano


Utsukushigahara azalea Utsukushigahara birch azalea Utsukushigahara panorama view Utsukushigahara trekking Utsukushigahara

亀清旅館・戸倉上山田温泉から上田市武石地区経由でで約50km, 車で75分。
The 2000-meter Utsukushi ga Hara plateau makes for a beautiful (that’s what ‘Utsukushii’ means — ‘beautiful’) high-altitude escape. The wide open fields are home to a heard of cows and in late June are punctuated with wild azaleas.
The 360-degree panorama vista looks out to the Yatsugatake Range to the south, the Hotaka Range of the Northern Alps to the west, the Hakuba peaks to the north, and Mt. Asama to the east.
Our recent visit was too brief to be able to enjoy the Open Air Museum’s inspirational artwork, nor the trek to the stone bell tower. But we’ll be back.
Utsukushigahara can be reached from Matsumoto by bus, but the windy ascent and scenic Venus Line highway are paradise for drivers.
(50km, approximately 75 minutes by car from Kamesei Ryokan/ Onsen Town Togura Kamiyamada.)

0 thoughts on “美ヶ原へ逃げましょう! Escape to Utsukushigahara

  1. 若旦那! 一昨日は有難うございました! サイクリングで川中島古戦場へ出かけた帰り、大雨で途中立ち往生してしまった家族を避難先まで迎えに行って頂き、自転車とともに車で旅館まで運んで頂きました。旅館に泊まっていた訳ではなく、レンタサイクルしただけだったのに気持ちよく対応頂き、しかも無償。感激でした!!!

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