糸こんにゃくと他の糸料理 String Cheese and other String Foods

2012.03.02: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada



Here in onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada, we have a pottery and crafts shop called Takaraya. There I discovered this new item: string food. Curry rice, pork cutlets, fried eggs -- all made out of string. How cute! My favorite is the string soba noodles!

At Kamesei Ryokan, we offer an Anniversary Plan where we provide a special present for the guests. One of the items is a set of ceramic tea cups in the Sarashina-yaki pottery style made and sold here at Takaraya. So I go to the shop often to buy the presents for our guests. Every time I go it seems they have some new item for sale. This time it is the string food!

Takaraya's mainstay: Sarashina-yaki ceramics

長野温泉トップ100調査: 蓼科方面 Nagano's Top 100 Onsen Research: Tateshina

2012.03.01: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

'Researching' Ikenotaira Hotel's wooden barrel bath




その次は奥蓼科温泉。大人しく茅野市街まで下りて登りなおさずに、横の道を通ってみた。大失敗!雪の道でPeterさんの車は登れなくて、大騒ぎ。まあ、それは別として、やっとたどり着いたのは明治温泉旅館。正に「秘湯」。女将さんの優しさ、お風呂の落ち着いた木造の内装、お湯の鉄分、露天風呂の滝見景色… こういう宿は長野県にあって、嬉しい。



白樺リゾート池の平ホテル Ikenotaira Hotel
蓼科親湯Tateshina Shinyu
明治温泉旅館Meiji Onsen Ryokan
横谷温泉旅館Yokoya Onsen Ryokan

「信州エコ泊」に亀清の薪ストーブ Kamesei's Wood Burning Stove: Nagano "Eco"

2012.02.29: メディア Media

#7 Kamesei's stove





Nagano Prefecture's Tourism Development Office is promoting environmentally friendly tourism through its "Eco-Stay" program.

In their new brochure, they featured Kamesei Ryokan's lobby wood burning stove. We use trimmings from local apple orchards for the firewood, so our main source of heat for the lobby has a minimal carbon imprint.

Besides the stove, we also have taken step to conserve our electricity and water usage, all in an effort to make Kamesei Ryokan as environmentally sound as possible.

信州エコ泊 Nagano's Eco-Friendly Tourism

大黒屋の伝説B九グルメ「ニンタレかつ」x青い目のPR Promoting Daikokuya's Garlic Sauce Katsu

2012.02.28: メディア Media




Country Press, the producers of Nagano's premier "KURA" magazine, recently put out a gourmet guide to Nagano's local food specialty restaurants. One of the shops featured was Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's own Daikokuya with its legendary garlic sauce tonkatsu, "Nintare Katsu".

For the picture shoot, they had our onsen's ryokan junior association leader pose for the photographs.

In other words, me!

So if you pick up a copy of the magazine and see a picture of me drooling over the nintare katsu, don't be surprised.

One of these days I'm hoping KURA does a feature on our inn, Kamesei Ryokan. But for now I am thrilled to be able to help promote Daikokuya. Country Press, thanks for the photos. And Natsume-san, thanks for the yummy katsudon. I do have to admit, though, that I wasn't able to kiss my wife for 2 straight days -- that garlic sauce is potent!

まちなみカントリープレス Machinami Country Press

屋代線さよなら及び姨捨特別列車 Yashiro Line 'Sayonara' & Special Obasute Train

2012.02.27: その他 Miscellaneous


戸倉上山田温泉周辺の鉄道はこの春、一つな悲しみがあります: 屋代駅と須坂駅をつなぐ長野電鉄屋代線は3月31日で廃線です。さよならイベント2つ、そして関係ない姨捨特別列車の情報をお知らせします:

1.長野電鉄「有難う」企画: 小学生無料


3.JR東日本 快速「ナイトビュー姨捨」
篠ノ井線姨捨駅からの夜景を楽しむ為の特別列車。4月と5月の10日間運転する予定です。18:48に長野駅を出発して、姨捨駅で51分待機して、帰りは20:59長野着。姨捨駅にいる間(19:33~20:24)は楽知会と1000 曲森の会のボランティアーガイドが案内(無料)する予定です。電車はリゾートビューふるさとです。

Railroad buffs here in Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada are a bit melancholy lately; the local Nagaden Yashiro Line is scheduled to be shut down as of April 1st. There are a couple of 'Sayonara' events scheduled. Following is information on those as well as an unrelated JR Obasute special event train.

1. Nagaden's Yashiro Line Arigato -- Kids ride free
In commemoration of the closing of the Yashiro Line, Nagaden is offering free rides for elementary school kids for 4 days, the next ones being March 3rd and 4th, this upcoming Saturday and Sunday. Kids can ride free all day between Yashiro and Suzaka stations.

2. Shinano Railway "Shiga Revival"
Back in the days before the Nagano Shinkansen, there occassionally were express trains called "Shiga" that ran all the way from Ueno Station in Tokyo, switching at Yashiro, to Yudanaka Station, the gateway to the Shiga Kogen ski area. As a partial "revival", Shinano Railway is offering a ride on one of the original orange and green trains from Karuizawa to Yashiro, hooking up with a separate train from Yashiro to Yudanaka. 2 runs a day for 4 days in March.

3. JR "Night View Obasute"
Special runnings of the Resort View Furusato Train during 10 evenings in April and May to take advantage of the beautiful night view from Obasute Station on the Shinonoi Line. Trains depart from Nagano Station. Volunteer guides will be on hand at Obasute Station to explain the view.

長野電鉄「ありがとう屋代線記念」Nagaden's Arigato Yashiro Line
しなの鉄道「志賀リバイバル」 Shinano Railway's Shiga Revival
JR「ナイトビュー姨捨」JR's Night View Obasute

ボロボロ軽トラ伝道 Inadvertant K-Truck Evangelism

2012.02.26: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Raking Leaves and Changing Hearts


「以前はタイラーさんから連絡があった。姨捨駅で落ち葉を拾ったので畑で腐葉土として降ろして良いかという問い合わせ。姨捨駅という事で、公式な行動だと思った。見えたのはボロボロな軽トラでタイラーさん一人だったので、吃驚した。でもそこで分かった: 町で何か必要だと思ったら、役場に頼むとかどこかの団体にやってもらうとかじゃなくて、自分から努力する必要がある事。だから子の町興しの会議に参加するようになった。」


The other day for one of our civic improvement meetings here at Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada, one of the participants mentioned why he's participating. Here's what T-san, a local farmer, said:

"A while back, Tyler-san called about some leaves that he had raked up at Obasute Station, and wanted to know if I'd take them for fertilizer for my field. Being that it was from a train station, I assumed this was semi-official business. So I was surprised when he showed up in a old, run-down pick-up truck. But, it made me realize that when you see something in town that needs to be done, rather than expecting city hall to do it, or asking some organization to do it, everyone needs to pitch in and do it themselves. Which is why I decided to participate in this meeting."

On one hand, I was glad my inadvertant evangelism was effective to get T-san on board with our town's efforts. But on the other hand, is our pick-up truck really that run down?

海外からのお土産 Souvenirs From Overseas

2012.02.25: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Kamesei's collection of souvenirs from all over the world




A few weeks ago we hosted a group of exchange students from Shanghai's Fudan University. One of them presented us with a paper-cutting art. Apparently Shanghai has a long tradition of this type of art.

We displayed the art on the mantle above the wood burning stove in our lobby here at Kamesei Ryokan. It joins the bolo tie from Texas, the clogs from Holland, the postcard from Canada, the koala bear from Australia, etc., etc.

It's Kamesei's little collection of love from all over the world.

ザ・戸倉上山田カタログ企画 The Togura-Kamiyamada Catalog Project

2012.02.24: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Rough idea for the Togura-Kamiyamada Catalog




One of the recent trends in the ryokan world is for the inns to offer catalog shopping to the guests. By offering locally made products, fresh fruit and vegetables, and things that normally can only be bought locally, guests really appreciate the opportunity.

At a recent meeting of Togura-Kamiyamada's civic improvement Kara-Koro association I proposed such a catalog. Everyone enthusiastically accepted the idea. So now I am working on listing up what area businesses will cooperate.

I hope to get this catalog into action as soon as I can!


2012.02.23: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Buddies Nakajima-San and Tobita-San






The other day during an interview for a magazine, one of the questions I got asked was, "What makes Kamesei Ryokan unique?"


Having a blue-eyed proprietor isn't unique enough for a traditional Japanese onsen inn?

The same day, one guest brought a magazine titled, "Nagano Prefecture Farming and Living". On the cover were pictures of 4 farmers. Upon closer inspection, I realized 2 of them were Nakajima-san and Tobita-san, local Kamiyamada orchardists from whom we buy grapes and apples during the season.

I personally go to their orchards and buy freshly picked fruit to serve our guests. Numerous time I actually take guests to the orchards to meet the famers and see the fruit on the trees, breathe in the fresh, clean air and taste fruit picked right off the tree. And in late winter / early spring, they give me their tree trimmings to use in our lobby's firplace helping to keep the guests toasty warm.

No other inn in town has this close of a relationship with the local farmers.

So there you go, another thing that makes Kamesei Ryokan unique. In case having a blue-eyed proprietor isn't enough. (LOL!)