信毎「大人の贅沢」に亀清旅館の「プッチ贅沢プラン」 Kamesei's Petit Extravagance Plan

2011.01.27: その他 Miscellaneous


<立春の候: 温泉で贅沢>


1泊2食付き 2名1室
11,550円 (消費税込、入湯税別)


10歳の不思議: 日本という国に、どうして梵字や象さん? A 10-year old's question: Why sanskrit and elephants in a temple in Japan?

2011.01.26: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Young Andy and a Dead Language











I took our 10-year old son Andy for a drive to explore the remains of the old Nakasendo (the medieval path between Kyoto and Edo / Tokyo). First I had to explain what the Nakasendo was to Andy. (Why does a foreigner have to teach a Japanese kid Japanese history? What do Japanese schools teach the kids?)

Our first stop was Otai-juku, one of the old post towns located in present-day Miyota Town. We parked at Houju-in and started our exploration at that temple. At the entrance was a large rock carved with interesting script.

"What kind of writing is that?" asked Andy. Uh-oh. Time for a 1-point Buddhism lesson. (Here again, why does a Christian have to teach a Japanese kid about Buddhism...)

"Do you know what country Buddhism came from?"

"Nope. It crossed over to Japan from Korea 1600 years ago."
"So this writing is Korean?"

"Nope. Buddhism came to Korea from China."
"So it's Chinese?"

"Time for a hint. Look at the facade of the temple's main building."
"Hmm, a sculpture of an elephant. So, India?"

"Right! The writing is sanskrit."

When you think about it, it is really quite remarkable to find sanskrit here in a town in the Japanese countryside. I mean, there are few scholars left even in India that speak sanskrit. And only the most educated of Buddhist monks here in Japan today would be able to read this.

And the carvings of elephants -- the animal doesn't even exist in Japan. I bet the artist who carved the elephant had never seen a real one.

Anyways, that's how our explorings of the Nakasendo started. I showed Andy the Honjin (main inn for the VIP's) and the Waki-Honjin (inn for the #2 guys). and Otai-juku's trademark warehouses where goods were transferred from one carrier to another, and tried to convey a sense of what it was like in the old days to walk along the Nakasendo. Perhaps Andy started to get an interest in Japan's history, too.

Otai-juku holds a festival every year on August 16th where they recreate an Edo-era procession. The festival is aptly called the Otai-juku Festival.

御代田町のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Miyota Town.

A Japanese Elephant?

Andy and Otai-juku

One of Otai-juku's back streets

旅行読売の「泊まりたい宿」 Yomiuri Travel's Ryokan of Choice

2011.01.25: メディア Media





The February issue of monthly travel magazine 'Ryoko Yomiuri' has a feature on direct bus services linking Japan's major metropolitan areas with various onsen districts.

One such service is Harvest Tour's "Onsen Liner" linking Tokyo and Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. The price: only 3,400 yen round trip! The bus drops people off in front of the Kara-Koro footbath in the middle of town. It is a short 150 meters from the front entrance of our inn, Kamesei Ryokan.

Part of the article showcases 3 ryokans. One of the 3 suggested inns is ... Kamesei Ryokan! This is probably due to the proximity of our inn to the bus stop, as well as the fact that on our town's last publicity 'caravan' to Tokyo, the other innkeepers and I also paid a visit to Yomiuri's office. If it weren't for making that effort, I'm sure Yomiuri would have never heard of us.

I hope more and more Tokyo-ites make use of the convenient and reasonable Onsen Liner to come and enjoy Togura Kamiyamada Onsen.

旅行読売のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Yomiuri's travel magazine

ハーヴェスとツアーの戸倉上山田温泉ライナーの詳しくはこちらClick here for info on Harvest Tour's Onsen Liner to our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada.

道の駅より良い: ヤマサン Better than a Road Station: Yama-san

2011.01.24: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Best Produce Stand in Town




Close to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen is a produce stand called "Yamasan". Throughout Japan there are 'michi-no-eki' rest stops that supposedly sell locally made fruits and vegetables, but Yamasan is the real deal. They offer a great selection of local products in season.

Yamasan is only 10 minutes away by car, conveniently located along Route 18. Their website lists their seasonal offerings.


2011.01.23: メディア Media

Hot Pot Dinner for Winter



戸倉上山田温泉のサイクリング・ハイキングマップ作成始まり Starting on Togura Kamiyamada's Cycling / Hiking Map

2011.01.22: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Onsen Loop Cycling Route







Discussing with the Chikuma Cycling Club -- check!

Consulting with the local Mountain Climbing association -- check!

Securing money from the city -- check!

Listing up the cycling and hiking courses -- check!

Now the Togura Kamiyamada Onsen Hiking and Cycling Map is in the hands of the designer/ printer, Miyasaka-san.

Here are the 10 hikes and bike rides -- if you have any suggestions, let me know asap!

Togura Kamiyamada Hikes
1.大林山 Obayashi-san
2.八頭山 Hatto-san
3.岩井堂山 Iwaido-san
4.金比羅山 Kinpira Mtn.
5.冠着山 Kamuriki Mtn.
6.三峯山 Sanmine Mtn.
7.佐野不動滝 Sano Fudo Waterfall
8.大雲寺自然深勝園 Daiun-ji Nature Trail
9.鏡台山 Kyoudai-san
10.五里ヶ峰 Gorigamine Peak

Togura Kamiyamada Cycling Courses
1.戸倉上山田温泉ループ Togura Kamiyamada Onsen Loop
2.サイクリング道路・力石方面 Cycling Road to Chikaraishi
3.サイクリング道路・稲荷山方面 Cycling Road to Inariyama
4.カラコロ足湯・知識寺 Kara-Koro Footbath to Chishiki-ji
5.カラコロ足湯・長楽寺 Kara-Koro Footbath to Choraku-ji
6.カラコロ足湯・屋代駅前 Kara-Koro Footbath to Yashiro Business District
7.カラコロ足湯・あんずの里 Kara-Koro Footbath to Apricot Village
8.天狗公園ヒルクライム Tengu Park Hill Climb
9.姨捨山周回ヒルクライム Obasute Mtn. Hill Climb Loop
10.太田原ヒルクライム Otawara Hill Climb

冬の生島足島神社:朱と白 Ikushima Tarushima Shrine in the Winter: Vermillion and White

2011.01.21: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Vermillion and White





With a fresh covering of snow, Ueda City's Ikushima Tarushima Shrine's brilliant vermillion color stands out beautifully with the contrasting white of the snow. The other day, I had an errand to run in Ueda, and on the way back I stopped to see this shrine which is noted for supposedly being the geographic center of Japan (hence its nickname: Japan's belly button).

This shrine is also noted for being the home of Ikushima, the fertility god, and Tarushima, the god of fulfillment. Furthermore, it also supposedly houses all of the souls from throughout Japan. And as if that weren't enough, its god is supposedly the guardian diety of the entire country. That makes it one noteworthy shrine.

For me, someone not very initiated in Shintoism, the thing that most stands out about this shrine is the destinctive vermillion color accenting the achitecture throughout the complex. And with a touch of contrasting white from the snow, it makes for even more of a photogenic setting.

Ikushima Tarushima Shrine is about 30 minutes from Kamesei Ryokan and our onsen town, Togura Kamiyamada, via car. It is also accessible by train, using a combination of Shinano Railway (Togura Station) changing at Ueda Station to Ueda Dentetsu. 'Shimonogo' is the closest station and has rental cycles available.

This shrine is so cool it has its own website. For info in English, you can check here.

February 3rd, Ikushima Tarushima Shrine, as well at shrines and temples throughout the country, the annual Setsubun bean throwing ceremony will take place. Ceremony starts at 2pm, been throwing at 3:30pm.

雪のりんご畑 Snowy Apple Orchard

2011.01.20: 季節 Seasons

apple orchard winterscape


Not only here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, but also the apple orchards nearby are covered in elegant white snow. Even with snow, the apple growers have to start pruning the trees. That must be hard work. And then people like us here at Kamesei Ryokan with wood burning stoves go around to the orchards and collect the trimmings to use as fire wood. But lets not think about work right now -- let's just enjoy the beautiful winter scenery.

上山田神楽保存会の獅子舞で108際のお祝い Lion Dance to Celebrate a 108-year old birthday girl

2011.01.19: 上山田お神楽 Kamiyamada Lion Dance





Once a year, our Kamiyamada Okagura Preservation Group drives to Ueda City to perform at the Goshoen old folks home. This time we helped celebrate the birthday of a 108-year old lady.

108 years old!

That means she was born during the Meiji era. During the Russo-Japanese war. And she very lively watched our full-out lion dance performance.

Hey everybody, we're all going to get old and perhaps eventually wind up in an old-folks home some day. Don't you think it's a good idea to visit one and be nice to the elderly now while we have a chance?

湯田中のよろづや「松籟荘」: 日本旅館の素晴らしを改めて Yorozuya's Shoraiso in Yudanaka Onsen: Rediscovering the Marvel of the Japanese Ryokan

2011.01.18: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

The Start of the Kaiseki Dinner



During a business trip to Yamanouchi Town in northern Nagano, I spent the night in Yorozuya Ryokan in Yudanaka Onsen. Specifically in Yorozuya's Shoraiso, a building listed on Japan's National Historical Register. The facilities were so luxurious and extravagant that I had a hard time finding ideas I could possibly use at our humble Kamesei Ryokan. But this stay wasn't for research, it was for relaxing from a very ambitious outing.

From the way Ono-san, the owner, gracefully greeted us during our dinner to the winter scene Momoyama Bath, a building also nationally recognized, and its outdoor bath that is bigger than Kamesei's inner garden koi pond, we were thoroughly happy. And then the kaiseki dinner. What a treasure. Each individual dish, brought out one at a time, each one almost more of an artistic creation than just food. And such great use of 'haya-dori' -- ingredients anticipating the upcoming season, as well as showcasing the area's bountiful food culture. We were amazed.

Hopefully our efforts to improve Kamesei Ryokan will someday result in our inn being able to represent Nagano to some extent, too.

松籟荘のHPはこちらClick here for Shoraiso's website.