信大の学生から見た亀清旅館 College Students' Perspective on Kamesei

2011.02.06: メディア Media




In December, a group of Shinshu University students came to Kamesei and interviewed Mari and I for a free magazine they are publishing. The magazine is called "TsunagU", which means 'Connections', and Volume 4 which features Kamesei Ryokan came out on January 23rd. We just received our copies and have them out in our lobby for guests to read.

I was curious about what kind of impression the students got from when they came to report about our inn. I tried to convey my personal business theory and, via a bicycle tour around town, I showed them the various activities I and the other innkeepers are involved with for civic improvement.

Judging by the article and the pictures, I think they got the message. I wonder what type of contribution they will make to society once they have graduated college and enter the School of Life.

雑誌のHPはここです。Click here for the magazine's website.

千曲市にクライミングジムが出来た!New Climbing Gym in Chikuma City

2011.02.05: 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains

New Rock Climing Gym

戸倉上山田温泉の近くでロッククライミングの場所がいくつかあって、恵まれている。冠着山はロッククライミングのメッカと言う人もいる。そして、ロッククライミングの練習ができる場所は温泉の近くに先月にオープンした: 「のぼりば」


Togura Kamiyamada Onsen is fortunate to have a lot of great rock climbing areas in the vicinity. Kamuriki Mountain right behind town is a veritable rock climbing mecca. And now, right here in Chikuma City, a new rock climbing gym opened: 'Noboriba'.

The gym is located a short walk from Chikuma Station on the local Shinano Railway line, or a quick 10 minute drive from our onsen town, conveniently situated on Route 18. Currently it is only open on weeknights from 6:30 to 11pm. But I plan on taking our kids there in the near future.

詳しくはHP Click here for the Noboriba website.

亀清旅館に鬼が来た!Kamesei Ryokan attacked by an Ogre!

2011.02.04: 季節 Seasons

Beware the Oni





Yesterday an Oni (ogre) attacked Kamesei Ryokan. Right after the Preschool bus showed up, an oni walked right into our lobby.

Wait a minute, that's just our daughter Misaki wearing an oni mask!

It's all in honor of Setsubun, the day that marks the changing of the seasons between winter and spring. In the afternoon, I took some guests up to the temple at the top of the hill behind town to participate in the celebrity bean throwing event. At night our family all ate Ehou-maki sushi rolls. "Ehou" means 'fortunate direction', and you eat the rolls facing a certain compass direction for good luck. This year it was South-Southeast. (Who decides these things -- the groundhog?)

All in all, it was a busy Setsubun.

'Twas a beautiful day for bean throwing

冬の万葉の里スポーツエリア Manyo no Sato Sports Area in the Winter

2011.02.03: 季節 Seasons

Winter Wonderland




Togakushi Mountain in the Distance

信州の冬の楽しみ:雪景色の野天風呂 夜間瀬温泉「遠見乃湯」 How to Have Fun in Nagano in the Winter: Snowy Outdoor Baths Yomase Onsen 'Tomi no Yu'

2011.02.02: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Imagine a view





On a snowy, cold winter day, people in other places in Japan may stay inside and bury themselves beneath the quilts of their kotatsu. Here in Nagano, we embrace the snowy scenery and head for the hills to soak in one of the many 'notenburo' -- onsen baths with scenic views.

Last weekend, I took our kids to Yomase Onsen's famous 'Tomi no Yu' for the first time. Located above Shibu Yudanaka Onsens at the entrance of the Kita-Shiga ski area, Tomi no Yu's bath features an amazing view of the Zenkoji Plain with Nagano City down below, along with glimpses of the 5 Northern Nagano Peaks as well as the Northern Alps in the distance.

The day we went, it was snowing so unfortunately we couldn't enjoy much of a view. But the kids loved hopping out of the bath, jumping in the snow surrounding the rim, then hopping back into the onsen. I, on the other hand, simply let the piping hot onsen waters warm my body to the core as snow flakes gently fell on my face.

The experience inspired a little haiku:

Soaking in the bath
Face looking up to heaven
Snow flakes gently fall

Tomi no Yu doesn't have an indoor bath, and the washing area is rather spartan, but the outdoor bath with its spectacular view makes up for it. If you want to enjoy one of Nagano's premier onsen baths with a view, then make sure to check out Tomi no Yu.

Located 50 minutes by car from Kamesei Ryokan / Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. Also accessible by bus from Nakano Station on the Nagano Dentetsu Line, or in the winter by busses from Nagano Station going up to the ski resort in Kita-Shiga. Website is here.

From the outside

冬景色の天狗さん The Togura Tengu in Winter

2011.02.01: 季節 Seasons



This is the Togura Tengu, our local goblin, looking down over a wintery Chikuma River valley. His red and blue coloring contrasts so vividly with the white snow on the ground. I happened to go just as the setting sun's rays streamed through the cold winter air and gave the Tengu a slight glow.

Once again, I was struck by the beauty of our onsen town, Togura Kamiyamada.


Another Angle

The sun setting over Obasute Mountain

聞き取り調査@野猿公苑 Surveying at the Snow Monkey Park

2011.01.31: その他 Miscellaneous

Interviewing a fellow Seattleite at the Snow Monkeys




The NInJA Project members and I made another trip to the Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park to interview the monkeys, oops, the travellers from overseas who had come to see the snow monkeys. Even some kid ninjas came this time, and we all braved the cold weather and managed to get 35 questionaires filled out.

Just by coincidence, one of the people I interviewed was from Seattle. In fact, from Wedgewood, the neighborhood where I grew up! She had come with a group of photographers and was going to stay by the monkey park for 3 days and photograph the cute monkeys as they blissfully soaked in their onsen bath.

The Project members and I will now get busy with data input and analysis, and start putting together our report. Keep your eyes out for it!


地獄谷野猿公苑Snow Monkey Park

Yes, That's a Ninja Interviewing a Monkey

More Monkeys, or More People?

Snow Monkey Driving?

米軍操縦士vs.武さん 座敷遊び U.S. Air Force Pilot trying to beat the Geisha

2011.01.30: その他 Miscellaneous

Good luck beating a geisha





The geisha here at Togura Kamiyamada Onsen have recently started to offer a new program, a short, 30-40 minute "zashiki asobi" (parlor games) plan. We took advantage of it for a group of pilots from the U.S. Air Force base at Yokota.

For their dinner banquet, we had Harugoma (shamisen) and Takeshi (dance) come to entertain the guests. First they played (and danced) two songs, then taught the guests some dance moves and everyone joined in the dancing. The entertainment finished with a drinking game called Konpira. The game starts out deceptively easy, but as Harugoma-san picks up the pace on the shamisen, you get dizzy quickly. Warning: It's almost impossible to beat a geisha!

Normally, geisha entertainment is a minimum of 2 hours and 18,000 yen per geisha, but wtih this 'zashiki asobi' plan, the price is a more reasonable 10,000 yen.

For details, feel free to contact us, or the geisha office.

Groove like a Geisha

隠れ宝物: 茂田井間の宿 Hidden Treasure: Motai Post Town

2011.01.29: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Frozen in time?






During a recent exploration with son Andy, I recently went to Motai, a way-station along the old Nakasendo road. Located in Saku City, it is technically an "in-between" station, catching the overflow from Mochizuki post town on one side, and Ashida post town on the other. I was happily amazed to see such an unmarred Edo-era townscape, with beautifully maintained earthen walled storehouses and not one but two operating historical sake breweries.

Here in Nagano Prefecture, usually when you mention "Nakasendo Post Town", you get images of Unnojuku in Tomi City, and the famous ones in the Kiso Valley, Narai-juku and Tsumago. While those towns have done a fantastic job of preserving their Edo-era townscapes, they tend to be a bit touristy. For example, even though some of their old buildings are actually lived in and worked in, there are plenty of souvenir shops, tea shops, eating / drinking establishments, etc.

Motai on the other hand has none of those. We couldn't even find a parking lot, let alone a t-shirt shop. Motai is not a history display -- it is a living and breathing village. Those classical dwellings aren't polished up to look nice for tourists -- they're lived in and lovingly maintened by the people that own them. And those sake breweries -- simply amazing.

The sake brewery we visited was Takeshige Shuzo, of Misonotake and Bokusui labels. Entering their compound and looking around their facilities had me drooling. And I'm not the only one that thinks their buildings are cool -- the entire collection of 30 structures are listed on Japan's National Historical Registry. And the staff was so helpful and friendly -- "Come back on March 21st for our Open Brewery event!" they said.

All I can say is, Shame on Nagano Prefecture's Tourism Department for not promoting a place like Motai. And who am I to say? Well, for one thing, I was the one who translated the entire English travel website and their was no mention of Motai. That's a true shame, because people like me who are interested in Japan's history and the Nakasendo would go crazy over a place like this.

茂田井間の宿は車で上信越道佐久ICから下仁田浅科線で30分、電車で長野新幹線佐久平駅からバスで茂田井入口まで35分。詳しくはHPへ。Click here for details on Motai. Access by car from Saku IC on the Joshin'etsu Expwy via Shimonida Asashina Road, 30 min. Or by train from Nagano Shinkansen Sakudaira Station and bus to Motai Iriguchi stop (35 min.)

武重本家酒造のHPはこちら。Click here for Takeshige Honke Sake's website.

In front of Takeshige Brewery

The sake collection

Classic scene

Don't mind the drooling

県の「信州に泊まろう!」キャンペーンの為に、テレビスタジオの初体験 Promoting the Prefecture -- 1st Time in a TV Studio

2011.01.28: メディア Media





Nagano Prefecture's Tourism Department recruited me to participate in a TV production to promote their new "Stay Nagano!" campaign. Last week, a film crew came and shot footage here at Kamesei Ryokan, and last night I went to the "Yugata Get!" studio at TV Shinshu's headquarters to be live on the show.

Part of the campaign is to highlight ryokans and onsen districts that promote enviromentally sound techniques. Kamesei was chosen for our lobby's wood burning stove for which we use trimmings from the local apple orchards. One other local ryokan, Shige no ya, was featured for their meals specializing in local ingredients (thus cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions for sourcing them).

This was my first time to be in a TV studio. There's a lot of energy in the studio, with the bright lights, the skilled camera technicians, the 'aura' of the two hosts ... it makes you feel like a star just being there. Of course, afterwards, the long walk back to the station in the cold Nagano winter night all by myself, and having to wait 45 minutes for a train at the odd hour, sufficing on a cold bento dinner bought on the platform and eating it all alone, all quickly brought me back to reality that I am not a star!

Anyways, I'll be happy as long as the TV show succeeded in promoting Nagano Prefecture's ryokans.

テレビ信州のHPはこちらClick here for Shinshu TV's website.

しげの家のHPはこちらClick here for Shigenoya's website.